Bug triage/2008-01-09/Transcript
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- [14:55] WarKirby Magojiro: hey there bridie
- [14:55] Bridie Linden: Hello WarKirby!
- [14:55] Torley Linden: Hello hello!
- [14:55] Torley Linden: Look who's here already!
- [14:55] Bridie Linden: You've been workin' out! :)
- [14:55] Torley Linden: Alexa, cuuuuute pool.
- [14:55] Torley Linden: Heya Bridie!
- [14:55] Torley Linden: Hey Noru, WarKirby, Daed, Angela!
- [14:55] Alexa Linden: thanks :D
- [14:55] Bridie Linden: Hi Angela, Noru
- [14:56] WarKirby Magojiro: anyone have the link to the agenda ?
- [14:56] Daedalus Young: hi Torley
- [14:56] Bridie Linden: Hey Daed!
- [14:56] Daedalus Young: [1]
- [14:56] WarKirby Magojiro: Also, I think angela is afk
- [14:56] Bridie Linden: Should be a quick meeting ;)
- [14:56] Alexa Linden: Daed! Long time no see
- [14:56] Noru Kyong: Hello Sir Torley, Miss Bridie, Miss Alexa ^__^
- [14:56] Alexa Linden: Noru ^^
- [14:56] Alexa Linden: how's your day?
- [14:56] Daedalus Young: yeah, been busy for holidays and everything :)
- [14:56] Torley Linden: Good to see you all...
- [14:57] Torley Linden: Alexa, the water wings and duckie ring are sooo adorable.
- [14:57] WarKirby Magojiro: There's an explosion of traffic on SLdev about the 1.19 announcement...
- [14:57] Alexa Linden: hahaha
- [14:57] Alexa Linden: I'm ready for winter to be over :P
- [14:57] Daedalus Young: there's a party tomorrow at Oyster Bay, please see [2] :)
- [14:57] Bridie Linden: Angela are you joining our triage or working on a bug fixes? :)
- [14:57] Torley Linden: Spring then summer, heeere we come!
- [14:57] Torley Linden: Thanx Daed, *bookmarks*
- [14:58] Meade Paravane: hello!
- [14:58] Alexa Linden: Hi Meade
- [14:58] Daedalus Young: hi
- [14:58] Daedalus Young: and yw :)
- [14:58] WarKirby Magojiro: Angela said she was testing a bug when we met her here an hour ago. and afk when we arrived now
- [14:58] Bridie Linden: She's a busy woman!
- [14:58] Bridie Linden: Howdy Meade
- [14:59] Torley Linden: Hiya Meade!
- [14:59] Bridie Linden: Hey Squirrel!
- [14:59] Squirrel Wood: Quack!
- [14:59] Alexa Linden: Squirrel!
- [14:59] Daedalus Young: woof
- [14:59] Squirrel Wood: Hello ^^
- [14:59] Alexa Linden: meow
- [14:59] Squirrel Wood: Pony invasion pending
- [15:00] Alexa Linden: Hi Kooky :)
- [15:00] Daedalus Young: hi
- [15:00] Kooky Jetaime: Hi
- [15:00] Bridie Linden: Well, happy Wednesday everyone!
- [15:00] WarKirby Magojiro: large attendance for a small meeting...
- [15:00] Bridie Linden: Heya kooky
- [15:00] WarKirby Magojiro: only 4 items on the agenda, heh
- [15:00] Celierra Darling: waves
- [15:00] Bridie Linden: Actually, those are items I already imported WarKirby...
- [15:00] WarKirby Magojiro: I see
- [15:00] Bridie Linden: so either RC usage has dropped off...or
- [15:00] WarKirby Magojiro: so... 0 items on the agenda ?
- [15:00] Bridie Linden: we're making progress!
- [15:00] Alexa Linden: Hi Kerry & Jason :)
- [15:00] Bridie Linden: I'm hoping for the latter!
- [15:00] Kooky Jetaime: Hi Bridie
- [15:00] Squirrel Wood: I like the status of https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-1134 ^^
- [15:01] WarKirby Magojiro: the current RC has been around for quire a while
- [15:01] Celierra Darling: Fast-track import on the load balancer issue?
- [15:01] Jason Swain: Hello Everybody and Alexa ^^
- [15:01] Daedalus Young: I see 9 in Hot Votes though
- [15:01] Torley Linden: Squirrel, that's been climbing up in votes.
- [15:01] Torley Linden: :)
- [15:01] Daedalus Young: [3]
- [15:01] Bridie Linden: looks
- [15:01] Kooky Jetaime: oy
- [15:01] Kooky Jetaime: the cache so needs to be fixed
- [15:01] Torley Linden: SLJiraStats.com generates agendas too? Handy.
- [15:02] WarKirby Magojiro: what's that list of issues about ?
- [15:02] Kooky Jetaime: Pull up a chair Noah
- [15:02] WarKirby Magojiro: oh, neat
- [15:02] Kooky Jetaime: this gets techy but :)
- [15:02] Daedalus Young: apparently it does yes, very useful
- [15:02] Noah Bracken: rezzing :)
- [15:02] Celierra Darling: watches people scramble to put their issues on the table :P
- [15:02] Squirrel Wood: nice but lacks the linkage to the actual pages?
- [15:02] Bridie Linden: I just posted this summary about Release Candidates: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Candidate
- [15:03] Kooky Jetaime: I never knew bunnies liked water
- [15:03] Daedalus Young: well, if posted on the wiki page, it creates the links
- [15:03] Kooky Jetaime: I was reading the dev list regarding the group chat change for 1.19.. eeeks...
- [15:03] Alexa Linden: clean hare is a must
- [15:03] Torley Linden: I'm going to link that RC page to other pages.
- [15:03] Torley Linden: Great to see it up there, Bridie!
- [15:03] Bridie Linden: I never knew bunnies were comedians!
- [15:03] WarKirby Magojiro: does anyone want to paste that into the wiki agenda then ?
- [15:03] Kooky Jetaime: Alexa..... *gets a staple gun and hits his mouth a few times.
- [15:04] Bridie Linden: Thx Torley and of course thanks for your input too Torley
- [15:04] Torley Linden: ^_^
- [15:04] Kooky Jetaime: oh Hey Torley
- [15:04] Torley Linden: Dynamic duo rawk on y0.
- [15:04] Torley Linden: Yes Kooky?
- [15:04] Kooky Jetaime: Missed you there, just saying hi... I've forgotten how to multi-task in SL.. I took december off
- [15:04] Alexa Linden: hahahaha
- [15:04] Torley Linden: Aww hiii!
- [15:04] Torley Linden: Glad you're back too!
- [15:05] Bridie Linden: WarKirby, we're working on getting the next RC out! :)
- [15:05] Kooky Jetaime: I must say, seeing my bank account is nice :)
- [15:05] Squirrel Wood: has the big rush for money started yet?
- [15:05] Meade Paravane: will take some, please!
- [15:05] Jira URL-er: v1.2: Invalid format
- [15:05] Jira URL-er: v1.2: Invalid format
- [15:05] Jira URL-er: v1.2: Invalid format
- [15:06] Alexa Linden: try again
- [15:06] WarKirby Magojiro: still plenty of little things needing fixed
- [15:06] Alexa Linden: scripts running now
- [15:06] WarKirby Magojiro: is llLoadURL muteable yet, for example?
- [15:06] Bridie Linden: nods
- [15:06] Daedalus Young: refresh the wiki, I've almost put everything in
- [15:06] Bridie Linden: (that was nod to fixing more things!)
- [15:06] Bridie Linden: Thx Daed!
- [15:06] Bridie Linden: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/Wednesday_Agenda
- [15:07] Daedalus Young: that works brilliantly!
- [15:07] WarKirby Magojiro: First up: # SVC-389 - Votes: 13 - Avatar unseated by changes to PRIM_TYPE with llSetPrimitiveParams() - Qie Niangao
- [15:07] Torley Linden: Nice!
- [15:07] WarKirby Magojiro: Click the spinny coin to get to the page
- [15:07] Kooky Jetaime: I just read vwr3948.. and the first thing that jumps out at me is the fact that noone mentioned the PG menu setting on the debug menus
- [15:08] WarKirby Magojiro: gah, laggy
- [15:08] WarKirby Magojiro: turns down avatar detail
- [15:08] Celierra Darling: [Gah, conflict, any chance for a fast track import of S V C - 1162 ?]
- [15:08] Bridie Linden: Ok, we're starting with SVC-389, everyone on the same page?
- [15:08] Kooky Jetaime: First thought on this is what happens when the prim you are sitting on no longer occupies the space under your but
- [15:08] WarKirby Magojiro: yes
- [15:08] Kooky Jetaime: butt
- [15:09] WarKirby Magojiro: I'm pretty sure this has been around for a long time
- [15:09] Squirrel Wood: normal behavior actually
- [15:09] Teufelhunden Spyker: why?
- [15:09] WarKirby Magojiro: but I think that notion is pretty irrelevant, as we have sit targets
- [15:09] WarKirby Magojiro: you can sit hovering in the air
- [15:09] Daedalus Young: it's easy to script the sit target to not have your butt on the prim anyway
- [15:09] Squirrel Wood: what if there is no sit target defined?
- [15:09] Kooky Jetaime: true
- [15:09] WarKirby Magojiro: I don't see any reason you need to be physically touching a prim
- [15:10] WarKirby Magojiro: then you can still be left floating in mid air
- [15:10] Teufelhunden Spyker: who's the rapist
- [15:10] WarKirby Magojiro: it's generally better than unseating
- [15:10] Alexa Linden: svc-389 was triaged on monday
- [15:10] Bridie Linden: Is this a bug or a request?
- [15:10] WarKirby Magojiro: is it getting fixed?
- [15:10] Alexa Linden: thus my question to the poster
- [15:10] Kooky Jetaime: its opened as a bug
- [15:10] WarKirby Magojiro: because it would make it very difficult to make something like a transforming vehicle
- [15:10] Bridie Linden: waves @ Aric Linden
- [15:10] Torley Linden: Hiya Aric!
- [15:11] Aric Linden: Hi folks
- [15:11] Daedalus Young: hi Aric
- [15:11] Aric Linden: i'm just sorta hanging
- [15:11] Squirrel Wood: afaik there are transforming vehicles that do not kick the player off
- [15:11] Aric Linden: Alexa is right as usual
- [15:11] Kooky Jetaime: I have two
- [15:11] WarKirby Magojiro: has had to set graphics to low to get a decent framerate with all the people here
- [15:11] Squirrel Wood: so it is only the prim that you are sitting on that affects this
- [15:11] Aric Linden: i'm wondering if havok4 will have an impact on this issue
- [15:11] Kooky Jetaime: why not just sit on an invisible prim
- [15:11] Kooky Jetaime: Aric -I'm guessing yes
- [15:11] Kooky Jetaime: bEcause isn't it the physics engine that tosses you off?
- [15:11] WarKirby Magojiro: maybe ask andrew about it, then
- [15:12] Alexa Linden: I can ask him
- [15:12] WarKirby Magojiro: personally, I don't think you should ever be unseated unless you sit on something else, click stand up, teleport, or llUnsit is called
- [15:12] Aric Linden: kooky, i'm guessing yes too
- [15:12] Kooky Jetaime: There would have to be some checking
- [15:12] Bridie Linden: Sure, import and assign to Andrew with a question
- [15:12] Kooky Jetaime: darnit.. ate having 2 text lines
- [15:12] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:12] Squirrel Wood: A sim crash will usually unseat you too :p
- [15:12] Aric Linden: Alexa, let's take this in and have it tested on the new havok. assign to dan with a request to test
- [15:12] Aric Linden: please
- [15:12] Alexa Linden: will do
- [15:13] Bridie Linden: Thx
- [15:13] Bridie Linden: Next up
- [15:13] Bridie Linden: VWR-1286 - Votes: 19 - alt-zooming on hollow face mishandled
- [15:13] Alexa Linden: do you want me to make andrew a watcher
- [15:13] WarKirby Magojiro: sounds good
- [15:13] WarKirby Magojiro: oh, I hate this
- [15:13] Meade Paravane: too
- [15:13] Bridie Linden: sorry about that!
- [15:13] Torley Linden: Hmm this one was reported awhile back, not specific to RC...
- [15:13] Jason Swain: epps
- [15:13] Kerry Giha: hehe
- [15:13] Bridie Linden: grins
- [15:13] Alexa Linden: talk about unseating!
- [15:13] Bridie Linden: blushes
- [15:13] WarKirby Magojiro: true, it isn't
- [15:13] Jason Swain: Thats ok Bridie :)
- [15:13] WarKirby Magojiro: it's been around for a while
- [15:13] Squirrel Wood: Isn't there something in the works on this anyway?
- [15:13] Daedalus Young: it looks as though Gigs is still working on it
- [15:13] WarKirby Magojiro: The camera just seems to get stuck on nothing
- [15:14] Bridie Linden: right clicked a little too fast
- [15:14] Celierra Darling: I don't think we're doing only RCs anymore, Torley?
- [15:14] Aric Linden: it does look as though it had problems.
- [15:15] Aric Linden: I think we should let gigs comment before we take it in
- [15:15] Bridie Linden: nod
- [15:15] WarKirby Magojiro: I don't think there are enough RC issues left for an RC only triage now :P
- [15:15] Bridie Linden: nods
- [15:15] Torley Linden: Oh pardon. Aye.
- [15:15] Bridie Linden: Which is hopefully good news!
- [15:15] Daedalus Young: I agree, let's leave this one for now
- [15:15] Alexa Linden: mark as last triaged and wait for gigs' comments?
- [15:15] WarKirby Magojiro: leave a comment there too
- [15:15] Bridie Linden: Sounds good
- [15:15] Alexa Linden: k
- [15:15] Bridie Linden: Next up...
- [15:15] Bridie Linden: VWR-4068 - Votes: 24 - Streaming MP3 file from Comcast does not work anymore and blocks any audio streaming until next Re-log.
- [15:15] Torley Linden: I investigated this awhile ago...
- [15:16] Torley Linden: I could only repro it on Comcast's servers... which is to say, it seems Comcast-specific.
- [15:16] Torley Linden: I couldn't repro it on Linden Lab or my own personal (DreamHost) server.
- [15:16] Kooky Jetaime: by comcast servers
- [15:16] Squirrel Wood: they may block it
- [15:16] Torley Linden: Anyone else try this one out?
- [15:16] Kooky Jetaime: do you mean from comcast IPs, or do they have some sims?
- [15:16] Torley Linden: The weird thing is, streaming inworld doesn't work, but streaming from QuickTime Player does.
- [15:16] WarKirby Magojiro: not played witrh media streaming much personally
- [15:16] WarKirby Magojiro: seems like the best idea would be to contact comcast about it
- [15:16] Kooky Jetaime: I can throw up a stream real quick I think
- [15:16] Torley Linden: I can try again deeper, per Raster's latest comment, and get back to him... it has 25 votes so I wonder why no one else has commented.
- [15:16] Aric Linden: i'm wondering if somehow blocks us.
- [15:17] Aric Linden: I have a thought:
- [15:17] Kooky Jetaime: I'm on comcast
- [15:17] Torley Linden: Hmmm Aric?
- [15:17] Aric Linden: what if you switch between the comcast url and the qt url in the same session?
- [15:17] Aric Linden: that would give some insight into whether it's us or comcast.
- [15:18] Torley Linden: Aric: When I tried that before, it didn't work on Raster's MP3s (hosted on Comcast) but it did work on an MP3 (the same MP3) stored on Linden Lab's server.
- [15:18] Torley Linden: Right now I'm leaning towards "Comcast".
- [15:18] Aric Linden: Torley: did you switch between files?
- [15:18] Torley Linden: Yup!
- [15:18] Torley Linden: I switched URLs in the same session.
- [15:18] Aric Linden: ok. I think you're leaning in the right direction
- [15:18] Aric Linden: grins at his friend
- [15:18] Bridie Linden: nods
- [15:18] Meade Paravane: comcast is in legal trouble now for messing with p2p traffic.. delaying certain packets to confuse the protocol..
- [15:18] Torley Linden: *smiles back*
- [15:18] Kooky Jetaime: Torley - is this a static MP3 or is this a stream?
- [15:18] Bridie Linden: what shall we do with this one?
- [15:18] Squirrel Wood: mayhaps comcast blocks file transfers of possibly copyrighted content from their users websites ?
- [15:19] Torley Linden: =) If anyone else has findings on this, please do share your experiences... I'm going to get back to Raster on this shortly. Kooky, static MP3, not an M3U or live streaming station.
- [15:19] Bridie Linden: comcastic!
- [15:19] Bridie Linden: Sorry, couldn't resist...
- [15:19] Kooky Jetaime: give me 1 minute to get a mp3 on my server
- [15:19] Alexa Linden: lol
- [15:19] Aric Linden: let's leave the issue open
- [15:19] Aric Linden: opentastic
- [15:19] Celierra Darling: Comcast blocks anything that generates a high number of outgoing connections, IIRC, was their explanation
- [15:19] Meade Paravane: votes comcast and points to [4]
- [15:19] Torley Linden: Bridie: I suggest leave it open and also, anyone can chime in if they find otherwise... I'll followup and action it from there...
- [15:19] Bridie Linden: Sounds good!
- [15:19] Bridie Linden: Next...
- [15:19] Bridie Linden: SVC-905 - Votes: 12 - Crippling Lag since upgrading to Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard)
- [15:20] Torley Linden: Hm, there are WindLight Leopard issues for sure in VWR-3160, I don't know if this is related since this is non-WL.
- [15:21] Bridie Linden: one comment says, 1.18.6(3) = 10 fps 1.18.5(3) = 32 fps
- [15:22] WarKirby Magojiro: hmm
- [15:22] WarKirby Magojiro: that sounds bad
- [15:22] Kooky Jetaime: Bridie - [5]
- [15:22] Aric Linden: apple is supposedly coming out with an update next week. rumor has it that the update will remedy the memory leak and some other issues
- [15:23] Alexa Linden: works
- [15:23] Aric Linden: apple has done a less than good job of implementing the open gl stuff <insert a huge sigh here>
- [15:23] Squirrel Wood: note that this user is using Nicholaz client
- [15:23] Bridie Linden: Plays kooky
- [15:24] Aric Linden: squirrel, which user?
- [15:24] Bridie Linden: Reporter Aric
- [15:24] Squirrel Wood: svc-905
- [15:24] Kooky Jetaime: Ok... I have funny dns set up for my local network so its hard to test this one myself :)
- [15:24] Bridie Linden: Uccello Poultry
- [15:24] Aric Linden: thanks bridie
- [15:24] WarKirby Magojiro: set the stream to this land ?
- [15:24] Bridie Linden: But others report it in 1.18.6
- [15:24] Kooky Jetaime: But Comcast is...doing some scrwy things
- [15:24] Bridie Linden: nods
- [15:25] WarKirby Magojiro: I hear it
- [15:25] WarKirby Magojiro: cutting out though
- [15:25] Bridie Linden: should we import 905 Aric?
- [15:25] Kooky Jetaime: Noone here works for disney, right? :)
- [15:25] WarKirby Magojiro: ah, there
- [15:25] WarKirby Magojiro: nice song
- [15:25] Noah Bracken: lol
- [15:25] Aric Linden: we don't support the nicholaz viewer
- [15:25] Bridie Linden: Now Alexa and I don't hear the music...
- [15:25] Kooky Jetaime: been listening to the 3 soundtracks lately Warkirby.. ccan't seen to hear enough
- [15:26] Daedalus Young: I don't hear music either
- [15:26] Bridie Linden: But there are comments from folks using 1.18.6 RC Aric
- [15:26] Alexa Linden: now i do
- [15:26] WarKirby Magojiro: music is playing intermittently for me
- [15:26] Aric Linden: and we have several users inhouse running on leopard using SL regularly
- [15:26] Alexa Linden: same
- [15:26] Alexa Linden: gone again
- [15:26] Alexa Linden: and back
- [15:26] Kooky Jetaime: Well Bridie - I've only got 768 up so if you all play at once........ its gonna be bad
- [15:26] Alexa Linden: ahh
- [15:26] WarKirby Magojiro: heh
- [15:26] Alexa Linden: lol
- [15:26] Aric Linden: well, we need a repro, bridie
- [15:26] Bridie Linden: also ahhhs
- [15:26] Daedalus Young: ahh
- [15:26] Kooky Jetaime: my apache config isn't really set up great for this...
- [15:26] Bridie Linden: Is that Steve or Aric Linden over there? ;)
- [15:27] Aric Linden: :-)
- [15:27] Aric Linden: please note: i've moved to battery
- [15:27] Aric Linden: it rubs off
- [15:27] Aric Linden: smiles
- [15:27] Bridie Linden: Any comments that we can add that would help?
- [15:28] Bridie Linden: Info about Leopard update?
- [15:28] Aric Linden: I'll offer up a compromise; let's take it and i'll play with it or have someone try to play with it. but without a good repro, i can't take it to devs
- [15:28] Bridie Linden: Ok, thx Aric
- [15:28] Aric Linden: nah, that's ok. I have a feeling it's just an apple issue, but i'm not sure
- [15:28] Alexa Linden: noted
- [15:28] Kooky Jetaime: Bridie - First about update, second about try it with the stock client.
- [15:28] Kooky Jetaime: instead of Nicks
- [15:28] Bridie Linden: Next up,
- [15:29] Bridie Linden: VWR-2950 - Votes: 12 - Group Notices and Group IMs Constantly Malfunctioning
- [15:29] Squirrel Wood: Ah yes.
- [15:29] Celierra Darling: Deja-vu?
- [15:29] Aric Linden: I have a feeling this is about to be fixed in 1.19
- [15:29] Torley Linden: I was going to say what Aric said.
- [15:29] Squirrel Wood: Inability to start group chat, not receiving messages or notifications, getting error - cannot post, then have the text show up anyway a couple seconds later, ...
- [15:29] Kooky Jetaime: I am crying at what I read in the dev list
- [15:30] Torley Linden: I left related comments in VWR-3479 about "Error message when starting group IM session".
- [15:30] Meade Paravane: the group it's reported against has about 1000 people
- [15:30] Torley Linden: Why's that Kooky?
- [15:30] WarKirby Magojiro: I didn't see anythong about notices in the announcement
- [15:30] Celierra Darling: Yeah, the current implementation of 1.19 sounds like it would open way too many tabs in the comm window...
- [15:30] Squirrel Wood: how many people does awgroupies have?
- [15:30] Celierra Darling: * group IMs in 1.19
- [15:30] Bridie Linden: Shall we leave it until 1.19...
- [15:30] Kooky Jetaime: yea Bridie
- [15:30] WarKirby Magojiro: leave it open with a comment, I think
- [15:30] Torley Linden: We can revisit it.
- [15:31] Kooky Jetaime: I am curious to see how 1.19 gets implimented in this dept.
- [15:31] Torley Linden: Comment's a good idea to show we care.
- [15:31] Bridie Linden: And we are listening to comments on SLDev kooky
- [15:31] Squirrel Wood: awgroupies... 137 members - yet the same problems happen
- [15:31] Celierra Darling: * ( is what they're saying in SLDev)
- [15:31] WarKirby Magojiro: sets the urler
- [15:31] WarKirby Magojiro: Next is # VWR-3399 - Votes: 11 - Invisiprims Visible (and flickering) in Windlight - Shoshana Epsilon
- [15:31] Kooky Jetaime: Bridie - I'm not subscribed, was just reading the archive after seeing a note on Nick's blog about it
- [15:32] Bridie Linden: Thx WarKirby
- [15:32] Aric Linden: ;et
- [15:32] Aric Linden: sorry, getting used to my new desk
- [15:32] Aric Linden: let's take this one and just pass it to pastrami
- [15:32] Kooky Jetaime: Aric - what did you do to deserve a new desk?
- [15:32] Torley Linden: I haven't seen this specific flickering but this seems related to https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-3101
- [15:32] Bridie Linden: Just don't delete my furniture Aric
- [15:32] Daedalus Young: hm, don't invisiprims also make alpha textures behind it see-through?
- [15:32] Alexa Linden: lol
- [15:32] Alexa Lindenr: words are: nepotists, laforgue, rothko.
- [15:32] Daedalus Young: and I'm sure I've seen it interfere with shiny too
- [15:32] WarKirby Magojiro: yes, that's known, but this seems new
- [15:32] WarKirby Magojiro: it removes shiny
- [15:33] Bridie Linden: Ok, moving right along...:)
- [15:33] Bridie Linden: SVC-573 - Votes: 26 - Logged out by system during every teleport
- [15:33] Torley Linden: I feel we need a better repro for this too, although it should be pretty straightforward to obtain those example shoes w/invisiprims and the textures.
- [15:33] Daedalus Young: I did see flickering alpha textures in WL one time, but not for a long time
- [15:33] Torley Linden: SVC-573 sounds like a more severe version of SVC-972, which it's linked to.
- [15:33] Jason Swain: I have had this problem tring to reach your office hours last week Torley
- [15:33] Bridie Linden: Sounds like a dupe
- [15:33] WarKirby Magojiro: this happens very occasionally to me
- [15:34] Daedalus Young: I do see failing teleports like such often after having the client on for several hours, it seems
- [15:34] WarKirby Magojiro: more to other people
- [15:34] Squirrel Wood: happens quite often.
- [15:34] Squirrel Wood: even if you cancel the teleport you have to relog anyway.
- [15:34] Kooky Jetaime: its definatly a bad pass off
- [15:34] Squirrel Wood: can't move or anything
- [15:34] Alexa Linden: yup
- [15:34] Kooky Jetaime: the origin server disconnects before the receiving picks up
- [15:34] Bridie Linden: I'd say close as a dupe so everything stays in 972
- [15:34] Daedalus Young: sometimes Cancelling teleports results in a successful teleport anyway
- [15:34] Squirrel Wood: happens every 2, 3 teleports as of late
- [15:34] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:34] Bridie Linden: Jake is (still) looking into it
- [15:34] Bridie Linden: It's a tough one!
- [15:34] WarKirby Magojiro: I have an issue on teleport cancelling
- [15:34] Kooky Jetaime: Whats the word on the dual-domain system?
- [15:35] Aric Linden: let's take this and just pass it to jake with the hopes that more info helps
- [15:35] Kooky Jetaime: since that will fix this?
- [15:35] Alexa Lindenr: words are: quandaries, Chicago, zaria.
- [15:35] Aric Linden: dual domain system?
- [15:35] Aric Linden: hasn't heard about that at all
- [15:35] Kerry Giha: Sometimes I accidently doubleclick on the map and get teleported then when I cancel I get logged out
- [15:35] WarKirby Magojiro: [6]
- [15:35] WarKirby Magojiro: is about teleport cancel not working
- [15:35] WarKirby Magojiro: might do well to link ?
- [15:36] Torley Linden: I've seen behavior before where I tried to cancel my teleport and it left my avatar stuck and unable to move, necessitating a relog.
- [15:36] Daedalus Young: yes, cancelling tp sometimes works, sometimes logs you out and sometimes you're tpd anyway
- [15:36] Kooky Jetaime: Aric - Agent Domain / Region Domain..
- [15:36] WarKirby Magojiro: links it
- [15:36] Torley Linden: Or what WarKirby and Daedalus said. At least, usability-wise, if you can't cancel the teleport, the button should gray out or go away.
- [15:36] Kooky Jetaime: I've canceled teleports successfully
- [15:36] Kooky Jetaime: but you gotta be fast!
- [15:37] Noah Bracken: true
- [15:37] Daedalus Young: one day the grid will be so fast you won't even see the tp screen!
- [15:37] Kooky Jetaime: As for fixing the disconnect
- [15:37] Daedalus Young: if only...
- [15:37] Bridie Linden: Thx for linkage WarKirby
- [15:37] Kooky Jetaime: wouldn't
- [15:37] Kooky Jetaime: hahahaha
- [15:37] Kooky Jetaime: Ok,
- [15:37] WarKirby Magojiro: I think the teleport should roll back
- [15:37] Squirrel Wood: if the tp fails and times out it allows you to cancel and relog quicker than waiting an eternity for the client to notice the failure
- [15:37] WarKirby Magojiro: regardless of how far the progress is
- [15:37] Kooky Jetaime: To fix the teleport disconnect: Can't they just add in a verification/talkback from the receiving sim?
- [15:37] WarKirby Magojiro: clicking cancel should put you back where you were
- [15:38] Bridie Linden: So, Aric/Alexa with 573, would you like to close as dupe of 972 or just leave as linked?
- [15:38] Daedalus Young: well compared to old-skool internet webpages, when you hit "Stop" you end up with a half-loaded page, not transferred back to where you was
- [15:38] Jason Swain: Maybe some more information about what is happening during the TP would help for example "logging you out of current SIM" -> "finding location" -> Connecting to SIM etc, although we already have a basic information
- [15:38] Alexa Linden: close as dup
- [15:38] Kooky Jetaime: Source - I have person 123 teleporting; Dest: Ok, send the info: Source: <Sends Info>, Dest: Info received; Client now handled by the new sim; Dest: Ok, I have him alls well; Source: Disconnecting from Dest Sim / Client.
- [15:38] Torley Linden: I'm in favor of close as dupe too.
- [15:38] WarKirby Magojiro: SL doesn't have a back button though >_>
- [15:39] Daedalus Young: hopefully soon though
- [15:39] Alexa Lindenr: words are: curatorial, rabidness, haltered.
- [15:39] Bridie Linden: Whatever comments you can leave to help Jake diagnose would be appreciated
- [15:39] Kooky Jetaime: in the event that the source doesn't get the all's well, it doesn't disconnect, and basically tells the client, OK, Teleport Back, and treat the client as if it just arrived on the source sim
- [15:39] Bridie Linden: Or suggestions for other Resis...
- [15:39] Daedalus Young: I'll pay attention to region circumstances
- [15:39] Bridie Linden: Ty
- [15:39] Bridie Linden: Next up...
- [15:39] Bridie Linden: SVC-1061 - Votes: 23 - Some link sets spontaneously unlink when taken and rezzed
- [15:40] Torley Linden: Oh dear, this one. Went to check it out before, Lex said he'd contact me if it happened again.
- [15:40] Torley Linden: Couldn't repro it "in the wild", I suggest leave it open for further info.
- [15:40] Bridie Linden: Sounds good
- [15:41] Alexa Linden: I'll mark as last triaged
- [15:41] Torley Linden: Great idea. =)
- [15:41] Bridie Linden: Next, VWR-3871 - Votes: 15 - Prim position appears to be off, but script show it in the right place. When right click and edit, it moves to where it should be kinda
- [15:41] Torley Linden: Evidnece we've looked at it!
- [15:41] WarKirby Magojiro: I've seen this one
- [15:41] Meade Paravane: yep
- [15:41] Torley Linden: Not a very clear repro for this but, there are some details.
- [15:41] Alexa Linden: me too
- [15:41] WarKirby Magojiro: Ran into it a lot on a recent project
- [15:41] WarKirby Magojiro: most often happens when moving child prims with scripts
- [15:41] Torley Linden: Alto Xeno looks like he has the closest to a repro — good to know, WarKirby.
- [15:42] Squirrel Wood: missing a prim update there
- [15:42] WarKirby Magojiro: they often appear to not move, or to appear to move only part of the way
- [15:42] Alexa Linden: yup
- [15:42] Torley Linden: rolls 3d20 and gets: 10 + 13 + 13 = 36
- [15:42] Squirrel Wood: or the distance is too small ?
- [15:42] Torley Linden: Fun box.
- [15:42] WarKirby Magojiro: works fine when you right click the object though
- [15:43] WarKirby Magojiro: since the position/rotation change DOES actually work, it seems to be more a problem of the update not being sent
- [15:43] Squirrel Wood: I'd guess that right-click sends a full prim update your way
- [15:43] Bridie Linden: Aric, think someone in QA could look at?
- [15:43] Meade Paravane: has huds that do that.. think there's a separate bug for the hud version
- [15:43] Kooky Jetaime: yea, I've seen the hud version
- [15:43] WarKirby Magojiro: Also, what haravikk describes at the bottom
- [15:43] Aric Linden: maybe bridie. it seems like it'd be a fishing expedition
- [15:43] Bridie Linden: If you have PJIRA id, please link 'em up
- [15:43] WarKirby Magojiro: I see that too, but I'm not sure it's the same bug
- [15:43] Kooky Jetaime: it was off big time, but it was based on like the root prim, not the object geo center
- [15:43] Bridie Linden: related maybe?
- [15:44] WarKirby Magojiro: one moment., brb...
- [15:44] Bridie Linden: Shall we ask for/wait for better repro?
- [15:44] Aric Linden: let's import it and I'll have someone try to repro it though it's a fishiing expedition
- [15:44] Kerry Giha: It could be do to client not recieving the prim updates properly. On my slow internet connection when I move stuff some times it snaps back and moves a little before arriving where I put it
- [15:44] Alexa Linden: I don't know if we'd get one
- [15:44] Alexa Linden: it's so random
- [15:45] Alexa Linden: yay aric
- [15:45] Bridie Linden: Ok Aric
- [15:45] Alexa Linden: it's yours!
- [15:45] Aric Linden: I'd set a bounding on the amount of time i'm willing to let someone fish
- [15:45] Squirrel Wood: Just yesterday I have observed an odd behavior of a linkset. A child prim (door) is resized via script and every once in a short while that moves the entire linkset.
- [15:45] Aric Linden: but you know, give milo an hour and he's like to have it all worked out
- [15:45] Bridie Linden: grins
- [15:45] Alexa Lindenr: words are: waft, meung, clarification.
- [15:45] Bridie Linden: Shall we move on to the patches list?
- [15:45] WarKirby Magojiro: returns
- [15:46] Bridie Linden: wb WK
- [15:46] Alexa Linden: WB
- [15:46] Bridie Linden: Resounding silence!
- [15:46] Bridie Linden: On to patches!
- [15:46] Bridie Linden: ;)
- [15:46] Bridie Linden: VWR-3093 - Votes: 13 - Allow MU* (MUCK, MUSH, MUX, MUD) like ""poses"" (=IRC emotes) in chat and IMs.
- [15:46] Squirrel Wood: Yay Patchers
- [15:46] WarKirby Magojiro: # VWR-3093 - Votes: 13 - Allow MU* (MUCK, MUSH, MUX, MUD) like ""poses"" (=IRC emotes) in chat and IMs. - Henri Beauchamp
- [15:47] Squirrel Wood: as long as its an optional setting...
- [15:47] Daedalus Young: so ":waves" instead of "/me waves"
- [15:47] Daedalus Young: if I understand correctly
- [15:47] Bridie Linden: Didn't we discuss this before?
- [15:47] Alexa Linden: yes
- [15:47] Bridie Linden: Diff report tho
- [15:47] Kerry Giha: I think we did see this before
- [15:47] Kooky Jetaime: hrm
- [15:47] Alexa Linden: at least a month ago
- [15:47] Alexa Linden: or longer
- [15:47] Squirrel Wood: deja vu ^^
- [15:47] Bridie Linden: And we decided it wasn't a great idea...
- [15:47] Alexa Linden: lol
- [15:48] Kooky Jetaime: whats the difference between /me and this?
- [15:48] WarKirby Magojiro: an optional setting seems fine
- [15:48] Kooky Jetaime's: not seeing a difference
- [15:48] Kerry Giha: I think that was the decision
- [15:48] Kerry Giha: hehe
- [15:48] Torley Linden: Hmmm... interesting.
- [15:48] Aric Linden: I thought this got shot down once befoer
- [15:48] Torley Linden: It's kind of retro! *is reminded of My Tiny Life*
- [15:48] Aric Linden: before
- [15:48] Alexa Linden: me too
- [15:48] Celierra Darling: A lot of people are coming from MUDs and such *shrug*
- [15:48] Bridie Linden: b/c it might break scripts...
- [15:48] WarKirby Magojiro: there doesn't seem to be a difference. Just some people are already comfortable with this, and it would help them settle into SL
- [15:48] Kerry Giha: I don't see what is wrong with /me
- [15:48] Daedalus Young: Gigs fears it might break scripts that listen to :commands on ch0
- [15:48] Bridie Linden: existing objects
- [15:48] Kooky Jetaime: Well
- [15:48] Torley Linden: I see how this appeals to a certain audience, but I don't think the wide majority of people would find it clearly useful or particularly appealing or care.
- [15:48] Alexa Linden: hahaha
- [15:48] Celierra Darling: Yeah, it's just an alias for "/me"
- [15:49] Meade Paravane: can you already do something like this with gestures?
- [15:49] Kooky Jetaime: if someone wants to write the patch to convert a first character : to /me good for them
- [15:49] Kerry Giha: yea
- [15:49] Kooky Jetaime: and include it
- [15:49] Jason Swain: wonders how it could break scripts
- [15:49] Kooky Jetaime: but
- [15:49] WarKirby Magojiro: to be fair, it is a bit shorter than /me
- [15:49] Kooky Jetaime: wait
- [15:49] Kooky Jetaime: hold on
- [15:49] Torley Linden: Meade: Yeah, I think that would be a workaround...
- [15:49] Torley Linden: Set up a ":" gesture that is replaced by "/me"
- [15:49] Kerry Giha: you could make a gesture that is triggered from anything in the chat
- [15:49] Torley Linden: Exactly what I was thinking, Kerry. =)
- [15:49] Kerry Giha: even if it is in the middle of the sentence
- [15:49] Torley Linden: GMTA!
- [15:49] WarKirby Magojiro: Torley, that's not a good solution, sadly
- [15:49] WarKirby Magojiro: that would replace every use of :
- [15:49] Meade Paravane: seems more than just replacing /me.. says "And typing: :'s smile widens. would give: Henri Beauchamp's smile widens."
- [15:49] Torley Linden: Warkirby: Hmmm... true. :\
- [15:49] Kooky Jetaime: :tests
- [15:50] WarKirby Magojiro: For example/me
- [15:50] Aric Linden: lots of regression testing falls out of this
- [15:50] Squirrel Wood: So this: would come out as... So this/me would co...
- [15:50] Kooky Jetaime: Hello, avatar!
- [15:50] Meade Paravane: oh.. ignore last.. can't read
- [15:50] WarKirby Magojiro: is something people would use a lot
- [15:50] Celierra Darling's: testing the apostrophe after the /me
- [15:50] Torley Linden: This seems like it would generate a can of worms, even with the benefits it introduces...
- [15:50] Aric Linden: a scary amount of regression testing if you factor the value
- [15:50] Celierra Darling: It works, Meade
- [15:50] Bridie Linden: too risky
- [15:50] Kooky Jetaime: couldn't you do this with a gesture?
- [15:50] WarKirby Magojiro: -_-
- [15:50] Alexa Linden: which is why we passed before I think
- [15:50] Torley Linden: *notices how well mine and Aric's sentences flow together*
- [15:50] Daedalus Young: /me
- [15:50] WarKirby Magojiro: pokes kooky
- [15:50] Kerry Giha: Have it a gesture pack that if people want to use it it could be something they can enable
- [15:50] Celierra Darling: No, you can't do this with a gesture
- [15:50] Daedalus Young: ooh, funky
- [15:51] WarKirby Magojiro: I'd be supportive if it were an optional setting
- [15:51] Alexa Lindenr: words are: approve, sakes, Yahoo.
- [15:51] Kooky Jetaime: test :
- [15:51] Aric Linden: Great n=minds, torley
- [15:51] Celierra Darling: also supports it as an option
- [15:51] Kooky Jetaime: Hello, avatar!
- [15:51] Kooky Jetaime: test /me test
- [15:51] Kooky Jetaime: :tests
- [15:51] Kooky Jetaime: Hello, avatar!
- [15:51] Kooky Jetaime: tests
- [15:51] Kooky Jetaime: well, it kinda works in a gesture :)
- [15:51] Squirrel Wood: kooky... try saying this: is: something:
- [15:51] Squirrel Wood: with that gesture
- [15:51] Kooky Jetaime: this: is: something
- [15:51] Bridie Linden: Aric would you like to do the honors and comment/resolve the issue?
- [15:51] WarKirby Magojiro: oh, the patch doesn't trigger if the following char is not a letter
- [15:52] Aric Linden: sure.
- [15:52] WarKirby Magojiro: that could be workable.
- [15:52] Kooky Jetaime: Hello, avatar!
- [15:52] Kooky Jetaime: worked this: is: something:
- [15:52] Aric Linden: i guess
- [15:52] Aric Linden: do i get hazard pay?
- [15:52] Torley Linden: I wish we could have plugin packs for Second Life, like Firefox add-ons. Some people are smart and fans of adding numerous options, but many new Residents would be too confused by so many choices.
- [15:52] Kooky Jetaime: yep Torley
- [15:52] WarKirby Magojiro: yes, a good point torley
- [15:52] WarKirby Magojiro: we need SL add ons
- [15:52] Alexa Linden: agrees
- [15:52] Daedalus Young: sure do
- [15:52] Meade Paravane: safe ones
- [15:52] Kerry Giha: You have that library of stuff in everyone's inventory
- [15:52] Aric Linden: I agree torley
- [15:53] Bridie Linden: nods
- [15:53] Alexa Lindenr: words are: midinette, meridionally, unprecedented, biddle, crossroad.
- [15:53] Kooky Jetaime: but
- [15:53] Kooky Jetaime: Hello, avatar!
- [15:53] Kooky Jetaime: I don't think /me does anything on IRC
- [15:53] Kooky Jetaime: er ":"
- [15:53] Kooky Jetaime: does
- [15:53] Kooky Jetaime: oh nevermind
- [15:53] Bridie Linden: lol
- [15:53] Torley Linden: =)
- [15:53] Squirrel Wood: actually /me is irc style
- [15:53] Kooky Jetaime: "/me" works on irc, ":" doesn't.
- [15:53] Bridie Linden: moves on
- [15:53] Bridie Linden: VWR-3877 - Votes: 3 - A nasty possible memory overwrite and two minor leaks
- [15:53] Kooky Jetaime: Hello, avatar!
- [15:53] Kooky Jetaime: yea.. I say ignore the /me
- [15:53] Kooky Jetaime: Hello, avatar!
- [15:53] Celierra Darling: ":" comes from stuff like Furcadia :p
- [15:53] Celierra Darling: stops :p
- [15:54] Kooky Jetaime: *Kills that gesture
- [15:54] Squirrel Wood: nicholaz patch ^^
- [15:54] Daedalus Young: looks worth checking out
- [15:54] Bridie Linden: Anyone looked @ it?
- [15:54] Bridie Linden: Let's import and see!
- [15:55] Alexa Linden: assign to?
- [15:55] Alexa Linden: triage?
- [15:55] Bridie Linden: triage
- [15:55] Bridie Linden: next
- [15:55] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:55] Bridie Linden: SVC-1020 - Votes: 9 - New search does not accept Japanese inputs
- [15:55] WarKirby Magojiro: that's a problem
- [15:55] Bridie Linden: I thought James fixed this already...
- [15:55] Daedalus Young: James is assigned at the very least
- [15:55] Daedalus Young: and Fix is Pending
- [15:56] Bridie Linden: VWR-4010
- [15:56] Torley Linden: Ah, how I like that "Fix Pending" status.
- [15:56] Torley Linden: "Fix Pending" for this too!
- [15:57] Daedalus Young: 4010?
- [15:57] Alexa Linden: got it
- [15:57] Bridie Linden: oh wait
- [15:57] Torley Linden: Oh pardon, what happened?
- [15:57] Bridie Linden: nvmd
- [15:58] WarKirby Magojiro: ?
- [15:58] Aric Linden: what number are we on?
- [15:58] WarKirby Magojiro: 4010
- [15:58] WarKirby Magojiro: vwr
- [15:58] Bridie Linden: dupe of 1020?
- [15:59] Bridie Linden: or reverse that
- [15:59] Bridie Linden: time for one more?
- [15:59] Bridie Linden: VWR-4057 - Votes: 1 - Multi-line chat display bug - first character in line missing
- [15:59] WarKirby Magojiro: reads
- [16:00] Bridie Linden: Looks like good import candidate to me...
- [16:00] Daedalus Young: agreed
- [16:00] WarKirby Magojiro: I don't seee the issue ?
- [16:00] Alexa Linden: done
- [16:00] Noah Bracken: isnt that because off wireless??
- [16:00] Bridie Linden: Ok, let's end it there!
- [16:00] Kooky Jetaime: ok
- [16:00] Kooky Jetaime: Take care Bridie
- [16:00] WarKirby Magojiro: oki
- [16:00] Torley Linden: We had a good time, we triaged some bugs.
- [16:01] Daedalus Young: ok
- [16:01] Torley Linden: And good to see each and all of ya inworld. :o)
- [16:01] Alexa Linden: hahahaha
- [16:01] Bridie Linden: Thx all!