Beta Server Office Hours/Minutes/2009-11-12
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This meeting was held on November 12th, 2009
- Discuss resolution of previous open items.
- Updates
- Discussion of the posjump bug. SVC-4984.
- Releases
- 1.34.0 - Coming Soon
- Any other business
Resolved Items
- removed SVC-2327 from Open Items.
- SVC-3819 - Mono Beta - recompile selection: llRemoteLoadScriptPin conflict
Meeting Minutes
- Roberto Salubrius begs for SVC-3044 - Debug channel and script error reporting needs a major rethink
- Babbage is working on svc-4196 - "Avatar entering sim or rezzing object causes sim to freeze for up to 30 seconds - everything stops for everybody there"
- Twisted Laws says VWR-2638 - "The Double TP issue" still exists.
- Lil Linden showed up late.
- Lil Linden gave a 1.23.0 grid roll status.
- we talked about the posjump issue.
- we talked about scripts and asset ids
- Opensource Obscure talked about the region LOL experiencing untrackable lag.
Transcript of Oskar Linden's Beta Server Office Hour for November 12th, 2009:
[14:59] Oskar Linden: hi Twisted [14:59] Twisted Laws: hi Oskar... still sitting in opensource meeting atm... [14:59] Twisted Laws: but its getting wrapped up [15:00] Lil Linden: wow.. this AO has an interesting ground-sit [15:00] Latif Khalifa: hehe [15:01] Oskar Linden: heh [15:01] Lil Linden: howdy everyone :) [15:01] Moon Metty: lol [15:01] Latif Khalifa: hey Moon [15:01] Twisted Laws: hello Lil [15:01] Moon Metty: i was on the wrong grid [15:01] Moon Metty: hi everyone [15:01] Oskar Linden: which grid? [15:01] Moon Metty: agni [15:02] Lil Linden: i was gonna say.. [15:02] Lil Linden: better be agni :-) [15:02] Lil Linden: h4x0r [15:02] Latif Khalifa: i'm on 3 grids now lol [15:02] Lil Linden: really? [15:02] Leyla Linden is Online [15:02] Latif Khalifa: Rob Lindens last OH [15:02] Latif Khalifa: Lil, yeah, agni, aditi and osgrid [15:02] Psi Merlin: Hello [15:02] Lil Linden: oh, OS. ok [15:02] Moon Metty: hey Psi :) [15:02] Oskar Linden: *sigh* Rob Linden [15:03] Oskar Linden: he and I go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back [15:03] Oskar Linden: I met him in 2000 [15:03] Oskar Linden: ok, so I just got out of an interview [15:03] Twisted Laws: no release notes at all when you press Release Notes here? :p [15:03] Oskar Linden: and I need a moment to gather my notes and tabs and stuff [15:05] Yann Dufaux: hello ㋡ [15:05] Lil Linden doesn't know where the 'release notes' link in the viewer even comes from [15:05] Lil Linden: it's magic or something [15:05] Twisted Laws: Andrew indicated there was a new version of server 1.32 coming to fix the posjump and a sec issue. i figured it'd be here by now [15:05] Moon Metty: help >> about [15:05] Twisted Laws: yeah, lol [15:05] Oskar Linden: andrew is right [15:05] Oskar Linden: it is on ADITI now [15:06] Lil Linden: yeah, posjump is fixed [15:06] Oskar Linden: we'll get to that though [15:06] Ovaltine Constantine: Does "fix posjump" mean make it work or make it stop working [15:06] ATechwolf Foxclaw: I'me here. (Techwolf Lupindo) [15:06] Oskar Linden: ok so here is our agenda [15:06] Moon Metty: lol Ovaltine [15:06] Oskar Linden: [15:06] Free Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets [15:06] ATechwolf Foxclaw: The real fix is llposjump and fix the oriangle bug that allowed the posjump in the first place. [15:07] Latif Khalifa: and llTeleportAgent() [15:07] Oskar Linden: I understand ATechwolf [15:07] Latif Khalifa: but good luck with that [15:07] Oskar Linden: but in the meantime we don't want to break posjump [15:07] Moon Metty: oh, Andrew is all for makong a new function [15:08] Moon Metty: making* [15:08] Oskar Linden: *sigh* I can't log into the wiki [15:08] ATechwolf Foxclaw reads the agenta. [15:09] Yann Dufaux: yik the wiki page are very slow* [15:09] Oskar Linden: is wiki.secondlife slow for everyone? [15:09] Yann Dufaux: verified for me [15:09] Lil Linden: (oskar doesn't know it yet, but his accounts have been terminated) [15:09] Moon Metty: today a little slower than usual [15:09] Lil Linden: lets watch what happens [15:09] Psi Merlin: It's normally quite slooow [15:09] Latif Khalifa: i was trying to login to aditi couple of times during past week [15:09] Latif Khalifa: login was extremely slow... or not functional [15:09] Oskar Linden: this past week has seena lot of aditi upgrading [15:10] Lil Linden: heh.. and breaking. [15:10] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Everything is Slow for me today [15:10] Latif Khalifa: it was standing at llogging in screen for 3 minutes [15:10] Lil Linden looks around innocently [15:10] Latif Khalifa: lol [15:10] Yann Dufaux: loll [15:10] Leyla Linden is Offline [15:11] Yann Dufaux: Lil, i give you a strong coffee ㋡ [15:11] Oskar Linden: well... I guess the wiki page is not going to cooperate with me today [15:11] Latif Khalifa: hm cannot login right now [15:11] Lil Linden: wfm [15:11] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Loading Loading [15:11] Lil Linden: thx yann :) [15:11] Latif Khalifa: something wrong with the aditi login server? [15:11] Oskar Linden: so we deployed 1.32.1 to ADITI this week [15:12] Oskar Linden: it has a handful of updates and fixes [15:12] Lil Linden: For the curious: [15:12] Oskar Linden: if that loads [15:12] Twisted Laws: this server wasn't updated tho? [15:12] Latif Khalifa: Lil are you playing with the login server again? :D [15:12] Oskar Linden: what do you mean twisted? [15:12] Oskar Linden: oh THIS server [15:13] Twisted Laws: Second Life Production Server [15:13] Lil Linden: it seems Morris and Ahern have been switched (beta <-> prod) [15:13] Oskar Linden: I'll rotate the sign [15:13] Lil Linden: I've changed them in the database, they just need to restart [15:13] Lil Linden: so don't bother :) [15:13] Oskar Linden: heh [15:13] Oskar Linden: ok [15:13] Oskar Linden: ok the wiki is now responding [15:14] Oskar Linden: now where were we [15:14] Lil Linden: the beginning? [15:14] Oskar Linden: Open Items [15:14] Vektor Linden is Offline [15:14] Oskar Linden: Moon usually has the best info on those from all the office hours she attends [15:14] Oskar Linden: sometimes I think you guys talk to my coworkers more than I do [15:14] Oskar Linden: and that's cool [15:15] Moon Metty: well, i try to communicate more slowly [15:15] Moon Metty: communication at LL is often rushed [15:15] Oskar Linden: everything here is rushed [15:15] Oskar Linden: I ate my sandwich in about 2 minutes [15:15] Latif Khalifa: Oskar, can you see what is wrong with the login server? [15:16] Oskar Linden: Lil. What's wrong with the login server? [15:16] Lil Linden: Dunno, I got in OK [15:16] Oskar Linden: I got in OK too [15:16] Lil Linden: anyone else have problems? [15:16] Oskar Linden: who here isn't logged in? [15:16] Latif Khalifa: does not work right now [15:16] Lil Linden: hehe [15:16] Oskar Linden looks towards Yann [15:16] Psi Merlin: We tell Andrew about the deployment status at his OH :) [15:17] Moon Metty: :) [15:17] Latif Khalifa: I'm trying to login another avatar, and it's stuck at logging in [15:17] Psi Merlin: Login was normal for me. [15:17] Latif Khalifa: it was for me 15 min ago [15:17] Lil Linden: avatar's name, latif? [15:17] Latif Khalifa: LoLa Varriale [15:17] Oskar Linden: so YOU'RE LoLa! [15:17] ATechwolf Foxclaw: Loging time for me was normal as usall. just aabout 10 seocnds. [15:18] Latif Khalifa: i had this problem whole week on and off [15:18] Maestro Linden is Online [15:18] Latif Khalifa: with Latif as well [15:18] Latif Khalifa: takes like 5 min to pass "logging in", or it times out [15:18] Zen Linden is Online [15:18] Latif Khalifa: even when logging in with a single avatar [15:19] Oskar Linden: is that the same when you define the region you want to log into? [15:19] Latif Khalifa: let me try that [15:20] Latif Khalifa: nope, specifying Morris logged in [15:20] Latif Khalifa: without a delay [15:20] Oskar Linden: perhaps your previous region was down [15:20] Moon Metty: where did you leave Lola last time? [15:20] Latif Khalifa: Sulu i think [15:20] Oskar Linden: Hi LoLa!! [15:20] Lil Linden: hm, I see your login failure lola, but not sure what's the matter with it [15:21] LoLa Varriale: Hello there! [15:21] Moon Metty: i have a question [15:21] Oskar Linden: it's great to see more women getting involed in beta testing [15:21] Oskar Linden: ok Moon what is your question [15:21] Moon Metty: last sunday, many people got an error on login [15:21] Oskar Linden: to AGNI? [15:21] Moon Metty: about their clock being set incorrectly [15:21] Moon Metty: yes [15:22] Lil Linden: that wasn't a clock problem [15:22] Moon Metty: i was wondering if that was an attempt to fix svc-4169 [15:22] JIRA-helper: [#SVC-4169] missing groups, unable to tp, tried everything [15:22] Lil Linden: that was an expired SSL certificate on our login server :-( [15:22] Oskar Linden: nice [15:22] Lil Linden: yeah [15:22] Latif Khalifa: lol [15:22] Lil Linden: but hey. [15:22] Lil Linden: I'm not in ops anymore, so it wasn't me :-) [15:22] Latif Khalifa: haha [15:22] Latif Khalifa: that's what they all say [15:23] Lil Linden: hey, I own up to my beefs :-) [15:23] Oskar Linden: I was never in OPs [15:23] Lil Linden: you tell these guys about the Shrek Ears, oskar? [15:23] Moon Metty: because i think some of LL's server may have their clock set incorrectly lol [15:23] Latif Khalifa: OPs is fun, I like that kind of work [15:23] Oskar Linden: everyone here knows about the Shrek Ears? [15:23] Moon Metty: Alexa told me :) [15:23] Oskar Linden: quick synopsis: if you make a mistake you have to wear shrek ears to work [15:24] Oskar Linden: see [15:24] Lil Linden: observe [15:24] Latif Khalifa: hahah [15:24] Oskar Linden: look at Lil [15:24] ATechwolf Foxclaw: Finaially, a linden taht admited to the cert error. Every report out there siad they fixed the clock. [15:24] Oskar Linden: we own up to our mistakes [15:24] Oskar Linden: it's not a punishment [15:24] Moon Metty: :) [15:24] Oskar Linden: Lil wears them a lot [15:24] Moon Metty: heehee [15:24] Latif Khalifa: lol [15:24] Oskar Linden: but he wears them well [15:24] ATechwolf Foxclaw: Talk about a really public coverup. :-) [15:24] Moon Metty: he must like them [15:24] Lil Linden: well [15:25] Lil Linden: techwolf, it kinda was a clock problem [15:25] Zen Linden is Offline [15:25] Latif Khalifa: AT, are you using Radegast? [15:25] Lil Linden: if you roll your clock back, the cert's not expired any more :-) [15:25] Latif Khalifa: no he is not :D [15:25] Psi Merlin: The expired cert was noted in groupies before it was fixed - as was the clock story. [15:25] Oskar Linden: alright so let's move down the agenda... [15:25] Oskar Linden gets this train back on track [15:26] Lil Linden: choo choo [15:26] Oskar Linden: 2 things [15:26] Oskar Linden: the first is which sims should be on ADITI [15:26] Oskar Linden: Lil and I talked about that this week [15:26] Oskar Linden: we have a special pilot roll list on AGNI that we use for deploys [15:26] Moon Metty: all aboard! [15:26] ATechwolf Foxclaw: One with nearly nothing on them. And ones with very primy malls. [15:27] Oskar Linden: perhaps I should create a list like we use for the agni pilot rolls [15:27] ATechwolf Foxclaw: The one sim I hang out in is allready here, Aggro. [15:27] Oskar Linden: and take suggestions [15:27] Oskar Linden: ok [15:27] Latif Khalifa: my old mainland sim used to be on the list... but i was expelled from it since :P [15:27] Oskar Linden: we're currently planning on keeping at least 3 channels on ADITI [15:27] Latif Khalifa: (adult) [15:27] Oskar Linden: one for Server -1, one for Server, and one for Server +1 [15:28] Moon Metty: very good Oskar [15:28] Moon Metty: that is good for testing [15:28] Oskar Linden: so it is easy for us to test whether issues are new or not [15:28] Leyla Linden is Online [15:28] Oskar Linden: ok, I'll create a wiki doc that lists which regions people would like to see setup on ADITI [15:28] Moon Metty: it just won't work for bad exploits like the notecard bug [15:29] Oskar Linden: well Moon we will have to keep the previous server version private to Linden only [15:29] Moon Metty: ok [15:29] Oskar Linden: and we have it set like that now [15:29] Lil Linden: if you want to access it, just apply here: [15:29] Latif Khalifa: lol [15:29] Oskar Linden: ok, so I'll send a link out to the team asking for regions they'd like to see on ADITI [15:29] ATechwolf Foxclaw: Lil, I have, Got nowhere fast. [15:30] Oskar Linden: well Lil that is an excellent point [15:30] Latif Khalifa: linden lab is too geographially challenged for a virtual worlds company :P [15:30] Oskar Linden: Item #2 I have to talk about it [15:30] Oskar Linden: is something I hope you all might be interested in [15:30] Psi Merlin Votes for Snark - whcih is already on the S+1 channel here :) [15:30] Oskar Linden: we are having our first virtual job fair [15:30] Oskar Linden: now let me find the link to that [15:31] Twisted Laws: votes to keep sandbox goguen/cordova at +1 [15:32] Oskar Linden: ok [15:32] Oskar Linden: here it is [15:32] Oskar Linden: DETAILS: What: QA Virtual Career Fair When: Wednesday, November 18th, 2009 Time:10:00am to 12:00pm PDT Where: Linden Lab Recruiting Center RSVP: Or email resume to: We look forward to meeting you!! -- Lo Grantham QA Recruitment Linden Lab|Second Life [15:32] Oskar Linden: everyone get that? [15:32] Twisted Laws: yes [15:32] Latif Khalifa: is this still for work at one of the offices? [15:33] Oskar Linden: it is [15:33] Oskar Linden: we can only sponsor remote candidates in 5 states [15:33] Oskar Linden: states where we have offices [15:33] Moon Metty: what if you want to work as a volunteer? [15:33] ATechwolf Foxclaw: got it. I hope in the logs for later use. [15:33] You decline Career Fair from A group member named Oskar Linden. [15:34] Oskar Linden: there. I sent everyone a note [15:34] Latif Khalifa hopes lindens start hiring people for remote work at some point [15:34] ATechwolf Foxclaw: I'me from Indiana [15:34] Oskar Linden: We can't Latif [15:34] Oskar Linden: not anymore [15:34] Oskar Linden: it's an HR staffing / legal issue [15:35] Moon Metty: ah, the borg [15:35] Latif Khalifa: you should be leading the way, being virtual worlds company :) [15:35] Oskar Linden: employees can work remotely, but only in the states where we have a physical presence [15:35] ATechwolf Foxclaw: I don't know of any corp that has hiring problems like LL does. Seem very stange to me. [15:35] Oskar Linden: hiring problems? [15:36] Latif Khalifa: Oskar, yeah I understand, but you do have a EU office, and EU rules are different, you have an office in one country, you can freely hire from all, none of that insurance/medical whatever you have to deal in the US ;) [15:36] ATechwolf Foxclaw: Every major company that I know can hire from any state. That why its very stange to em. [15:36] Oskar Linden: you're right I was speaking from a US POV [15:37] Oskar Linden: I am not 100% certain how it works if you want to work remotely in the UK or elsewhere [15:37] Lil Linden: well, it's not that we /can't/, it's that we choose not to. it's just a matter of expense [15:37] Oskar Linden: well ATechwolf, come to the career fair and get a more official answer [15:37] Leyla Linden is Offline [15:37] Latif Khalifa: would be a good PR point though, "dogfooding" as they say :D [15:37] Oskar Linden: we dogfood here more than any other company I ever worked at [15:37] Lil Linden: we do have a lot of remote employees :-) [15:38] Oskar Linden: You think I ever used RealPlayer when I worked for Real Networks? [15:38] Lil Linden: haha [15:38] ATechwolf Foxclaw lol [15:38] Latif Khalifa: you came from Real too, omg [15:38] Latif Khalifa: explains a thing or two :P [15:38] ATechwolf Foxclaw: I hope the employess was forced to use RealPlayer. [15:38] ATechwolf Foxclaw: ;-) [15:38] Oskar Linden: when I worked at Expedia we had a rule that you NEVER use Expedia [15:38] Oskar Linden: the one time I tried it billed me 10x over the price and maxxed out my card [15:38] Moon Metty: o_O [15:39] Oskar Linden: I use SecondLife every day [15:39] Oskar Linden: all the time [15:39] Twisted Laws hopes you didn't work on the billing software... [15:39] Oskar Linden: all our meetings are in SL [15:39] Oskar Linden: I have never even met most of the people on my team [15:39] Oskar Linden: but I know them like family [15:39] Moon Metty: :) [15:39] Oskar Linden: sometimes it works out better that way [15:40] Oskar Linden: Lil and I are like brothers [15:40] Latif Khalifa: lol [15:40] Oskar Linden: but I bet we wouldn't like each other IRL [15:40] Oskar Linden: I can't stand pimps [15:40] Oskar Linden: so yeah, we dogfood here [15:40] Latif Khalifa: you need hoes to be a pimp :D [15:40] Twisted Laws: lol [15:41] Lil Linden: that is not an approved Beta OH topic :-) [15:41] Moon Metty: i guess Lil doesn't like scoundrels [15:41] Oskar Linden whispers to Lil that he was just using him for an example and he really does like his pimpstuff [15:41] Lil Linden: aww, I know oskar. [15:41] Oskar Linden: ok guys [15:41] Latif Khalifa: Lil neds 4-5 bots entourage ;) [15:41] Oskar Linden: so yeah. go to the career fair [15:41] Lil Linden: haha [15:41] Oskar Linden: let recruiting know what you got [15:41] Latif Khalifa: all hot looking [15:41] Oskar Linden: heh [15:41] Lil Linden: if anyone wants to make me a new pimp accessory I will show it off for you :-) [15:42] Lil Linden: canes, boots, etc [15:42] Latif Khalifa: Oskar, I am in Denmark, so no salami for me ;) [15:42] Oskar Linden: Lil I think you need golden shrek ears [15:42] Lil Linden: YES! [15:42] Oskar Linden: with duiamonds [15:42] Moon Metty: no option in the netherlands either [15:42] Latif Khalifa: I'll just play with LoLa in the meanwhile :P [15:42] Leyla Linden is Online [15:42] LoLa Varriale: I am very happy for you. [15:43] Oskar Linden: get a prim you two [15:43] Latif Khalifa needs a [15:43] Moon Metty: Lola, do you like Lil? [15:43] LoLa Varriale: I like Douglas Hofstadter. [15:43] Oskar Linden: ok, and to get back on track again [15:43] Moon Metty: awww [15:43] Lil Linden: zing [15:43] XLR8RRICK Hudson: are you going to talk about SVC-4196 ? running out of time [15:43] JIRA-helper: [#SVC-4196] Avatar entering sim or rezzing object causes sim to freeze for up to 30 seconds - everything stops for everybody there [15:43] Latif Khalifa: she answers too fast again, need to put in that delay [15:43] Oskar Linden: in the Releases agenda point [15:44] Lil Linden will woo lola with a 40 [15:44] LoLa Varriale: YOU? Good chance. [15:44] Lil Linden: :-( [15:44] Latif Khalifa: XL, catch up with Babbage Linden OH, he's working on that [15:44] Moon Metty: there's not a lot to say about svc-4196 [15:44] Oskar Linden: so we already talked about 1.32.1 on here [15:44] Oskar Linden: 1.34 is right around the corner [15:45] Latif Khalifa: so what's new in 1.34 [15:45] Oskar Linden: any other business? [15:45] Oskar Linden: anybody working on anything cool? [15:45] Latif Khalifa: i'm makig lola look at whoever is talking :P [15:45] LoLa Varriale: Do you mind if I tell other people you are makig look at whoever is talking p. [15:45] Latif Khalifa: to look more real ;) [15:45] Moon Metty: Psi, Latif, can you please look at topscripts on agni, and close svc-3819 as fixed if you're satisfied? [15:45] JIRA-helper: [#SVC-3819] "Top Scripts" in estate tools is inaccurate [15:45] Moon Metty: i don't have access to topscripts on agni [15:46] Latif Khalifa: Moon, topscripts is making me mads for calculating time twice, once for seat, and once for seater, total is correct though [15:46] Moon Metty: oh, yes [15:46] Moon Metty: we have to dig up that jira [15:47] Leyla Linden is Offline [15:47] Moon Metty: SVC-1669 [15:47] JIRA-helper: [#SVC-1669] Estate tool top scripts should not show avatar attachments. [15:47] Moon Metty: the title is bad ... [15:47] Latif Khalifa: that is resolved, but the bug is still there [15:48] Moon Metty: right, we have to exhume it [15:48] Oskar Linden: man, I look away for a sec and the communicate window is full [15:49] Oskar Linden: SVC-1669 is fixed? [15:49] Moon Metty: lol no [15:49] Latif Khalifa: it's not [15:49] Moon Metty: it used to be the only way to see avatar script-time [15:49] Latif Khalifa: it's only marked fixed [15:49] Moon Metty: but now avatars have their own entry [15:50] Moon Metty: so this "bug" can be fixed [15:50] Psi Merlin: Moon, I guess I can give you temp EM access on Snark/agni to check top scripts. [15:50] Latif Khalifa: say an avi has 0.5ms scripts, and sits on chair, chair will shot 0.5ms script time even though its using none [15:50] Oskar Linden: I'll add the comment "Moon says it can be fixed" [15:50] Moon Metty: oh Psi, you can see it in a few seconds [15:51] Moon Metty: just look at the dialtion graph :) [15:51] Moon Metty: dilation* [15:51] Moon Metty: well, the avatar becomes part of the linkset of the seat [15:52] Moon Metty: so fixing it will not be really easy [15:52] Moon Metty: it requires coding [15:52] Latif Khalifa: it really really easy :) [15:52] Moon Metty: it's straight forward though [15:52] Latif Khalifa: attachment has a parent ID that has parent ID that is not 0 [15:52] Moon Metty: ok [15:53] Psi Merlin giggles. Just a small matter of programming [15:53] Moon Metty: so it's easy to keep the 2 times apart [15:53] Latif Khalifa: its really easy to distinguish attachmetns from the link set [15:53] Leyla Linden is Online [15:53] Moon Metty: let's talk to Simon about it [15:54] Latif Khalifa: say root prim has local ID n, all linked prims (including avatars) have that N as their parent id [15:54] Lil Linden: uh oh [15:54] Latif Khalifa: attachments have avatar local id as their parent id [15:54] Latif Khalifa: (so it's actually more work to make this bug, than to make it disappear) [15:54] Moon Metty: hehehe [15:55] Moon Metty: i like that thought [15:55] Entering god mode, level 200 [15:55] Latif Khalifa: just don't descend into prims for more than 1 level to calculate object script time [15:55] Moon Metty: yes [15:55] Latif Khalifa: where is that server source code so i can attach a patch? :P [15:56] Terrain baked. [15:56] Moon Metty: inside that hammer ... [15:56] Latif Khalifa: did i put Lil and Oskar to sleep? [15:56] Moon Metty: lol [15:56] Oskar Linden: sorry guys. I really need coffee [15:56] Moon Metty: you're excused, Oskar [15:56] Latif Khalifa: lola, watch out, Oskar is after you [15:57] LoLa Varriale: I am watching. [15:57] bacon sammach plane whispers: Mode: Hover [15:57] bacon sammach plane whispers: Emergency brake disengaged. [15:57] Lil Linden: hungry anyone? [15:57] Moon Metty: hahaha [15:57] Moon Metty: oops [15:57] Twisted Laws: ooo [15:57] Latif Khalifa: too technical a discussion i see :P [15:57] Lil Linden: ow [15:57] bacon sammach plane whispers: Pilot Lil Linden [15:57] Oskar Linden: oops [15:58] Moon Metty: exactly my words [15:58] Latif Khalifa: poor lola [15:58] LoLa Varriale: Are you a student? [15:58] Lil Linden: what a mess [15:58] Twisted Laws: i need a hammer like that! [15:58] Moon Metty: lol [15:58] Oskar Linden: yann was underground [15:58] Lil Linden: way to go, Oskar [15:58] Latif Khalifa: can you abuse report a liden? :P [15:58] Moon Metty: alright, shrek ears for Oskar then [15:58] Twisted Laws: very cool [15:58] ATechwolf Foxclaw lol [15:58] Moon Metty: hahaha [15:59] Twisted Laws: excellent [15:59] kizmut Smit: :O [15:59] Oskar Linden: there we go [15:59] Yann Dufaux: LOL [15:59] Moon Metty: phew [15:59] bacon sammach plane whispers: Unauthorized Access [15:59] Latif Khalifa: lola did they beat you up? [15:59] LoLa Varriale: I'm not certain whether I can give an accurate reply or not. [16:00] Oskar Linden: sorry guys. I am spent [16:00] bacon sammach plane whispers: Unauthorized Access [16:00] Lil Linden: I'm not sure how to fly that sandwich [16:00] Latif Khalifa: lola, why not? [16:00] Oskar Linden: too many meetings today [16:00] LoLa Varriale: Ambiguous: "Sure" or The explanation is rather complicated. [16:00] bacon sammach plane whispers: Unauthorized Access [16:00] Twisted Laws: cya later! have a good evening [16:00] Moon Metty: relax Oskar [16:00] Moon Metty: tomorrow is another day [16:00] Oskar Linden: I am going to go for a walk [16:00] Latif Khalifa: hehe [16:00] Oskar Linden: get some fine seattle coffee [16:01] Yann Dufaux: well Oskar, if you have a chance tkae somes sushis for lunch ㋡ [16:01] Lil Linden: ever been to Beth's, oskar? [16:01] Yann Dufaux: hehe:) [16:01] Oskar Linden: I have Lil [16:01] Oskar Linden: a real pimps hangout [16:01] Lil Linden: tackle the 12-egg omelette? [16:01] Oskar Linden: Beth's... [16:01] Oskar Linden: 12 egg omellette's and hashed browns by the pound [16:01] Yann Dufaux: 12 egg, your crazy lil? [16:01] Latif Khalifa should program LoLa to stalk Oskar ;) [16:01] Lil Linden: haha [16:01] LoLa Varriale: YOU? Maybe you should ask someone older. [16:01] Yann Dufaux: Haha [16:01] Lil Linden: I only had the 6 egg one and couldn't finish it [16:02] Latif Khalifa: "only 6" huh [16:02] Oskar Linden: you come up to Seattle Lil and we'll go [16:02] Yann Dufaux: 6 egg, its ok ㋡ [16:02] Lil Linden: it's a date