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A bare-bones multi-page dialog script, supporting next and previous page buttons.

The variable 'gActionsPerPage' (initially set to 9) determines the number of useful buttons per page, apart from the page scroll buttons. 9 is a good value. You can set it to any value between 1 and 12. If set to 11 or 12, the paging buttons will not appear, but no more than 11 or 12 choices may then exist in the action list.

'gListActions' is a very simplified example of menu choices available to the user. Replace the letters with action words appropriate to your application.

In various places, this code uses an integer where you might expect a float value, e.g. llSetTimerEvent(0). This has been done in order to save space in the 'Byte Code' version of the script that exists once a script has been compiled. Often space is a more critical consideration than speed in script design.

The script uses state changes as a means of avoiding multi-user concurrency and multiple open listener issues. A state change ensures that any and all active listeners are released. The first detected touch sends the script into a 'busy' condition, and no more touches will be detected until that user has finished with the dialog(s), or the time for a response expires. Then the script returns to the 'ready' state, and a subsequent touch will be detected.

The 'ready' state uses touch_end() rather than touch_start() as this avoids the 'missed touch' problem, documented elsewhere, that occurs when changing state from within touch_start().

It would be simple to add floating text via llSetText or maybe a colour change to indicate when the script is in a 'ready' or 'busy' state.

See also: Building a dialog menu step by step

// Multi-Page Dialog Menu System
// Omei Qunhua December 2013
integer    gActionsPerPage = 9;           // Number of action choice buttons per menu page (must be 1 to 10, or 12)
list       gListActions = ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","Y","Z"];
// ========================================================================================================
integer    gTotalActions;             
integer    gPage;                     // Current dialog page number (counting from zero)
integer    gMaxPage;                  // Highest page number (counting from zero)
integer    gChan;                     // Channel used for dialog communications. 
key        gUser;                     // Current user accessing the dialogs 
BuildDialogPage(key user)
    // Build a dialog menu for current page for given user
    integer start = gActionsPerPage * gPage;       // starting offset into action list for current page
    // set up scrolling buttons as needed
    list buttons = [ "<<", " ", ">>" ];
    if (gActionsPerPage == 10)           buttons = [ "<<", ">>" ];
    else if (gActionsPerPage > 10)       buttons = [];          // No room for paging buttons
    // 'start + gActionsPerPage -1' might point beyond the end of the list -
    // - but LSL stops at the list end, without throwing a wobbly
    buttons += llList2List(gListActions, start, start + gActionsPerPage - 1);
    llDialog(user, "\nPage " + (string) (gPage+1) + " of " + (string) (gMaxPage + 1) + "\n\nChoose an action", buttons, gChan);
    llSetTimerEvent(60);              // If no response in time, return to 'ready' state
        gTotalActions = (gListActions != [] );        // get length of action list
        // Validate 'ActionsPerPage' value
        if (gActionsPerPage < 1 || gActionsPerPage > 12)
            llOwnerSay("Invalid 'gActionsPerPage' - must be 1 to 12");
        // Compute number of menu pages that will be available
        gMaxPage = (gTotalActions - 1) / gActionsPerPage;
        if (gActionsPerPage > 10)
            gMaxPage = 0;
            if (gTotalActions > gActionsPerPage)
                llOwnerSay("Too many actions in total for this ActionsPerPage setting");
        // Compute a negative communications channel based on prim UUID
        gChan = 0x80000000 | (integer) ( "0x" + (string) llGetKey() );
        state ready;
state ready
    touch_end(integer total_number)
        gUser = llDetectedKey(0);
        state busy;                                    
        // Changing state sets the application to a busy condition while one user is selecting from the dialogs
        // In the event of multiple 'simultaneous' touches, only one user will get a dialog
state busy
        llListen(gChan, "", gUser, "");                // This listener will be used throughout this state
        gPage = 0;
        BuildDialogPage(gUser);                        // Show  Page 0 dialog to current user
    listen (integer chan, string name, key id, string msg)
        if (msg == "<<" || msg == ">>")                   // Page change ...
            if (msg == "<<")        --gPage;              // Page back
            if (msg == ">>")        ++gPage;              // Page forward
            if (gPage < 0)          gPage = gMaxPage;     // cycle around pages
            if (gPage > gMaxPage)   gPage = 0;
        if (msg != " ")                                  // no action on blank menu button
            // User has selected an action from the menu
            llRegionSayTo(id, 0, "You chose action <" + msg + ">");
        state ready;         // changing state will release ANY and ALL open listeners
        llRegionSayTo(gUser, 0, "Too slow, menu cancelled");
        state ready;
        llSetTimerEvent(0);          // would be dangerous to leave a dormant timer

Texture Selector

Here is a variant of the above script, to allow a user to display a texture selected from a multi-page menu of available textures.

// Multi-Page Texture Selector 
// Omei Qunhua  April 2014

list       gListFullNames;            // List of inventory textures
list       gListBriefNames;           // List of abbreviated texture names for dialog buttons

integer    gPage;                     // Current dialog page number (counting from zero)
integer    gMaxPage;                  // Highest page number (counting from zero)
integer    gChan;                     // Channel used for dialog communications.
key        gUser;                     // Current user accessing the dialogs

BuildDialogPage(key user)
    integer TotalChoices = (gListBriefNames != [] );        // get length of texture list

    // set up scrolling buttons if needed
    list buttons = [ "<<", " ", ">>" ];
    integer ChoicesPerPage = 9;
    if (TotalChoices < 13)
        buttons = [];
        ChoicesPerPage = 12;
    // Compute number of menu pages that will be available
    gMaxPage = (TotalChoices - 1) / ChoicesPerPage;
    // Build a dialog menu for current page for given user
    integer start = ChoicesPerPage * gPage;       // starting offset into action list for current page
    // 'start + ChoicesPerPage -1' might point beyond the end of the list -
    // - but LSL stops at the list end, without throwing a wobbly
    buttons += llList2List(gListBriefNames, start, start + ChoicesPerPage - 1);
    llDialog(user, "\nPage " + (string) (gPage+1) + " of " + (string) (gMaxPage + 1) + "\n\nChoose an item", buttons, gChan);
    llSetTimerEvent(30);              // If no response in time, return to 'ready' state

    touch_end(integer total_number)
        // Compute a negative communications channel based on prim UUID
        gChan = 0x80000000 | (integer) ( "0x" + (string) llGetKey() );
        gUser = llDetectedKey(0);
        integer count = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE);
        string name;
        while (count--)
            name = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, count);
            gListFullNames += name;
            gListBriefNames += llGetSubString(name, 0, 23);

        state busy;
        // Changing state sets the application to a busy condition while one user is selecting from the dialogs
        // In the event of multiple 'simultaneous' touches, only one user will get a dialog

state busy
        llListen(gChan, "", gUser, "");                // This listener will be used throughout this state
        gPage = 0;
        BuildDialogPage(gUser);                        // Show  Page 0 dialog to current user
    listen (integer chan, string name, key id, string msg)
        integer index;
        string  name2;
        if (msg == "<<" || msg == ">>")                   // Page change ...
            if (msg == "<<")        --gPage;              // Page back
            if (msg == ">>")        ++gPage;              // Page forward
            if (gPage < 0)          gPage = gMaxPage;     // cycle around pages
            if (gPage > gMaxPage)   gPage = 0;
        if (msg != " ")                                  // no action on blank menu button
            // User has selected a texture from the menu
            index = llListFindList(gListBriefNames, [msg]);
            name2 = llList2String(gListFullNames, index);
            llRegionSayTo(id, 0, "You chose texture <" + name2 + ">");
            llSetTexture(name2, ALL_SIDES);
        llRegionSayTo(gUser, 0, "Too slow, menu cancelled");