LSL Protocol/LockGuard/LockGuardScript
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LockGuard V2 Open Source
Here is a complete LockGuard V2 Script which implements the LockGuard V2 Protocol. This script is fully functional and well-commented. LockGuard V2 support is as simple as dropping this script into the prim you wish to generate particle chains from. The script is open source, so if you need to make any modifications for your own projects, feel free to do so..... however, while you are free to copy and modify this script to suit your own needs, I ask that you do not deviate from the LockGuard V2 Protocol.
Note: if your LockGuard anchor is to be used on an attachement (cuffs, collars, belts, etc), then it is better to add PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK to nBitField in llLockGuardLink(): this will prevent the particles to trail behind the avatar when the latter moves...
LockGuard V2 Script
// LockGuard V2 Script
// ..... by Lillani Lowell
// Modified by Sonya Gausman (2007/07/31)
// Special thanks (in alphabetical order) go to:
// Tengu Tamabushi (testing/debugging/code support & rope texture)
// Zi Ree (testing/debugging/code support & chain texture)
// The chain and rope textures which LockGuard V2 uses are owned
// by Tengu and Zi.
// And thanks to all the people who are using LockGuard!
// LockGuard V2 is a simple, powerful, programmable, and highly versatile
// particle chain link library. LockGuard V2 is a plug and play, multiple
// purple chain/rope/hose generator which can be used for fences, streamers,
// decorations, spiderwebs, and b&d related items.
// LockGuard chains are called by matching an avatar key with a particle chain
// ID tag, and by using this method particle chains can be called
// individually, in groups, or even all at once.
// Now.....
// I'd like to say, the way this source is written may seem a little odd to
// some people, but there *is* a rhyme and reason to my apparant madness, even
// if it doesn't seem entirely obvious at first glance. :)
// And, of course, code improvements are always welcome!
// Feel free to use this code in any derivitive works, a source mention would be
// nice, but not necessary. :)
// LockGuard Features:
// -- One way communication, no need to haggle.
// -- Plug and play functionality.
// -- Built-in particle chain generator, configurable "on the fly".
// -- 100% backwards compatibility with all previous furniture and devices.
// -- Simplistic, furniture side scripting, LockGuard is your wheel, you
// don't have to reinvent it.
// -- Call chains based on customizable ID tags, call multiple chains
// which share one ID.
// -- Determine whether or not an item exists through a ping.
// LockGuard V2 Features:
// -- Open source!
// -- Multi-command parsing, include all your LockGuard commands in
// a single chatblock.
// -- Multiple ID tags per item, call a chain individually, call it by
// a group tag, or all at once!
// -- Determine whether or not a chain is linked from the item.
// -- Ability to change channels for private projects (requires
// nPrivateProject=TRUE).
// -- Ability to disable listen entirely, for "fire and forget" chains
// (requires nPrivateProject=TRUE).
// Sonya: The original version of this script used llLockGuardFoo() functions
// however such naming could bring make someone think that those functions are
// built-in (where in fact they are user functions) since "ll" is said to mean
// "linden library". I therefore changed all function names from
// llLockGuardFoo() to lgFoo().
// I've also did some optimisation in lgObey() and wrapped comments at
// 78th column to make code more readable (it made it more readable
// for me at least).
// program variables
// Changing nPrivateProject to TRUE will allow LockGuard V2 devices to
// change the LG channel or even disable llListen
// entirely. nPrivateProject should *always* be false for items which
// use non-static or linking with public items.
integer nPrivateProject = FALSE;
// Typical channel and handler.
integer nChannel = -9119;
integer nHandle;
// Variables for sucking the data out of a notecard. See the default
// state.
string fnLNCFilename = "LockGuard V2 Config";
string fnLNCFileData;
list fnLNCFileDataList;
integer fnLNCLine;
key fnLNCQueryID;
// Command line storage + parser count.
list lCommandLine;
integer nParserCount;
// Chat lines are converted into lists because it is assumed the
// internal compiled FindList functions will work faster than breaking
// it down into substrings and then having a bunch of intepreted if
// and thens running amok on a virtual machine comparing them.
// Known Issue
// The only potential issue with the new V2 Script is that it now
// supports multiple LockGuard commands in a single command
// block. This was included in the overhaul of the parser which old
// LockGuard does not support. This will *not* affect LockGuard
// devices or furniture which are already on the market, as they are
// still compatible with the LockGuard protocol. Backwards
// compatibility has been thoroughly tested to make sure old LockGuard
// furniture/devices operate as they should with the new LockGuard V2
// Script.
// The only time this issue will present a problem is when new V2
// furniture or devices use the new multi-command format and try to
// communicate with the old LockGuard Item Script. The old LockGuard
// Item Script will only recognize the first command, and ignore the
// rest. This is easily solved by dropping in the LockGuard V2 Script
// and LockGuard V2 Config notecard in place of the old LockGuard Item
// Script and LockGuard Item Config notecard into your item, etc.
// Again, this *does not* affect the use of current /furniture/ or
// /devices/.
// I had debated on adding the new multi-command parser because of
// this potential issue, but at the last minute decided being able to
// configure AND link a chain in one single call which significantly
// reduces LockGuard channel use and increases overall performance
// outweighed the minor inconvenience of taking a moment to change out
// LockGuards scripts in items.
// Evolution is not without its little bumps in the road, but that
// which does not evolve gets left behind.
// lockguard variables
// 0 - id
// 1 - link
// 2 - unlink
// 3 - ping
// 4 - free
// 5 - texture
// 6 - size
// 7 - life
// 8 - speed
// 9 - gravity
// 10 - color
// 11 - unlisten << only works when nPrivateProject = TRUE
// 12 - channel << only works when nPrivateProject = TRUE
// Do not modify or change the order of lLockGuardCommands unless you
// KNOW what you're doing!
list lLockGuardCommands = [ "id", "link", "unlink", "ping", "free", "texture", "size", "life", "speed", "gravity", "color", "unlisten", "channel" ];
// These textures were granted by Zi and Tengu (see credits at top)
// for use in LockGuard V2. Although they are being distributed with
// V2, they are still owned by their respective creators.
key kDefaultChain = "40809979-b6be-2b42-e915-254ccd8d9a08";
key kDefaultRope = "bc586d76-c5b9-de10-5b66-e8840f175e0d";
list lLockGuardID = [];
key kTarget;
// Default particle chain values, if they're not loaded from the
// configuration notecard these are what they will be. Don't change the
// defaults here, change them in the LockGuard V2 Config notecard instead.
key kTextureDefault = "40809979-b6be-2b42-e915-254ccd8d9a08";
float fSizeXDefault = 0.07;
float fSizeYDefault = 0.07;
float fLifeDefault = 1;
float fGravityDefault = 0.3;
float fMinSpeedDefault = 0.005; // Not really used, life
// generally determines speed.
float fMaxSpeedDefault = 0.005; // Not really used, life
// generally determines speed.
float fRedDefault = 1;
float fGreenDefault = 1;
float fBlueDefault = 1;
// Particle chain values the program will actually use. Don't fill them
// in, they'll only get written over later.
key kTexture;
float fSizeX;
float fSizeY;
float fLife;
float fGravity;
float fMinSpeed;
float fMaxSpeed;
float fRed;
float fGreen;
float fBlue;
integer nLinked = FALSE;
// filter
integer lgItemCheck()
// LockGuard will do the checks to ensure the command line meets the
// following critera:
// 1. It's meant for LockGuard.
// 2. It's meant for the avatar who owns the item this script is in.
// 3. It's meant for all items OR.....
// 4. It's meant for a corresponding ID tag which has been given to
// this item.
// While ALL is still supported as a tag for backwards compatibility with
// some old devices, it should *never* be used in new devices.
if( llList2String( lCommandLine, 0 ) != "lockguard" )
return FALSE;
if( llList2String( lCommandLine, 1 ) != (string)llGetOwner() )
return FALSE;
if( llList2String( lCommandLine, 2 ) == "all" )
return TRUE;
//if( llListFindList( lLockGuardID, llList2List( lCommandLine, 2, 2 ) ) == -1 )
// return FALSE;
//return TRUE;
return llListFindList( lLockGuardID, llList2List( lCommandLine, 2, 2 ) ) != -1;
// particle chain
// Restore the chain defaults, LockGuard does this when the script first
// starts (after loading from the notecard), when attached to an avatar,
// or when an unlink command is issued.
kTexture = kTextureDefault;
fSizeX = fSizeXDefault;
fSizeY = fSizeYDefault;
fLife = fLifeDefault;
fGravity = fGravityDefault;
fMinSpeed = fMinSpeedDefault;
fMaxSpeed = fMaxSpeedDefault;
fRed = fRedDefault;
fGreen = fGreenDefault;
fBlue = fBlueDefault;
lgLink( integer fn_nRelinking )
// The simple secret of a particle chain revealed! :)
llParticleSystem( [] );
if( !fn_nRelinking )
kTarget = llList2Key( lCommandLine, ++nParserCount );
if( fGravity == 0 )
llParticleSystem( [ PSYS_PART_MAX_AGE, fLife, PSYS_PART_FLAGS, nBitField, PSYS_PART_START_COLOR, <fRed, fGreen, fBlue>, PSYS_PART_END_COLOR, <fRed, fGreen, fBlue>, PSYS_PART_START_SCALE, <fSizeX, fSizeY, 1.00000>, PSYS_PART_END_SCALE, <fSizeX, fSizeY, 1.00000>, PSYS_SRC_PATTERN, 1, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RATE, 0.000000, PSYS_SRC_ACCEL, <0.00000, 0.00000, (fGravity*-1)>, PSYS_SRC_BURST_PART_COUNT, 10, PSYS_SRC_BURST_RADIUS, 0.000000, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MIN, fMinSpeed, PSYS_SRC_BURST_SPEED_MAX, fMaxSpeed, PSYS_SRC_INNERANGLE, 0.000000, PSYS_SRC_OUTERANGLE, 0.000000, PSYS_SRC_OMEGA, <0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000>, PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE, 0.000000, PSYS_PART_START_ALPHA, 1.000000, PSYS_PART_END_ALPHA, 1.000000, PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY, kTarget, PSYS_SRC_TEXTURE, kTexture ] );
nLinked = TRUE;
// Unlink the particle chain, restore the item's defaults, and move along.
llParticleSystem( [] );
nLinked = FALSE;
kTarget = NULL_KEY;
// Change the texture.
kTexture = llList2Key( lCommandLine, ++nParserCount );
if( kTexture == "chain" )
kTexture = kDefaultChain;
if( kTexture == "rope" )
kTexture = kDefaultRope;
if( nLinked )
lgLink( TRUE );
// Change the size.
fSizeX = llList2Float( lCommandLine, ++nParserCount );
fSizeY = llList2Float( lCommandLine, ++nParserCount );
if( nLinked )
lgLink( TRUE );
// Change the life.
fLife = llList2Float( lCommandLine, ++nParserCount );
if( nLinked )
lgLink( TRUE );
// Change the speed.
fMinSpeed = llList2Float( lCommandLine, ++nParserCount );
fMaxSpeed = llList2Float( lCommandLine, ++nParserCount );
if( nLinked )
lgLink( TRUE );
// Change the amount of gravity.
fGravity = llList2Float( lCommandLine, ++nParserCount );
if( nLinked )
lgLink( TRUE );
// Change the color/tint.
fRed = llList2Float( lCommandLine, ++nParserCount );
fGreen = llList2Float( lCommandLine, ++nParserCount );
fBlue = llList2Float( lCommandLine, ++nParserCount );
if( nLinked )
lgLink( TRUE );
// channel
// Kill the listener. This command will not work unless nPrivateProject ==
// TRUE.
llListenRemove( nHandle );
// Swap channels. This command will not work unless nPrivateProject ==
// TRUE.
llListenRemove( nHandle );
nChannel = llList2Integer( lCommandLine, ++nParserCount );
nHandle = llListen( nChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "" );
// obedience
// Assign a new ID to the item, an item can have multiple IDs.
lLockGuardID += llList2List( lCommandLine, nParserCount, nParserCount );
// Do we exist?
llWhisper( nChannel, "lockguard " + (string)llGetOwner() + " " + llList2String( lLockGuardID, 0 ) + " okay" );
// Are we free?
if( nLinked )
llWhisper( nChannel, "lockguard " + (string)llGetOwner() + " " + llList2String( lLockGuardID, 0 ) + " no" );
llWhisper( nChannel, "lockguard " + (string)llGetOwner() + " " + llList2String( lLockGuardID, 0 ) + " yes" );
lgObey( integer fn_nBase )
//integer nCommands = llGetListLength( lCommandLine );
integer nCommands = (lCommandLine!=[]);
integer nReturn;
// Let's parse! The script will poll through the commandline and compare
// it to any known commands provided in the command list defined under the
// variables with lLockGuardCommands. If it finds a match it'll call the
// command based on its number.
// In theory, searching commands this way using compiled/native functions
// should be faster than using multiple functions to break the commandline
// down into substrings, storing the substrings, and then comparing them
// on a virtual machine. Maybe someone can confirm/deny this.
// When fn_nBase == 3, it is being called from the listen block.
// When fn_nBase == 0, it is being called from the notecard reader.
nParserCount = fn_nBase;
nReturn = llListFindList( lLockGuardCommands, llList2List( lCommandLine, nParserCount, nParserCount ) );
// Sonya: I've replaced a chain of "if (foo) bar; if (foo) bar;" with
// a "if (foo) bar; else if (foo) bar;". That's because the former is
// faster -- if for instance nReturn == 5 was true, there's no need to
// check whether nReturn == 6, nReturn == 7, etc.
// These commands can only be called via the notecard reader.
if( nReturn == 0 ) { if( fn_nBase == 0 ) lgSetID();
// These commands can only be called via chat command blocks.
} else if( nReturn == 1 ) { if( fn_nBase == 3 ) lgLink( FALSE );
} else if( nReturn == 2 ) { if( fn_nBase == 3 ) lgUnlink();
} else if( nReturn == 3 ) { if( fn_nBase == 3 ) lgPing();
} else if( nReturn == 4 ) { if( fn_nBase == 3 ) lgFree();
// These commands can be called anywhere, either by setting defaults
// through the notecards or through chatblocks.
} else if( nReturn == 5 ) { lgTexture();
} else if( nReturn == 6 ) { lgSize();
} else if( nReturn == 7 ) { lgLife();
} else if( nReturn == 8 ) { lgSpeed();
} else if( nReturn == 9 ) { lgGravity();
} else if( nReturn == 10 ){ lgColor();
// LockGuard willonly allow channel changing and unlistening if
// nPrivateProject == TRUE.
} else if( nReturn == 11 ) {
if( nPrivateProject ) lgUnlisten();
} else if( nReturn == 12 ) {
if( nPrivateProject ) lgChannelChange();
} while( nParserCount < nCommands );
// default
// The standard, "let's read the notecard" function.
fnLNCLine = 0;
fnLNCQueryID = llGetNotecardLine( fnLNCFilename, fnLNCLine );
dataserver( key query_id, string data )
integer i;
if( query_id == fnLNCQueryID )
if( data != EOF )
if( fnLNCLine > 0 )
fnLNCFileData += " ";
} else
fnLNCFileDataList = [];
fnLNCFileDataList += [ data ];
fnLNCQueryID = llGetNotecardLine( fnLNCFilename, fnLNCLine );
} else
integer len = fnLNCFileDataList!=[];
lCommandLine = llParseString2List( llToLower( llList2String( fnLNCFileDataList, i ) ), [ " " ], [] );
lgObey( 0 );
} while( i < len );
fnLNCFileDataList = [];
state lockguardGo;
changed( integer change )
// If anything in our inventory changes, reset.
if( change == CHANGED_INVENTORY )
// lockguardGo
state lockguardGo
on_rez( integer num )
// Kill any lingering chains and do a complete script reset during a new rez.
// Load up the default chain values and listen up.
nHandle = llListen( nChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "" );
listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message )
// Parse the command line.
lCommandLine = llParseString2List( llToLower( message ), [ " " ], [] );
if( !lgItemCheck() )
lgObey( 3 );
changed( integer change )
// If anything in our inventory changes, reset.
if( change == CHANGED_INVENTORY )