User Experience Interest Group/Transcripts/2009-03-26

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Topic & Summary

User Experience Interest Group Discussion for March 26, 2009.

Topic: Avatar Radars.

We discussed avatar radars (also called avatar scanners), such as those provided by various scripted HUDs (MystiTool, etc.). In particular, we discussed ideas for building an avatar radar directly into the viewer, such as in Dale Glass's viewer.

Aimee noted that radar functionality is already programmed into parts of the standard viewer, to provide functionality like the Active Speakers list, and the (upcoming) "Near Me" feature in the Resident Chooser.

We discussed where the radar feature should appear, with suggestions including:

  • Add more information to the Active Speakers list.
  • Attach an optional list or pull-down to the minimap.
  • Separate floater, perhaps with no/transparent background to least obscure the view.

Ideas for what information displays would be useful:

  • Name
  • Distance
  • Indicator of whether they are within chat range
  • Indicator that they are typing, talking on voice, etc.
  • Age
  • Payment information status
  • Age verification status
  • Number of owned objects nearby (but this was decided to be infeasible to implement)
  • Avatar rendering cost (also infeasible, at least without downloading everyone's attachments)

The ability for the user to customize which information is displayed would be essential.

There were also ideas for integration with the minimap:

  • Highlight and/or label the avatar's dot on the minimap when they are selected in the radar list
  • Display a visual indication of whether other avatars is inside/outside chat range on the minimap
  • Display name and other information when mouse hovers over a dot on the minimap

Near the end of the meeting, the conversation drifted into other topics:

  • Voice chat / Vivox (problems with the new version in 1.22; 64-bit Linux version; open sourcing; replacing with a free alternative)
  • Highlighting/coloring people's chat when they are selected in the radar
  • Age verification and adult content
  • Ratings
  • Random silliness



[15:18] Jacek Antonelli: Mmmkay, shall we start?
[15:18] McCabe Maxsted: please :)
[15:18] Jacek Antonelli: Today's topic is avatar radars! Bwoop bwoop bwoop
[15:19] Charlette Proto: great
[15:19] Geneko Nemeth: It should be extensible, not too many buttons, and use pie menu
[15:19] Charlette Proto: what a joke all these people with radars
[15:19] Jacek Antonelli: In case you didn't get a chance to look at Dale Glass's viewer, here's how he did it:
[15:19] Aimee Trescothick: the current trunk already contains 2 avatar radars if you know where to look
[15:20] Geneko Nemeth: Where?
[15:20] McCabe Maxsted: really?
[15:20] Charlette Proto: plese tell me we can append MiniMap and active speakers to supercede all radars
[15:20] Aimee Trescothick: well, active speakers, for one
[15:20] Jacek Antonelli: Interesting
[15:20] Armin Weatherwax: i .. err ... dont dare to say almost ... tried the scanner of klee for some time ,,,
[15:20] McCabe Maxsted: (btw, boy lane uploaded a patch for 1.22 of dale's version: )
[15:21] Charlette Proto: yes that has been an ongoing idea to add more info to active speakers
[15:21] Aimee Trescothick: and and the resident chooser now has a Near Me tab, with adjustable range
[15:21] Jacek Antonelli: Yeah, because the Communicate window isn't big enough already, it should have more info displays
[15:21] Jacek Antonelli: >:)
[15:21] McCabe Maxsted: ooh, nice to see that patch finally in :)
[15:22] Jacek Antonelli: Groovy
[15:22] Charlette Proto: how much could be added to Mini Map
[15:22] Jacek Antonelli: That's a good question, Charlette. Let's talk about that
[15:22] Geneko Nemeth: Hmm, I didn't realize there's a nearby people without plugging into Vivox's network.
[15:22] Aimee Trescothick: yup
[15:22] Charlette Proto: obviousy a great place in the UI to append info
[15:22] Geneko Nemeth: Now if only I could pop the "Local Chat Participants" out.
[15:22] McCabe Maxsted: so, knowing it's possible, where should it go and how much info should it contain?
[15:22] Armin Weatherwax: Aimee Trescothicks MiniMap - Conversion to XUI, and code clean-up (VWR-11844) + ll recent code have kind of a scanner functionality ...
[15:23] Aimee Trescothick: the code is also already there to add non-voice users into the Active Speakers window too
[15:23] Geneko Nemeth: Put everything scannable in it! But hide them by defult.
[15:23] Jacek Antonelli: Customizable columns?
[15:23] Geneko Nemeth: Yuup.
[15:23] Aimee Trescothick: haven't looked deep enough to see why they don't actually get shown at the moment
[15:23] Jacek Antonelli: I dunno.... sounds dodgy. Morgaine, what's your opinion on customizability? (Joke, joke.)
[15:23] Geneko Nemeth: Maybe it would confuse people.
[15:24] Charlette Proto: any ideas on which would be better MiniMap or Active speakers in terms of universal support eg noo voice?
[15:24] Armin Weatherwax: i like it vwery much, Aimee :)
[15:24] Geneko Nemeth: Both?
[15:24] Aimee Trescothick: should be pretty trivial to add a distance column to the Active speakers
[15:24] Geneko Nemeth: Click on one opens the other?
[15:24] Jacek Antonelli: Hey OO :)
[15:24] Aimee Trescothick: I have a feeling non-voice users used to show up, but in grey, I could be wrong on that though
[15:24] McCabe Maxsted was thinking about aimee's minimap changes. I was imagining a "radar" button instead of a minimap that'd open a minimap+list; if you clicked a name on the list, they'd show up on the minamp, and it could possibly take the place of right clicking the dots
[15:24] Geneko Nemeth: Distance column should show by default, as speaking/typing status.
[15:24] McCabe Maxsted: ahoy opensource :)
[15:25] Charlette Proto: or could active speaker become Active Residents instead
[15:25] Opensource Obscure: ciao everybody!
[15:25] Armin Weatherwax: hi Opensource :)
[15:25] Geneko Nemeth: Just "Nearby residents" would do?
[15:25] McCabe Maxsted: should it be limited to 96m?
[15:25] Geneko Nemeth: It should be limited to 40m by default.
[15:25] Charlette Proto: that would be a nice way to provide a way to sort by distance
[15:25] Aimee Trescothick: the thing I like about my Mystitool scanner though is that it's completely free of Chrome
[15:26] McCabe Maxsted: hm, yeah; but it doesn't show very many names
[15:26] Aimee Trescothick: very little visual obstruction
[15:26] Charlette Proto: yes but it makes a mess of chat history
[15:26] Armin Weatherwax: hm. one thing i want to understand is if a scanner can cause sim side lag
[15:26] Aimee Trescothick: an LSL one can
[15:26] Aimee Trescothick: client side won't
[15:26] McCabe Maxsted nods
[15:26] Jacek Antonelli: Anyone have a snapshot of the mystitool scanner in action, for reference? Preferably online
[15:26] Charlette Proto: chat history output could be added too but I don't like it myself
[15:26] Aimee Trescothick: you can turn the chat notification off
[15:27] Geneko Nemeth: Do you want me to take one now?
[15:27] McCabe Maxsted: can someone give jacek a freebie copy?
[15:27] Geneko Nemeth: No transfer. And you can buy it for 1L$
[15:27] Geneko Nemeth: Not 0L$ T_T
[15:28] McCabe Maxsted: ah
[15:28] Charlette Proto: yeaj Aimee I think mysti is great if you need the more powerfull functions bu everyone who buys it wears it all the time lagging the sim
[15:28] Jacek Antonelli: Geneko, if you could take a snapshot of it, that'd be handy
[15:28] Geneko Nemeth: Where should I post it?
[15:28] Aimee Trescothick: depends what you have enabled in it, but yeah, server side is the wrong place to be doing it
[15:28] McCabe Maxsted: aimee: think we could get a similar effect using a lot of transparency? presumably you don't click where hte names are displayed much?
[15:29] Charlette Proto: and info is in the viewer already as it is
[15:29] Aimee Trescothick: yeah, I just have the name list up on my bottom right
[15:29] Charlette Proto: sound levels / direction and chat distance have all the info onhand
[15:29] McCabe Maxsted: same
[15:29] Armin Weatherwax: yeah, but it would be reallybad if a client side scanner did cause lag ... say something like the marouders map in harry potter ... with names showing up on each dot on the minimap
[15:30] Charlette Proto: or a popup list dropping from mini map
[15:30] McCabe Maxsted: well, there is my privacy concern; a lot of SL™ is built around the idea that if you're X distance away, you're invisible, but if we put it into the minimap....
[15:30] Charlette Proto: hover text on the dots
[15:31] Morgaine Dinova: Jacek: responding to the joke question ... :P ... I'd probably say make every panel of buttons have a drop-down menu showing new buttons that could be added, with existing ones highlighted in the list for removal. But I don't really like buttons on panels in the first instance --- they take up 3D real estate. I'd let them be dragged to the frame.
[15:31] Aimee Trescothick: it's already in the minimap
[15:31] McCabe Maxsted: ahoy dirk :)
[15:31] Aimee Trescothick: you just have to hover your mouse over the dot
[15:31] Charlette Proto: but people lag the sim with crap like Secret Agent just to get avatar radar
[15:31] Dirk Talamasca: Hey Hey McCabe
[15:31] McCabe Maxsted: well, should it be?
[15:31] Armin Weatherwax: well... i have a mysthy tool - so why is a client side name showing worse ?
[15:31] Morgaine Dinova: Hiya Dirk
[15:32] Aimee Trescothick: even works for people a couple of sims away
[15:32] Dirk Talamasca: Hi there Morgaine :o))
[15:32] Geneko Nemeth:
[15:32] Geneko Nemeth: Note this file will probaly go HTTP 410 later.
[15:32] McCabe Maxsted: thanks gen
[15:32] Geneko Nemeth: So don't link in the transcript...?
[15:32] Jacek Antonelli: Thanks Geneko
[15:32] Armin Weatherwax: (except for the screen clutter)
[15:32] Charlette Proto: that si my point 1/2 the residents have tools that show the info anyway - democracy is better than freebie radar tools for the rest
[15:33] McCabe Maxsted: (note to self: add minimize-all button, grr)
[15:33] Geneko Nemeth: And it's not exactly free either...
[15:33] Charlette Proto: the Free Radar seems the worse for lag as usual
[15:34] Charlette Proto: in korea (cirka 40 avies) we get hit by the freebie radar and you can see the diff when people there have it on
[15:34] Jacek Antonelli: Hrm, you guys see names when you hover your mouse over dots in the mini map? o_O
[15:34] Geneko Nemeth: No I don't...
[15:34] Dirk Talamasca: Radar aside, having to wear a tool to fly high and fast is ridiculous. So much of the grid is built in the air that requiring an atachment in order to see it is just moronic.
[15:34] Armin Weatherwax: yus ... :)
[15:34] Charlette Proto: not on my viewer jacek
[15:35] Armin Weatherwax:
[15:35] Aimee Trescothick: yeah, can't remember when that went in
[15:35] Aimee Trescothick: it's pretty recent
[15:35] Geneko Nemeth: We are talking about only radar today, Dirk, but the whole grid is ridiculous.
[15:35] Aimee Trescothick: went in a bit before my minimap cleanup
[15:35] Jacek Antonelli: Ah
[15:35] Charlette Proto: 1.22.11 (113976) no names just green and yellow dots
[15:35] Geneko Nemeth: Things like the interia of pushing depends on the *pushee*'s mass or something like that...
[15:36] Jacek Antonelli: Okay, so what sort info is useful to display? Name and distance are pretty universally agreed upon. Dale's has age, payment info status, and even an activity indicator (for typing, running, etc.)
[15:36] Charlette Proto: are we onto the push undercut stuff?
[15:37] McCabe Maxsted: <- about how much screen space it takes up
[15:37] Morgaine Dinova: One datum that would help deal with griefers would an in-region object count per av.
[15:37] Dirk Talamasca: Would this radar only read within 96 m or throughout the sim?
[15:37] Morgaine Dinova: Not "in-region", but "counted by viewer"
[15:37] Jacek Antonelli: That's undecided, Dirk
[15:38] Geneko Nemeth: Embedded Mozilla has hung.
[15:38] Aimee Trescothick: adjustable range I would imagine
[15:38] Charlette Proto: names and chat text bubble like the personal tag maybe even use of voice wiuld be nice in MiniMap
[15:38] Jacek Antonelli: 96m is a pretty arbitrary limit, that just happens to be what LSL sensors have
[15:38] Jacek Antonelli: Ahoy Dale!
[15:38] Charlette Proto: people find it hard to locate people speaking from speakers list
[15:38] McCabe Maxsted: ahoy dale :)
[15:38] Dale Glass: hi :-)
[15:39] Dirk Talamasca: Especially now that it is broken, Charlette
[15:39] Charlette Proto: if we had the voice level on MiniMap it would really help noobs
[15:39] McCabe Maxsted: speak of the devil hehe
[15:39] Dirk Talamasca: Hiya dale
[15:39] Geneko Nemeth: That's someone you don't meet every day (unless you go to Lusk every day anyway)
[15:39] McCabe Maxsted: well, an indicatator between "is in chat range" and isn't needs to be there
[15:39] Charlette Proto: well I really hate the way the voice bubble doesn't work reliably any more
[15:39] McCabe Maxsted: that's been sorely lacking all over the viewer
[15:39] Dale Glass: ah, somebody was talking about me?
[15:39] Morgaine Dinova: How about on the same menu as hold Avatar Rendering Cost, use a similar approach for showing how many objects are counted as belonging to each av?
[15:39] Jacek Antonelli: Emphatic agreement there, McCabe
[15:39] Armin Weatherwax: hi dale :)
[15:39] Geneko Nemeth: You could gray out people outside 20m / 50m lmit.
[15:39] McCabe Maxsted: we're talking about clientside radar :)
[15:39] Dirk Talamasca: Always, dale
[15:39] Dirk Talamasca: LOL
[15:40] Dale Glass: Ahh
[15:40] Aimee Trescothick: overlay a faint ring on the minimap for chat range?
[15:40] Morgaine Dinova: That's a nice idea, Aimee
[15:40] Dale Glass: well my viewer is pretty ancient these days, but I'm finally working on an update
[15:40] McCabe Maxsted: hm, would you be able to tell though?
[15:40] Aimee Trescothick: dead simple to do
[15:40] Dale Glass: hopefully something by next week
[15:40] Jacek Antonelli: Awesome news, Dale
[15:40] McCabe Maxsted: ahh, I was wondering. I saw your posts on sldev. That rocks :)
[15:40] Charlette Proto: I personally love the large range of the minimap is that a problem in adding info to it???
[15:41] Geneko Nemeth: Not really, you could have it only display when zoooooomed it?
[15:41] Dirk Talamasca: Why not all of those tools on the minimpa so you could show and hide them as you like instead of eating up screen space
[15:41] Charlette Proto: and the fact that it works on all heights
[15:41] Geneko Nemeth: *in
[15:41] Morgaine Dinova: Dale, do you make Linux releases?
[15:41] Jacek Antonelli: Hrm, a visual indicator in the minimap is okay... but it doesn't easily show you whether Person X is within range or not, just shows you whether a bunch of dots are
[15:41] Dale Glass: yes
[15:41] Morgaine Dinova: Woohoo!
[15:41] Dale Glass: next release will be in 32 and 64 bit versions
[15:41] Charlette Proto: OK so zoomed out would not show info
[15:41] Morgaine Dinova: \o/
[15:41] Geneko Nemeth: If youcan see their name tag they are in range.
[15:41] Armin Weatherwax: \o/ ©
[15:42] Charlette Proto: yeah OK
[15:42] McCabe Maxsted: that's not very intuitive, though
[15:42] Dale Glass: actually I'm a 100% Linux user, I build windows versions in KVM
[15:42] Dirk Talamasca: Yes but what if you have tags off?
[15:42] Aimee Trescothick: minimap zoom range is pretty restricted, that was one of the first things I changed in my client
[15:42] Geneko Nemeth: Well... more like when zoomed out, it will only show info if you have selected that person in Nearby People.
[15:42] McCabe Maxsted: cool dale :)
[15:42] Geneko Nemeth: Or mouse over or whatever...
[15:42] Charlette Proto: are we having 2 convos here Dale????
[15:42] Morgaine Dinova: Dale: hah! Nice going on KVM, hehe. I was wondering if I could do that, got CPUs that support it.
[15:42] Dale Glass: oops, sorry for intruding
[15:42] Jacek Antonelli: Geneko: Ah. So if you selected someone on the list, their dot would glow/show name in the minimap?
[15:42] Geneko Nemeth: Parallel conversations happen, I'm used to it.
[15:43] Charlette Proto: mouseover is a bit limiting as far as useability goes Geneko
[15:43] Geneko Nemeth: Jacek: That's right.
[15:43] Charlette Proto: yeah but who cares how Dale build or what he rins now
[15:43] Morgaine Dinova: Don't like mouseover
[15:43] Geneko Nemeth: He builds fursuits!
[15:44] Geneko Nemeth: You're right, mouseover isn't very usable.
[15:44] Dale Glass: I do? O.o
[15:44] Geneko Nemeth: You don't? >_>
[15:44] Charlette Proto: I have reservations about mouseovers because of the lack of flexibility on alternative input devices
[15:44] McCabe Maxsted: I like the idea of selecting a name and having it show up colored or bouncy on the minimap; if that happens we can forget about distance limits easily too
[15:44] Dale Glass: no. Luskwood does, Arito Cotton more specifically
[15:44] Dale Glass: I'm just a moderator
[15:44] Geneko Nemeth: Hmm.
[15:45] Jacek Antonelli: Have we decided that the privacy concern of being locatable on the minimap isn't an issue, since you can see the names by mouseover (in a certain SL version) anyway?
[15:45] Morgaine Dinova: Mouseover lacks a copy-to-clipboard function too, very annoying if you can see data and not pick it up.
[15:45] Charlette Proto: hehe certain version but not the ones we use
[15:45] Geneko Nemeth: Well... what I'm suggesting is that mouseover and click-selecting.
[15:45] Armin Weatherwax: hm.z delta on the mini map could be visualized by dimming the dots
[15:45] McCabe Maxsted: hm, I suppose so. If the lindens aren't concerned by it then people can blame them :P
[15:46] Aimee Trescothick: lack of copy paste is a pain in lots of other areas too
[15:46] Charlette Proto: a popup list like active speakers or the same one would be best
[15:46] Morgaine Dinova: Yeah. Linux is guilty of that a lot too, X11 labels etc not being copiable.
[15:46] Geneko Nemeth: Privacy is interesting. In the current version of the official viewer if you hide behind a wall there's no way to know who you are. Of course, since many people have a scanner it's moot anyway.
[15:46] Charlette Proto: sort it a few tickboxes for additional inf
[15:47] McCabe Maxsted: heh, yeah. It's almost criminal to drop a noob into SL™ without a scanner
[15:47] Dirk Talamasca: It is
[15:47] McCabe Maxsted: or radar, whatever we want to call it
[15:47] Jacek Antonelli: scrandar
[15:47] Geneko Nemeth doesnt' use scanners. Usually.
[15:47] McCabe Maxsted: haha
[15:48] Morgaine Dinova: I don't have one. But I don't go to dodgy areas :P
[15:48] Paolo Sturtevant: italiani?
[15:48] McCabe Maxsted: so can we safely scrap about speakers too?
[15:48] McCabe Maxsted: if we do status info, that'll fold right up into it, it seems; and that's one less button on the toolbar
[15:49] Morgaine Dinova: Oh, I forgot an important requirement for radars ... Prok alt detection :P
[15:49] Charlette Proto: well since the UI is so close to having a scanner display expecting users to add one and cause lag is plain stupid and yes I agree it generates income for Misty but we need to get past that
[15:49] McCabe Maxsted: *active speakers, not about
[15:49] Dirk Talamasca: Can just follow LLs lead on that. Apparently it is not a priority that the active speakers list works for them either
[15:49] Geneko Nemeth: Yeah, active speakers and scanner shuld be folded together, along with Loacl Chat participants.
[15:49] Aimee Trescothick: how is it broken?
[15:50] McCabe Maxsted: huh, how would local chat work in that area?
[15:50] Geneko Nemeth: Active Speakers belongs to the Voice component. LL doesn't care about voice.
[15:50] Charlette Proto: agree with Geneko and adds minimap integration
[15:50] Dale Glass: LL doesn't care about voice?
[15:50] Jacek Antonelli: o_O
[15:50] Charlette Proto: true LL think 5% use voice
[15:50] Geneko Nemeth: There's this "show participants" button on the "Local Chat " panel.
[15:50] Dirk Talamasca: It doesn't register all of the speakers.. The speakers remain lit when they are not speaking and then you get to the attenuators over their heads not working either
[15:51] Aimee Trescothick: it's not so much they don't care about it, it's just that a large chunk of it is bought in from Vivox and they have limited control over it
[15:51] Charlette Proto: and they have problems with Vivox too
[15:51] Aimee Trescothick: hmm, not noticed that
[15:51] Morgaine Dinova: Update on voice from Opensource meeting: Soft is going to write a nice note to Vivox asking for 64-bit version please.
[15:51] Geneko Nemeth: I wish somehow people could scrap Vivox and write a new Speex-based voice chat client. But that's just daydreaming...
[15:51] Aimee Trescothick: is that recent breakage or long term?
[15:51] Jacek Antonelli: Hehe. And a license to redistribute would sure be nice.
[15:51] Dirk Talamasca: Please have her add "working" to that request
[15:52] Dale Glass: would be great indeed
[15:52] Charlette Proto: but the info is in the viewer for chat distance control so vivox could be out of the picture I think
[15:52] Dirk Talamasca: It has been broken since the introduction of the new Vivox SDK
[15:52] Morgaine Dinova: Jacek: Robin Cornelius is working on the redistribution angle, in talks with Vivox, seems positive
[15:52] Aimee Trescothick: oh right
[15:52] Dale Glass: voice isn't working for me right now and debugging it isn't exactly easy
[15:52] Armin Weatherwax: applause on the 64-bit version of vivox
[15:52] Dirk Talamasca: Which by the way will melt Imprudence if you toss it in so don't try
[15:52] Geneko Nemeth: Not exactly, there's a separate distance for voice and I belive it's 40-50m
[15:52] Aimee Trescothick: mm, I'd like to see the voice component open sourced
[15:53] Geneko Nemeth: Ow.
[15:53] Aimee Trescothick: I have lots of projects I want to do there, but can't
[15:53] Aimee Trescothick: like a built in compressor/limiter
[15:53] Armin Weatherwax: (more apllause on the opensource version)
[15:53] Morgaine Dinova: Aimee: I think it would take a miracle, but who knows. Really this area needs a completely new FOSS project.
[15:54] Geneko Nemeth: I'm not sure if you can actually make it Free Software:
[15:54] Aimee Trescothick: well, they did make noises about doing it, but I'll believe it when I see it
[15:54] Geneko Nemeth:
[15:54] Charlette Proto: Dirk I've been using SLvoice with Imprudence without any probs - the streaming is broken but voice works fine for me
[15:54] Dirk Talamasca: the old SDK remains solid. Can't just drop it into the new viewer unfortunately
[15:54] Dirk Talamasca: With the old SDK yes
[15:54] Aimee Trescothick: depends how it was done
[15:55] Charlette Proto: well the version in current 1.22 viewer whatever that is
[15:55] Charlette Proto: never had probs with Imprudence and voice
[15:55] McCabe Maxsted: me neither
[15:55] Dirk Talamasca: Yes the new Vivox SDK hit with RC 9
[15:56] Morgaine Dinova: "Polycom's IP includes.... , without limitation, ... know-how." /me sighs
[15:56] McCabe Maxsted: I've tangently been wondering if we could avoid that?
[15:56] Charlette Proto: I'm not up on the Vivox SDK
[15:56] Aimee Trescothick: yerp, they pushed through the stuff to support SLim with it etc.
[15:56] Charlette Proto: but it works
[15:56] Charlette Proto: SLim is a joke
[15:56] Charlette Proto: sry
[15:56] Dirk Talamasca: The new SDK includes some components that will eventually allow us to have moderated voice chats
[15:57] Charlette Proto: ah sounds like stuff I haven't seen
[15:58] Charlette Proto: HEY a big light went off here what about age verified info in the scanner display
[15:58] Jacek Antonelli: That'd be feasible, I think
[15:58] Dirk Talamasca is blinded by the light
[15:58] Charlette Proto: we really don't want minors walking in on some of the private things
[15:58] Jacek Antonelli: At least, if that information can be fetched
[15:58] Aimee Trescothick: anyone not age verified displayed as a little crawling baby icon?
[15:58] Aimee Trescothick: ;)
[15:58] Geneko Nemeth: Or dicks walking into minors...
[15:59] Dirk Talamasca: LOLOL Aimee
[15:59] Armin Weatherwax: my problem with slim is that i do not understand the eula except for the part that i am not allowed to accet i if i do not underrstand it. if it was in german i doubt i would be in a better situation .... even though that is my native language
[15:59] Charlette Proto: one thing to have a furry perving on you another thing when a kid draggs his cam from 512 metres away
[15:59] Geneko Nemeth: Dont worry. It's not liek the EULA was actually English.
[15:59] Aimee Trescothick: I thought EULA WAS a language of it's own
[16:00] Jacek Antonelli: The dark language of Lawyerese
[16:00] Morgaine Dinova: Legalese is a derivative of Klingon
[16:00] McCabe Maxsted: random thought: would people find it useful if selecting someone's name in radar highlighted their entries in your chat history?
[16:00] Dirk Talamasca: 64 m draw distance max for the non verified
[16:00] Dale Glass: Well if you're not furry, you shouldn't have to worry about furries perving on you, whatever that means ;-)
[16:00] Dirk Talamasca: lol
[16:00] Charlette Proto: age verified (not) should be displayed in the UI based scanner to put Mysti (and other products like it) to bed once for all
[16:01] Geneko Nemeth is confused!
[16:01] Charlette Proto: Dale I have a furry perving on me every day he seems to have a taste for pale skin
[16:01] Armin Weatherwax: i have a good klingon-german dictionary :P
[16:01] Jacek Antonelli: McCabe: That'd be interesting even without the radar
[16:01] Morgaine Dinova: People need to get over the age thing. After interop, it will be meaningless.
[16:01] Geneko Nemeth: I don't think age verification or payment info should be displayed on the scanner *by default*.
[16:02] Geneko Nemeth: Not needed and alinates people.
[16:02] Aimee Trescothick thinks we need IQ verification, not age
[16:02] Jacek Antonelli: Maybe you could right click on their name, and there'd be a context menu with, among other things, "Highlight this person's chat"
[16:02] Dale Glass: Well, mine does that, but I desiged my scanner for my own usage
[16:02] Dirk Talamasca agrees with Aimee
[16:02] Morgaine Dinova: lol Aimee
[16:02] McCabe Maxsted: radar-minimap-chat history, all seem like they could be aligned well; in particular for identifying griefers faster
[16:02] Geneko Nemeth: I can see that from the many buttons.
[16:02] Dale Glass: and as a moderator, I find that age and payment status are interesting
[16:02] Charlette Proto: agrees with Dirk on limiting age not verified but what about dragging the camera without constraints
[16:03] Morgaine Dinova: Fortunately every line of chat has an IQ metric built in :-)
[16:03] McCabe Maxsted: dale: do you have a patch with just your scanner? possibly for 1.21.6? ;)
[16:03] Charlette Proto: hehe Morgain
[16:03] Aimee Trescothick: LOL
[16:03] Geneko Nemeth: I don' tthink there should be a limit on drawing distance based on whether agent can access content marked Mature or XXX.
[16:03] Dale Glass: not for .21 yet, but I'm working on getting things up to date
[16:03] Geneko Nemeth: Instead, the sim just shouldn't send the data to being with.
[16:03] Dale Glass: I expect to have a new viewer by next week, scanner will be up to date then as well
[16:04] Dirk Talamasca: cool
[16:04] Charlette Proto: Geneko perving is usually the issue of dragging the cam
[16:04] Morgaine Dinova: Dale++
[16:04] Jacek Antonelli pervs on Dale ❤
[16:04] Aimee Trescothick: hmmm, now there's an idea, green tick and red cross at the end of each line of chat which you can click for +/- vote
[16:04] McCabe Maxsted: kinda like youtube comments?
[16:04] Aimee Trescothick: column in the scanner to indicate a running score for each person LOL
[16:04] Geneko Nemeth: It's not like LL didn't try that.
[16:04] Dale Glass: if you like ratings, I have a system for that as well
[16:04] Armin Weatherwax: omg
[16:04] McCabe Maxsted: haha
[16:04] Charlette Proto: perving on all furries in revenge
[16:05] Dale Glass: better than the +/- system too
[16:05] Aimee Trescothick: I was just thinking as a private thing
[16:05] Aimee Trescothick: not pubic
[16:05] Aimee Trescothick: or even public
[16:05] Charlette Proto: yeak IQ score in the scanner hehe
[16:05] Jacek Antonelli titters to herself
[16:05] Aimee Trescothick: gah at typo lol
[16:05] McCabe Maxsted grins
[16:05] McCabe Maxsted: we're putting subliminal thoughts in aimee's brain
[16:05] Morgaine Dinova: Well I had a disastrous day on the progress front yesterday. Three different hardware upgrades to main server failed, and an external backup drive decided to fail in sympathy. Now have to go to plan B.
[16:06] Armin Weatherwax: me imagines being muted by iq and no one liistening anymore
[16:06] Jacek Antonelli scribbles "pubic rating" on the Imprudence wishlist and signs Aimee's name to it
[16:06] McCabe Maxsted: hehehe
[16:06] Charlette Proto: am i wearing anything now????
[16:06] Jacek Antonelli: Morgaine: Ouch
[16:06] Morgaine Dinova: I can just see a Pubic Rating becoming popular <sigh>
[16:06] Aimee Trescothick: O.O
[16:07] Dirk Talamasca: One sec, let my imagination kick in Charlette
[16:07] Morgaine Dinova: lol
[16:07] Dirk Talamasca: LOL
[16:07] Geneko Nemeth: So should we have ratings for Building and appearance as well?
[16:07] Charlette Proto: how about beeing able to rate residents yourself
[16:07] McCabe Maxsted: pubic ratings for appearance sort of goes without saying
[16:07] Dale Glass: my system has ratings for building, and scripting too
[16:07] Dale Glass: can add more if needed
[16:07] Charlette Proto: or showing muted people grey on MiniMap
[16:07] Aimee Trescothick hides her head under a cushion
[16:08] Geneko Nemeth wonders why people want to add features LL have removed.
[16:08] Morgaine Dinova: We're imprudent :P
[16:08] Dale Glass: things can be done better than LL did them
[16:08] Geneko Nemeth: XD
[16:08] Charlette Proto: wonders why LL removed these features instead of hiding them
[16:08] Dale Glass: database load for instance
[16:09] Aimee Trescothick: LL's system was way too gameable
[16:09] Dirk Talamasca: ratings were not removed because no one liked them. They were removed to diminish database load
[16:09] Geneko Nemeth is very prudent.
[16:09] Charlette Proto: is very prudent too
[16:09] Charlette Proto: hehe I'm a prude
[16:09] Charlette Proto: or is that prudish
[16:10] Morgaine Dinova: But rating people was a social thing, it expressed something of value.
[16:10] Geneko Nemeth: More furries! :p
[16:10] Dale Glass: hi Squirrel :-)
[16:10] Geneko Nemeth: Mweh Mweh! :O
[16:10] Dirk Talamasca: Hiya Squirrel
[16:10] McCabe Maxsted: squirrel!
[16:10] Squirrel Wood: Hie
[16:10] Charlette Proto: is semantically confused
[16:10] McCabe Maxsted waves :)
[16:10] Morgaine Dinova: Hiyo Squirrel :-)
[16:10] Charlette Proto: hu Squirrel
[16:10] Squirrel Wood: So, how much Linden was there today ?
[16:10] McCabe Maxsted: hehe, guess
[16:10] Geneko Nemeth: Zarro~
[16:11] Charlette Proto: OK AVATAR SCANNER
[16:11] Armin Weatherwax: hi Squirrel :-)
[16:11] Charlette Proto: scanning Morgaine
[16:11] Morgaine Dinova: None. But we had loads of Lindens at the opensource meeting, including Philip again.
[16:11] Squirrel Wood: ^^
[16:11] McCabe Maxsted: well next to nothing. Benjamin linden logged into here for a brieeeef second, then scarpered
[16:11] Charlette Proto: wow Plilip is doing the rounds again
[16:11] Squirrel Wood: so we had two cents of Linden then?
[16:12] McCabe Maxsted is relaly glad to hear phil's attending those
[16:12] Charlette Proto: even came to korea recently
[16:12] Geneko Nemeth: L$5 of Linden?
[16:12] Morgaine Dinova: 5 cents
[16:12] Squirrel Wood: L$ 0.02
[16:12] Charlette Proto: woot?
[16:12] Geneko Nemeth: Booyah!
[16:12] McCabe Maxsted thinks he can be converted yet >:D
[16:12] Morgaine Dinova: And our Italian griefer got ejected a second time, lol
[16:12] Charlette Proto: how about the scanner showing you L$ ballance hehe
[16:13] McCabe Maxsted: hah; what
[16:13] Geneko Nemeth: No way.
[16:13] Armin Weatherwax: financial crisis that fat that 5 cents == l$0.02 ?
[16:13] Squirrel Wood: Alexa just logged off
[16:13] McCabe Maxsted: arrange people based on richness?
[16:13] Armin Weatherwax: far *
[16:13] Jacek Antonelli: McCabe: So you know who to perv on the most
[16:13] McCabe Maxsted coughs
[16:13] Morgaine Dinova chuckles
[16:13] Geneko Nemeth: It's actually L$5 = USD$0.02
[16:13] Morgaine Dinova: I'm safe then
[16:13] Charlette Proto: yeah sort the residents by the ballance amount
[16:14] McCabe Maxsted: I wonder what they would call that... a prim digger?
[16:14] Jacek Antonelli: heh
[16:14] Charlette Proto: or what they have spent in the last week hehe
[16:14] Jacek Antonelli: Charlette: Yeah, no privacy concerns there, right? ;)
[16:14] Charlette Proto: is on top of the list most of the time
[16:14] Geneko Nemeth: Oh noes, it's going into the cake menu territory again.
[16:14] Charlette Proto: teah I was just kidding sry
[16:14] Jacek Antonelli: hehe
[16:15] Squirrel Wood: sort them by ARC ?
[16:15] Geneko Nemeth: Whew, for one second I thought Dale logged out.
[16:15] Charlette Proto: one way to have me on top all the time
[16:15] Geneko Nemeth: If you have ARC on...
[16:15] McCabe Maxsted: we always seem to get silly by the end of the hour don't we?
[16:15] Charlette Proto: is self obsessed
[16:15] Dale Glass: heh, there's no way to display somebody's L$ amount
[16:15] Dale Glass: ARC could be done though
[16:15] McCabe Maxsted: sorting by arc, interesting idea
[16:15] Jacek Antonelli: Yes, getting silly at the end is tradition
[16:15] Geneko Nemeth: That reminds me, there should be highlight in the scanner if somebody enters or leaves chat/scan range.
[16:15] Squirrel Wood: sort by arc, color the names accordingly
[16:15] Charlette Proto: yep overtime MccCabe but we haven't had gestures yet
[16:16] Dale Glass: Geneko, there's an attempt to do that, it just doesn't work very well
[16:16] Dale Glass: will have to fix it
[16:16] Squirrel Wood: allow "turn off lag" option to hide high arc players automatically ?
[16:16] McCabe Maxsted: that'd perhaps give you a chance to mute some bad offenders
[16:16] McCabe Maxsted: without having your viewer lag by drawing htem ;)
[16:16] Charlette Proto: how about ARC and Second Life™ cost on the scanner
[16:16] Geneko Nemeth: Then probably everyone will be replaced by cloud people. >_>
[16:16] Charlette Proto: LSL cost*
[16:16] Jacek Antonelli: Hrmm, but ARC is calculated client side, after you've loaded all their attachments and such
[16:16] Morgaine Dinova: I'd still like the object count owned by an av shown alongside the name. Would help identify griefers directly.
[16:16] Geneko Nemeth: Sometimes I don't want to not draw them, just turn them into billboards.
[16:16] McCabe Maxsted: oh yeah
[16:17] McCabe Maxsted: d'oh
[16:17] McCabe Maxsted goes to hide in the corner with aimee
[16:17] Geneko Nemeth: Yeah, but that would be a bit difficult to do unless you're the land/estate owner.
[16:17] Jacek Antonelli: So an ARC list in radar would require fetching everyone's attachments even if you can't see them :\
[16:17] Charlette Proto: L$ cost of what avies have on in the scanner too
[16:17] Aimee Trescothick: lol
[16:17] Aimee Trescothick hands over a cushion
[16:17] Squirrel Wood: sort by distance ?
[16:17] Jacek Antonelli: There we go: a fashion sense radar
[16:17] McCabe Maxsted balances on head, "thanks"
[16:17] Charlette Proto: gag me if you wish
[16:17] Geneko Nemeth: You're fetching the attachments shape anyway. Although without the textures, the ARC won't be accurate.
[16:17] Morgaine Dinova: lol Jacek
[16:18] Squirrel Wood: Or simply sort them by PI
[16:18] Charlette Proto: hehe kinky mind today
[16:18] Geneko Nemeth: Pie Index?
[16:18] Squirrel Wood: 3.1415...
[16:18] Jacek Antonelli: Excessive bling? Minus 500 points!
[16:18] Dale Glass: Morgaine, object count couldn't be done last time I looked at it
[16:18] Geneko Nemeth: Pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647
[16:18] Charlette Proto: yeah bling total particle count in the scanner too
[16:19] Geneko Nemeth: Not even if you are land owner?
[16:19] Squirrel Wood: sort by number of bling scripts ^^
[16:19] Morgaine Dinova: Dale: ownership metadata doesn't arrive in the viewer except when you mouseover?
[16:19] Geneko Nemeth: 09384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895
[16:19] McCabe Maxsted: can we at least have an auto-bitch-slap for bling?
[16:19] Dale Glass: reason being, most people don't have access to the required functionality (in the land dialog), and objects come without owner data
[16:19] Charlette Proto: yep swuirell
[16:19] Geneko Nemeth: Morgaine: That's true.
[16:19] Morgaine Dinova: Or not even on mouseover?
[16:19] Dale Glass: of course the viewer could request the owner for every object in sight, but I bet LL wouldn't like that much
[16:19] Charlette Proto: my GF is a bling queen and she is not even a noob
[16:19] Geneko Nemeth: It does on mouseover... that's why it has a "loading"/
[16:19] Charlette Proto: so I know the cost of bling
[16:20] Morgaine Dinova: Hehe
[16:20] Armin Weatherwax: lol
[16:20] McCabe Maxsted: object count how so? (I was distracted by the pi music)
[16:20] Dale Glass: Morgaine, ownership arrives when it's requested
[16:20] Squirrel Wood: sort people by how loud they talk? or by how much text per minute they spam ?
[16:21] Morgaine Dinova: Apparently there's no metadata normally, McCabe. Pity
[16:21] Squirrel Wood: or by how much distance they travel per minute ?
[16:21] Aimee Trescothick: number of unique words in their chat
[16:21] Aimee Trescothick: i.e vocabulary
[16:21] Geneko Nemeth: Or their names.
[16:21] Charlette Proto: well the voice mute etc is not out of place on MiniMap
[16:21] Jacek Antonelli: Yeah, it would be costly to fetch and maintain the list of the owners of all the objects nearby
[16:21] Aimee Trescothick: or alternately, no. of typos
[16:21] Geneko Nemeth: And I think recency is more import than frequency when it comes to text chat?
[16:22] Squirrel Wood: punctuation count ?
[16:22] Aimee Trescothick: number of semicolons correctly used
[16:22] Charlette Proto: orientation/direction of people causing voice probs is a common and hard to pin down thing
[16:22] McCabe Maxsted: that would make for a nifty plugin, heh. Someone should start compiling so she could look into that *nudges morgaine*
[16:22] Geneko Nemeth: Punctuation count. Definitely. But how are you going to count Chinese punctuation?
[16:22] Squirrel Wood: upper case letter count ?
[16:22] Geneko Nemeth: No upper case letter in CJK.
[16:22] Charlette Proto: yeaj chat text load display
[16:22] Geneko Nemeth: Hiragana/Katakana ratio?
[16:23] Morgaine Dinova: Dale: is there no ownership ID field at all, so can't even count the IDs that have most objects?
[16:23] Charlette Proto: excessive use of spammy gestures too
[16:23] Squirrel Wood: number of dots drawn per line of chat ?
[16:23] Charlette Proto: nnumber of times they did XD on the gived day
[16:23] Dale Glass: Morgaine, objects don't come with an owner key filled in
[16:23] Morgaine Dinova: kk
[16:23] Armin Weatherwax: upper case letter count ... THE MORE THE BETTTER?
[16:23] McCabe Maxsted: haha
[16:23] Charlette Proto: yep Aimee
[16:23] Squirrel Wood: the more the spam
[16:23] Charlette Proto: CAPS LOCK on
[16:24] Dale Glass: you could request it. But say, 500 requests * account, that would get LL's attention, and probably in a bad way
[16:24] McCabe Maxsted: is chat at all throttled right now, btw?
[16:24] Dale Glass: if it is, not much
[16:24] Dale Glass: I've seen very effective chat flooding scripts, heh
[16:24] McCabe Maxsted: yeah, same here. And some very annoying chat gesture spammers..
[16:24] Charlette Proto: no it is not from my impression McCabe since korea gets viewer crashes from chat griefers all the time
[16:25] Squirrel Wood: sort them by number of squirrel noses clicked per day ?
[16:25] Charlette Proto: and Second Life™ viewer is soo slow with chat rendering
[16:25] Morgaine Dinova: Oh, more news from LL: Q Linden says that the new notifications system is in trunk, so merge all the different types of notification calls into a common one.
[16:25] Geneko Nemeth: Woot!
[16:25] Charlette Proto: yeah the total clicks on tails and noses by the given resident and all his alts
[16:25] McCabe Maxsted: it's not much though, last I checked
[16:26] Geneko Nemeth: Finally. I'll see parcle music track change notification in no time.
[16:26] McCabe Maxsted: (as opposed to the design that was talked about here, I mean)
[16:26] Dale Glass: ha
[16:26] Dale Glass: scary glowy squirrel
[16:26] McCabe Maxsted: omg
[16:26] Charlette Proto: that sounds good Morgaine I hat the Notices too
[16:27] Geneko Nemeth is so going to make the viewer feel like Mabinogi.
[16:27] Aimee Trescothick has to run
[16:27] Aimee Trescothick: my bed is waiting for me
[16:27] Charlette Proto: has this forum fallen to bits today??? next we will be griefed or trolled
[16:27] Morgaine Dinova: The audio metadata being shown might lead to live concert venues updating the ICY Info metadata with live number titles, that would be cool.
[16:28] Geneko Nemeth: Or it could be Vorbis or OGG metadata?
[16:28] McCabe Maxsted: okay hun, sleep well :)
[16:28] Jacek Antonelli: Ni ni Aimee :)
[16:28] Aimee Trescothick was under the impression we had our share of regular trolls ;)
[16:28] Aimee Trescothick waves
[16:28] Morgaine Dinova: See you Aimee :-)
[16:28] Charlette Proto: aren't we all trolls Aimee
[16:29] Charlette Proto: that is not me I'm an avid helper most of the time
[16:29] Jacek Antonelli: I should head out too. I've been revamping the viewer's gstreamer integration, gonna check it out on Mac
[16:29] Charlette Proto: good luck Jacek
[16:29] Jacek Antonelli: Hoping it'll help some of the problems I've been having with dynamic libraries while compiling Mac Imprudence :\
[16:29] Dale Glass: what integration?
[16:29] Morgaine Dinova: Woohoo Jacek!
[16:29] McCabe Maxsted waves to jacek
[16:29] Morgaine Dinova: Mac? We now have a Mac available?
[16:30] Geneko Nemeth: Sigh, viewer hackers. ^^
[16:30] Morgaine Dinova: \o/
[16:30] Charlette Proto: wooo good intentions jacek
[16:30] Jacek Antonelli: Yes, I bought a Mac mini for Imprudence hacking
[16:30] McCabe Maxsted: dale: we're using gstreamer for all audio/video streaming in Imprudence
[16:30] Morgaine Dinova: WOWOWOW!
[16:30] Charlette Proto: alse have a nice busy weekend
[16:30] Morgaine Dinova: Jacek++
[16:30] Dale Glass: viewer hacking is cool
[16:30] Charlette Proto: Dale--
[16:30] Charlette Proto: hehe
[16:30] Morgaine Dinova: lol
[16:30] Armin Weatherwax: hm. going to be late here, too, ,,, saying bye 4 now
[16:30] Geneko Nemeth: (!Charlette)
[16:31] Charlette Proto: byee Aimee
[16:31] Jacek Antonelli: Alright, take care everyone! See you next week!
[16:31] Morgaine Dinova: See you Armin
[16:31] Geneko Nemeth: See ya! Happy hacking!
[16:31] Morgaine Dinova: See you Jacek!
[16:31] Armin Weatherwax: :)
[16:31] Charlette Proto: Genko//
[16:31] McCabe Maxsted: see you :)