Second Life Avatar Born Date: 14 December 2006
Hello i'am Michel Lemmon
I work and live in the South Swiss area. But often i am a World Business Traveler.
I have been in-world since December of 2006 and in that time have learned a lot and made some incredible friendships. In addition to a large Land buying and develop, selling and consulting business here on Second Life.
Technical Experience
- Languages: XHTML, CSS, HTML, Apache, ASP, php
- Platforms: Windows xp, various Linux flavors
- Concepts: networking, operating systems, web developer, project management
- SL Tools Software: Rokuro, Blender, SL Prim, Script
- Certs: Master in Marketing, some IT Certs
Speaking Languages
- Italian
- German
- French
- English
- Typonese (fast Keyboard Language)
Second Life Experience
- RL to SL Different RL project (RL Company presence)
- Professional Build and Reproduction
- Owner of Elite Island, Entretment and Development
- Owner of Elite Job Contact group, job agency
- Owner of Elite Teach and Learn
- Owner of Mini Golf Club Elite
- Event's Arts, Concert, Disco, Promotion, ...
- Huge "never see" Italian style Freebie Builder
- Second Life Italian Speaking Mentor Area Reference and Builder
- Second Life Mentor, Mentor Buddy, Mentor Coach, Mentor Building, Mentor Linguist, and Oreintation Coach
- Second Life Italian Speaking Mentor
Mentor and Consulting
- Apprentice Orientation Session
- Terraforming Orientation
- Building Orientation
- Loop Rezzer Orientation
- Learn Italian ABC Session
Second Life Orientation Session Hosted
SL Volunteer Island W (SLVIW) Second Life Italian Speaking Area
- A great place to relax and watch the sunset.
- Un posto fantastico dove rilassarsi e guardare i tramonti.
- Almost everything you see here, done by me, Aliceinwire Bleac, and Robispy Barbosa is free to copy and feel free to distribute (is not allowed sell this items) always with the intention you use it to learn or take new ideas.
- Tutto quello che trovate e vedete in quest'area è stato realizzato da me con la collaborazione di Aliceinwire Bleac, tutti gli oggetti sono Free Copy (è severamente vietato rivendere questi oggetti), tutto questo spazio è realizzato per il vostro aiuto e per lo sviluppo di nuove idee.
- Make of this space your space of culture and sharing, for an always better SL!
- Trasforma questo spazio nel tuo spazio, per scambiari informazioni e migliorare Second Life!
- any questions IM me Michel Lemmon
- per maggiori informazioni o domande inviami un IM Michel Lemmon
Special Thank's and Reference
To all VTeam, special for the patience and for the time and your big effort.
Special thank's to: George Linden, Blue Linden, Amber Linden, Mia Linden, Lexie Linden
Big Mentor Reference: Aliceinwire Bleac, Chaos Mohr, Tue Torok, Kitty Tandino, Lacey Xavier, SignpostMarv Martin
Office Hours
Michel Lemmon
- 7/7 @ send me an IM i will confirm you an appointment.
Tutorial - Wiki, Building, Moda, Script (only Italian Language)
Michel's Quick Links
 Click to Englarge
- External Web Page Contributions
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