Bug triage/2007-09-19
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Next meeting: 2007-09-19, 3pm PDT at Bridie Linden's house. See Bug triage for details.
PJIRA filter: 1.18.3 Release Candidate bugs
Fast Track Import
(Move bugs here that have solid repros, or valid patches that you have reviewed)
New in RC 1.18.3?, NOT Imported
- VWR-2518 - Votes: 0 - Performance degrades quickly in release candidate viewers - Synack Fitzgerald
- VWR-2517 - Votes: 0 - Can't add users to parcel ban list in RC - Gigs Taggart
- VWR-2505 - Votes: 2 - edit doesn't allways update correctly with regard to prim parameters - Barney Boomslang
- Ryozu Kojima managed to repro, IMPORTED
Not new in RC 1.18.3, NOT Imported
- VWR-2302 - Votes: 0 - Problem between Starting Second Life and NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600 - Oberon Pessoa
- IMPORTED for Aric to take a closer look at
- VWR-2421 - Votes: 0 - Adv. graphics: Vertex Ripple water grayed out & Avatar rendering: only normal on ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT - khamien mills
- VWR-1303 - Votes: 5 - Make Chat/IM typing responsive under all circumstances in-world - Coyote Pace
- Torley will ask Steve about feasibility of this
- VWR-2471 - Votes: 0 - SL-viewer chrashes after opening the 10th group-info-window - Dildo Spitz
- IMPORTED, easy repro
- VWR-2086 - Votes: 8 - Alt key no longer shows "physical" when pressed. - Cliff Commons
- left open, let's fix specific design bugs like VWR-2425 first
- VWR-692 - Votes: 7 - Group sessions do not remained closed - Keiki Lemieux
- VWR-2462 - Votes: 0 - crash in std::_Rb_tree / lower_bound(LLImageGL* const&) - bushing Spatula
- Saijanai Kuhn will ask for more info, left open
- VWR-505 - Votes: 5 - Alpha-sorting of prims reversed, causing 'solid, non-alpha' prims to disappear. - beatfox xevious
- VWR-2266 - Votes: 2 - Friends list in Communicate window still shows (waiting) after 20 mins online - elmo dynamo
- VWR-1678 - Votes: 9 - Friends list cannot be separated from communicate window - Feynt Mistral
- VWR-2490 - Votes: 0 - "BAD_OSS" in startup script makes login hang - Boroondas Gupte
- VWR-2474 - Votes: 0 - Viewer crashes after reading 4 - 5 offline received notices - Big Enigma
- VWR-2305 - Votes: 1 - Avatar eyes display Missing Texture - Steve Mahfouz
- VWR-2463 - Votes: 0 - crash in LLViewerImageList::updateImagesFetchTextures(float) - bushing Spatula
- VWR-2496 - Votes: 1 - Linking 255 or 256 prims results in two linksets - Ochi Wolfe
- VWR-2497 - Votes: 0 - String "!=" comparison evaluates incorrectly - Ochi Wolfe
- Closed: Won't Finish.
- VWR-2437 - Votes: 0 - Minor glitches using ATIs Beta 8.41 driver for Linux - Sariel Villota
Hot by Vote
Misc Pool
Pre-meeting activity
Some issues will be resolved in the course of building this agenda. Rather than deleting them from the proposed agenda, move the issue and associated discussion into the appropriate section below.
Imported, New in RC 1.18.3
- VWR-2499 - Votes: 0 - Neighbouring simulator(s) not rendering. - otakup0pe neumann
- VWR-2477 - Votes: 0 - High memory usage after short periods of use in RC 1.18.3 - Funk Schnook
- VWR-2443 - Votes: 0 - framerate craters after cache loads.. friends and inventory fail to load.. specific to this release - rocky pickles
- VWR-2483 - Votes: 0 - the macviewer.xcodeprj file doesn't create stripped binaries on Deployment or Universal - Barney Boomslang
- VWR-2487 - Votes: 0 - Covenant Details between live version and release candidate version - Xavier Irwin
- Closed, Resolved, Fixed
- VWR-2499 - Votes: 0 - Error with RegionHandshake / EnableSimulator ? - otakup0pe neumann
- Resolved 'needs more info'
- VWR-1600 - Votes: 1 - 1.17.1 - 1.18.4 use too much CPU and now 1.17.0 does, too on PPC - Bibi Book
- Dupe of VWR-2477
Transcript is/will be at Bug triage/2007-09-19/Transcript
Community members generally collaborate on the agenda for bug triage meetings. Here's how you can quickly fill in an otherwise blank agenda:
Setting up
- Go to Bug_Triage/YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY is the four digit year code, MM is the two digit month code, and DD is the day code
- Write and save {{subst:Triage Template}} as the only content of your new page. This will copy the complete markup from Template:Triage Template as a starting point for your agenda.
- Fill in the relevant time, date, and location info for the upcoming meeting. The easiest way to do this is to copy the entire block of information from an earlier meeting of the same type (RC, regular, etc...) and modify the date and time as needed.
Populating the issue listings section(s)
- Look at the results of one of these queries
- General triage: "Viewer 2 Bug Triage" (sorted by LL ID, Created, Last Triaged):
- UI triage:
- https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?mode=hide&requestId=10470 (The selected filter with id '10470' does not exist.)
- (Note: there's no hard and fast rule that says these are the only valid queries. If you feel there's a better query one particular week, use that.)
- Save a copy of the XML version of the query
- Run this perl script on the xml file
- !/usr/bin/env perl
use XML::Simple;
my $bugs = XMLin($ARGV[0]);
foreach my $item (@{$bugs->{channel}->{item}}) {
$title = $item->{title}; $title =~ s/^\^\*\] //; $key = $item->{key}->{content}; $votes = $item->{votes}; $reporter = $item->{reporter}->{username}; print "* $key - Votes: $votes - $title - $reporter\n";
- Pick a reasonable cutoff point, and copy the output into the appropriate section of your newly created page.
- if you do not have access to a perl interpreter. There is a ported version of the script on PHP, located here: http://jirafiller.technokittydevelopment.com/ made by roberto salubrius