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Revision as of 18:19, 15 November 2007 by Teravus Ousley (talk | contribs)
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Message Layout

	RequestObjectPropertiesFamily Medium NotTrusted Zerocoded
		AgentData		Single
		{	AgentID		LLUUID	}
		{	SessionID	LLUUID	}
		ObjectData		Single
		{	RequestFlags		U32	}
		{	ObjectID			LLUUID	}

Usage and Notes

The client sends this message when a user hovers their mouse over a prim. It's purpose is to ask the sim for specific properties of the object that the user has their mouse hovering over.

So far in my experimentation, RequestFlags is always (uint) 0. ObjectID is the asset LLUUID of the object that the client is requesting the properties of

The sim sends back an ObjectProperties packet