Estate Menu
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The Estate Menu (overview)
When you purchase your very own sim, you then become not only controller of all the land (65,536 m2) but you also become the Estate Owner. This means you control every aspect of the server your sim is on; You can restart the region, change the texture, give limits, send server messages etc. The Estate Menu was created as a tool to help sim owners better control their land without the limits of About Land. The estate menu allows you to control things, to make reselling easier, and to allow more control over the things you might need your sim for (i.e tennant limits, texture design) This tutorial was designed to help you grasp the concept of the Region/Estate menu, and we hope this will help you on your way to Estate Management - Either as an Estate Manager, or Estate Owner. If you have any questions about the specific Estate Manager, or Estate Owner position please see their specific pages.
Getting to the Estate Menu
Before you can do anything with the Region/Estate menu, you must know how to access it. If you are the Region owner, or have access to the menu, it should be as easy as two clicks of the mouse...
Firstly you hit 'World' on your top toolbar
Once you hit 'World' you should get a drop-down menu that looks like the following. Once you get that menu, skip down and click on the 'Region/Estate', this will take you to the menu where it all starts, and you can start controlling and exploring your region!
Region Tab
So you pulled up the region menu, now its time to start learning how to do everything within the menu. The following is a small walkthrough around the Region Tab; the first tab in the Menu. You will probably be using this tab the most in your region affairs, it is the general place to go for region control.
This is the basic look of the region tab
- Permissions: These are the Permissions that Residents on your region have. Weather it is selling or the terraform/water limits, you can check boxes, and apply the rules and boundaries that you would want.
- Teleport/Message: You can teleport users home using the Singular teleport home, or global. These tools will be good for completely kicking the user from the region, as eject only sends them to the region-corner. The message is used for sending a vibrant notice to everyone in the region, it will appear in a blue box almost like a dialog.
- Manage TeleHUB: This will allow you to set a teleHUB on your region. A teleHUB will make it so that destination is the central spawning point for everyone in the region, it will also make your region available to be teleported to from mainland areas. When you open the teleHUB manager, you will be able to damp the HUB to a prim, set the location, then delete the object.
Debug Tab
The debug tab is very useful for disabling lag, or any simulator performance issues. This tab is central for all your technical issues including Low FPS, Low Script Performance, Physics Lag. The debug tab gives you all the tools and options nessisary to stop almost anything that can come your way.
This is the basic look of the debug tab
- Boundries: If the region starts getting really laggy, you might want to try disabling some of these. The first to go would be scripts - this disables the ability to allocate server memory. Second would be Collisions; this would make it so all physical objects cannot collide, meaning they would be phantom in a sence - this would also take off a load on the server. Lastly would be Physics - this isnt that encouraged because it disables all physics, meaning NO ONE can move at all untill you disable.
- Object Debug: With this tool, you can get a menu of high lagging script or object, and disable it. You can also do this by selected person or object name.
- Region Restarts: Restarting the region can be iffy at times. You have to know when it is appropriate to do so. The truth is it is never a jump-to kind of action - you should only do a restart when informed to do so by a Linden Lab employee, make sure you have debugged first ect. Once you Restart a region, it will go down and come back up within 2 minutes. You can also hit delay restart, and delay it to 60 minutes.
Ground Textures Tab
The ground textures tab is used to implement different looks you want your region terrain to look like; say you wanted a beachy sim, grassland, ect. The ground texture tab is what you will be using to style your sim (if you will). This may be hard to master at first, but you will learn, and get better with it in time.
This is the basic look of the ground texture tab
- Texture Mapping: When you want to implement a ground texture, the first thing you want to do is select the certain textures you want to work with - the limit is 4. Once you select the differant textures you want on your sim, you need to map them on your sim using the highs and lows in the little boxes. When you make something high, it will overlap a low, and low will let the highs dominate, mapping itself is a bit tricky, but you can get the hang of it after a while.
Terrain Tab
The terrain tab is a basic tab used to format terrain and sun limits and statistics. You can use this whenever you want to set limits for tennants on your sim, or set a fixed sun, if you want your sim to look a certain (sunny, dark, ect.).
This is the basic look of the Terrain Tab
- Limits: With this, you can set the water height, and the terrain raise/lower limit. This is good for constricting may-be tennants on your sim, to not terraform too high or low - it all depends on your preferance and will of restriction.
- Sun Tool: This is used for implementing a certain type of sun, or leaving it as a default. If you choose to make it sunny, or night time, it will appear that way to all users, regaurdless of the time of day. If you want it to change sun throughout the day, have it on 'Estate Sun'.
- Bake/Raw terrain: Only estate owners can access this feature. With download/upload RAW terrain, you can implement your terrain format based on a RAW file. You can also Bake the terrain, making it saved in the current shape it is in.
Estate Tab
The estate tab is used for global action. If you own multiple sims tied into one estate, you can use this to act on all of them at once. It is good if you want to say send a message to everyone in every sim you own, or ban someone. Hey! You can even add people to help you manage your estate from here! This is one of the most useful tabs on the menu, if you own multiple sims you will be using it alot.
This is the basic look of the Estate Tab
- Estate Managers: Only estate owners can access this, however this is used to allow other trusted users to manage your estate. These users will have access to most of your estate, so please be careful who you choose. There is a max of 10, estate managers cannot kick off anyone or allow anyone to the list.
- Estate Access: With this, you can set a list of people who are only allowed to enter your estate. It is only available when 'Visible from mainland' is not checked. Be careful who you allow access to your estate.
- Estate Sun: This is the same as the Terrain Tab's sun, however it applies for the whole estate
- Ban List: This is a list of users who are unallowed to access any region tied to the estate. When you ban someone it will ask if you want to ban them from the current estate, or all estates.
- Restrictions: This will allow you to give restrictions on all the people who are able to be on your estate, or how to get to your estate. You can deny people by payment type, and you can allow/restrict things like direct teleport and public access.
- Message/Kick: With these buttons, you can send a message to the estate, and kick any user on your estate, from the estate. With the message, you can send a similiar formatted blue-box message to everyone just like on the region message, only to ever sim tied onto the estate, and the Kick User is similiar to the Teleport home on the Region tab, only applies to the whole estate.
The covenant is a simple gadget used to bind future buyers/tennants to codes of conduct. The users must read this and agree with this covenant before they purchase land on your estate. Be careful what you write in this, it is viewable by everyone. To edit the covenant, simply write out what you want it to display inside a notecard, then drop it in the covenant box in the Covenant Tab.