User:Opensource Obscure/JIRA

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User page - JIRA - Interests - Groups - LSL - Places - Stores - Translations - other pages

This is some JIRA stuff I'm currently focusing on. You're welcome to read this page, and you may even find it useful, but it's mostly a personal scrapbook page.

Current Sprint: Sprint 16 - Due: 13/May (not 6/May like stated here.



web profiles

new features

Linux misc

Per Oz's comment at last Viewer Evolution User Group meeting, now that we've got autobuild packaging working, it should be straightforward



interfaccia: finestre



textures loading

Texture frequently shows grey when running script that cycles thru 5 textures with a llSleep(1.3) between each

llSetPrimitiveParams( [ PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE, texture, REPEATS, OFFSETS, RADIANS ]);


llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast( link, [ PRIM_TEXTURE, FACE, texture, REPEATS, OFFSETS, RADIANS ]);


llSetTexture(texture, ALL_SIDES);

on a small sculpted prim.

integer FACE = 0; /// a sculpts only face
vector REPEATS = <1, 1, 0>;
vector OFFSETS = <0, 0, 0>;
float RADIANS = 0;
integer link = 16;

Using "texture name" and storing the five textures in CONTENTS fails the same as using the UUID of the texture. Running the same script as above but on a regular prim (instead of a sculpt) and with a sleep of 10 seconds between each texture change – produces similar failure. (Texture shows as grey or blurred on ocassions but frequently enough).

test plans

meta issues

Durante lo Scrum Daily Meeting di oggi, Grumpity e Oz hanno spiegato che a lungo andare i Meta Issues diventano inutili per Linden Lab. A differenza di un crash bug che può venire affrontato, risolto e chiuso, i Meta Issues rimangono aperti indefinitamente. [Meta Issues have limited long-term value to Linden Lab] --oobscure 13:46, 4 May 2011 (PDT)

in attesa di intervento / commento da parte di LL

opensource-dev - Request for comment on these JIRA reports

presi in considerazione, fix pending, etc