Category:LSL Animation/Override

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Value Type Description Default
"ALL" Macro Used to reset all overrides.
"Crouching" State crouch
"CrouchWalking" State crouchwalk
"Falling Down" State falldown
"Flying" State fly
"FlyingSlow" State Transition between hovering and forward flight. flyslow
"Hovering" State hover
"Hovering Down" State hover_down
"Hovering Up" State hover_up
"Jumping" State While still in the air during a jump. jump
"Landing" Transition When landing from a jump. land
"PreJumping" Transition At the beginning of a jump. prejump
"Running" State run
"Sitting" State Sitting on an object (and linked to it). sit
"Sitting on Ground" State Sitting, but not linked to an object.[1] sit_ground_constrained
"Standing" State stand
"Standing Up" Transition After falling a great distance. Sometimes referred to as Hard Landing. standup
"Striding" State When the avatar is stuck on the edge of an object or on top of another avatar. stride
"Soft Landing" Transition After falling a small distance. soft_land
"Taking Off" State hover_up
"Turning Left" State turnleft
"Turning Right" State turnright
"Walking" State walk


This category has only the following subcategory.

Pages in category "LSL Animation/Override"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.