Video Tutorials
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Official Video Tutorials
Friendly greetings! You can learn Second Life in a fun and fast fashion! The enthusiastic Torley is your host, taking you on a tour through tips, tricks, and techniques that'll increase your confidence and make you smile. :) Whether you're a newcomer or longtime Resident, your inworld experience will benefit from these video tutorials.
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Resident-created Video Tutorials
Assorted topics
- Tutorial video in Italiano sul blog Tumitu - Come si creano Oggetti complessi in Secondlife. A breve ne inseriremo altri.
- VideoTuTorial in Italiano di Gaia Rossini- In continuo aggiornamento
- Tutorials & Tools - By Vlad Bjornson. These cover topics like Vlad's "Top 10 Building Tips" and sculpted prims.
- Twenty Tutorials - By Benja Kepler. Ten scripting tutorials, plus making furniture, sculpted prims, and Orientation/Help Island basics.
- How to get started in Second Life - By Mkyschnitzel Campbell, in German and English. general, 34-minute introduction to Second Life. Topics: avatars, communication, Search, interaction, and some locations to show the wide range of possible inworld activities.
- Phoenixa's tutorial, How I Dance In Secondlife - By Phoenixa Sol in English. Arranging animations in fast and easy to use HUDs, combining animations, gestures to approximate the look of real life dancing within Expanded page with links and SLurls now available here Phoenixa Sol 16:35, 4 April 2008 (PDT)
- Videotutoriales en Español - Desde Curso para Emprendedores en Second Life que puedes también visualizar desde Revver ver playlist en Revver. O descargar, así como muchos otros cursos desde la página oficial de [1]. Esta es una lista de los publicados hasta el momento:
- 1º) ¿Qué es Second Life?
- 2º) Trabajar y Moverse
- 3º) Controlar las Cámaras
- 4º) Mapas y Avatares
- 5º) Crear Ropas
- 6º) Canales Alfa y Creación Tattoos
- 7º) Trabajar con Prims
- 8º) Propiedades de los Prims
- 9º) Herramientas y Texturas
- 10º) Crear Globo Terrestre
- 11º) Crear Muebles 1 Prim
- 12º) Dar Permisos a los Objetos
- 13º) Crear un Hud AO
- 14º) Trabajar con Texturas
- 15º) Usar Multimedia
- 16º) Linden Scripting Language
- 17º) Sintaxis del Linden Scripting Language
- 18º) Variables y Funciones
- 19º) Crear Script para controlar puerta
- 20º) Sistema de Teletransporte
- 21º) Construir Edificio
- 22º) Construir Edificio II
- 23º) Construir Edificio III
- 24º) Construir Mobiliario
- 25º) Construir Tresillo
- 26º) Construir Mesa Recepción
- 27º) Construir Mesa Recepción 2
- Construir Mesa Recepción 3
- 29º)Uso Salas Interactivas
- 31º)Uso Partículas
- 32º)Apariencia partículas
- Uso de Scracht para Second Life
- Videotutoriales en Español instalar y configurar OpenSim - Desde tres videotutoriales sobre instalación, configuración y uso de OpenSim y OSGrid que puedes también visualizar desde Revver.
Content creation
- n00b Be Gone series - By Natural Selection Studios.
- Camera Tutorial - "how to interact with objects, different forms of camera controls, and a few ‘unknown’ tricks"
- Building Tutorial - "basic building inside Second Life - as well as continuing camera controls learned in the first episode"
- Building in Second Life series - By Ian Monstre.
- Building a Clock - How to make a timepiece that really works, in 7 parts.
- Open/Close Door - "how to create a door that opens and closes when touched"
- Create a Fluttering flag - Flag vidtuts are a great way to show flexiprims in action.
- Building and scripting series - By Seeter Sullivan.
- How to animate your creations - How to animate your creations with linked prim animation using Puppeteer by Todd Borst.
- How to build a bridge - By Noire Mirabeau — a relatively vintage example of an SL vidtut.
- Assorted resources and links - By Thinkerer Melville. Includes guides to filming machinima and telling a story, some video tutorials, and movies of inworld adventures.
- Using snapshot freeze to take precise pictures - By Bella March. By doing this, you can achieve better action shots without re-shooting multiple times.
External software
- Using Photoshop's "Liquify" tool - By Vint Falken. This can help you smooth out and enhance avatar snapshots dramatically.
- Wings 3D sculpted prim vidtuts - Learn how to use an external modeler good for exporting sculpties to Second Life.
- Top 10 Machinima Tips - By Eric Linden.
- How to make a movie in Second Life - By Alt-Zoom Studios.
- Making Machinima in Second Life on Mac OS X - By Aenea Nori. Although specifically discussing the technical aspects of creating Machinima in Mac OS X, the concepts are applicable to Windows users as well.
- Vidder Maker Workshop -- The Six Gates - By Thinkerer Melville.
- How to use the Alt-Zoom Camera - moo Money guides us through using this tool to film movies.
- Another Alt-Zoom camera tutorial - Alt-Zoom camera tutorial by Nimrod.
Use specific products
- tFinder quickstart - By Cid Vilas. Learn how to use tFinder, the texture search engine.
- By Rose Evans. Learn how to take a JEVN Vendor, such as a P10 or P20 model (though for the demo I use a 6 panel for speed. :D ), and make it into a Hippo Vendor. As I (Rose) say, if you are converting from JEVN to Hippo you got to build it anyway you might as well use what ya got already set up. :D Best viewed full screen!
- En Garde - Strategic fencing. Advance, retreat, parry, lunge!
- Frootcake - A deliciously spiteful game for 3-5 players
Related resources
- YouTube search results for Second Life Video Tutorials - The list is growing!
- SL Frustration: Video Tutorials, please? - Sometimes when I ask myself "Why am I doing this?" while filming, I (Torley) read this post and am reminded of how confused I was when I started. It's insightful.
- - Because K-12 institutions routinely block YouTube, it can be difficult to show great educational examples of Second Life, as well as those wonderful tutorials by Torley and others. However, as a purely educational alternative. The list is small.
- Video Transcripts - a list of accessible video tutorials and links to the text files