Linden Lab Official:Inventory API

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This document uses LLIDL for terse description of the HTTP POST and response bodies.

Viewer Capabilities

The Viewer receives four Inventory API capabilities. As of January, 2011, we have deployed version-2 identified capabilities and removed all others. These capabilities will be used by default on Viewer 2.5.1 and above, released in March, 2011. Third Party Viewers may update their code, but be aware the pre-Viewer-2.5.1 code has numerous bugs associated with this method of accessing inventory.

KBnote.png Note: The inventory code uses the spelling variant descendents instead of the more common descendants.


Follows the Fetch Inventory Descendents API, fetches the agent's inventory structure.


Follows the Fetch Inventory Items API, fetches the agent's items.


Follows the Fetch Inventory Descendents API, fetches library inventory structure.


Follows the Fetch Inventory Items API, fetches library inventory items.


The Inventory API returns values that use the following standardized LLSD data structures:

  • Category - can contain items and other categories.
  • Item - A handle that can point to a valid asset in the system.
  • Permission - permissions information for an item.
  • Sale info - information on sale of an item

Categories and items are not required to have unique names. The system generates all categories with a non-null asset_type and you cannot delete them. All user-generated categories have type_default null.


The category data structure can contain items and other categories. The combination of agent_id and category_id uniquely identify a category. A special root category has type_default = folder (a category for folders) and a parent_id of null UUID (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).

The category data structure consists of a single LLSD map with the values described in the following table.

Key Datatype Description
agent_id UUID Agent's UUID
category_id UUID Category's UUID
name string Text name of the category
parent_id UUID Parent category's UUID
type_default integer Asset type value.
version integer Version number


<python>&category = {

   agent_id        : uuid,
   category_id     : uuid,
   parent_id       : uuid,
   name            : string,
   type_default    : int,
   version         : int,


The item data structure refers to a valid asset in the system and contains enough information to find the asset in our domain, as well as permissions information. An item is uniquely identified by the combination of agent_id and item_id.

The item data structure consists of a map containing the following elements:

Return value Datatype Description
agent_id UUID
asset_id UUID
created_at int timestamp?
desc string
flags integer
inv_type integer inventory type
item_id UUID
name string
parent_id UUID
permissions Map containing Permissions
sale_info Map containing Sale info
type integer asset type


<python>&item = {

   agent_id        : uuid,
   item_id         : uuid,
   parent_id       : uuid,  #(category_id of the containing folder)
   asset_id        : uuid,  #(available only for downloadable assets) 
   name            : string,
   desc            : string,
   created_at      : int,   (timestamp)
   type            : int,   (asset type)
   inv_type        : int,   (inventory type)
   flags           : int,   (type-specific flags)
   permissions     : &permissions,
   sale_info       : &sale_info,


The permissions structure is a map containing the following elements:

Return value Datatype Description
base_mask integer
creator_id UUID
everyone_mask integer
group_id UUID if the object is group-owned, this will have a value.
group_mask integer
is_owner_group bool
last_owner_id UUID
next_owner_mask integer
owner_id UUID always same as agent_id
owner_mask integer


<python>&permissions = {

   creator_id      : uuid,
   owner_id        : uuid,   (always same as agent_id)
   group_id        : uuid,
   last_owner_id   : uuid,
   is_owner_group  : bool,
   base_mask       : int,
   group_mask      : int,
   owner_mask      : int,
   next_owner_mask : int,
   everyone_mask   : int,

Sale info

The sale info structure is a map containing the following elements:

Return value Datatype Description
sale_price integer
sale_type integer


<python>&sale_info = {

   sale_price      : int,
   sale_type       : int,


Item Links

Item links have inventory_type 24. The asset_id field of the item points to an item_id. When the parent category contents are retrieved, both the link item and the link target appear in the listing. Viewer must resolve the links by using the target item's information and removing the target item from the listing. Broken links, that is, a link item for which there is no corresponding target item, must be shown as broken links, allowing the user to take corrective action.

Folder Links

Folder links are represented by items with inventory_type 25. The asset_id field of the item points to a category_id. Viewers should enable viewing of the contents of the target category, while indicating that the category is a link.

API reference

Fetch inventory items

Returns information on the specified inventory items.

HTTP method: POST




Query (POST) parameters:

  • items - a map with one key, 'items', whose value is an array of maps, each with one key, 'item_id', whose value is the item you want information about.

Return value

The response is a map containing two keys, as shown in the following table.

Key Datatype Description
agent_id UUID UUID of the agent in question
items array Array of item data structures.

Each item data structure is a map with the following elements:

Return value Datatype Description
agent_id UUID
asset_id UUID
created_at int timestamp
desc string
flags integer
inv_type integer inventory type
item_id UUID
name string
parent_id UUID
permissions Map containing Permissions
sale_info Map containing Sale info
type integer asset type





%% FetchInventoryCapURL
-> { items: [{ item_id: uuid }, ... ] }
<- { agent_id: uuid, items: [ &item, ... ] }


Fetch inventory descendents

HTTP method: POST



Using HTTP POST, send a body containing a map with one key, 'folders', whose value is an array of maps, each with one key, 'folder_id', each of whose value is the category you want information about.

The response is a map containing one key, 'folders', whose value is an array of folder structures with bonus descendents information.


Query parameters:

  • folder_ids - map with one key, 'folders', whose value is an array of maps, each with one key, 'folder_id', each of whose value is the UUID of the category on which you want information.

Return value

Returns a map with a single element, folders, that is an array with a single element that is a map with the following elements:

Key Datatype Description
agentid UUID UUID of the agent in question
owner_id undef
folder_id UUID
version int
descendents int Note typo!
categories Array of category data structure See below for elements.
items Array of item data structures. See below for elements.

Each category data structure is a map with the following elements: {{#lst:Inventory API|category }}

Each item data structure is a map with the following elements: {{#lst:Inventory API|item}}





%% FetchInventoryDescendentsCapURL
-> { folders: [{ folder_id: uuid }, ... ] }
<- { folders: [{ agent_id: uuid,
                 owner_id: uuid,
                 folder_id: uuid,
                 version: int,
                 descendents: int,                 (len(items) + len(categories))
                 categories: [ &category, ... ],
                 items: [ &item, ... ]
              }] }
