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Revision as of 13:21, 23 January 2012 by Johan Neddings (talk | contribs) (→‎Usage and Notes)
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Message Layout

    GenericMessage	Low NotTrusted Zerocoded
		AgentData 		Single
		{   AgentID     LLUUID  	}
		{	SessionID	LLUUID		}
		{	TransactionID	LLUUID	}
		MethodData 	Single
		{	Method		Variable 1 }
		{	Invoice		LLUUID	}
		ParamList		Variable
		{	Parameter	Variable 1 }

Usage and Notes

Generic messages are used for short client/simulator communication through strings. These appear to have been used for only a very small number of situations where creating a new packet was avoided.(?)

Client sends this message for the following things:

Use Raw Method String ParamList
Requesting avatar notes avatarnotesrequest Avatar ID
Requesting avatar picks avatarpicksrequest Avatar ID
Requesting avatar classifieds avatarclassifiedsrequest Avatar ID
Requesting avatar textures avatartexturesrequest Avatar ID
Requesting pick info pickinforequest Creator ID, Pick ID
Setting autopilot target autopilot Global X, Global Y, Z
Dumping list of temporary assets to simulator log (Gods only) dumptempassetdata List of avatar ID
Clearing dumped list of temporary assets from simulator log (Gods only) cleartempassetdata
Request online notifications resend requestonlinenotification List of avatar ID

Client will process the following messages.

Use Raw Method String
Setting the mute list as loaded(possibly clears it) emptymutelist
Clickthrough details for a classified classifiedclickthrough