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If unsure about how to use these scripts
I have implemented a V# system to make it more obvious if a script is updated. The V# forms part of the title of each script.
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Free Scripts
Basic Light Switch ( V1 )
Placed in the root of a linked object this script will make the whole object active to touch. The light will always be emitted by the prim the script is in. So, if you have a 5 prim lamp, put this in the "bulb" prim and make that prim the root. If placed in a child prim of an object, only that prim will be clickable (unless there are other touch scripts in other prims of the object).
<lsl>// V1 //
vector color = <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>; // R,G,B (red, green, blue) values.
float intensity = 1.0; // 0.0 to 1.0 (1.0 = full brightness)
float radius = 20.0; // 0.1 to 20.0 (20.0 = full sphere)
float falloff = 0.01; // 0.01 to 2.0 (2.0 = least spread)
integer on; // Global variable used to measure the condition 'on or off'.
Switch() // The switching function. {
on = (!on); // Flip the boolean value of the integer 'on'. llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, on, color, intensity, radius, falloff]);
default {
touch_end(integer nd) { Switch(); // Unconditionally call the switch to operate. }
Basic Alpha (transparency) SHOW/HIDE ( V1 )
<lsl>// V1 //
string command = "switch"; // Place the command to chat here. The same command will switch on and off.
integer channel = 1; // Place channel to use here (must be a positive if an avatar is chatting on it).
integer on; // Store the state of transparency.
Switch() {
llSetLinkAlpha(LINK_SET, ((float)on), ALL_SIDES); // This setting will turn a whole link_set transparent or visible. on = (!on);
default {
state_entry() { llListen(channel, "", "", command); // This script is listening to everyone all the time.
// llListen(channel, "", llGetOwner(), command); // Delete the "//" at the beginning of this line...
// ...and add "//" at the beginning of the line above... // make This script listen to only the owner. } // Switching the listen off at times would be better to reduce lag. But when?? touch_end(integer nd) {
// if(llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) // Delete the "//" at the beginning of this line to make touches only respond to owner.
Switch(); // Call the switching function. } listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg) { Switch(); // Call the switching function. }
Basic Particle Candle Flame ON/OFF ( V1 )
This script will make the prim it is in a small glowing sphere that sits at the center of the flame.
<lsl>// V1 //
integer on; // Establish "on" as a global variable so that we can remember whether or not the flame is on.
Flame(integer num) {
if(num) // Do we or don't we make a flame? Num is either TRUE or FALSE (1 or 0). { llParticleSystem([PSYS_PART_FLAGS, 275, // Make the flame since the condition above was met. PSYS_SRC_PATTERN, 4, PSYS_PART_START_ALPHA, 0.6, PSYS_PART_END_ALPHA, 0.0, PSYS_PART_START_COLOR, <1.0, 1.0, 0.3>, PSYS_PART_END_COLOR, <0.8, 0.6, 0.6>, PSYS_PART_START_SCALE, <0.04, 0.07, 0.0>, PSYS_PART_END_SCALE, <0.04, 0.04, 0.0>, PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE, 0.3, PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE, 0.0, PSYS_SRC_ACCEL, <0.0, 0.0, 0.02>, // These are the parameters of the particle effect. PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_BEGIN, 0.0, PSYS_SRC_ANGLE_END, 0.0, PSYS_SRC_BURST_PART_COUNT, 50, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RATE, 0.07, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RADIUS, 0.0, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MIN, 0.001, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MAX, 0.4, PSYS_SRC_OMEGA, <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY,(key)"", PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE, ""]); llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, TRUE, <1.0, 0.8, 0.3>, 0.5, 20.0, 1.9, // For extra effect we switch the light on too. PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, <1.0,1.0,1.0>, 0.1, // And set the transparency to slightly visible. PRIM_GLOW, ALL_SIDES, 0.1]); // And the glow to slight. } else // Num was not 1 (TRUE) so we need to stop the effect or not start it. { llParticleSystem([]); // Make no particles (no flame). llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, FALSE, ZERO_VECTOR, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // Switch the light off. PRIM_COLOR, ALL_SIDES, <1.0,1.0,1.0>, 0.0, // And set the transparency to invisible. PRIM_GLOW, ALL_SIDES, 0.0]); // And the glow to zero. } on = num; // Establish the value of the global variable "on" as being equal to the task we just performed. This acts as our memory.
default // Create a state for the code to run in. {
state_entry() // On entering that state make the candle flame ignite. { llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TYPE, PRIM_TYPE_SPHERE, 0, <0.0,1.0,0.0>, 0.0, ZERO_VECTOR, <0.0,1.0,0.0>, // Make the prim a sphere. PRIM_SIZE, <0.01,0.01,0.03>, // Make the prim the right size to act as the glowing center of the flame. PRIM_TEXTURE, ALL_SIDES, TEXTURE_BLANK, ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_VECTOR, 0.0]); // Set the blank texture. Flame(TRUE); // Flame(TRUE); Is an order to run the code "Flame" with the integer value "TRUE" (numerical value = 1). } touch_end(integer detected) // Detect if we have touched the candle. { Flame(!on); // We now order that the Flame() code is run with the integer value that is the oposite of what it already is. // (!on) = FALSE if on = TRUE and TRUE if on = FALSE. The "!" means "not". }
Simple Alarm Clock ( V3 )
Good for reminding you about sandbox returns etc. Ideally worn as a single prim HUD attachment.
<lsl>// V3 //
string alarm = "5e1d5f52-e7ae-0194-a412-93a96f39ff6f"; // Name of the sound in the object inventory.
// Or the UUID of any sound.
float volume = 0.5;
vector passive = <0.0,0.0,1.0>; // Color for prim when timer is off.
vector active = <0.0,1.0,0.0>; // Color for prim when timer is running.
vector alarmed = <1.0,0.0,0.0>; // Color for prim when alarm is sounding.
float time; // Used to store the timer length.
integer on; // Used to store if the timer is running.
default {
on_rez(integer param) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llStopSound(); llSetColor(passive, ALL_SIDES); llSetObjectName("Alarm"); } touch_end(integer nd) { if(on) llResetScript(); else { if((time = (((float)llGetObjectDesc()) * 60)) < 1.0) // Time established from the prim description. { llOwnerSay("The time is not set.\nPlease write the time into the object description and try again"); return; } llSetColor(active, ALL_SIDES); llOwnerSay("/me is set to sound in " + ((string)llRound((time / 60))) + " minutes."); llSetTimerEvent(time); on = TRUE; llPreloadSound(alarm); } } timer() { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); llLoopSound(alarm, volume); llSetColor(alarmed, ALL_SIDES); }
Create Mouselook Button on Screen ( V1 )
When you grant permissions to this script a button will appear on screen that if pressed will send your view into mouselook. The script will (when in mouselook) react to your left mouse button clicks too.
<lsl>// V1 //
key owner;
default {
state_entry() { owner = llGetOwner(); llRequestPermissions(owner, PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { if(perm & PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS) // Do we have the perms we asked for? llTakeControls(CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON, TRUE, FALSE); // This creates a button at the bottom of the screen else // that if pressed automatically zooms the camera of the owner into mouselook. llRequestPermissions(owner, PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); } control(key id, integer this, integer that) { // Adding various conditions here can change the script behavior in many ways. llOwnerSay("Click"); // Do stuff when clicking the left mouse button while in mouselook. Like for guns etc. }
Floating on Water (very beta) ( V1 )
This creates a movement sort of like a floating lantern. But it needs a lot of work before I will consider it even close to done.
<lsl>// V1 //
float limit = 20.0; // This is the radius that the object is allowed to drift up to. // 20.0 == a 40 meter circle.
float offset = 0.0; // Use this float to offset the height of the object in relation to the water surface. // The object will (when the offset is zero) float with its geometric center at the level of the water surface.
float float_height;
vector home;
integer t;
FloatAbout(vector pos) {
llSetTimerEvent(limit); @a; float num_x = (llFrand(limit / 2) - (limit / 4)); float num_y = (llFrand(limit / 2) - (limit / 4)); vector target = <(pos.x + num_x), (pos.y + num_y), float_height>; if(llVecDist(target, home) <= limit) llMoveToTarget(target, (limit * 1.5)); else jump a;
default {
state_entry() { float_height = (llWater(ZERO_VECTOR) + offset); llSetTimerEvent(0.1); llSetStatus(STATUS_ROTATE_X | STATUS_ROTATE_Y, FALSE); llSetStatus(STATUS_PHYSICS | STATUS_PHANTOM, TRUE); } timer() { FloatAbout(llGetPos()); } touch_end(integer nd) { if(llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) home = llGetPos(); FloatAbout(llGetPos()); }
Visit Web Address Dialog ( V2 )
If you have a website use something like this to direct people to it.
<lsl>// V2 //
string URL_Loader_Message = "\nCopy FREE scripts from an SL wiki page"; // Message to show on dialog.
string URL_To_Visit = ""; // URL to visit.
vector Omega_Axis = <0.0,0.0,1.0>; // If you don't want spinning set this to <0.0,0.0,0.0>;
float Omega_Speed = 0.5; // Speed of spin.
float Omega_Gain = 1.0; // Strength of spin.
string Floating_Text = "FREE SCRIPTS!!\n \nTouch to visit web site.\n \n(Official SL wiki)\n \n "; // Floating text.
vector Float_Text_Color = <1.0,1.0,1.0>; // Color of floating text.
float Float_Text_Alpha = 1.0; // Transparency of floating text (1.0 is solid).
default {
state_entry() { llTargetOmega(Omega_Axis, Omega_Speed, Omega_Gain); llSetText(Floating_Text, Float_Text_Color, Float_Text_Alpha); } touch_start(integer nd) { while(nd) llLoadURL(llDetectedKey(--nd), URL_Loader_Message, URL_To_Visit); }
AO Overriding Sit Script ( V1 )
<lsl>// V1 //
integer sit_target; // Used to store whether or not a sit target is applied.
key sitter; // Used to stor the UUID (key) of the avatar we are animating.
integer perm; // Used to store whether or not we have permissions we ask for.
string anim_name = ""; // Used to store the name of the animation we have in the objects inventory.
string sit_text = ""; // Add a word to replace the words "Sit Here" (in the pie menu) to show if right clicking to sit.
vector pose_offset = <0.0,0.0,0.01>; // This must be a non zero value. // The X,Y,Z values denote by how much in meters or parts thereof the avatars palvis is offset from the center of the prim. // There can be an offset induced by the animation its self. If this is the case trial and error is the only way forward.
vector pose_rotation = <0.0,0.0,0.0>; // This can be a zero value. // The X,Y,Z values denote the rotation in degrees that the animation is rotated around the avatars pelvis. // There can be an offset induced by the animation its self. If this is the case trial and error is the only way forward.
default {
on_rez(integer param) { llResetScript(); // Clean the script when we rez the object. } state_entry() { if(sit_text != "") // If we have not set sit_text don't apply it. llSetSitText(sit_text); if(anim_name == "") // If we have not named an anim (Such as the internal animations)... { // ...this will get the name of an animation in the prims inventory and store it. anim_name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION, 0); if(anim_name == "") // If there is no animation in the inventory and we havn't named one... { llSitTarget(ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_ROTATION); // Remove any stored sit target. llOwnerSay("There is no animation named or in my inventory. Please add an animation so I can work properly."); return; // Inform the owner and do nothing else. } } // If an animation exists either in inventory or by name... llSitTarget(pose_offset, llEuler2Rot(pose_rotation*DEG_TO_RAD)); // Set the sit target. sit_target = TRUE; // Remember that we are an active seat. } changed(integer change) { if(change & CHANGED_LINK) // Sense that the object has an added link (may be an avater). { if(sit_target) { sitter = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); // If it is an avatar store the UUID (key). if(sitter) // Check if the sitter is still sitting. llRequestPermissions(sitter, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); // If sitting get permission to animate. else { // The sitter must have got up or something else changed. if(perm) { llStopAnimation(anim_name); // Make sure the sit animation we play is stopped when the avatar stands. llResetScript(); // Remove the permissions we had and clean the script. } } } } if(change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { llResetScript(); // If the animation is changed reset the script to get its name. } } run_time_permissions(integer perms) // Use the permissions. { if(perms & PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) // If we have the permissions we asked for. { perm = TRUE; // Remember that we have the permissions. if(sitter) // If the avatar is still sitting. { llStopAnimation("sit"); // Stop the default linden sit animation. llSleep(0.2); // Slow it down a bit. This gives time for the avatar animation list to be sit specific. integer count = 0; list anims = llGetAnimationList(sitter); // Get a list of animations the avatar is playing. integer length = llGetListLength(anims); // Get the length of that list. do { string anim = llList2String(anims, count); // Pick the animation from the list of animations at index count. if(anim != "") llStopAnimation(anim); // Stop the animation. } while((++count) < length); llStartAnimation(anim_name); // Animate the sitting avatar using our inventory or named animation. } } }
Region Stats as Graphical Floating Text ( V3 )
<lsl>// V3 //
integer on = TRUE;
Switch() {
if(on) { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); llSetText("Click Me to Enable Region Stats Display\n \n ", <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>, 1.0); } else { llSetText("Gathering Region Stats...\n \n ", <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>, 1.0); llSetTimerEvent(2.5); } on = (!on);
DisplayStats() {
integer count; string d = ""; string f = ""; integer fps = (llRound((llGetRegionFPS() * 2.0) + 10.0) / 10); integer dilation = llRound((llGetRegionTimeDilation() * 10.0)); integer combo = (dilation + fps); while((++count) < dilation) d += "||"; count = 0; while((++count) < fps) f += "||"; llSetText("The Region is - " + GetCondition((combo * 2)) + "\n \nNumber of Agents on Region - " + ((string)llGetRegionAgentCount()) + "\n \nRegion F.P.S. - " + f + "\nRegion Dilation - " + d, <1.0, ((((float)combo) / 2.0) / 10.0), 0.0>, 1.0);
string GetCondition(integer c) // Obviously you can change this wording if you like. { // I just thought of "health" and went with it.
if(c == 40) return "TRANSCENDENT"; else if(c > 35) return "ATHLETIC"; else if(c > 30) return "HEALTHY"; else if(c > 25) return "AVERAGE"; else if(c > 20) return "ILL"; else if(c > 15) return "DYING"; else if(c > 10) return "CRITICAL"; else return "DEAD?";
default {
state_entry() { Switch(); } touch_start(integer nd) { Switch(); } timer() { DisplayStats(); }
Configurable Unpacker ( V1 )
<lsl>// V1 //
key owner;
string me;
integer open = FALSE;
list folder_contents;
string folder_name; // The folder name will establish from the description of the object this script is in.
integer give_this_script = TRUE; // Give this FREE script away with the other contents? Think about it....
integer allow_only_owner = FALSE; // Owner only or open to all?
integer self_delete = FALSE; // Self delete?
integer timed_deletion = FALSE; // Delete immediately after giving contents or hang around a bit?
float deletion_delay = 10.0; // Length of time to hang around in seconds (if timed_deletion is set TRUE)
string display_rez_text = ""; // Floating text on rez?
string localchat_rez_text = ""; // Chatted message on rez?
string ownerchat_rez_text = ""; // Chatted message only to owner on rez?
string display_deletion_text = ""; // Floating text before deletion?
string localchat_deletion_text = ""; // Chatted message before deletion?
string ownerchat_deletion_text = ""; // Chatted message only to owner before deletion?
vector rez_text_color = <1.0,1.0,1.0>; // Color of floating text if set to show on rez.
vector deletion_text_color = <1.0,1.0,1.0>; // Color of floating text if set to show before deletion.
float rez_text_alpha = 1.0; // Transparency of floating text if set to show on rez.
float deletion_text_alpha = 1.0; // Transparency of floating text if set to show before deletion.
OnRezTextOptionsFunctionThingy(integer o) {
if(display_rez_text != "") llSetText(display_rez_text, rez_text_color, rez_text_alpha); if(localchat_rez_text != "") llSay(0, localchat_rez_text); if(ownerchat_rez_text != "") llOwnerSay(ownerchat_rez_text); if(!o) { integer count = 0; integer NOI = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ALL); if(NOI) { folder_contents = []; do { string name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, count); if(name == me) { if(give_this_script) folder_contents += [name]; } else folder_contents += [name]; } while((++count) < NOI); } folder_name = llGetObjectDesc(); }
default {
on_rez(integer param) { owner = llGetOwner(); me = llGetScriptName(); OnRezTextOptionsFunctionThingy(FALSE); } touch_start(integer nd) { if(!open) { integer give = FALSE; key toucher = llDetectedKey(0); if(allow_only_owner) { if(toucher == owner) give = TRUE; } else { give = TRUE; } if(give) { open = TRUE; llGiveInventoryList(toucher, folder_name, folder_contents); } if(open) { if(display_deletion_text != "") llSetText(display_deletion_text, deletion_text_color, deletion_text_alpha); if(localchat_deletion_text != "") llSay(0, localchat_deletion_text); if(ownerchat_deletion_text != "") llOwnerSay(ownerchat_deletion_text); if(self_delete) { if(timed_deletion) llSetTimerEvent(deletion_delay); else llDie(); } else { open = FALSE; OnRezTextOptionsFunctionThingy(TRUE); } } } } timer() { llDie(); }
Random Item Giver ( V2 )
<lsl>// V2 //
integer NOI;
default {
state_entry() { NOI = (llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ALL) - 1); } touch_start(integer nd) { while(nd && NOI) { string inv; while((inv = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, llRound(llFrand((float)NOI)))) == llGetScriptName()); llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(--nd), inv); } } changed(integer change) { if(change & (CHANGED_INVENTORY | CHANGED_OWNER)) llResetScript(); }
Programmable Song Player ( V1 )
Due the the 10 second limit on sounds we need to play whole songs as a sequence of clips. This does that.
- You can add up to 11 (inclusive) complete songs (however many sound files there are per song) and select which to play.
- If a song is playing you can select the next to play and a playlist is formed. The playlist can be added to at anytime during playback.
- The volume is adjustable at anytime, including during playback.
- Reads the song snippets from the sound files placed in the object inventory. They will be played in alphabetical/numerical order.
- Follow the instructions at the top of the script. Very little editing is needed.
- There is a chance that the memory will break if the playlist is made too long. V2 will include a measure against that but I have to sleep occasionally.
<lsl>// V1 //
// This list is all you need to edit. List the names of the songs (each collection of sound files that makes one song) // followed by the length of those sound clips (each song should contain clips of equal length) // The list should be structured like so - // list songs = ["First Song", 9.0, "Second Song", 9.65, "Third Song", 9,45]; // The names of the songs must be identical to some part of the sound files used for that song like so - //// In the prim inventory - ////// song one part 1 ////// song one part 2 ////// song one part 3 ////// song two part 1 ////// song two part 2 ////// song two part 3 //// In the script - ////// ["song one", 9.5, "song two", 9.8]; // // The script will play the clips in alpha/numerical order so name them wisely.
list songs = ["song one", 9.5, "song two", 9.8]; // Edit this list to suit.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////NO NEED TO EDIT ANYTHING BELOW HERE//////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
integer volume = 10;
integer lis_count;
integer playing;
integer busy;
integer part;
integer lis;
integer sl;
float delay;
list cancel = ["CANCEL"];
list playlist;
list waiting;
list song;
string vol_str = "Volume";
string song_str = "Songs";
string song_name;
list StrideOfList(list src, integer stride, integer start, integer end) {
list l = []; integer ll = llGetListLength(src); if(start < 0)start += ll; if(end < 0)end += ll; if(end < start) return llList2List(src, start, start); while(start <= end) { l += llList2List(src, start, start); start += stride; } return l;
list Volumes(integer vol) {
integer v = 0; list l = []; do { if(v != vol) l += [((string)v)]; } while((++v) <= 10); return l;
PageOne(key k, integer c) {
llDialog(k, "\nAdjust the volume or select a song to play?", [vol_str, song_str] + cancel, c);
PlaySong(string n) {
song = []; integer c = -1; string name = ""; do { if(llSubStringIndex((name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SOUND, (++c))), n) != -1) song += [name]; } while(name); delay = llList2Float(songs, (llListFindList(songs, [n]) + 1)); if((sl = llGetListLength(song))) { llPreloadSound(llList2String(song, (part = 0))); if(sl > 1) llPreloadSound(llList2String(song, 1)); playing = FALSE; llSetTimerEvent(0.01); }
integer Chan() {
return llRound((llFrand(-5000000.0) + -500000.0));
float ScaleVol(integer v) {
return (v * 0.1);
Listen(integer c, key a) {
lis = llListen(c, "", a, "");
RemoveListen(integer b) {
llListenRemove(lis); lis_count = 0; if(b) busy = FALSE; lis = 0;
SetListenTimer(integer p) {
if(p) while(((++lis_count) * llRound(delay)) < 30); else { lis_count = 1; llSetTimerEvent(30.0); }
integer CheckWaitingRoom(integer c) {
if(waiting) { key a = llList2Key(waiting, 0); if(!c) { RemoveListen(0); Listen((c = Chan()), a); SetListenTimer(playing); } PageOne(a, c); waiting = llDeleteSubList(waiting, 0, 0); return 1; } return 0;
default {
on_rez(integer param) { llStopSound(); llResetScript(); } changed(integer change) { if(change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) llResetScript(); } touch_start(integer nd) { while(nd) { key agent = llDetectedKey(--nd); if(!busy) { busy = TRUE; integer channel = Chan(); SetListenTimer(playing); Listen(channel, agent); PageOne(agent, channel); } else { list a = [agent]; if(llListFindList(waiting, a) == -1) waiting += a; } } } listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg) { if(msg != llList2String(cancel, 0)) { SetListenTimer(playing); if(msg == vol_str) { llDialog(id, "\nChange the volume?\nThe current volume is set at \"" + ((string)volume) + "\"", cancel + Volumes(volume), chan); return; } if(msg == song_str) { string current = ""; if(playlist) { current = "\n\nThe songs currently queued are\n\"" + llList2String(playlist, 0) + "\" (currently playing)"; if(llGetListLength(playlist) > 1) current += "\n\"" + llDumpList2String(llList2List(playlist, 1, -1), "\"\n\"") + "\""; } llDialog(id, "\nSelect a song to play?" + current, cancel + StrideOfList(songs, 2, 0, -1), chan); return; } if(llListFindList(Volumes(volume), [msg]) != -1) { llAdjustSoundVolume(ScaleVol((volume = ((integer)msg)))); PageOne(id, chan); return; } if(llGetListLength((playlist += [msg])) == 1) PlaySong((song_name = msg)); } if(CheckWaitingRoom(chan)) return; RemoveListen(1); } timer() { if(playlist) { if(!playing) { llSetTimerEvent(delay); playing = TRUE; } llPlaySound(llList2String(song, part), ScaleVol(volume)); if((++part) == sl) { if(llGetListLength(playlist) > 1) { song_name = llList2String((playlist = llDeleteSubList(playlist, 0, 0)), 0); llSleep(delay); PlaySong(song_name); } else { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); song_name = ""; playing = FALSE; playlist = []; } } else if(part == (sl - 1)) llPreloadSound(llList2String(song, 0)); else llPreloadSound(llList2String(song, (part + 1))); } if(lis && (!(--lis_count))) { if(!(CheckWaitingRoom(0))) RemoveListen(1); } }
Single Prim Double Doors ( V2 )
Bit jumpy because of the script delay caused by llSetPrimitiveParams but, wouldn't work without the delay.
Just drop the script into a fresh prim and it will become the doors.
Can be made to allow only owner use by writing the word "owner" in the prim description.
<lsl>// V2 //
integer open;
OperateDoors() {
if(!open) { float f = 0.0; while((f += 0.1) < 1.1) llSetPrimitiveParams([9, 0, 0, <0.375,0.875,0.0>, 0.95, ZERO_VECTOR, <f,1.0,0.0>, ZERO_VECTOR]); } else { float f = 1.0; while((f -= 0.1) > -0.9) llSetPrimitiveParams([9, 0, 0, <0.375,0.875,0.0>, 0.95, ZERO_VECTOR, <f,1.0,0.0>, ZERO_VECTOR]); } llSetTimerEvent(6.0); open = (!open);
default {
state_entry() { vector pos = llGetPos(); llSetPrimitiveParams([9, 0, 0, <0.375,0.875,0.0>, 0.95, ZERO_VECTOR, <0.0,1.0,0.0>, ZERO_VECTOR, 17, -1, TEXTURE_BLANK, <1.0,1.0,0.0>, ZERO_VECTOR, 0.0, 6, <pos.x,pos.y,(pos.z - 0.25)>, 18, -1, ZERO_VECTOR, 0.4, 8, <PI,0.0,0.0,PI>, 7, <3.0,5.0,0.01>]); } touch_start(integer nd) { if(llToLower(llGetObjectDesc()) == "owner") { while(nd) { if(llDetectedKey(--nd) == llGetOwner()) OperateDoors(); } } else OperateDoors(); } timer() { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); if(open) OperateDoors(); }
Give Only to Agents of an Age ( V1 )
Simple freebie giver that discriminates against old people. Use to allow only newer residents to grab your freebies.
- The measure of age isn't perfect but, the worst it will be off by is a day or so.
Load the prim up with stuff (of any type (set free scripts to "Not Running")) and the script will automatically read the contents and be ready to hand them out.
<lsl>// V1 //
integer noobage = 30; // Age in days upto which an agent is considered eligible.
string folder_name = "Folder"; // name of folder as it appears in the agents inventory.
list inv = [];
integer Inv = 0;
integer busy = 0;
list waiting = [];
key iq = NULL_KEY;
key Agent = NULL_KEY;
integer ThankYouForTheDays(string d) {
return llRound((((float)llGetSubString(d, 0, 3)) * 365.25) + (((float)llGetSubString(d, 5, 6)) * 30.4375) + ((float)llGetSubString(d, 8, 9)));
integer Noob(string dob, string date) {
if((ThankYouForTheDays(date) - ThankYouForTheDays(dob)) <= noobage) return 1; return 0;
default {
on_rez(integer param) { llResetScript(); } changed(integer change) { if(change & (CHANGED_OWNER | CHANGED_INVENTORY)) llResetScript(); } state_entry() { integer noi = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_ALL); string name; while(noi) { if((name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, (--noi))) != llGetScriptName()) inv += [name]; } Inv = llGetListLength(inv); } touch_start(integer nd) { while(nd && Inv) { key agent = llDetectedKey(--nd); if(!busy) { busy = TRUE; iq = llRequestAgentData((Agent = agent), DATA_BORN); } else { if(llListFindList(waiting, [agent]) == -1) waiting += [agent]; } } } dataserver(key q, string data) { if(q == iq) { if(Noob(data, llGetDate())) llGiveInventoryList(Agent, folder_name, inv); if(llGetListLength(waiting)) { iq = llRequestAgentData((Agent = llList2Key(waiting, 0)), DATA_BORN); waiting = llDeleteSubList(waiting, 0, 0); } else busy = FALSE; } }
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