Doc Team/2010-09-15
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[12:59] | Nathan Adored: | Ah, the first Linden has arrived. |
[12:59] | Daniel Voyager: | Always wanted a space related avatar. |
[12:59] | Jeremy Linden: | Nah, there were plenty of Lindens before me. |
[12:59] | Elite3000 Abbot | has pinged you. |
[13:00] | Daniel Voyager: | Hey Jeremy. |
[13:00] | Daniel Voyager | has pinged you. |
[13:00] | Elite3000 Abbot: | Hi Jeremy Linden |
[13:00] | Jeremy Linden: | Hello! |
[13:00] | Nathan Adored: | I mean, the first to arrive at this meeting |
[13:00] | Elite3000 Abbot: | May I have a Linden Bear, Jeremy? |
[13:00] | Elite3000 Abbot | has pinged you. |
[13:00] | Jeremy Linden: | Sure! |
[13:00] | Elite3000 Abbot: | :) |
[13:01] | Second Life: | Items successfully shared. |
[13:01] | Elite3000 Abbot: | ty |
[13:01] | Nathan Adored: | you know what, I don't think I've yet gotten a Jeremy Linden bear, either. :D |
[13:01] | Nathan Adored | has pinged you. |
[13:01] | Nathan Adored: | please, pretty please... :D |
[13:01] | Nathan Adored: | ah, ty |
[13:01] | Jeremy Linden: | Well, now you have :-) |
[13:01] | Nathan Adored: | yup |
[13:01] | Nathan Adored: | /me smiles. |
[13:01] | Daniel Voyager: | Jeremy, do you know when Jon and Torley will arrive at these office hours? I know Kate left a few months back. |
[13:01] | Daniel Voyager | has pinged you. |
[13:02] | Nathan Adored: | I guess whiule I'm thinking about it, I should ask whatever other lindens arrive today for a bear. |
[13:02] | Jeremy Linden: | Heh. Jon seems consistently too busy to come here, and Torley has said that he may stop in from time to time, but I don't know when. |
[13:02] | Jeremy Linden: | So I guess you guys are stuck with me! :-) |
[13:02] | Nathan Adored: | /me giggles |
[13:03] | Elite3000 Abbot: | oh ok |
[13:03] | Daniel Voyager: | ok, thanks just wondering..*grins*. |
[13:03] | Jeremy Linden: | There's always faux-Jon there, but I don't think he's got a bear. |
[13:03] | Nathan Adored: | If I ever became a Linde, I wonder what my bear would be like. |
[13:03] | Elite3000 Abbot: | so, Torley posted some shortcuts for different ways to do something not long ago |
[13:04] | Nathan Adored: | *Linden |
[13:04] | Jeremy Linden: | I think I saw that blog post come up, Elite3000. |
[13:04] | Jeremy Linden: | Though I haven't had a chance to read/watch it yet! |
[13:04] | Elite3000 Abbot: | oh ok |
[13:04] | Daniel Voyager: | Just been at Borrowdale with Nyx Linden office hours - everyone is talking about SL Mesh Upload annoucement/updates. |
[13:05] | Nathan Adored: | /me giggles |
[13:05] | Nathan Adored: | Oh, I'll bet EVERY OH will be abuzz about Mesh importing. |
[13:05] | Elite3000 Abbot: | Mesh? |
[13:05] | Jeremy Linden: | Ah, yes! I'm excited to see how mesh will ultimately affect Sl. |
[13:05] | Jeremy Linden: | er, Second Life! |
[13:05] | Elite3000 Abbot: | Is that something new? |
[13:05] | Daniel Voyager: | its big news at the moment - I'm excited. |
[13:05] | Elite3000 Abbot: | I'm excited also! |
[13:05] | Nathan Adored: | Mesh is basically like a super-sculpty that's easier to render and easier to import |
[13:06] | Elite3000 Abbot: | yeah |
[13:06] | Daniel Voyager: | its been in the works for years lol |
[13:06] | Elite3000 Abbot: | even vechicles can be made up of mesh? |
[13:06] | Nathan Adored: | ]And, it's ABOUT to go into public beta in 2 weeks. |
[13:06] | Daniel Voyager: | yay |
[13:06] | Nathan Adored: | or, to be more accurate, there'll be another ANNOUCNEMENT about the details of it going public beta.... in 2 weeks |
[13:07] | Jeremy Linden: | I think so, Elite3000, but keep in mind that meshes will have a sort of "prim equivalent" to figure out how many prims they would count as. |
[13:07] | Elite3000 Abbot: | ok |
[13:07] | Laurent Bechir: | are clothes going to follow the movements of the avatar with meshes ? |
[13:07] | Nathan Adored: | yup |
[13:07] | Jeremy Linden: | Anyone who is in the private beta probably knows more than I do about the subject :-) |
[13:08] | Daniel Voyager: | is there a SL wiki page yet on SL Mesh? |
[13:08] | Nathan Adored: | One thing that comes out of it that I'm really waiting to see, tho: we'll be getting better avatar meshes.... such as furries that don't need prim attachments to form them, just a furry-shaped base mesh. |
[13:08] | Laurent Bechir: | no one has a ticket to give for the private beta. I don't want to wait two weeks :) |
[13:08] | Jeremy Linden: | Not yet, but we're getting some wiki docs ready, Daniel. I wrote some for a public beta that didn't happen back in May, and we've got a contractor updating them now. |
[13:08] | Elite3000 Abbot: | So Mesh has its advantages? |
[13:09] | Nathan Adored: | yup |
[13:09] | Daniel Voyager: | thats great Jeremy |
[13:09] | Daniel Voyager | has pinged you. |
[13:09] | Nathan Adored: | Me, I'm figuring that now that Mesh is officially arriving, we'll see the OpenSim equivalent coming RSN, too. |
[13:10] | Elite3000 Abbot: | So, with all of that, do we need a special viewer for that? |
[13:10] | Jeremy Linden: | I imagine that the official viewer will support Mesh, once it goes live. |
[13:10] | Nathan Adored: | Will the 1.2x viewrs show Mesh objects? |
[13:10] | Elite3000 Abbot: | or viewer 2.2? |
[13:11] | Nathan Adored: | Course, considering that 1.2x viewr support is supposed to be dropped RSN, I'm guessing that's all moot anyway. |
[13:11] | Jeremy Linden: | That's an excellent question, actually... I'm not sure! |
[13:11] | Nathan Adored: | IIRC, that is |
[13:11] | Jeremy Linden: | Lemme try and grab one of the mesh team guys to see if they can't answer these questions a bit better :-) |
[13:11] | Aki Shichiroji: | Greetings :) |
[13:12] | Elite3000 Abbot: | kk |
[13:12] | Jeremy Linden: | Hi Aki. |
[13:12] | Nathan Adored: | Yes, do grab one of them. Kicking and screaming if you have to. Muahahaha! |
[13:12] | Jeremy Linden: | Though, if you guys came from Nyx's office hours, I don't know what more I'll be able to say :-P |
[13:12] | Aki Shichiroji: | Hi Jeremy |
[13:12] | Aki Shichiroji | has pinged you. |
[13:12] | Aki Shichiroji: | what was the question? |
[13:12] | Jeremy Linden: | The question on the table is whether older viewer will support the viewing of mesh objects. |
[13:12] | Nathan Adored: | about Mesh imports, the nature of viewer support for them, etc |
[13:13] | Aki Shichiroji: | i doubt it. |
[13:13] | Nathan Adored: | yeah, what Jeremy said |
[13:13] | Nathan Adored | has pinged you. |
[13:13] | Daniel Voyager: | Hmm I have this "[12:23] Nyx Linden: we're not backporting to 1.23" |
[13:13] | Pierpaolo Magnifico: | motherfucking idiots |
[13:13] | Nathan Adored: | ah |
[13:13] | Elite3000 Abbot: | So it will be toward viewer 2 |
[13:13] | Jeremy Linden: | Pierpaolo, feel free to voice your opinion, but I'm going to have to ask you to do it civilly. |
[13:13] | Aki Shichiroji: | There is a lot of functionality that is specific to Viewer 2, from what i've seen. |
[13:13] | Nathan Adored: | Well, IIRC, somewhere recently it was announced that support for the pre-2.0 viewrs was going to be dropped by years end anyway.... or do I misremember that? |
[13:14] | Elite3000 Abbot: | Good thing I have viewer 2.1 |
[13:14] | Nathan Adored: | I'm waiting for the Phoenix 2.1-supporting viewr. |
[13:14] | Jeremy Linden: | I don't know for sure, Nathan. This is one of those cases where I'm not 100% sure of something, and if I give the wrong answer bad things can happen :-) |
[13:15] | Nathan Adored: | /me nods nods nods |
[13:15] | Elite3000 Abbot: | /me nods |
[13:15] | Jeremy Linden: | Here we go! I'm importing Vir to help out with some of these questions. |
[13:15] | Nathan Adored: | kewl kewl |
[13:15] | Aki Shichiroji: | Hi Vir |
[13:16] | Daniel Voyager: | Hey Vir. |
[13:16] | Vir Linden: | Hi all. |
[13:16] | Elite3000 Abbot: | Hi Vir Linden |
[13:16] | Nathan Adored: | Hello Vir Linden. Can I have a bear, while I'm thinking about it? :D |
[13:16] | Nathan Adored: | neat av, btw |
[13:16] | Elite3000 Abbot: | May I have a bear, Vir? |
[13:16] | Vir Linden: | Sorry, I still don't have one. I'm lame :-( |
[13:16] | Elite3000 Abbot: | oh |
[13:16] | Nathan Adored: | oh, darn. |
[13:16] | Elite3000 Abbot: | :- |
[13:16] | Daniel Voyager: | Cool avatar by the way Vir. :D |
[13:17] | Vir Linden: | Thanks. |
[13:17] | Nathan Adored: | Well, if it was in the style of that av, it'd be really nifty. :D |
[13:17] | Elite3000 Abbot: | So, vir, will viewer 2.x support mesh? |
[13:17] | Vir Linden: | Yes, for some value of x... |
[13:17] | Daniel Voyager: | I'm just a wind-up toy av :p |
[13:17] | Nathan Adored: | Oh, yours is kewl, too. Daniel. :D |
[13:18] | Vir Linden: | Next step for mesh is to have an open beta on a dev grid |
[13:18] | Vir Linden: | hopefully soon but all scheduling is TBD |
[13:18] | Elite3000 Abbot: | ok |
[13:18] | Elite3000 Abbot: | Should mesh be supported on viewer 2.2 or newer viewers? |
[13:19] | Nathan Adored: | Yeah, next Big Announcewment vis a vis Mesh is supposed to be..... what, 2 weeks? |
[13:19] | Nathan Adored: | announcement coming in 2 weeks, I mean |
[13:19] | Vir Linden: | Yup, 2 weeks is the plan. |
[13:19] | Daniel Voyager: | Anything for viewer 1 or just viewer 2 this effects? |
[13:19] | Vir Linden: | Mesh will require a new viewer release when it comes out |
[13:20] | Elite3000 Abbot: | Hopefully viewer 2? |
[13:20] | Elite3000 Abbot: | 2.2 |
[13:20] | Aki Shichiroji: | Will upgrading from 1.23 to 2.x be manditory at that point? |
[13:20] | Nathan Adored: | 2.3 m,aybe? |
[13:20] | Vir Linden: | Don't know yet, depends on how long we spend in beta. |
[13:21] | Nathan Adored: | I seem to recall having read somewhere a Linden stating that 1.23-style viewers would not be supported anymore in a few months anyway.... |
[13:21] | Laurent Bechir: | will the dresses and other outfits follow the movements of the avatar with meshes ? |
[13:21] | Aki Shichiroji: | Nathan: well not supported... but that's a bit different than blocking out 1.23 viewers from accessing the grid entirely. |
[13:21] | Vir Linden: | Decision on when/whether 1.23 would be obsoleted is separate from mesh as far as I know - haven't heard anything about it. |
[13:22] | Nathan Adored: | Well, yeah.... but it DOES mean that making 1.23-era viewrs do Mesh is.... moot.... |
[13:22] | Vir Linden: | Right, not supported would mean you can't see meshes properly, not that you can't log in. |
[13:22] | Elite3000 Abbot: | So would viewer 2.x be mandatory? |
[13:22] | Elite3000 Abbot: | by the end of 2010? |
[13:23] | Aki Shichiroji: | I've noticed many people have anxiety about using 2.x... recent screencaps out of Snowstorm seem promising though. |
[13:23] | Vir Linden: | I haven't heard anything about mandatory 2.x - don't think there's any decision. |
[13:23] | Elite3000 Abbot: | oh |
[13:24] | Nathan Adored: | Heck, I'm waiting on the developers of my TPV of choice to come out with their 2.x-supporting viewer before I go to 2.x-land. |
[13:24] | Vir Linden: | Re: clothing, the way it works now is that mesh avs are attachments. You make your regular av invisible and just show the attachment. |
[13:25] | Vir Linden: | So regular clothing wouldn't show up, but you could make attachment clothing that would. |
[13:25] | Nathan Adored: | And then later, the mesh av would be.... an actual av of and to itself? |
[13:25] | Vir Linden: | Of course, technology may change, that's just describing what we have now. |
[13:26] | Aki Shichiroji: | it would be wonderful to have some fixed standard av meshes |
[13:26] | Vir Linden: | That's a good idea. |
[13:26] | Nathan Adored: | I HAD read that the earliest mesh-import-based avs would be built around the existing av.... er... skeleton rigging..... meaning, you couldn't devise a custom rigging for your mesh av..... but that that WOULD be coming. |
[13:27] | Vir Linden: | Right, the current ones are based on the existing rigging. |
[13:27] | Nathan Adored: | What WOULD be nifty would be if you could take your existing human av mesh, run it through a converter to turn it into the new mesh av system, and expand the details a bit.... |
[13:27] | Vir Linden: | Roadmap for future releases is still very much under construction. |
[13:28] | Elite3000 Abbot: | oh |
[13:28] | Jeremy Linden: | Uh oh. Someone found my bear. |
[13:28] | Vir Linden: | Nathan, you mean export to an external tool so you could tweak it there? |
[13:28] | Vir Linden: | Or something in-world? |
[13:28] | Nathan Adored: | Which is to say, I'd love to keep my current shape, but go to something with more detail/accuracy-to-human-form. |
[13:29] | Elite3000 Abbot: | hang on phone |
[13:29] | Vir Linden: | Some improvements would also require changing the rigging, though - beyond just surface detail. |
[13:29] | Nathan Adored: | Well, in world, or exterior to the world, I don't care so long as It Just Works. :D |
[13:29] | Vir Linden: | Heh. |
[13:29] | Elite3000 Abbot: | back |
[13:30] | Nathan Adored: | Well, yeah, the extra rigging options would be another reason I;'d want to convert my shape over.... |
[13:30] | Nathan Adored: | Say, I I wanted to add an articulated neko-tail, or big flappy ears.... not that that would fit my style, but you get the point |
[13:31] | Nathan Adored: | but have the tail and/or flappy easr be part of the base mesh of the av, and able to themsleves move and flex and stuff at my whim and control |
[13:31] | Vir Linden: | Right, extending the rigging would give us lots of cool options. |
[13:31] | Nathan Adored: | *if I wanted |
[13:33] | Jeremy Linden: | By the way, thanks so much for coming and answering these questions, Vir. This is very much outside our usual realm of discussion, but we clearly have a lot of curious people this week :-) |
[13:33] | Elite3000 Abbot: | Hi Lego |
[13:33] | Aki Shichiroji: | /me agrees. Thanks Vir :) |
[13:34] | Aki Shichiroji: | Greetings Lego |
[13:34] | Lego Rysios: | hi guys |
[13:34] | Vir Linden: | Oh, no problem. We're all glad to have a chance to talk about mesh. |
[13:34] | Jeremy Linden: | Hi Lego. |
[13:34] | Lego Rysios: | Brb |
[13:34] | Nathan Adored: | Prolly been burstinhg at the seams to tell us all somthing for months, eh? :D |
[13:35] | Jeremy Linden: | Heck, some of the people who show up to this office hour have been busting to say something for months :-P |
[13:35] | Vir Linden: | It's been under wraps for quite a while. |
[13:35] | Nathan Adored: | Yup, exasperateingly so. ã‹¡ |
[13:35] | Elite3000 Abbot: | Well, I gotta get going. See ya |
[13:35] | Aki Shichiroji: | Take care. |
[13:35] | Nathan Adored: | l8r Elite |
[13:35] | Jeremy Linden: | Thanks for coming, Elite3000. |
[13:36] | Jeremy Linden: | Any more questions about Mesh? The universe? Everything? |
[13:37] | Daniel Voyager: | Hey Youri |
[13:37] | Youri Ashton: | OMG!!! I got in without too much lagg!!!! |
[13:37] | Jeremy Linden: | Or, uh, the wiki. Usual stuff! |
[13:37] | Youri Ashton: | (on laptop and wireless, so i can not see much atm :p ) |
[13:37] | Jeremy Linden: | Welcome back, Youri. |
[13:37] | Youri Ashton: | hey all btw :) |
[13:37] | Youri Ashton: | tnx jeremy :) |
[13:37] | Youri Ashton | has pinged you. |
[13:37] | Aki Shichiroji: | Hi there Youri |
[13:37] | Youri Ashton: | heya vir :) nice to meet ya |
[13:37] | Jeremy Linden: | Our special guest this week is Vir, who has kindly volunteered to answer questions regarding Mesh. |
[13:38] | Youri Ashton: | could you bring me up to speed? |
[13:38] | Aki Shichiroji: | oh.. i had a question i forgot to ask at the Mesh office hours... do you mind if i ask it here? |
[13:38] | Laurent Bechir: | will the work on Blender be the same than when doing sculpted prims ? |
[13:38] | Jeremy Linden: | Sure, go for it, Aki. |
[13:39] | Aki Shichiroji: | I have noticed that smoothed rigged meshes don't appear with deferred lighting enabled. Is that a known bug or is it intentional? |
[13:40] | Vir Linden: | Don't know, sounds like a bug. |
[13:40] | Jeremy Linden: | Laurent, as I understand it, meshes will use the COLLADA format. It's quite a bit different fromt sculpt maps, but I'm not sure how different the 3D modeling practices will be. |
[13:40] | Lego Rysios: | i see |
[13:40] | Vir Linden: | Work on blender would be a different workflow. |
[13:40] | Vir Linden: | Lots of 3D modelers can export collada files, so you would have quite a few options. |
[13:41] | Youri Ashton: | shade, could you hide your genitals please? :) |
[13:41] | Nathan Adored: | Nnnnnnnuts! Phoenix suddenly crashed out from under me! oO |
[13:41] | Nathan Adored: | /me covers his eyes. |
[13:41] | Aki Shichiroji: | most people who have been using modelling programs to make sculpties shouldn't find much difficulty modelling meshes. The main stumbling point for me has been learning UV unwraps. |
[13:41] | Shade Isodo: | i apologize for that |
[13:41] | Youri Ashton: | lol, nw |
[13:42] | Vir Linden: | Yeah, the intention is that modeling with meshes would actually be easier then sculpties. |
[13:42] | Vir Linden: | but I'm sure it depends on what you're used to. |
[13:42] | Youri Ashton: | wasn't nix also working on meshes? |
[13:43] | Vir Linden: | Yes, Nyx has been - think his office hours were earlier today. |
[13:43] | Youri Ashton: | yeah, his OH is before this one |
[13:43] | Tails Winsmore: | what is this place |
[13:43] | lila Zenoria: | like my pegasis |
[13:43] | Jeremy Linden: | Nyx's office hour is right before this one, I think! |
[13:43] | Youri Ashton: | already was fearing he might have gotten the boot as well |
[13:43] | Youri Ashton: | lol |
[13:44] | Aki Shichiroji: | :( |
[13:44] | Tails Winsmore: | feet? |
[13:44] | Laurent Bechir: | so from what I understand, you do objects in Blender the same way as usual and the main difference is in the export to Collada instead of doing sculpt maps |
[13:44] | Youri Ashton: | i meant getting fired ;) |
[13:44] | Jeremy Linden: | "the boot" meaning "kicked out the door". He's still ehre. |
[13:44] | Jeremy Linden: | er, here. |
[13:44] | Youri Ashton: | like so many other famous lindens |
[13:44] | Youri Ashton: | correct jeremy :) |
[13:44] | Youri Ashton | has pinged you. |
[13:45] | Aki Shichiroji: | Laurent: sort of. Sculpts i would say are sort of like um... playing around with a set amount of chicken-wire, while making something with papier mache |
[13:45] | Aki Shichiroji: | but with meshes you can add and subtract |
[13:45] | Vir Linden: | We have a decent size team working on mesh now, including runitai and nyx. |
[13:45] | Youri Ashton: | havnt had the pleasure to meet runitai |
[13:45] | Aki Shichiroji: | you can make holes in things, or extend parts that you want more of |
[13:45] | Lego Rysios: | Hey Vir my brother in real Life goes on teen grid his name is Legoman Karu anyway i am wondering if we can a security Group on SL would that work. |
[13:46] | Youri Ashton: | havnt been on SL for about a month though.. (if not longer) |
[13:46] | Laurent Bechir: | add or substract vertices ? |
[13:46] | Aki Shichiroji: | right. |
[13:46] | lila Zenoria: | hello boys |
[13:46] | Jeremy Linden: | Lego, we've been over this. I'm sorry, but Linden Lab cannot support or run a "security" group. |
[13:46] | Lego Rysios: | hmm ok |
[13:46] | Lego Rysios: | i sorry |
[13:47] | Youri Ashton: | Vir, could you poke the rest of the team for new attachement points (like a tail) and new skeletons? that would really be helping |
[13:47] | Jeremy Linden: | No worries. |
[13:47] | Vir Linden: | It's definitely something we're interested in, but not likely in the near term. |
[13:47] | Vir Linden: | I'll mention it. |
[13:48] | Nathan Adored: | /me wonders if he WANTS to know what sort of "security group" that boy wants. |
[13:48] | Youri Ashton: | please do, nyx rather keeps off the boat on that one for some time now :( |
[13:48] | Vir Linden: | Unfortunately there's always more cool stuff to do than time to do it. |
[13:48] | Jeremy Linden: | Yikes! Got people sitting in my lap. |
[13:48] | Jeremy Linden: | ! |
[13:48] | Aki Shichiroji: | my concern with additional attachments is the potential for added load viewer side |
[13:48] | Youri Ashton: | stop complaining jeremy, they just like you that much ;) |
[13:48] | Youri Ashton | has pinged you. |
[13:48] | Youri Ashton: | haha |
[13:49] | Lego Rysios: | i also wonder which my brother is 16 and with a grid merge Vir did you mean my security idea |
[13:49] | lila Zenoria: | hey jeremy mind if i sit with you |
[13:49] | lila Zenoria | has pinged you. |
[13:49] | Aki Shichiroji: | though there are certainly some points along the avatar that could use attachments. |
[13:49] | Lego Rysios: | comeing up how will he get here |
[13:49] | Jeremy Linden: | That's fine lila, though I would ask you to please not sit ON me :-P |
[13:50] | Laurent Bechir: | I have a wish for the viewer : temporary textures upload. It's in snowstorm, but I don't know if it is accepted |
[13:50] | Jeremy Linden: | Sort of like that. That's sitting on me. Just sayin' |
[13:50] | lila Zenoria: | i like you |
[13:50] | Shade Isodo: | kinda akward jeremy but ok |
[13:50] | Shade Isodo | has pinged you. |
[13:50] | Lego Rysios: | How will Teens get here |
[13:50] | lila Zenoria: | i like you jeremy |
[13:50] | lila Zenoria | has pinged you. |
[13:50] | Nathan Adored: | /me giggles |
[13:51] | Shade Isodo: | ouch< she ran off tje building |
[13:51] | Shade Isodo: | ,* |
[13:51] | Jeremy Linden: | Lego, your brother should continue to watch the blogs for more information on the TSL move. I also hold office hours in Meiji West (in TSL) on Thursdays at 2pm |
[13:52] | Nathan Adored: | IIRC, Teen Grid residents' accounts will simply get converted over to being Main Grid accounts. |
[13:52] | Youri Ashton: | you do? omg, thats new to me :o |
[13:52] | Lego Rysios: | How will they move everyone do you know |
[13:53] | Youri Ashton: | @nathan, unfortunately yeah, more smartass kiddies on main grid... if we didnt have enough problems with the griefers yet :( |
[13:53] | Youri Ashton: | there are some good ones between them of course! |
[13:53] | Nathan Adored: | I wonder what the younger TG residents, when/if they get brought over., will make of kid-avs like me. |
[13:54] | Youri Ashton: | i wouldnt be surpised at all |
[13:54] | Jeremy Linden: | Heh. Interesting concept, Nathan. |
[13:54] | Daniel Voyager: | I transferred over from the TG in December 2008. Back in the old days. :p |
[13:54] | Youri Ashton: | and dont forget the predators trying to get something from them.... :( |
[13:55] | Nathan Adored: | yeah, that is a point. |
[13:55] | Youri Ashton: | enough on the grid already bothering adults.... |
[13:55] | Youri Ashton: | if you get my point |
[13:55] | Nathan Adored: | "May you live in interesting times," says the old Chinese proverb..... |
[13:55] | Time Minder: | You have been online for 1 hours. |
[13:55] | Nathan Adored: | Actually, old Chinese *curse* I should say |
[13:56] | Laurent Bechir: | youri: you're right, adults are bothering |
[13:56] | Youri Ashton: | not sure if i get what you mean laurent? |
[13:56] | Aki Shichiroji: | /me feels old. =_= |
[13:56] | Lego Rysios: | How will they move everyone do you know jeremy |
[13:56] | Lego Rysios | has pinged you. |
[13:56] | Daniel Voyager: | I have some snapshots of my time there between 2006-2008 > |
[13:56] | Nathan Adored: | Irony is, is, some of the so-called adults in-world are less mature than some of the RL teens! Or so I hear. |
[13:56] | Youri Ashton: | /me taps aki's back, your not that old ;) |
[13:56] | Jeremy Linden: | I'm not sure of the exact method, Lego. I just know that the move will be complete before December 31. |
[13:57] | Laurent Bechir: | yes, about adult areas, I guess, I was just making a stupid joke :) |
[13:57] | Nathan Adored: | I've heard a rumor that might be moving the younger teens over too in a bit. the 13 14 and 15yos. |
[13:57] | Daniel Voyager: | 2011 for us..hmm.. |
[13:57] | Youri Ashton: | nathan, i think you mean adults with a low IQ and showing that they have that... |
[13:57] | Nathan Adored: | *that they |
[13:57] | Nathan Adored: | Yeah, that too. |
[13:57] | Youri Ashton: | monkey behavior... |
[13:58] | Youri Ashton: | younger teens rumor??? OMG, i sure hope not! |
[13:58] | Nathan Adored: | I wonder what a REAL 13yo would think, upon bumping into someone RPing being a 13yo. |
[13:58] | Daniel Voyager: | Just move everyone over if you are going to merge the grids. It's not fair on 13-15yrs. |
[13:58] | Jeremy Linden: | I haven't heard anything about the younger teens. Last I heard, the plan was to freeze their accounts and assets until they turn 16, at which time they'll be able to reclaim everything. |
[13:58] | Youri Ashton: | 16/17 yrs olds i can understand, due to the teachers being on maingrid. but what is here on main for younger teens? |
[13:59] | Nathan Adored: | Dunno, that is a point, I guess |
[13:59] | Jeremy Linden: | Heh. I would have thought SL was awesome when I was 13. I'd probably chill in a sandbox or something. |
[13:59] | Daniel Voyager: | "freeze their accounts" hmm, where are they going to go to? |
[14:00] | Youri Ashton: | jeremy, good plan. rather have them study as they should. however, it might be a good thing to have some teachers on teengrid that allow them to do studies on the grid. it may show a lot better what things are and how to understand things better |
[14:00] | Youri Ashton | has pinged you. |
[14:00] | Jeremy Linden: | Daniel, their accounts will be inaccessible, but nothing will be deleted. All their inventory and information will be preserved. |
[14:00] | Daniel Voyager: | Oh right. |
[14:01] | Youri Ashton: | for example, the human body in huge form where they can walk around in, much more detailled then a dummy at school |
[14:01] | Jeremy Linden: | Youri, I think I saw a place like that once. |
[14:01] | Youri Ashton: | wouldnt be suprised jeremy ;) |
[14:01] | Youri Ashton | has pinged you. |
[14:01] | Jeremy Linden: | It sounds like one of the places Pathfinder took my office on a tour, maybe a year ago :-) |
[14:02] | Nathan Adored: | In huge form? Sorta like Godzilla stomping through Tokyo? ONly as a human? :D |
[14:02] | Youri Ashton: | :) |
[14:02] | Jeremy Linden: | And with voice-guided tours. |
[14:02] | Youri Ashton: | i seen path some time ago at Qarl's place. we were having a memorial for Qarl sorta |
[14:03] | Nathan Adored: | Voice guided tours? :D ("And if you look off to the left, you will see Mothra, in her natice environment....") |
[14:03] | Nathan Adored: | *native |
[14:03] | Jeremy Linden: | Pretty much, Nathan. Only with intestines and stuff. |
[14:03] | Nathan Adored: | Oh, you'll be walking around IN the giant human, not AS the giant human |
[14:04] | Nathan Adored: | Inside, I mean |
[14:04] | Youri Ashton: | correct |
[14:04] | Nathan Adored: | /me facepalms (=_=) |
[14:04] | Nathan Adored: | /me giggles |
[14:04] | Jeremy Linden: | Not that I haven't seen giant human avatars, too. |
[14:04] | Youri Ashton: | could do the same idea with a car for example |
[14:04] | Nathan Adored: | I ahve too. ã‹¡ |
[14:04] | Youri Ashton: | showing how a car works |
[14:04] | Youri Ashton: | or pretty much any object or animal you could think of |
[14:05] | Youri Ashton: | with meshes they will look even better and a lot more detailled |
[14:05] | Jeremy Linden: | Oh! We're past 2pm. I'll cut here for the transcript. |
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