Dialog Control v1.8
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// ********** SIMPLE DIALOG MODULE ********** //
// By Nargus Asturias
// Version 1.86
// Support only one dialog at a time. DO NOT request multiple dialog at once!
// Use of provided functions are recommented. Instruction here are for hardcore programmers only!
// Request: Send MessageLinked to the script. There are 3 dialog modes:
// lnkDialog : Normal dialog with message and buttons
// lnkDialogNumericAdjust : A dialog with buttons can be used to adjust numeric value
// lnkDialogTextBox : A dialog with a text input field
// lnkDialogNotify : Just a simple notification dialog. No return value and no buttons.
// Send MessageLinked with code lnkDialogReshow to force active dialog to reappear.
// Send MessageLinked with code lnkDialogCancel to force cancel active dialog
// If a lnkDialog is requested with more than 12 buttons, multi-pages dialog is used to show the buttons.
// [ FOR lnkDialog ]
// MessageLinked Format:
// String part: List dumped into string, each entry seperated by '||'
// Field 1: Dialog message (512 bytes maximum)
// Field 2: Time-out data (integer)
// Field 3-4: Button#1 and return value pair
// Field 5-6: Button#2 and return value pair
// And go on...
// Key part: Key of AV who attend this dialog
// Response: MessageLinked to the prim that requested dialog (but no where else)
// num == lnkDialogResponse: AV click on a button. The buttons value returned as a string
// num == lnkDialogTimeOut: Dialog timeout.
// [ FOR lnkDialogTextbox ]
// MessageLinked Format:
// String part: List dumped into string, each entry seperated by '||'
// Field 1: Dialog message (512 bytes maximum)
// Field 2: Time-out data (integer)
// Field 3: Return string prefix. If empty, only user's input will be returned.
// [ FOR lnkDialogNumericAdjust ]
// MessageLinked Format:
// String part: List dumped into string, each entry seperated by '||'
// Field 1: Dialog message (512 bytes maximum)
// Put {VALUE} where you want the current value to be displayed)
// Field 2: Time-out data (integer)
// Field 3: Most significant value (ie. 100, for +/-100)
// Field 4: String-casted numeric value to be adjusted
// Field 5: 2nd most significant value (ie. 10, for +/-10)
// Field 6: Use '1' to enable "+/-" button, '0' otherwise.
// Field 7: 3nd significant value (ie. 1, for +/-1)
// Field 8: Use '1' for integer, or '0' for float
// Field 9: Least significant value (ie. 0.1, for +/-0.1)
// Field 10: Reserved. Not used.
// Key part: Key of AV who attend this dialog
// Response: MessageLinked to the prim that requested dialog (but no where else)
// num == lnkDialogResponse: OK or Cancel button is clicked. The final value returned as string.
// num == lnkDialogTimeOut: Dialog timeout.
// ******************************************* //
// Constants
integer lnkDialog = 14001;
integer lnkDialogNumericAdjust = 14005;
integer lnkDialogNotify = 14004;
integer lnkDialogTextBox = 14007;
integer lnkDialogReshow = 14011;
integer lnkDialogCancel = 14012;
integer lnkDialogResponse = 14002; // A button is hit, or OK is hit for lnkDialogNumericAdjust
integer lnkDialogCanceled = 14006; // Cancel is hit for lnkDialogNumericAdjust
integer lnkDialogTimeOut = 14003; // No button is hit, or Ignore is hit
integer lnkMenuClear = 15001;
integer lnkMenuAdd = 15002;
integer lnkMenuShow = 15003;
integer lnkMenuNotFound = 15010;
integer lnkMenuSetSound = 15021;
string seperator = "||";
// Menus variables
list menuNames = []; // List of names of all menus
list menus = []; // List of packed menus command, in order of menuNames
integer lastMenuIndex = 0; // Latest called menu's index
string menuSound; // Sound to me played when a menu is shown
float menuSoundVol = 1;
// Dialog variables
integer dialogChannel; // Channel number used to spawn this dialog
string message; // Message to be shown with the dialog
integer timerOut; // Dialog time-out
key keyId; // Key of user who attending this dialog
integer requestedNum; // Link-number of the requested prim
list buttons; // List of dialog buttons
list returns; // List of results from dialog buttons
float numericValue;
integer useInteger;
// Other variables
integer buttonsCount;
integer startItemNo;
integer listenId;
string redirectState;
integer responseInt = -1;
string responseStr;
key responseKey;
// ********** String Functions **********
string replaceString(string pattern, string replace, string source){
integer index = llSubStringIndex(source, pattern);
if(index < 0) return source;
source = llDeleteSubString(source, index, (index + llStringLength(pattern) - 1));
return llInsertString(source, index, replace);
// ********** Dialog Functions **********
// Function: createDialog
// Create dialog with given message and buttons, direct to user with give id
integer createDialog(key id, string message, list buttons){
integer channel = -((integer)llFrand(8388608))*(255) - (integer)llFrand(8388608) - 11;
listenId = llListen(channel, "", keyId, "");
if(buttonsCount > 0)
llDialog(keyId, message, buttons, channel);
else llTextBox(keyId, message, channel);
return channel;
// Function: createMultiDialog
// Create dialog with multiple pages. Each page has Back, Next, and a Close button. Otherwise same functionality as createDialog() function.
integer createMultiDialog(key id, string message, list buttons, integer _startItemNo){
integer channel = -llRound(llFrand( llFabs(llSin(llGetGMTclock())) * 1000000 )) - 11;
if(_startItemNo < 0) _startItemNo = 0;
if(_startItemNo >= buttonsCount - 1) _startItemNo -= 9;
startItemNo = _startItemNo;
integer vButtonsCount = buttonsCount - 2;
// Generate list of buttons to be shown
string closeButton = llList2String(buttons, buttonsCount - 1);
integer stopItemNo = startItemNo + 8;
if(stopItemNo >= buttonsCount - 1) stopItemNo = vButtonsCount;
list thisButtons = llList2List(buttons, startItemNo, stopItemNo);
// Generate dialog navigation buttons
integer i = stopItemNo - startItemNo + 1;
i = i % 3;
if(i > 0) while(i < 3){
thisButtons += [" "];
if(startItemNo > 0)
thisButtons += ["<< BACK"];
else thisButtons += [" "];
thisButtons += [closeButton];
if(stopItemNo < vButtonsCount)
thisButtons += ["NEXT >>"];
else thisButtons += [" "];
// Append page number to the message
integer pageNumber = (integer)(stopItemNo / 9) + 1;
integer pagesCount = llCeil(vButtonsCount / 9.0);
string vMessage = "PAGE: " + (string)pageNumber + " of " + (string)pagesCount + "\n" +
// Display dialog
listenId = llListen(channel, "", keyId, "");
llDialog(keyId, vMessage, thisButtons, channel);
return channel;
// Function: generateNumericAdjustButtons
// Generate numeric adjustment dialog which adjustment values are in given list.
// If useNegative is TRUE, "+/-" button will be available.
list generateNumericAdjustButtons(list adjustValues, integer useNegative){
list dialogControlButtons;
list positiveButtons;
list negativeButtons;
list additionButtons;
dialogControlButtons = ["OK", "Cancel"];
// Config adjustment buttons
integer count = llGetListLength(adjustValues);
integer index;
for(index = 0; (index < count) && (index < 3); index++){
string sValue = llList2String(adjustValues, index);
if((float)sValue != 0){
positiveButtons += ["+" + sValue];
negativeButtons += ["-" + sValue];
// Check positive/negative button
additionButtons = ["+/-"];
else additionButtons = [];
// If there is fourth adjustment button
if(count > 3){
if(llGetListLength(additionButtons) == 0) additionButtons = [" "];
string sValue = llList2String(adjustValues, index);
additionButtons += ["+" + sValue, "-" + sValue];
}else if(additionButtons != []) additionButtons += [" ", " "];
// Return list dialog buttons
return additionButtons + negativeButtons + positiveButtons + dialogControlButtons;
setResponse(integer int, string str, key id){
responseInt = int;
responseStr = str;
responseKey = id;
checkDialogRequest(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id){
// Common dialog requests
if((num == lnkDialogNotify) || (num == lnkDialogNumericAdjust) || (num == lnkDialog)){
list data = llParseStringKeepNulls(str, [seperator], []);
message = llList2String(data, 0);
timerOut = llList2Integer(data, 1);
keyId = id;
requestedNum = sender_num;
buttons = [];
returns = [];
if(message == "") message = " ";
if(timerOut > 7200) timerOut = 7200;
// Generate buttons list
integer i=2;
integer count = llGetListLength(data);
if(count > 2){
buttonsCount = 0;
for(; i<count;){
buttons += [llList2String(data, i++)];
returns += [llList2String(data, i++)];
buttons = ["OK"];
returns = [];
buttonsCount = 1;
// Determine the type of dialog
if(num == lnkDialogNotify){
dialogChannel = -((integer)llFrand(8388608))*(255) - (integer)llFrand(8388608) - 11;
llDialog(keyId, message, buttons, dialogChannel);
}else if(num == lnkDialogNumericAdjust)
redirectState = "NumericAdjustDialog";
else if(num == lnkDialog){
if(buttonsCount > 12)
redirectState = "MultiDialog";
else redirectState = "Dialog";
if(TRUE) state StartDialog;
// Text box request
}else if(num == lnkDialogTextBox){
list data = llParseStringKeepNulls(str, [seperator], []);
message = llList2String(data, 0);
timerOut = llList2Integer(data, 1);
keyId = id;
requestedNum = sender_num;
buttons = [];
returns = [llList2String(data, 2)];
buttonsCount = 0;
if(timerOut > 7200) timerOut = 7200;
redirectState = "Dialog";
if(TRUE) state StartDialog;
// Otherwise; Check for menu requests
}else checkMenuRequest(sender_num, num, str, id);
// ********** Menu Functions **********
menuNames = [];
menus = [];
lastMenuIndex = 0;
addMenu(string name, string message, list buttons, list returns){
// Reduced menu request time by packing request commands
string packed_message = message + seperator + "0";
integer i;
integer count = llGetListLength(buttons);
for(i=0; i<count; i++) packed_message += seperator + llList2String(buttons, i) + seperator + llList2String(returns, i);
// Add menu to the menus list
integer index = llListFindList(menuNames, [name]);
if(index >= 0)
menus = llListReplaceList(menus, [packed_message], index, index);
menuNames += [name];
menus += [packed_message];
integer showMenu(string name, key id){
if(llGetListLength(menuNames) <= 0) return FALSE;
integer index;
if(name != ""){
index = llListFindList(menuNames, [name]);
if(index < 0) return FALSE;
}else index = lastMenuIndex;
lastMenuIndex = index;
// Load menu command and execute
string packed_message = llList2String(menus, index);
if(menuSound != "") llPlaySound(menuSound, menuSoundVol);
llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, lnkDialog, packed_message, id);
return TRUE;
checkMenuRequest(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id){
// Menu response commands
if(num == lnkDialogResponse){
if(llGetSubString(str, 0, 4) == "MENU_"){
str = llDeleteSubString(str, 0, 4);
showMenu(str, id);
// Menu management commands
else if(num == lnkMenuClear)
else if(num == lnkMenuAdd){
list data = llParseString2List(str, [seperator], []);
string message = llList2String(data, 0);
list buttons = [];
list returns = [];
integer i;
integer count = llGetListLength(data);
for(i=2; i<count;){
buttons += [llList2String(data, i++)];
returns += [llList2String(data, i++)];
addMenu((string)id, message, buttons, returns);
}else if(num == lnkMenuShow){
if(!showMenu(str, id)) llMessageLinked(sender_num, lnkMenuNotFound, str, NULL_KEY);
}else if(num == lnkMenuSetSound){
menuSound = str;
menuSoundVol = (float)((string)id);
// ********** States **********
if(responseInt > 0) llMessageLinked(requestedNum, responseInt, responseStr, responseKey);
link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id){
checkDialogRequest(sender_num, num, str, id);
state StartDialog{
if(redirectState == "Dialog") state Dialog;
else if(redirectState == "MultiDialog") state MultiDialog;
else if(redirectState == "NumericAdjustDialog") state NumericAdjustDialog;
else state default;
state Dialog{
responseInt = -1;
dialogChannel = createDialog(keyId, message, buttons);
on_rez(integer start_param){
state default;
setResponse(lnkDialogTimeOut, "", keyId);
state default;
link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id){
if(num == lnkDialogReshow){
dialogChannel = createDialog(keyId, message, buttons);
}else if(num == lnkDialogCancel) state default;
else checkDialogRequest(sender_num, num, str, id);
listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg){
if((channel != dialogChannel) || (id != keyId)) return;
if(buttonsCount > 0){
channel = llListFindList(buttons, [msg]);
msg = llList2String(returns, channel);
}else msg = llList2String(returns, 0) + msg;
setResponse(lnkDialogResponse, msg, keyId);
state default;
state MultiDialog {
responseInt = -1;
startItemNo = 0;
dialogChannel = createMultiDialog(keyId, message, buttons, startItemNo);
on_rez(integer start_param){
state default;
setResponse(lnkDialogTimeOut, "", keyId);
state default;
link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id){
if(num == lnkDialogReshow){
dialogChannel = createMultiDialog(keyId, message, buttons, startItemNo);
}else if(num == lnkDialogCancel) state default;
else checkDialogRequest(sender_num, num, str, id);
listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg){
if((channel != dialogChannel) || (id != keyId)) return;
// Dialog control buttons
if(msg == "<< BACK"){
dialogChannel = createMultiDialog(keyId, message, buttons, startItemNo - 9);
}else if(msg == "NEXT >>"){
dialogChannel = createMultiDialog(keyId, message, buttons, startItemNo + 9);
}else if(msg == " "){
dialogChannel = createMultiDialog(keyId, message, buttons, startItemNo);
// Response buttons
integer index = llListFindList(buttons, [msg]);
setResponse(lnkDialogResponse, llList2String(returns, index), keyId);
state default;
state NumericAdjustDialog {
responseInt = -1;
numericValue = llList2Float(returns, 0);
useInteger = llList2Integer(returns, 2);
buttons = generateNumericAdjustButtons(buttons, llList2Integer(returns, 1));
string vMessage;
vMessage = replaceString("{VALUE}", (string)((integer)numericValue), message);
else vMessage = replaceString("{VALUE}", (string)numericValue, message);
dialogChannel = createDialog(keyId, vMessage, buttons);
on_rez(integer start_param){
state default;
setResponse(lnkDialogTimeOut, "", keyId);
state default;
link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id){
if(num == lnkDialogReshow){
dialogChannel = createDialog(keyId, message, buttons);
}else if(num == lnkDialogCancel) state default;
else checkDialogRequest(sender_num, num, str, id);
listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string msg){
if((channel != dialogChannel) || (id != keyId)) return;
// Dialog control button is hit
if(msg == "OK"){
setResponse(lnkDialogResponse, (string)numericValue, keyId);
state default;
}else if(msg == "Cancel"){
setResponse(lnkDialogCanceled, (string)numericValue, keyId);
llMessageLinked(requestedNum, lnkDialogCanceled, (string)numericValue, keyId);
state default;
// Value adjustment button is hit
}else if(msg == "+/-")
numericValue = -numericValue;
else if(llSubStringIndex(msg, "+") == 0)
numericValue += (float)llDeleteSubString(msg, 0, 0);
else if(llSubStringIndex(msg, "-") == 0)
numericValue -= (float)llDeleteSubString(msg, 0, 0);
// Spawn another dialog if no OK nor Cancel is hit
string vMessage;
vMessage = replaceString("{VALUE}", (string)((integer)numericValue), message);
else vMessage = replaceString("{VALUE}", (string)numericValue, message);
dialogChannel = createDialog(keyId, vMessage, buttons);