User:Fred Gandt/Scripts/Functions

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My Contributions

I have implemented a V# system to make it more obvious if a function is updated. The V# forms part of the title of each function.

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All my scripting is written for compilation as MONO

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Here is some stuffs wot does fings

GetUniqueListEntries ( V1 )

Feed a list in and get out a list which contains no duplicate entries. Nice and fast.

<lsl>// V1 //

list GetUniqueListEntries(list src) {

   integer index = 0;
   list output = [];
   list entry = [];
       output += (entry = llList2List(src, 0, 0));
       src = llDeleteSubList(src, 0, 0);
       while((index = llListFindList(src, entry)) != -1)
       src = llDeleteSubList(src, index, index);
   return output;


MultiListReplace ( V1 )

Replace entries in a list with other entries.

<lsl>// V1 //

list MultiListReplace(list src, list thisnthats) {

   integer index = 0;
   integer lc = 0;
   integer ll = llGetListLength(thisnthats);
       list this = llList2List(thisnthats, lc, lc);
       while((index = llListFindList(src, this)) != -1)
       src = llListReplaceList(src, llList2List(thisnthats, lc, lc), index, index);
   while((++lc) < ll);
   return src;


// Usage Example //

list source = ["How", "much", "wood", "would", "a", "woodchuck", "chuck", "if", "a", "woodchuck", "could", "chuck", "wood", "?"];

default {

       llOwnerSay(llDumpList2String(MultiListReplace(source, ["woodchuck", "primrezzer", "much", "many", "wood", "prims", "chuck", "rez"]), " "));
       // Return == "Object: How many prims would a primrezzer rez if a primrezzer could rez prims ?"


MultiStringReplace ( V3 )

Replace parts of a string with other strings.

<lsl>// V3 //

string MultiStringReplace(string src, list thisnthats) {

   integer index = 0;
   integer lc = 0;
   integer ll = llGetListLength(thisnthats);
       string this = llList2String(thisnthats, lc);
       while((index = llSubStringIndex(src, this)) != -1)
       src = llInsertString(llDeleteSubString(src, index, (index + (llStringLength(this) - 1))),
                            index, llList2String(thisnthats, lc));
   while((++lc) < ll);
   return src;


// Usage Examples //

string source = "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?";

default {

       llOwnerSay(MultiStringReplace(source, ["woodchuck", "primrezzer", "much", "many", "wood", "prims", "chuck", "rez"]));
       // Return == "Object: How many prims would a primrezzer rez if a primrezzer could rez prims?"
       llOwnerSay(MultiStringReplace(source, ["much", "many", "wood", "prims", "woodchuck", "primrezzer", "chuck", "rez"]));
       // Return == "Object: How many prims would a primsrez rez if a primsrez could rez prims?"
       llOwnerSay(MultiStringReplace(source, ["farmers", "primrezzer", "much", "many", "wood", "prims", "chuck", "rez"]));
       // Return == "Object: How many prims would a primsrez rez if a primsrez could rez prims?"
       llOwnerSay(MultiStringReplace(source, ["much", "many", "wood", "prims", "farmers", "primrezzer", "chuck", "rez"]));
       // Return == "Object: How many prims would a primsrez rez if a primsrez could rez prims?"
       llOwnerSay(MultiStringReplace(source, ["woodchuck", "primrezzer", "much", "many", "wood", "prims", "farmers", "piggies", "chuck", "rez"]));
       // Return == "Object: How many prims would a primrezzer rez if a primrezzer could rez prims?"
