User:Allen Kerensky/Myriad Lite Preview 4

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Myriad Lite Preview 4

September 8, 2011

Myriad: A Universal RPG System

The Myriad RPG System was designed, written and illustrated by Ashok Desai Myriad is published under a Creative Commons License (Attribution 2.0 UK: England & Wales)

Myriad: A Universal RPG System by Ashok Desai is freely downloadable as a PDF e-book from: A purchasable "Myriad Special Extended Edition" is available from that site.

Myriad Lite RPG System (Preview 4)

The Myriad Lite RPG System was designed, written, and produced by Allen Kerensky (SL/OSG Avatar Name) The Myriad Lite software, scripts, and associated files below are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license You must agree to the terms of this license before making any use of this software. If you do not agree to this license, simply do not continue using these materials.


The Myriad Lite implements a combat and roleplaying HUD/meter for virtual worlds, based on the freely and openly licensed Myriad RPG system. This kit represents a point-in-time snapshot of the initial working distribution of Myriad Lite, which I am making available freely to everyone to study, learn from, adapt, or contribute to. These scripts have been tested on SecondLife ( and OpenSim (on OSgrid


  • Allen Kerensky (SL/OSG) - contributed the initial LSL and OSSL scripting and basic system design converting a pen and paper game into the virtual world
  • Artemis Tesla (OSG) - improved health summary report scripting
  • Ashok Desai - contributed the original Myriad RPG System and Myriad Special Extended Edition books that started this
  • Baroun Tardis (SL/OSG) - contributed Baroun's Adventure Machine (BAM) v1 design and scripts
  • Jeanie Weston (SL) - contributed Jeanie's Heart sculpty
  • Lani Global (OSG) - contributed animations, textures sounds, bullet and armor effects design, trap design and scripting, continual testing and feedback
  • Pete Camino (OSG) - contributed firearms, feedback and testing
  • Snoopy Pfeffer (SL/OSG) - contributed the Ixi combat sandbox region for testing

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

You can find a list of Frequently Asked Questions here.

The Myriad Lite Preview 4 Quick-start

Download the scripts in-world from the [SL Marketplace Listing] or copy and paste the scripts from the wiki pages linked below.

  1. Make a folder in inventory called Myriad Lite Preview 4 September 2011
  2. Make a subfolder called Myriad RPG within it
  3. Make a subfolder called Scripts within it.
  4. Make a subfolder called Docs within it.
  5. Drag the Myriad Logo (below) and each Myriad Chapter (below) into the Myriad RPG folder you just created.
  6. Drag each script (below) into the Scripts subfolder you jsut created.
  7. Drag the rest of the notecards (below) into the Docs subfolder you just created.

Heads Up Display (HUD)

The HUD is the core of the game system and is the only "mandatory" piece you need to play the game.

  1. Create a simple cube
    1. Size the cube to 0.250 meters for X,Y, and Z
    2. Apply a texture to it
    3. Set the cube to 50% transparent.
  2. Drag and Drop the following pieces from inventory into the cube:
    1. The default character sheet notecard: Myriad Lite Character Sheet v0.0.2 20110521
    2. The Myriad Lite Module BAM script: Myriad Lite Module BAM v0.0.0 20110908
    3. The Myriad Lite script itself: Myriad Lite v0.0.18 20110908
  3. Edit the character sheet notecard to set a default character name for yourself at the top.
  4. Take the cube into inventory
  5. Right-click the cube in inventory and choose the "Attach to HUD -> Bottom Left" attachment point. You should see Myriad Lite begin loading your character from the character sheet and tell you when its ready to play.
  6. Edit the HUD attachment to position it.
  7. Detach the HUD back to inventory to "save" the position.


Armor is never a bad idea if you are in a place where combat is likely.

  1. Create an object to represent a piece of armor, such as a bracelet or helmet.
  2. Drag and Drop the Myriad Lite Armor script from inventory into the attachment: Myriad Lite Armor v0.0.4 20110904
  3. Attach the armor and adjust the position
  4. Detach the piece of armor back into inventory again to "save" the default attach point.
  5. Attach/wear the armor piece when desired. The Myriad Lite HUD should report the armor registering as a change in armor value.


Because of the skill-based nature of Myriad Lite, simple kinetic bullets are not enough. Myriad Lite bullets can implement one of multiple damage values.

  1. Find a sandbox with Scripts disabled. If scripts run when you create the bullet, it WILL set the bullet physical, temp-on-rez, and run the cleanup timer which causes the bullet to die within 20 seconds
  2. Create an object to represent the bullet itself, such as a yellow, glowing, 0.050m sized sphere.
  3. While in the script-disabled area, Drag and Drop the bullet script from inventory into the bullet. Myriad Lite Bullet v0.0.3 20110813
  4. Drop in a "puff of smoke" texture of your choice.
  5. Change the texture name in the bullet script.
  6. Set the bullet object to "Physical" and "Temp On Rez"
  7. Quickly take your bullet into inventory before the temp on rez deletes it.


Many existing firearms can be adapted to fire Myriad Lite bullets, the main change needed is to add the bullet's damage class as a starting parameter in the llRezObject call which launches the bullet.

  1. Create a firearm such as a pistol or rifle.
  2. Drag Drop the Firearm script from inventory into the firearm Myriad Lite Firearm v1.4 20110903
  3. Drag and Drop in a gunshot sound.
  4. Drag and Drop the bullet you made above into the firearm.
  5. Edit the Firearm script to have the correct gunshot sound name.
  6. Edit the Firearm script to have the correct bullet object name.
  7. Take the firearm into inventory.
  8. Attach it to your right hand
  9. Adjust the position and rotation.
  10. Detach the firearm back into inventory again to "save" the new default attach point.
  11. Attach or wear the firearm when desired.


Many combat-based games offer a heal-up object that will partly or fully restore the player's health when activated. The Myriad Lite Healing script was designed to sit in a heart-shaped object that spins, turns grey when used until it respawns and turns red again when active. Jeanie Weston has contributed a heart-shaped sculpy texture to save prims.

  1. Make a sculpty prim.
  2. Drag and Drop the Jeanie's Heart sculpt texture onto the sculpt map area of the build tool (Image Coming Soon)
  3. Drag and Drop the Myriad Lite Healing script from inventory into the object: Myriad Lite Healing v0.0.1 20110813
  4. Edit the script to provide full healing or partial healing as desired.
  5. Rez copies of the healing heart where desired to give combatants a chance to heal up.


Players can draw weapons from a holster or sheathe to begin combat, or sheathe/holster weapons to withdraw from combat.

  1. Create an object to act as a wearable holster for a firearm or a sheathe for a melee weapon.
  2. Drag and Drop the Myriad Lite Holster script from inventory into the holster object: Myriad Lite Holster v0.0.0 20110904
  3. Attach the object to the desired attachment point.
  4. Adjust the position and rotation.
  5. Detach the object back to inventory to "save" the new default attach point.
  6. Attach or wear the holster when desired.


Melee weapons are hand-held weapons that strike opponents directly around you, as opposed to a ranged weapon like a firearm or bow.

  1. Create a melee object, such as a sword approximately 1m long.
  2. Drag and Drop the Myriad Lite Melee script for sword fighting from inventory into the object: Myriad Lite Melee v0.0.3 20110903
  3. Take the melee weapon into into inventory.
  4. Attach it to your right hand
  5. Adjust the position and rotation
  6. Detach the mele weapon back into inventory again to "save" the new default attach point.
  7. Attach or wear the melee weapon when desired.


Many people prefer a hovertext meter to let others see the in-character alias name of the player and see the relative damage or health of their opponents during combat.

  1. Create a cylinder 0.025m for X and Y, and 0.5 meters for Z
  2. Set the texture to "Default Transparent" and set the transparency to at least 2%
  3. Drag and Drop the Myriad Lite Meter script from inventory into the object: Myriad Lite Meter v0.0.4 20110903
  4. Take the meter into inventory.
  5. Attach the meter object from inventory to a convenient spot, such as an ear or eye.
  6. Press CTRL-ALT-T to "Show Transparent"
  7. Edit the position and rotation of the meter attachment.
  8. Detach the meter back into inventory to "save" the new default attachment point.
  9. Attach or wear the meter when designed. You should see "waiting for update" at first, which gets replaced with your alias and health on the next meter update event.


The practice target is an object that reports the Myriad Lite attacks and damage amounts. This is useful for verifying if your objects and scripts are working correctly.

  1. Get yourself a "Noob", which makes a perfectly useful target item:
  2. Drag and Drop in the Myriad Lite Target script from inventory into the object: Myriad Lite Target v0.0.5 20110813
  3. The noob is now ready to act as target or practice dummy.

Quickstart For Players

Myriad Lite Player Notes v0.0.1 20110905

Wear the HUD.

  • (optional) Wear the hovertext meter
  • (optional) Wear armor, which you should see reported in your chat window.
  • (optional) Wear a holster
  • (optional) Wear a melee or ranged combat weapon


Myriad Lite accepts a variety of chat commands on channel 5.

Many commands are detailed below in context, and more are described in the additional documentation below as well.

/5 <command> will activate that command.

Scripters can also send the same commands as a link message.

Custom HUDs can be constructed with buttons named each command, and the button will activate the command of the same name

Martial Combat: Armor

Armor is always useful to deflect or absorb kinetic impacts.

Some armor is static, just a simple object like a medival shield or bulletproof vest.

In science-fiction, armor may be computerized or formed from an electronic field.

Myriad Lite calls armor that requires electricity to run "power armor"

For non-powered armor, simply wear the item and you should see the armor value reported.

  • /5 checkarmor to see what your current armor value is

The following commands let you control power armor:

  • /5 armoron to activate power armor.
  • /5 armoroff to deactivate power armor and save the battery
  • /5 recharge to recharge a power armor battery

Close Combat: Hand-To-Hand

For Hand-to-Hand combat, do not attach another weapon.

Say: /5 combaton in main chat to activate the built in "fist fighter"

In mouselook OR third person view, hold the left mouse button down, to start your attack, then press the following keys to actually attack

  • Up Arrow: one-two punch
  • Left Arrow: left-hand punch
  • Right-Arrow: right-hand punch
  • Down-Arrow: roundhouse kick

Say: /5 combatoff to disable the fist fighter mode

Close Combat: Melee

For melee weapon (knife, sword, club, etc)

Wear the melee weapon, which disables fist fighter mode if active

NOTE: The melee weapon is invisible when first attached, as if it is "sheathed".

Say /5 drawright or /5 drawleft in main chat to draw the weapon.

In mouselook or third person view, press left mouse button to trigger the weapon's attack.

Ranged Combat: Firearms

Wear a firearm with a Myriad bullet in it.

NOTE: The melee weapon is invisible when first attached, as if it is "sheathed".

Say /5 drawright or /5 drawleft in main chat to draw the weapon.

Go into mouselook for first person view


Press left mouse button to fire.

Ranged combat does not work in third-person view.

/5 checkammo will show ammo count remaining.

/5 reload will reload ammo

Holstering a weapon

  • /5 holsterright
  • /5 holsterleft
  • /5 holsterboth


New for Preview 4, thanks to a mighty contribution from Baroun Tardis, Myriad Lite now supports Quests!

Sim owners can create objects using the scripts included with Myriad Lite to allow players with the Myriad Lite meter to participate in scavenger-hunt style quests in their regions.

To go on a quest, you find an Non-Player Character (NPC) in the sim who will give you the quest, and the first task to complete, along with a hint.

Complete each task in the quest, possibly earning prizes or necessary support equipment along the way.

Once you have completed the quest tasks, return to the NPC to complete the quest itself, and possibly earn a prize.

Say /5 quest or click the HUD attachment will show you your current quest status.

Baroun's Adventure Machine (BAM) v1

Myriad Lite Sim/Builder Notes v0.0.0 20110905

BAM Adventure Giver NPC v0.0.6 20110906

BAM Collision Goal v0.0.6 20110902

BAM Location Goal v0.0.6 20110902

BAM Touch Goal v0.0.7 20110902

The Myriad RPG Group

Join the Myriad RPG group for announcements and discussion around the Myriad RPG and Myriad Lite scripts.

SecondLife: [1]

OSgrid: [2]

Bug Reports

If you find a bug or something that just doesn't seem right in how a Myriad Lite script works, drop me a notecard!

The best bug reports will be in notecards named MYRIAD LITE BUG REPORT In the notecard will be: Your SL name The name, version, and date of the script you are having problems with A description of the problem itself Steps I can follow to reproduce the problem

Feature Requests

If you have a feature you would like to see added to Myriad Lite, drop me a notecard!

The best feature requests will be in notecards named MYRIAD LITE FEATURE REQUEST In the notecard will be:

  • Your SL name
  • The name, version, and date of the script you are requesting new features in
  • A description of the feature


If you would like to contribute to the Myriad Lite project, drop me a notecard!

The best contributions will be a notecards named MYRIAD LIGHT CONTRIBUTION In the notecard will be:

  • Your SL Name
  • A description of the contribution
  • The patch, script, file, or object being contributed
  • A release stating:
    • that you intend to contribute this to Myriad Lite
    • that you are the original creator of the contribution or are legally empowed to contribute it
    • you acknowlege this contribution can be released under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 Unported license

New Features of Preview 4

  • merged BAM HUD into Myriad Lite
  • added recent and gotprize lists to BAM goals
  • limited BAM touch goal to only activate when avatar is within arm's reach
  • moved some armor logic to WEARARMOR and REMOVEARMOR
  • extended armor messages to carry armor name into functions
  • sorted channel 5 player commands alphabettically
  • added /5 checkarmor
  • added /5 quest
  • added /5 credits
  • added /5 version
  • added attachchannel ATTACHMETER to HUD and meter
  • added attachchan DETACHMETER to HUD and meter
  • added REGISTERATTACHMENTS to meter
  • refactor duplicate COMBATOFF code
  • refactor duplicate COMBATON code
  • refactor duplicate DEBUGOFF code
  • refactor duplicate DEBUGON code
  • refactor duplicate RESET code
  • refactor duplicate chat and link message code into one COMMAND() function
  • enable/disable HUD hovertext status based on attachment point - enable for HUD attach only
  • refactor BAM command and data parser into main listen event parser
  • capitalize all BAM global variables
  • added DRAW, SHEATH, HOLSTER, for LEFT, RIGHT, or BOTH hands to HUD, FIREARM, and MELEE
  • add Touch Button Name to Command in HUD - link a button, name it a command, it just works(tm) without another button script
  • Added touch HUD button to command call processor
  • Added reset modules to reset function