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Function: integer llListFindListNext( list src, list test, integer instance );0.0 | Forced Delay |
10.0 | Energy |
Returns the integer index of the nth instance of test in src.
• list | src | – | what to search in (haystack) | |
• list | test | – | what to search for (needles) | |
• integer | instance | – | which instance (needle) to return |
If test is not found in src, -1 is returned.
The index of the first entry in the list is 0
An expansion of llListFindList which adds an instance parameter to select the nth match to test parameter.
llListFindListNext(src, test, 0); is functionally equivalent to llListFindList(src, test);
Given a list like [ 'Resident', 'Alexia', 'Resident', 'Bob', 'Resident', 'Steve', 'Resident', 'Evil' ]
using a test of [ 'Resident' ] and an instance of 0, 1, 2, 3 would return indices of 0, 2, 4, and 6 respectively.
Selecting the 4th or greater instance will not be found and will return -1.
Reverse indexing is also supported. Using an instance of -1, -2, -3, -4 would respectively return 6, 4, 2, 0
And -5 and lower would again return -1
If test is found at the last index in src the positive index is returned (5th entry of 5 returns 4).
- Strict type matching and case sensitivity is enforced.
- "1" != 1
- "1.0" != 1.0
- 1 != 1.0
- "a822ff2b-ff02-461d-b45d-dcd10a2de0c2" != (key)"a822ff2b-ff02-461d-b45d-dcd10a2de0c2"
- "Justice" != "justice"
- If test is an empty list the value returned is 0 rather than -1.
touch_end(integer i)
list myList = [];
list toFind = [];
llSay(0, "both lists empty (expect '0', early abort): " + (string)llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, 0));
myList = [1,2];
//Consistent with behavior of llListFindList
llSay(0, "toFind empty (expect immediate match at 0): " + (string)llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, 0));
llSay(0, "toFind empty (expect immediate match at 1): " + (string)llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, 1)); myList = [];
toFind = [1,2];
llSay(0, "myList empty, toFind populated (expect -1): " + (string)llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, 0));
//indices: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
myList = ["A", 0, "B", 1, "C", 2, "A", 0, "A", 1, "A", "A", 0, <1,2,3>, "c"];
toFind = ["A", 0];
llSay(0, "llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, 0) (expect '0'): " + (string)llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, 0));
llSay(0, "llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, 1) (expect '6'): " + (string)llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, 1));
llSay(0, "llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, 2) (expect '11'): " + (string)llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, 2));
llSay(0, "llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, 3) (expect '-1'): " + (string)llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, 3));
llSay(0, "llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, -1) (expect '11'): " + (string)llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, -1));
llSay(0, "llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, -2) (expect '6'): " + (string)llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, -2));
llSay(0, "llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, -3) (expect '0'): " + (string)llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, -3));
llSay(0, "llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, -4) (expect '-1'): " + (string)llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, -4)); toFind = [3];
llSay(0, "3 not matched with vector<1,2,3> content (expect '-1'): " + (string)llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, 0));
toFind = [<1,2,3>];
llSay(0, "Find a vector: (expect '13'): " + (string)llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, -1));
toFind =[<1,2,3>, "c"];
llSay(0, "Find a vector: (expect '13'): " + (string)llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, -1));
toFind =[ "c"];
llSay(0, "Find last element in reverse (expect '14'): " + (string)llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, -1));
llSay(0, "Find last element fwd (expect '14'): " + (string)llListFindListNext(myList, toFind, 0));
llSay(0, "Find last element with llListFindList (expect '14'): " + (string)llListFindList(myList, toFind)); }
See Also
• | llSubStringIndex | – | Find a string in another string |