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Emblem-important-yellow.png LSL Feature Request
The described function does not exist. This article is a feature request.


Function: llSetTouch( key id );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

This would be a nice function to add control over the touch event, and to limit the touch to certain specified avatars. If the passed id is NULL_KEY all touches are granted. If no llSetTouch() is specified all touches are granted too.

• key id Avatar key


This limits the possibility to touch an object to the passed key id. Useful to prevent simultaneous clicks by different Avatars on the same moment on the same object.


This should also work on touch_start and touch_end events...


<lsl> default

    // only the boss may click the object
 touch(integer num_detected); 
    // if another avatar touches as first nothing happens!
    // only responds to click of the owner
    llSay(0, "Hi Owner!");
    state all;
state all
    llSetTouch(NULL_KEY); // or shorter syntax: llSetTouch() : ALL avatars granted to click
                          // The owner has clicked and authorized others to click ..
  touch(integer num_detected) // Now everybody can click ..
    llSay(0,"Hi, Avatar");  // chatted to avatar who clicked


This functionality can be achieved but using if statement in the touch event ie. if (llDetected(0) == LLGetOwner())

Deep Notes


//function void llSetTouch( key id );