Bug triage/2008-09-10/Transcript
< Bug triage | 2008-09-10
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- [15:04] Bridie Linden: Today's wonderful agenda: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/Wednesday_Agenda
- [15:04] Joeseph Albanese: Birdie you gotta delete mine, I realized last week I deleted the bad copy so I fixed it
- [15:04] Bridie Linden: Only if you stop calling me Birdie Joeseph... :)
- [15:04] Bridie Linden: bRidie
- [15:05] Joeseph Albanese: sorry my typing is awful today
- [15:05] Aimee Trescothick: a friend of mine is collecting resident bears :D [1]
- [15:05] Bridie Linden: No worries, mine is everyday
- [15:05] Bridie Linden: Cool Aimee
- [15:05] Cummere Mayo: lol
- [15:05] Bridie Linden: (thus the glod sarts that we're all so fond of)
- [15:05] Cummere Mayo: bridi i didnt see anything much i could do ya didnt leave me any work *pouts*
- [15:05] Object: Glod: Sarts for all!
- [15:05] Object: No: more Glod Sarts for you!
- [15:06] Aimee Trescothick: lol, thanks Squirrel :)
- [15:06] Squirrel Wood: ^^
- [15:06] Bridie Linden: Ok...
- [15:06] Bridie Linden: First up
- [15:06] Bridie Linden: VWR-8934[c
- [15:06] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8934
- [15:06] Bridie Linden: I couldn't repro on my mac
- [15:06] Aimee Trescothick: ty CM :)
- [15:07] Cummere Mayo: repos fine here
- [15:07] Bridie Linden: ha, on Windows?
- [15:07] Cummere Mayo: yep
- [15:07] Squirrel Wood: space navigating ?
- [15:07] Cummere Mayo: and i dont have space navigator
- [15:07] Cummere Mayo: and it still repos
- [15:07] Aimee Trescothick: triage agenda
- [15:07] Aimee Trescothick: oops
- [15:07] Bridie Linden: Really Cummere?
- [15:07] Bridie Linden: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bug_triage/Wednesday_Agenda
- [15:08] Aimee Trescothick: (clumsy mode today, watch out)
- [15:08] Cummere Mayo: yeah. if i have control alted soemthign go to edit my camera boomerangs badly
- [15:08] Alexa Linden: Hi Ellla
- [15:08] Squirrel Wood: bug: Every time me client decides to give me teh crashz0rs, the minimap window is closed on login :p
- [15:08] Aimee Trescothick: ty Bridie :)
- [15:08] Bridie Linden: Can u comment Cummere?
- [15:08] Cummere Mayo: sure :)
- [15:08] Bridie Linden: (with repro steps of course)
- [15:09] Alexa Linden: QA to Repro?
- [15:09] Bridie Linden: let's import and see if our friends in QA can also repro
- [15:09] Bridie Linden: GMTA
- [15:09] Alexa Linden: lol
- [15:09] Bridie Linden: (but some take longer to type)
- [15:09] Ellla McMahon: hello everyone :))
- [15:09] Bridie Linden: next up with 5 votes (I feel like a talk show host):
- [15:09] Bridie Linden: VWR-8848[c
- [15:09] Bridie Linden: Hullo Ellla!
- [15:09] Aimee Trescothick: hi Ellla :)
- [15:09] Alexa Linden: I tried yesterday but couldn't repro
- [15:09] Squirrel Wood: yes. the texture floater in edit mode takes ages to show up
- [15:10] Cummere Mayo: commented
- [15:10] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8848
- [15:10] Alexa Linden: tried on home and work machine
- [15:10] Alexa Linden: yes, it is really slow
- [15:10] Squirrel Wood: when you want to pick a texture
- [15:10] Cummere Mayo: not sure what to repo step beyond alt click on object and select edit o.O
- [15:10] Bridie Linden: I couldn't repro either
- [15:10] Squirrel Wood: so I guess the watchdog forces a crash if it takes too long
- [15:10] Alexa Linden: resolved = CR?
- [15:11] Cummere Mayo: um.... its i think partly memory dependant if youre talking about the texture thing
- [15:11] Bridie Linden: hmm, maybe ask if we they can provide object + texture that causes crash?
- [15:11] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:11] Squirrel Wood: ermmm...
- [15:11] Cummere Mayo: it only hangs me bad doesnt crash me the first time...
- [15:11] Aimee Trescothick: does it repro for all ways of doing edit CM? i.e. right click edit, or hitting the build button?
- [15:11] Bridie Linden: but wonders if it's related to
- VWR-8852
- [15:11] Squirrel Wood: rez a cube, in edit mode go to the texture tab, then proceed selecting a new texture. note the delay until the texture selector shows up
- [15:11] Bridie Linden: tries
- [15:11] Alexa Linden: it's really slow
- [15:11] Alexa Linden: or has been for me
- [15:12] Cummere Mayo: helps also if you got at leaast 1k textures
- [15:12] Squirrel Wood: the more textures you have, the longer it seems to take
- [15:12] Bridie Linden: it is slow...
- [15:12] Cummere Mayo: nice entry bambers!
- [15:12] Bambers Linden: :)
- [15:12] Squirrel Wood: so if its too long, watchdog crashes
- [15:12] Cummere Mayo: yeah
- [15:12] Cummere Mayo: HATES watchdog
- [15:12] Bambers Linden: hi everyone - sorry I'm late
- [15:12] Alexa Linden: sleep while waiting
- [15:12] Bridie Linden: it'll be turned off soon Cummere
- [15:12] Bridie Linden: hey bambers
- [15:12] Cummere Mayo: I'ld like to have a ngithly without watchdog to see how much of this instability is watchdog
- [15:13] Bridie Linden: Maybe we should update the title/desc of this issue (8848)
- [15:13] Bridie Linden: noting the slowness
- [15:13] Squirrel Wood: I have experienced client crashes on hitting enter after typing text :p
- [15:13] Alexa Linden: k
- [15:13] Cummere Mayo: me to squirell um this is the longest ive NOT crashed on 1.21 in weeks
- [15:13] Bridie Linden: oh wait, there's a sep issue for lag
- [15:13] Cummere Mayo: ((abotu 20 min now))
- [15:14] Bridie Linden: on texture picking
- [15:14] Squirrel Wood: I would say those are related
- [15:14] Bridie Linden: VWR-8818 is imported
- [15:14] Cummere Mayo: ild import this one and link internally
- [15:14] Bridie Linden: sounds like a plan
- [15:15] Bridie Linden: Be sure to vote up the important issues, pls folks :)
- [15:15] Cummere Mayo: um is there a filter that allows you to vote for every 1.21 realted jira at one time?
- [15:16] Joeseph Albanese: lol
- [15:16] Alexa Linden: nopr
- [15:16] Alexa Linden: nope*
- [15:16] Bridie Linden: makes note to self
- [15:16] Cummere Mayo: um feature request time
- [15:16] Alexa Linden: people to need to read them first :)
- [15:16] Alexa Linden: many are dups
- [15:16] Aimee Trescothick: how about every feature request involving ponies?
- [15:16] Alexa Linden: don't have all the info needed, etc
- [15:16] Squirrel Wood: like, carrot prims ?
- [15:17] Bridie Linden: I think we're on:
- [15:17] Bambers Linden: all feature requests involve ponies
- [15:17] Bridie Linden: # VWR-8852[c
- [15:17] Squirrel Wood: related to 8848 ?
- [15:17] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8852
- [15:17] Squirrel Wood: and 8818 it seems
- [15:17] Cummere Mayo: can repo and im 99% certian its watchdog
- [15:18] Bridie Linden: this is the one we've been tracking internally VWR-8906
- [15:18] Squirrel Wood: 2008-08-29T22:13:40Z WARNING: LLViewerImageList::getImageFromFile: Failed to find local image file: UIIm= >@ctiveUUID
- [15:19] Bridie Linden: Sooo...
- [15:19] Alexa Linden: last traiged?
- [15:19] Alexa Linden: it would be nice to have more crash reports
- [15:19] Bridie Linden: we might want to see what happens with VWR-8852 after RC2 is available
- [15:20] Cummere Mayo: um i attached mine to one that i think is a dup of 8906
- [15:20] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:20] Bridie Linden: and I *think* close VWR-8968 as a possible dupe of VWR-8906?
- [15:20] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:20] Bridie Linden: more crash reports would be good too
- [15:20] Bridie Linden: ty
- [15:21] Bambers Linden: Alexa - please be careful how you phrase your crash report request
- [15:21] Bambers Linden: :P
- [15:21] Bridie Linden: :P
- [15:21] Cummere Mayo: crash logs do they only record the last one or all crashes?
- [15:21] Alexa Linden: lol
- [15:21] Bambers Linden: last one
- [15:21] Zen Linden: last one
- [15:21] Cummere Mayo: meh darn
- [15:21] Bridie Linden: Next up...
- [15:21] Bridie Linden: VWR-8862[c
- [15:21] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8862
- [15:22] Squirrel Wood: could be the watchdog watching over the client ?
- [15:22] Squirrel Wood: (yes. I blame it all on the watchdog :p)
- [15:22] Bambers Linden: (you can always rename old crash reports after they've been sent if you want to keep them for future reference)
- [15:22] Cummere Mayo: import... and probably watchdog is a factor buttheres allot of issues with both client and server right now causing lower framerates
- [15:23] Harleen Gretzky: RC1 FPS seems to be better though
- [15:23] Bridie Linden: Zen would watchdog affect frame rate?
- [15:23] Zen Linden: it's possible, I'm only starting to play with it now, but I think it's more likely for it to be something else
- [15:23] Zen Linden: we'll see
- [15:23] Harleen Gretzky: 1.21.2 Nightly is even better yet, for me anyway
- [15:24] Bridie Linden: I'm tempted to see what happens with RC2 and this issue...
- [15:24] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:24] Zen Linden: still wants watchdog a little longer :p
- [15:25] Zen Linden: possible freeze we're looking into
- [15:25] Bridie Linden: And maybe specific locations...
- [15:25] Cummere Mayo: um bridie i think it should be imported because allot of peopel are really frsutrated with both client and server side fps issues
- [15:25] Cummere Mayo: um if you want locatiosn link it to svc2708 *shrugs*
- [15:25] Zen Linden: i think it's worth benchmarking inside to see if it is slower
- [15:26] Bridie Linden: I hear you Cummere...but this one only has 4 votes so far
- [15:26] Joeseph Albanese: 6
- [15:26] Cummere Mayo: 5 now :P
- [15:26] Cummere Mayo: or 6 lol
- [15:26] Bridie Linden: ty
- [15:26] Bridie Linden: Bambers / Nya what do you think? Could QA do some investigation?
- [15:27] Bambers Linden: I think we could take a look
- [15:27] Bridie Linden: a'ight then, let's import and see what QA can find
- [15:27] Alexa Linden: k
- [15:27] Bridie Linden: /observe
- [15:27] Cummere Mayo: ty bridie
- [15:28] Bridie Linden: np
- [15:28] Nya Linden: yeah.. send it over to QA, but also perhaps some people here can try turning off watchdog to see if it helps?
- [15:28] Bridie Linden: But if it were really bad, I'd expect more votes
- [15:28] Mat McNair: I'm copy/ pastting most of my text for hours at a time
- [15:28] Bridie Linden: What's that Mat?
- [15:28] Bridie Linden: Next up...
- [15:28] Bridie Linden: VWR-8887[c
- [15:29] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8887
- [15:29] Joeseph Albanese: repros for me
- [15:29] Cummere Mayo: nya i get a few fps by turning off watchdog... but im still running lower on 1.21.2 then on 1.20.15 or 1.20.14
- [15:29] Mat McNair: my client will lag, and i'll have keyboard linkage issues for hours at a time
- [15:29] Cummere Mayo: btw i noticed 1.20.14rc did nto force a dl of any of the 1.21rcs
- [15:29] Mat McNair: i haven't filed a bug report.
- [15:29] Squirrel Wood: the camera offset is based on the prim...
- [15:29] Alexa Linden: please do :)
- [15:30] Object: Hello,: Avatar!
- [15:30] Joeseph Albanese: It didnt move my cam it move me
- [15:31] Squirrel Wood: sittarget according to the script is 100m up
- [15:31] Bridie Linden: yup
- [15:31] Squirrel Wood: whereas the camera offset is not.
- [15:31] Bridie Linden: so expected?
- [15:31] Joeseph Albanese: should pay more attention
- [15:31] Object: Hello,: Avatar!
- [15:32] Squirrel Wood: needs more investigation methinks
- [15:32] Cummere Mayo: yeah im not even sure exactly what they are asking for....
- [15:32] Cummere Mayo: or tryignt o report
- [15:32] Cummere Mayo: *trying to
- [15:32] Bridie Linden: Let's try and find out...
- [15:32] Squirrel Wood: what happens if you set the sit target only to 10m up ?
- [15:32] Bridie Linden: Alexa could you add some questions
- [15:32] Alexa Linden: yes
- [15:33] Squirrel Wood: plus there are camera constraints...
- [15:33] Bridie Linden: wierd...i can't view my script atm
- [15:33] Joeseph Albanese: OH thats a bug I been trying to figure out
- [15:33] Bridie Linden: no i can
- [15:34] Joeseph Albanese: mono complied wont open up twice
- [15:34] Joeseph Albanese: unless you wait a bit
- [15:34] Squirrel Wood: does it still happen if you "disable camera constraints" in the advanced menu ?
- [15:34] Bridie Linden: opening fine now
- [15:34] Bridie Linden: good questions Squirrel
- [15:34] Bridie Linden: i just changed sit target to 10
- [15:34] Cummere Mayo: squirell could you comment and ask?
- [15:35] Bambers Linden: disable camera constraints = camera looks at box, bambers disappears
- [15:35] Alexa Linden: I can ask with my questions
- [15:35] Cummere Mayo: lol bambers
- [15:35] Bridie Linden: great
- [15:35] Bambers Linden: do I hit the ceiling?
- [15:35] Joeseph Albanese: lol
- [15:35] Bridie Linden: next
- [15:35] Bridie Linden: VWR-8881[c
- [15:35] Bambers Linden: call me Bambers Copperfield
- [15:35] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8881
- [15:35] Cummere Mayo: adds my vote
- [15:36] Cummere Mayo: this bug is annooooooying esepcially to sim admins and builders
- [15:36] Joeseph Albanese: yes
- [15:36] Joeseph Albanese: couldnt the days just be dropped?
- [15:36] Alexa Linden: agreed
- [15:36] Bridie Linden: yeah, but i can hear the dev saying that this is a feature request...
- [15:37] Bridie Linden: waves @ Zen
- [15:37] Zen Linden: :)
- [15:37] Bridie Linden: but i'd be willing to make a case for it
- [15:37] Bridie Linden: it's not very useful to sort by Weds
- [15:37] Cummere Mayo: its nto that the days being there is anyoing. its that it still cant seem to differatiate between aug10 and july 10th for example
- [15:37] Squirrel Wood: comment added to 8887
- [15:37] Bridie Linden: ty Squirrel
- [15:38] Bridie Linden: let us import
- [15:38] Joeseph Albanese: dropping the days it would sort by month tho wouldnt it?
- [15:38] Alexa Linden: rx?
- [15:38] Bridie Linden: Viewer Triage pls
- [15:38] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:38] Cummere Mayo: i think the day of week, then the date shoudl be seperate fields
- [15:38] Squirrel Wood: sort by internal date value ?
- [15:38] Cummere Mayo: to make it prperly work
- [15:38] Bridie Linden: yeah
- [15:38] Squirrel Wood: not by string representation
- [15:39] Nya Linden: +1
- [15:39] Bridie Linden: indeed
- [15:39] Bridie Linden: next up
- [15:39] Cummere Mayo: ill add that comment
- [15:39] Bridie Linden: VWR-8916[c
- [15:39] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8916
- [15:40] Bambers Linden: I thought that was a planned change in behaviour
- [15:40] Bambers Linden: obviously not, or at least something was missed
- [15:40] Alexa Linden: if you hit refresh it comes back
- [15:40] Zen Linden: yeah.... just reproed it here
- [15:41] Bambers Linden: yes, but you can't use the hot key combo
- [15:41] Zen Linden: probably very easy to fix
- [15:41] Alexa Linden: sam if you use the snapshot button
- [15:41] Bambers Linden: yeah
- [15:41] Bridie Linden: seems ok on Mac or am I not doing repro right
- [15:41] Alexa Linden: I thought this was expected
- [15:41] Zen Linden: what was the reasoning for it to be expected?
- [15:41] Alexa Linden: so you don't keep caturing the same image?
- [15:41] Cummere Mayo: i think its probably some tiny bit of coding that got clipped in windows... but i cant think of why thsi would be expected behavior
- [15:41] Squirrel Wood: discourage people from saving to an uncompressed format ? ^^
- [15:41] Wundur Primbee: I cincur with Bridie, on a mac here and not able to repro
- [15:42] Bambers Linden: I can't repro actually
- [15:42] Wundur Primbee: *concur
- [15:42] Bridie Linden: i see it now
- [15:42] Bridie Linden: only w/bmp tho
- [15:42] Zen Linden: i'd really bet it's just something small overlooked
- [15:42] Zen Linden: i know our devs. :)
- [15:42] Joeseph Albanese: If your trying to discourage bmp why not remove it all together
- [15:42] Bambers Linden: yeah
- [15:42] Cummere Mayo: im thinking a line of coding not closed right ?
- [15:43] Zen Linden: possibly, I'd make it a low priority import, but then again I haven't played with snapshots in about a year
- [15:43] Bridie Linden: let's import, small but annoying
- [15:43] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:43] Zen Linden: agreed
- [15:44] Bridie Linden: Next up
- [15:44] Bridie Linden: VWR-8897[c
- [15:44] Cummere Mayo: yeah... im sure if its an issue for the phtographers they will eiher vote it up or duplicate it *shrugs*
- [15:44] Bambers Linden: thinks it's a little more than small, but def bring it in
- [15:44] Harleen Gretzky: if it's expected why only .BMP also?
- [15:44] Zen Linden: photographers are GOOOD at pjira. I learned this on WindLIght
- [15:44] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8897
- [15:44] Aimee Trescothick: LOL
- [15:44] Squirrel Wood: you mean the facelight addicts?
- [15:44] Joeseph Albanese: lol
- [15:45] Aimee Trescothick: artistic bug reporting?
- [15:45] Nya Linden: blushes behind her facelight.
- [15:45] Zen Linden: hehe... no the people who found the little bugs in snapshots
- [15:45] Cummere Mayo: thinks facelights should be banned but um at least on many sis she palys on they are!
- [15:45] Cummere Mayo: and thats why *goes blind*
- [15:45] Alexa Linden: it's more how and at what wattage people wear them
- [15:46] Zen Linden: lol
- [15:46] Bridie Linden: so about VWR-8897...
- [15:46] Aimee Trescothick: :D
- [15:46] Garn Conover: smells an Alexa!
- [15:46] Cummere Mayo: import
- [15:46] Joeseph Albanese: Like the thanks for repor and no vote comment
- [15:46] Cummere Mayo: and give soem priority cuase it breaks allot of stuff
- [15:46] Alexa Linden: Hi Garn :D
- [15:46] Squirrel Wood: ye.. definitely a sort of showstopper there
- [15:47] Cummere Mayo: not sure about showstopepr but critical
- [15:47] Garn Conover: what # we on?
- [15:47] Alexa Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8897
- [15:47] Cummere Mayo: 8897
- [15:47] Bridie Linden: hullo Garn
- [15:47] Garn Conover: ello Bridie
- [15:48] Garn Conover: searches for Server Jira to make you all laugh
- [15:48] Root: Hello,: Avatar!
- [15:48] Cummere Mayo: tilts her cam away from aimee so she can seee without afterimages burning her retinas again
- [15:48] Aimee Trescothick: LOL
- [15:48] Child: Hello,: Avatar!
- [15:48] Garn Conover: [2] <---- take a peak @ some point, this one id hilarious and definatly not gonna happen
- [15:49] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:49] Child: Touched: child. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 1
- [15:49] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:49] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:49] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:49] Bridie Linden: does blue outline == root?
- [15:49] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:49] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:49] Joeseph Albanese: yellow
- [15:49] Joeseph Albanese: isnt it?
- [15:49] Garn Conover: blue is root
- [15:50] Child: Touched: child. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 1
- [15:50] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:50] Garn Conover: well no Blue is a Lobser usually but thats beside the point :)
- [15:50] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:50] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:50] Child: Touched: child. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 1
- [15:50] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:50] Garn Conover: who is getting detect lin 1?
- [15:50] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:50] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:50] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:50] Child: Touched: child. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 1
- [15:50] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:50] Squirrel Wood: left-click ok
- [15:50] Child: Touched: child. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 1
- [15:50] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:51] Squirrel Wood: but yes. touch menu = borken
- [15:51] Garn Conover: ahh
- [15:51] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:51] Bridie Linden: i'm always getting 2 on root
- [15:51] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:51] Squirrel Wood: pie menu touch always gives you the root line
- [15:51] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:51] Bridie Linden: i was left clicking
- [15:51] Child: Touched: child. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 1
- [15:51] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:51] Fay Tal: yellow is root
- [15:51] Root: Touched: root. llDetectedLinkNumber(0) = 2
- [15:52] Cummere Mayo: yeah pie touch broke for me
- [15:52] Bridie Linden: Let's import for QA to play with and clarify
- [15:52] Alexa Linden: k
- [15:52] Bridie Linden: Next up
- [15:52] Bridie Linden: VWR-8886[c
- [15:52] Object: No: more Glod Sarts for you!
- [15:52] Object: Glod: Sarts for all!
- [15:52] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8886
- [15:53] Squirrel Wood: I would suggest trying to press ESC and see if that fixes the weird behavior
- [15:53] Bridie Linden: we should probably resolve and track VWR-8764.
- [15:53] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:53] Cummere Mayo: havent been ableto repo... I usually crash before that can have a chance to kick in
- [15:53] Bridie Linden: it does seem a bit worse to me
- [15:53] Garn Conover: yea even Ramzi has it moved over jsut didn't close
- [15:53] Squirrel Wood: I have the camera starting to misbehave at times when I zoom in really close to something. and ESC has always fixed it for me.
- [15:54] Alexa Linden: mine has gone sluggy
- [15:54] Bridie Linden: :|
- [15:54] Bridie Linden: next up
- [15:54] Bridie Linden: VWR-8841[c
- [15:54] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8841
- [15:54] Alexa Linden: crash log?
- [15:54] Zen Linden: yeah, was looking at that
- [15:55] Cummere Mayo: yet another glorious memory leak >< um *looks for a linden dev to burn at the stake*
- [15:55] Squirrel Wood: RC1 contrary to RC0 is behaving on my system
- [15:55] Garn Conover: hehe looks liek my 3rd wont be till next week
- [15:55] Fay Tal: yeash on RC1 staying around 368k all day
- [15:55] Harleen Gretzky: same here, also 1.21.2 is even better
- [15:56] Squirrel Wood: still suggest driver updates
- [15:56] Bridie Linden: most comments are in VWR-5949, should we con't to track there?
- [15:56] Zen Linden: hmmm...
- [15:56] Alexa Linden: ok
- [15:56] Bridie Linden: one more?
- [15:56] Bridie Linden: VWR-8836[c
- [15:56] Bridie Linden: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-8836
- [15:57] Squirrel Wood: dupe?
- [15:57] Squirrel Wood: points at Ella's comment
- [15:57] Bridie Linden: well, related
- [15:58] Ellla McMahon: :))
- [15:58] Bridie Linden: Ty Ellla
- [15:58] Squirrel Wood: I would assume the change was to find a setting that works for both skins ?
- [15:58] Alexa Linden: and it's improted
- [15:58] Alexa Linden: imported*
- [15:58] Object: Glod: Sarts for all!
- [15:59] Garn Conover: Mrewp Mrewp! ^_^
- [15:59] Bridie Linden: Not sure Squirrel...
- [15:59] Squirrel Wood: I'm guessing here :p
- [16:00] Bridie Linden: Can we get some clarification from James?
- [16:00] Bridie Linden: and I think we have to call it a wrap for today, folks
- [16:00] Bridie Linden: Many thanks for your help!