LSL Editor TextPad ClipBook Events
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The following is a clip book file of events for use in TextPad, a Windows text editior.
To install it, bring up your Clip Library (CTRL+F3) and right-click on the drop down menu of clip books. Select "New book..." save it and give it a title. Next, select your new clip book and right-click on the title and select "Edit book". Paste the following into the document that comes up after the first line (keep the first line of the document, it's important). Refresh the Clip Library and your clip library is ready for use.
!TITLE=LSL Events !SORT=Y !CHARSET=ANSI !TEXT=at_rot_target() at_rot_target(integer tnum, rotation targetrot, rotation ourrot) { } ! !TEXT=at_target() at_target(integer tnum, vector targetpos, vector ourpos) { } ! !TEXT=attach() attach(key id) { } ! !TEXT=money() money(key id, integer amount) { } ! !TEXT=changed() changed(integer change) { } ! !TEXT=collision() collision(integer num_detected) { } ! !TEXT=collision_end() collision_end(integer num_detected) { } ! !TEXT=collision_start() collision_start(integer num_detected) { } ! !TEXT=control() control(key id, integer level, integer edge) { } ! !TEXT=dataserver() dataserver(key queryid, string data) { } ! !TEXT=email() email(string time, string address, string subj, string message, integer num_left) { } ! !TEXT=http_response() http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body) { } ! !TEXT=land_collision() land_collision(vector pos) { } ! !TEXT=land_collision_end() land_collision_end(vector pos) { } ! !TEXT=land_collision_start() land_collision_start(vector pos) { } ! !TEXT=link_message() link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { } ! !TEXT=listen() listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { } ! !TEXT=moving_end() moving_end() { } ! !TEXT=moving_start() moving_start() { } ! !TEXT=touch() touch(integer num_detected) { } ! !TEXT=no_sensor() no_sensor() { } ! !TEXT=not_at_rot_target() not_at_rot_target() { } ! !TEXT=not_at_target() not_at_target() { } ! !TEXT=object_rez() object_rez(key id) { } ! !TEXT=on_rez() on_rez(integer start_param) { } ! !TEXT=remote_data() remote_data(integer event_type, key channel, key message_id, string sender, integer idata, string sdata) { } ! !TEXT=run_time_permissions() run_time_permissions(integer perm) { } ! !TEXT=sensor() sensor(integer num_detected) { } ! !TEXT=state_entry() state_entry() { } ! !TEXT=state_exit() state_exit() { } ! !TEXT=timer() timer() { } ! !TEXT=touch_end() touch_end(integer num_detected) { } ! !TEXT=touch_start() touch_start(integer num_detected) { } !