User:Simone Linden/Office Hours/2009 05 11 Transcript
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- The German KB will be moved to the wiki (woot!!!!)
- We'll translate Knowledge Base with Deutsche Knowledgebase
- We'll get cookies in case we manage to move the existing KBs till Friday
- Danica will be in Berlin from June 7th to 10th at Localization World and would be happy to meat up with CT members
- I'm currently to excited to remember more... Want to start with moving articles :p Plz add what I missed
List of Attendees
- [11:57 SLT] Torben Trautman: yay
- [11:57 SLT] Zai Lynch: huhu =)
- [11:58 SLT] Torben Trautman: huhu Zai :)
- [11:58 SLT] Zai Lynch: ah.. ich bin unten drunter ^^
- [11:58 SLT] Torben Trautman: YAY!
- [11:58 SLT] Zai Lynch: underground
- [11:58 SLT] Simone Linden: Hi Zai! Ah, da bist Du.
- [11:58 SLT] Zai Lynch: huhu :-)
- [11:58 SLT] Simone Linden: Guten Abend :)
- [11:58 SLT] Zai Lynch: dir auch (^_^)
- [11:59 SLT] Simone Linden: Ob Lara wohl kommt?
- [11:59 SLT] Simone Linden: Ich habe Sie ja auch mit einer Email neugirerig gemacht....
- [11:59 SLT] Simone Linden: hat hoffentlich funktioniert
- [11:59 SLT] Torben Trautman: :)
- [11:59 SLT] Zai Lynch: hm... ich weiss es nicht... hab sie zum letzten mal bei torleys event geseheen
- [11:59 SLT] Zai Lynch: -e
- [11:59 SLT] Simone Linden: Ja, das war ein tolles Meeting!
- [12:00 SLT] Simone Linden: Habt Ihr sein Blog gelesen?
- [12:00 SLT] Torben Trautman: ja
- [12:00 SLT] Zai Lynch: yuss :-)
- [12:01 SLT] Simone Linden: Dann fange ich mal mit den langweiligen Sachen an
- [12:01 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^^
- [12:01 SLT] Torben Trautman isst schnell was so lange die langweiligen Sachen dran sind
- [12:01 SLT] Simone Linden: Erst mal DANKE, dass Ihr alle so fleissig uebersetzt/editiert/etc.
- [12:02 SLT] Simone Linden: Ich habe ja ein richtig schlechtes GEwissen, wegen der 20+ KB Artikel, die schon so lange in der JIRA sitzen... aber dazu spaeter.
- [12:02 SLT] Simone Linden: Ich habe von Ramzi die Links zu den neusten nightly builds, die sollen noch nicht in der JIRA gepostet werden.
- [12:03 SLT] Simone Linden: Torben habe ich diese per Email schon zugeschickt, Zai, moechtest Du den Link haben?
- [12:03 SLT] Torben Trautman: benutze ihn schon
- [12:03 SLT] Zai Lynch: ich hab sie über noelle lindens group notice in der französischen gruppe bekommen und schon geladen =)
- [12:03 SLT] Torben Trautman: sieht gut aus bisher
- [12:03 SLT] Simone Linden: super.
- [12:03 SLT] Simone Linden: habt ihr auch schon die Strings Adult, Mature und PG gesehen?
- [12:04 SLT] Torben Trautman: ummm nein
- [12:04 SLT] Simone Linden: z.B. in der Suche
- [12:04 SLT] Torben Trautman: ah, die Ankreuzkästchen?
- [12:04 SLT] Simone Linden: da hat man jetzt die Auswahl, was fuer Inhalte man anzeigen lassen will.
- [12:04 SLT] Zai Lynch: noch nicht geschaut... bin auch grad in 1.22.6. *schäm*
- [12:04 SLT] Simone Linden: Nicht schlimm, Zai :)
- [12:04 SLT] Torben Trautman: ja, das hat im ersten RC nicht funktioniert
- [12:05 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^_^:
- [12:05 SLT] Simone Linden: Ich wollte nur sagen, dass Linden Lab beschlossen hat, diese Strings nicht zu uebersetzen. In keiner Sprache.
- [12:05 SLT] Zai Lynch: ah ok
- [12:06 SLT] Zai Lynch: hm... hatten wir nicht schonmal nen KB eintrag mit "adult" und so übersetzt? wenn ja, wie hatten wir das da gemacht? müssen wir vielleicht ändern *glaub*
- [12:06 SLT] Simone Linden: Ja, da muessen wir kucken. Ein ARtikel ist in der JIRA, der muesste okay sein.
- [12:07 SLT] Simone Linden: Ich uebersetze gerade die letzten Strings for Viewer 1.23.
- [12:07 SLT] Simone Linden: Viele der Bugs sind schon gefixt, aber es ist gut moeglich, dass neue Bugs vorhanden sind.
- [12:08 SLT] Simone Linden: Falls Ihr also welche seht, dann meldet die bitte.
- [12:08 SLT] Zai Lynch: wird gemacht =)
- [12:08 SLT] Simone Linden: Ich weiss nicht, ob Ramzi auch mit Euch sein google doc geshared hat?
- [12:08 SLT] Simone Linden: fuer 1.23 internationalization testing?
- [12:08 SLT] Torben Trautman: ich glaube nicht
- [12:08 SLT] Zai Lynch: hm... glaube auch nicht *schaut nach*
- [12:09 SLT] Zai Lynch: nein, habs nich drin
- [12:10 SLT] Simone Linden: Hmh. Ich muss mal nachfragen. Vielleicht kann er das ja mit Euch Sharen, dann koennen wir dort die Bugs sammeln.
- [12:10 SLT] Simone Linden: Ansonsten schickt sie einfach zu mir. Ich leite die dann weiter.
- [12:10 SLT] Zai Lynch: ich glaub ramzi is ne "sie"
- [12:10 SLT] Zai Lynch: zumindest inworld
- [12:10 SLT] Torben Trautman: ich muss kurz telefonieren... keine Überraschungen verraten... ich komme wieder *lach*
- [12:10 SLT] Zai Lynch: hehe
- [12:11 SLT] Simone Linden: LOL. Inworld ja
- [12:11 SLT] Simone Linden: ;)
- [12:11 SLT] Zai Lynch: axo ^^
- [12:11 SLT] Simone Linden: hehe
- [12:12 SLT] Simone Linden: Zai, warst Du in letzter Zeit auf irgendwelchen guten Konzerten?
- [12:12 SLT] Zai Lynch: jaaaaa ganz viele!! :-)
- [12:13 SLT] Zai Lynch: ich hab' Metric live gesehen. uuuunglaublich. ich dachte es wäre total chillig und entspannt
- [12:13 SLT] Simone Linden: Metric? Kenn ich nicht... was ist das fuer Musik?
- [12:13 SLT] Zai Lynch: weil die musik eher ruhig ist auf CD. aber das konzert war wahnsinn. so viel gespringe und getanze und geschiebe... ich musste kämpfen um mich auf den beinen zu halten
- [12:13 SLT] Simone Linden: wow
- [12:13 SLT] Zai Lynch: uuuuund, die hand, die das hier schreibt hat Emily Haines ge-High-Fived. ich kann glücklich sterben ^^
- [12:13 SLT] Zai Lynch: oh, muss ich dir mal was schicken... gaaanz tolle musik
- [12:14 SLT] Simone Linden:
- [12:14 SLT] Torben Trautman: so, wieder da
- [12:14 SLT] Zai Lynch: dann hab ich noch die Yeah Yeah Yeahs live gesehen letzte woche. auch irre
- [12:14 SLT] Zai Lynch: genau die :-)
- [12:14 SLT] Simone Linden: sind das die?
- [12:14 SLT] Zai Lynch: yuss
- [12:14 SLT] Simone Linden: Ja, die kenn ich :)
- [12:14 SLT] Zai Lynch: die Yeah Yeah Yeahs? oder Metric?
- [12:14 SLT] Simone Linden: hoer ich auch gerne!
- [12:14 SLT] Simone Linden: Yeah Yeah Yeahs
- [12:15 SLT] Zai Lynch: ah kewl :-) die waren auch prima. und was hab ich noch gesehen *grübel* IAMX
- [12:15 SLT] Zai Lynch: ach und noch andere.... jedenfalls ein super schöner konzertmonat =)
- [12:15 SLT] Simone Linden: jetzt bin ich neidisch,
- [12:15 SLT] Simone Linden: ist schon ueber 1 Jahr her, dass ich auf einem Konzert war!
- [12:15 SLT] Torben Trautman: hehe
- [12:16 SLT] Simone Linden: Ah, Torben. wieder da?
- [12:16 SLT] Zai Lynch: (o.O)
- [12:16 SLT] Torben Trautman: ja :)
- [12:16 SLT] Simone Linden: Na also, dann...
- [12:16 SLT] Zai Lynch: du musst aus dem haus und unter menschen! o.O
- [12:16 SLT] Simone Linden: haha!
- [12:16 SLT] Zai Lynch: ok, back to work ^^
- [12:16 SLT] Simone Linden: Also, die Neuigkeit, die Lara, hoffentlich im Transkript liest (Hallo Lara!!!) ist, dass
- [12:17 SLT] Simone Linden: wir die gesamte deutsche KB ins Wiki verlegen.
- [12:17 SLT] Simone Linden: :)
- [12:17 SLT] Zai Lynch: woot!!
- [12:17 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^_^
- [12:17 SLT] Simone Linden: Das hat viele Vorteile :)
- [12:17 SLT] Simone Linden: Zum einen koennen wir selbst Kontrolle uebers Publishen uebernehmen!
- [12:17 SLT] Simone Linden: Und so kommt es hoffentlich nie wieder zu einem Rueckstau!
- [12:18 SLT] Simone Linden: Das ganze soll bis im Juni ueber der Buehne sein.
- [12:18 SLT] Simone Linden: Der neue Viewer soll dann auch gleich zu Artikeln in der Wiki-KB linken.
- [12:18 SLT] Zai Lynch: bekommen wir Kekse wenn wir es bis freitag schaffen?
- [12:18 SLT] Simone Linden: Haha!!! Die backe ich Dir gerne selber und schick Sie dir :)
- [12:19 SLT] Zai Lynch: hehe (^_^)
- [12:19 SLT] Torben Trautman: hehehe Zai hat schon mal die Wiki aufgemacht und fängt schon mal an
- [12:19 SLT] Simone Linden: ^^
- [12:19 SLT] Simone Linden: Wir muessen uns ueberlegen, wie die Startseite aussehen soll
- [12:19 SLT] Simone Linden: und wir brauchen vor allem schon mal Links fuer die Artikel, die Ramzi aus dem Viewer verlinken soll.
- [12:20 SLT] Zai Lynch: vielleicht ähnlich wie das was die franzosen und japaner gemacht haben? vom aussehen her. nur mit nem namen bin ich mir nicht sicher...
- [12:20 SLT] Simone Linden: ich habe eine Liste mit 18 Artikeln aus dem Viewer, fuer die muessen wir shcon mal Dummy/seiten schaffen
- [12:20 SLT] Simone Linden: Ja, wie nennen wir das am besten?
- [12:20 SLT] Simone Linden: Deutsche Knowledgebase?
- [12:21 SLT] Simone Linden: Datenwissenbank?
- [12:21 SLT] Zai Lynch: urgs
- [12:21 SLT] Simone Linden: Deutsche Informationsbank?
- [12:21 SLT] Simone Linden: Deutsche Bank?
- [12:21 SLT] Simone Linden: hehe
- [12:21 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^^
- [12:21 SLT] Simone Linden: danica kommt
- [12:21 SLT] Zai Lynch: ich wollte eigentlich schauen wie andere hersteller das gemacht haben und hab's dann wieder vergessen...*grübel*
- [12:22 SLT] Simone Linden: Hi Danica!
- [12:22 SLT] Zai Lynch: heyas Danica =)
- [12:22 SLT] Torben Trautman: hi Danica :)
- [12:22 SLT] Danica Linden: hi guys!!!!!
- [12:22 SLT] Danica Linden: I missed you!!!
- [12:22 SLT] Torben Trautman: woot
- [12:22 SLT] Zai Lynch: aaww *hugzzz*
- [12:22 SLT] Simone Linden: ^^
- [12:22 SLT] Danica Linden: sorry I am late: I have physical therapy every Monday between 11 and 12
- [12:22 SLT] Danica Linden: just got back in
- [12:22 SLT] Simone Linden: No prob
- [12:22 SLT] Simone Linden: I broke the news.
- [12:22 SLT] Zai Lynch: ouch o.O
- [12:22 SLT] Simone Linden: Zai is all gung ho
- [12:22 SLT] Zai Lynch: hehe ^_^
- [12:22 SLT] Danica Linden: yey
- [12:22 SLT] Torben Trautman: :)
- [12:23 SLT] Danica Linden: yes
- [12:23 SLT] Danica Linden: me too
- [12:23 SLT] Simone Linden: Zai was asking if she'll get cookies if it's done by Friday. LOL
- [12:23 SLT] Danica Linden: so, what do you guys think how easy it will be to move all the articles?
- [12:23 SLT] Danica Linden: cookies?
- [12:23 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^^
- [12:23 SLT] Danica Linden: you get a 6-story cake!!!!
- [12:23 SLT] Danica Linden: :)
- [12:23 SLT] Zai Lynch: woot! ^
- [12:23 SLT] Simone Linden: I'll bake
- [12:23 SLT] Torben Trautman: YAY!
- [12:23 SLT] Zai Lynch: i'll remind you two about that :p
- [12:23 SLT] Danica Linden: lol
- [12:23 SLT] Danica Linden: np :
- [12:23 SLT] Danica Linden: :)
- [12:23 SLT] Simone Linden: rofl
- [12:24 SLT] Torben Trautman: now you made Zai think about not sleeping
- [12:24 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^^
- [12:24 SLT] Danica Linden: hehehe
- [12:24 SLT] Zai Lynch: sleep is overrated
- [12:24 SLT] Simone Linden: but seriously, how long do you think it would take?
- [12:24 SLT] Danica Linden: (I imagine that we'll be porting over some articles that also need some updates
- [12:24 SLT] Zai Lynch: i wasn't kidding. well, not much.. i think it can be done quite fast. i ♡ wiki-ing...
- [12:24 SLT] Danica Linden: and
- [12:24 SLT] Danica Linden: cook
- [12:24 SLT] Danica Linden: evel cool
- [12:24 SLT] Danica Linden: even cool
- [12:24 SLT] Simone Linden: really?
- [12:24 SLT] Danica Linden: why can't i type?!
- [12:25 SLT] Torben Trautman: it´s the paws Danica
- [12:25 SLT] Simone Linden: It just seems like so much to move....
- [12:25 SLT] Danica Linden: meaow
- [12:25 SLT] Torben Trautman: *giggles*
- [12:25 SLT] Zai Lynch: well, i just meant the move not the update. if we share work (i publish, you update) we can be rly fast...
- [12:25 SLT] Danica Linden: ok
- [12:25 SLT] Torben Trautman: sounds awesome to me
- [12:25 SLT] Simone Linden: sounds good.
- [12:25 SLT] Simone Linden: Torben would you be able to help me update?
- [12:26 SLT] Torben Trautman: yes
- [12:26 SLT] Simone Linden: wonderful. I love you guys
- [12:26 SLT] Zai Lynch: *hugz*
- [12:26 SLT] Simone Linden: I am hoping we can get Lara to help as well.
- [12:26 SLT] Danica Linden: as Zai moves and article, maybe Torben, you can see whether the article needs some freshening up
- [12:26 SLT] Danica Linden: and I am sure Lara will help too, yes
- [12:26 SLT] Danica Linden: :
- [12:26 SLT] Torben Trautman: nods
- [12:26 SLT] Simone Linden: Lara has updated the KB list
- [12:26 SLT] Danica Linden: zai, I have a question
- [12:26 SLT] Zai Lynch: shoot =)
- [12:27 SLT] Danica Linden: did you see the French and Japanese KB top page?
- [12:27 SLT] Simone Linden: So she is probably up to date on what needs updating :)
- [12:27 SLT] Zai Lynch: yepp
- [12:27 SLT] Simone Linden: Torben, do you know the French wiki?
- [12:27 SLT] Torben Trautman: ummm kind of
- [12:27 SLT] Simone Linden:
- [12:27 SLT] Torben Trautman: I saw the beginning but haven´t looked in a while
- [12:28 SLT] Simone Linden: This is the start page for their support page
- [12:28 SLT] Simone Linden: in the wiki
- [12:28 SLT] Danica Linden: do you like this top page?
- [12:28 SLT] Danica Linden: basically, it sorts the articles according to their focus
- [12:28 SLT] Simone Linden: the Japanese looks similar, well, from waht I can guess...
- [12:28 SLT] Zai Lynch: yeah. they are both mimiked versions of our
- [12:28 SLT] Danica Linden: ditto hehe
- [12:28 SLT] Danica Linden: exactly
- [12:29 SLT] Simone Linden: what do you guys think?
- [12:29 SLT] Danica Linden: zai, do you think this is doable like this?
- [12:29 SLT] Simone Linden: Is this a good format for the German, too?
- [12:29 SLT] Torben Trautman: the japanese one looks wild
- [12:29 SLT] Zai Lynch: sure. it's not hard. we just need to copy the code and replace links.
- [12:29 SLT] Torben Trautman: to me that is
- [12:29 SLT] Torben Trautman: I like it
- [12:29 SLT] Simone Linden: you make it sound easy
- [12:29 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^^
- [12:29 SLT] Danica Linden: I know: Zai and Torben make everything sounds easy
- [12:29 SLT] Danica Linden: you guys rule!
- [12:30 SLT] Danica Linden: honest
- [12:30 SLT] Zai Lynch blushs ^^
- [12:30 SLT] Torben Trautman: we just try to help :)
- [12:30 SLT] Danica Linden: thank you so muich
- [12:30 SLT] Danica Linden: much
- [12:30 SLT] Simone Linden: awww
- [12:30 SLT] Simone Linden: danke
- [12:30 SLT] Danica Linden: and, zai, I was thinking, if there are any help wiki's that we can also link to that page, I 'd be up for itnk to
- [12:31 SLT] Danica Linden: for it
- [12:31 SLT] Danica Linden: I hate my keyboard
- [12:31 SLT] Simone Linden: you mean English help wikis?
- [12:31 SLT] Zai Lynch: you mean the localized version of the help portal?
- [12:31 SLT] Danica Linden: well, German
- [12:31 SLT] Danica Linden: right
- [12:31 SLT] Simone Linden: ok
- [12:31 SLT] Danica Linden: what I was thinking was that we have KB but there are also bits in the Wiki Help that are very useful
- [12:31 SLT] Danica Linden: and we can bring them together potentially
- [12:31 SLT] Zai Lynch:
- [12:31 SLT] Danica Linden: yeah
- [12:32 SLT] Zai Lynch: yeah I'll add the help header like it is done with the french and japanese... i coded these...
- [12:32 SLT] Danica Linden: is all this content fresh, zai?
- [12:32 SLT] Simone Linden: did you?
- [12:32 SLT] Danica Linden: you are amazing
- [12:32 SLT] Simone Linden: Superwoman
- [12:32 SLT] Zai Lynch: hm... not soooo fresh. lots is linking to english pages so it's not a problem. the community can localize them
- [12:33 SLT] Zai Lynch: hehe did ^^ ty
- [12:33 SLT] Simone Linden: Okay. So when could you start with this?
- [12:33 SLT] Zai Lynch: after the OH
- [12:33 SLT] Danica Linden: ok, well, we can start with just having KB
- [12:33 SLT] Simone Linden: I think I gave you the necessary rights.
- [12:33 SLT] Danica Linden: and then look into interlinking
- [12:33 SLT] Zai Lynch nods
- [12:33 SLT] Simone Linden: Great.
- [12:33 SLT] Simone Linden: We need to agree on a name...
- [12:34 SLT] Danica Linden: btw, I have admin rights too and can pass them on
- [12:34 SLT] Torben Trautman: oh does it need extra rights for that?
- [12:34 SLT] Zai Lynch: i'll do the interlinking right from the start. it's easier. it adds all necessary categories and stuff
- [12:34 SLT] Simone Linden: Yes, but I'll give them to you :)
- [12:34 SLT] Danica Linden: well, we thought that we would have admin rights for you
- [12:34 SLT] Zai Lynch: basically, the admin rights are only needed once we protected a page. when we wait with protecting till it's done, it isn't needed
- [12:34 SLT] Danica Linden: and be read only for folks not working on them
- [12:34 SLT] Torben Trautman: oh to protect the pages
- [12:34 SLT] Danica Linden: ok
- [12:35 SLT] Danica Linden: then, forget admin rights
- [12:35 SLT] Simone Linden: great
- [12:35 SLT] Danica Linden: even easier
- [12:35 SLT] Danica Linden: Zai, in other words, you are the boss
- [12:35 SLT] Danica Linden: :)
- [12:35 SLT] Simone Linden: So, Zai has the rights she needs and until we protect the pages Torben can update
- [12:35 SLT] Zai Lynch: lol
- [12:35 SLT] Zai Lynch: ty ^^
- [12:35 SLT] Danica Linden: cool
- [12:35 SLT] Danica Linden: then Torben becomes the boss for updtes
- [12:35 SLT] Danica Linden: this is so awesome
- [12:35 SLT] Danica Linden: I am glad we are moving away from the dumb Parature hosted stuff
- [12:35 SLT] Danica Linden: so much better
- [12:35 SLT] Danica Linden: woot
- [12:36 SLT] Zai Lynch: woot! ^^
- [12:36 SLT] Danica Linden: yey
- [12:36 SLT] Simone Linden: something else I wanted to ask: Do you guys want to have the names of the translators/editors displayed belwo the articles?
- [12:36 SLT] Simone Linden: the French do that
- [12:36 SLT] Danica Linden: that was my idea
- [12:36 SLT] Danica Linden: the Japanese translators did not want to do it
- [12:36 SLT] Simone Linden: Yay Danica!
- [12:36 SLT] Zai Lynch: i marked all published articles in red @ they'll appear in blue once they are moved. will start on top and moved to bottom. first publishing all already published articles, then the ones which are still in the jira
- [12:36 SLT] Danica Linden: would you guys like to have the translator name features?
- [12:36 SLT] Danica Linden: featured?
- [12:36 SLT] Torben Trautman: I don´t care about that really
- [12:36 SLT] Zai Lynch: hm... i don't do either...
- [12:37 SLT] Simone Linden: How many hands do you have, Zai?
- [12:37 SLT] Torben Trautman: hahaha
- [12:37 SLT] Zai Lynch: 2. but also two monitors ^^
- [12:37 SLT] Danica Linden: ok
- [12:37 SLT] Torben Trautman: I believe she uses her brain directly to type ;)
- [12:37 SLT] Zai Lynch: lol
- [12:37 SLT] Torben Trautman: somehow
- [12:37 SLT] Danica Linden: hahaha
- [12:37 SLT] Zai Lynch: USB port in my neck
- [12:37 SLT] Danica Linden: Matrix
- [12:37 SLT] Torben Trautman: *giggles*
- [12:37 SLT] Simone Linden: Okay, no names then
- [12:37 SLT] Torben Trautman: she is 1 of 1
- [12:37 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^^
- [12:38 SLT] Torben Trautman: can we have our name in the 100th article each of us translates?
- [12:38 SLT] Danica Linden: lol
- [12:38 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^^
- [12:39 SLT] Simone Linden: hehe
- [12:39 SLT] Torben Trautman: that would be cool
- [12:39 SLT] Danica Linden: well, you guys are always the translators of the month
- [12:39 SLT] Torben Trautman: *giggles*
- [12:39 SLT] Danica Linden: perpetually
- [12:39 SLT] Danica Linden: :)
- [12:39 SLT] Danica Linden: hey, I have a question: is anyone in our German CT in Berlin?
- [12:39 SLT] Danica Linden: I'll be there in June
- [12:39 SLT] Simone Linden: Zai, I will send you a list with links we need for Ramzi
- [12:39 SLT] Torben Trautman: I can´t go there
- [12:40 SLT] Zai Lynch: I'm in Magdeburg which is about 150km. always travelling for to berlin for concerts ^^
- [12:40 SLT] Danica Linden: really?
- [12:40 SLT] Zai Lynch: *to <-> for
- [12:40 SLT] Zai Lynch: yuss
- [12:40 SLT] Danica Linden: that's close
- [12:40 SLT] Simone Linden: for US standards it's close...
- [12:40 SLT] Danica Linden: well, I'll be there 7th through 10th
- [12:40 SLT] Simone Linden: are you coming by the UK, too?
- [12:40 SLT] Danica Linden: (simone: youre right)
- [12:40 SLT] Danica Linden: no, I wish I could
- [12:40 SLT] Simone Linden: :(
- [12:41 SLT] Danica Linden: well, maybe if you are in berlin, I get to see you Zai!
- [12:41 SLT] Danica Linden: :)
- [12:41 SLT] Zai Lynch: that would be kewl :-)
- [12:41 SLT] Danica Linden: yeah!!!!
- [12:41 SLT] Zai Lynch: woot! ^^
- [12:41 SLT] Simone Linden: Woohoo!
- [12:41 SLT] Danica Linden: awesome
- [12:41 SLT] Simone Linden: I should think of an excuse to come, too....
- [12:41 SLT] Simone Linden: ;)
- [12:41 SLT] Danica Linden: yeah!!!!!!
- [12:41 SLT] Torben Trautman: hehehe
- [12:41 SLT] Zai Lynch: 7th to 10th. will look in my GCal after the meeting and let you know :-)
- [12:41 SLT] Danica Linden: ok :)
- [12:42 SLT] Danica Linden: would be so cool to see you
- [12:42 SLT] Zai Lynch: likewise :-)
- [12:42 SLT] Danica Linden: OK, sorry, I interrupted Simone
- [12:42 SLT] Danica Linden: she was mentioning the links that are in the viewer that we need to change to the new (wiki based) KB
- [12:42 SLT] Simone Linden: need to read the previouse chat, I forgot what I was saying...
- [12:42 SLT] Danica Linden: sorry, simone
- [12:42 SLT] Danica Linden: ramzi
- [12:42 SLT] Zai Lynch: hehe
- [12:42 SLT] Danica Linden: ramzi's list
- [12:43 SLT] Simone Linden: oh yeah. Zai, I'll email you the list. If you could just let me know the links for these articles (future links) tha twould be great
- [12:43 SLT] Simone Linden: And then, we need to decide on the name.
- [12:43 SLT] Zai Lynch: ok will do =)
- [12:43 SLT] Simone Linden: Great :)
- [12:43 SLT] Simone Linden: Torben, Zai, any suggestions?
- [12:43 SLT] Torben Trautman: I´m all for deutsche knowledgebase
- [12:44 SLT] Zai Lynch: i think "Deutsche Knowledgebase" is best we got so far... Wissensdatenbank sounds weird... though it's not that much of a problem to change it later without messing everything up.
- [12:44 SLT] Simone Linden: I think Microsoft is using that, too.
- [12:44 SLT] Simone Linden: Okay. Easy then.
- [12:44 SLT] Torben Trautman: german translations would always sound odd I believe
- [12:44 SLT] Zai Lynch nods
- [12:44 SLT] Simone Linden: Let's call it deutsche Knowledgebase.
- [12:44 SLT] Torben Trautman: YAY!
- [12:45 SLT] Zai Lynch: okido :-)
- [12:45 SLT] Simone Linden: This way we don't have to change any references
- [12:45 SLT] Simone Linden: :)
- [12:45 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^^
- [12:45 SLT] Simone Linden: What else do you need from me to make this happen?
- [12:46 SLT] Zai Lynch: hm... can't think of anything at the moment. i'll start to edit after i posted the transcript of this and will let you know in case i should run into trouble somewhere
- [12:46 SLT] Simone Linden: Ok, great.
- [12:46 SLT] Torben Trautman: Zai, can you POKE!!!! me on my user talk when there´s something to do for me? (and add a link...)
- [12:46 SLT] Simone Linden: I can't believe that you are going to start right away!!!
- [12:46 SLT] Zai Lynch: sure, will do! :-)
- [12:46 SLT] Torben Trautman: yays
- [12:46 SLT] Simone Linden: Thanks, Torben
- [12:46 SLT] Zai Lynch: I hoped for this so badly, that I can't wait to start (honestly...)
- [12:47 SLT] Simone Linden: hehe
- [12:47 SLT] Simone Linden: How come you know so much about the wiki?
- [12:48 SLT] Zai Lynch: i'm a fan of web2.0 in general... i was fascinated by the wikipedia and some day started to edit there. though i had much to learn... it took me about a year beeing in SL™ until i noticed that SL had a wiki
- [12:48 SLT] Simone Linden: LOL
- [12:48 SLT] Danica Linden: wiki is pretty cool. also, zai is a total techie :)
- [12:48 SLT] Zai Lynch: and i was like WOW, fun!!! so I started... and learned much from Strife Onizuka and SignpostMarv Martin and Kuraiko Yoshikawa... and by looking at other peoples edits
- [12:48 SLT] Simone Linden: Well, we need to make sure that our new users, notice it way earlier!
- [12:48 SLT] Zai Lynch: hehe
- [12:48 SLT] Zai Lynch: yeah
- [12:49 SLT] Danica Linden: +1 simone
- [12:49 SLT] Zai Lynch: it would be great if "message of the day" could be language specific depending on the viewer settings...
- [12:49 SLT] Zai Lynch: that way german users could get a hint over there from time to time
- [12:49 SLT] Simone Linden: oh yeah. We talked about that with Torley...
- [12:50 SLT] Simone Linden: well briefly
- [12:50 SLT] Simone Linden: in the Noelle's OH last week. He mentioned it that the message is only in English....
- [12:50 SLT] Danica Linden: MOTD is structured to be 1 for all only
- [12:50 SLT] Danica Linden: :(
- [12:50 SLT] Danica Linden: so that is why it is always in EN
- [12:50 SLT] Zai Lynch: yeah tho maybe it's possible for the viewer to tell the server which language it's set to, so it retrieves the right message
- [12:50 SLT] Zai Lynch: i see =/
- [12:51 SLT] Danica Linden: I hope we can rearchitect that
- [12:51 SLT] Simone Linden: Maybe we could have a message here and there that is bi/trilingual?
- [12:51 SLT] Torben Trautman: would be a start :)
- [12:51 SLT] Danica Linden: well, we can write a blog about it when it is done
- [12:51 SLT] Danica Linden: and feature it on German homepage
- [12:51 SLT] Zai Lynch: yeah. tho the timeframe when the message is displayed is very short. it might be hard to catch when there's much text
- [12:51 SLT] Simone Linden: and translate the blog :)
- [12:52 SLT] Simone Linden: just kidding
- [12:52 SLT] Zai Lynch: yay ^^
- [12:52 SLT] Danica Linden: also, with links in the viewer to it, it will get more visiblity
- [12:52 SLT] Zai Lynch nods
- [12:52 SLT] Simone Linden: yes, definitely
- [12:52 SLT] Danica Linden: yeah, we can do blog 2lingual
- [12:52 SLT] Simone Linden: The French link to it from their website.
- [12:52 SLT] Danica Linden: also, we can cross link JP/FR/DE
- [12:52 SLT] Simone Linden: yes
- [12:52 SLT] Danica Linden: and, the best:
- [12:52 SLT] Danica Linden: you guys know of Answers thing that is coming, right
- [12:52 SLT] Danica Linden: ?
- [12:53 SLT] Torben Trautman: yes
- [12:53 SLT] Zai Lynch: yuss, we're both beta testers ^^
- [12:53 SLT] Torben Trautman: oh I am?
- [12:53 SLT] Danica Linden: so, every time there is a German question, we feature a link to our KB on wiki!
- [12:53 SLT] Danica Linden: yey
- [12:53 SLT] Torben Trautman: I thought i missed that part
- [12:53 SLT] Simone Linden: hooray
- [12:53 SLT] Danica Linden: (if we have a KB about it)
- [12:53 SLT] Zai Lynch: aren't`o.O i was almost sure i've read your name
- [12:53 SLT] Torben Trautman: no, I was too slow
- [12:53 SLT] Zai Lynch: aaww :-( sorry
- [12:53 SLT] Simone Linden: haha
- [12:53 SLT] Torben Trautman: that´s okies ;)
- [12:53 SLT] Danica Linden: you guys rock!
- [12:53 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^^
- [12:54 SLT] Danica Linden: that's awesome that you are already beta testers!!!!
- [12:54 SLT] Danica Linden: well, being that Answers are led by our Lexie, I am not surprised :)
- [12:54 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^^
- [12:55 SLT] Zai Lynch: the first question i posted was: "What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?"
- [12:55 SLT] Simone Linden: 42?
- [12:55 SLT] Zai Lynch: woot!
- [12:55 SLT] Zai Lynch: you're right ^^
- [12:55 SLT] Danica Linden: PERFECT
- [12:55 SLT] Simone Linden: hehe
- [12:55 SLT] Torben Trautman: I believe it´s 42 cookies
- [12:55 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^_^
- [12:55 SLT] Danica Linden: exactly
- [12:56 SLT] Zai Lynch: I'd accept that too
- [12:56 SLT] Zai Lynch: :p
- [12:56 SLT] Simone Linden: Oh, I need a big oven for that...
- [12:56 SLT] Torben Trautman: :)
- [12:56 SLT] Danica Linden: hehe
- [12:56 SLT] Simone Linden: Danica, what ar eyou doing in Berlin? Conference?
- [12:56 SLT] Danica Linden: yeah, Localization World
- [12:56 SLT] Simone Linden: Ah, good one.
- [12:56 SLT] Danica Linden: I have 3 speaking slots this time
- [12:56 SLT] Simone Linden: Wow!!!
- [12:57 SLT] Danica Linden: I can get you in for free, if you'd like to come! :)
- [12:57 SLT] Simone Linden: You're a star!
- [12:57 SLT] Simone Linden: Do I have to speak?
- [12:57 SLT] Zai Lynch: woah
- [12:57 SLT] Danica Linden: I do't know about that :)
- [12:57 SLT] Danica Linden: :(
- [12:57 SLT] Danica Linden: no, you don't. I'll get you in as a Linden
- [12:57 SLT] Zai Lynch: are visitors allowed to come? how much is the fee?
- [12:58 SLT] Simone Linden: I think it's quite prizey
- [12:58 SLT] Danica Linden: I don't know, but I could try and fenagle something so that you can come too, zai
- [12:58 SLT] Danica Linden: it is pricey
- [12:58 SLT] Zai Lynch: yay! ^^
- [12:58 SLT] Simone Linden: Danica is inviting everyone :)
- [12:58 SLT] Simone Linden: haha
- [12:58 SLT] Torben Trautman: YAY Zai
- [12:58 SLT] Danica Linden: let's talk ;)
- [12:59 SLT] Zai Lynch: ok =) do you know which day your talk will be?
- [12:59 SLT] Danica Linden: 2 on Tue and 1 on Wed
- [12:59 SLT] Danica Linden: (9th and 10th)
- [12:59 SLT] Simone Linden: Busy woman
- [12:59 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^^
- [13:00 SLT] Danica Linden: also, I am participating in this round table on Monday but I think that one is a closed session)
- [13:00 SLT] Torben Trautman: i brb
- [13:00 SLT] Simone Linden: you have to make sure to make some time for Beer gardens and stuff.
- [13:00 SLT] Zai Lynch: hehe
- [13:00 SLT] Danica Linden: yes!
- [13:00 SLT] Danica Linden: biergarten and stuff ;)
- [13:00 SLT] Simone Linden: of course!
- [13:00 SLT] Zai Lynch: i hope you're aware of the fact that we're all dressed in lether pants and dirndls
- [13:00 SLT] Simone Linden: Wo ist der Biergarten?
- [13:00 SLT] Danica Linden: I am totally going to say that
- [13:00 SLT] Danica Linden: lol
- [13:01 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^^
- [13:01 SLT] Simone Linden: YOu'll have a great time in Berlin.
- [13:01 SLT] Danica Linden: yeah, I hope
- [13:01 SLT] Zai Lynch: yeah, the city is fun ♡
- [13:01 SLT] Simone Linden: It would be cool if you guys could meet. And you have to send me a picture of Zai's Dirndl.
- [13:01 SLT] Simone Linden: ;)
- [13:01 SLT] Zai Lynch: lol
- [13:02 SLT] Danica Linden: what is Dirndl
- [13:02 SLT] Danica Linden: ?
- [13:02 SLT] Zai Lynch:
- [13:02 SLT] Simone Linden: It's a traditional dress from Bavaria
- [13:02 SLT] Zai Lynch: something like that ^^
- [13:02 SLT] Danica Linden: rofl
- [13:02 SLT] Simone Linden: Heidi wears one
- [13:02 SLT] Danica Linden: i am dying to see you in a dirndl, zai
- [13:02 SLT] Zai Lynch: haha yes
- [13:02 SLT] Simone Linden: and all German women
- [13:03 SLT] Zai Lynch: lol
- [13:03 SLT] Danica Linden: hahahaha
- [13:03 SLT] Simone Linden: Okay then.
- [13:03 SLT] Simone Linden: Zai, THANK you soooo much!
- [13:03 SLT] Zai Lynch: yuss, let's start :-)
- [13:03 SLT] Zai Lynch: welcome!! =)
- [13:03 SLT] Simone Linden: I can't wait to start this, too.
- [13:03 SLT] Danica Linden: ( - Torben, is this you?)
- [13:03 SLT] Danica Linden: lol
- [13:04 SLT] Zai Lynch: lol
- [13:04 SLT] Torben Trautman: okies I´m back
- [13:04 SLT] Simone Linden: I am sure that's exaclty what he wears
- [13:04 SLT] Torben Trautman: and no
- [13:04 SLT] Simone Linden: LOL
- [13:04 SLT] Torben Trautman: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
- [13:04 SLT] Danica Linden: ok, guys, sorry for poor humor. my phys therapist did a number on my neck today
- [13:04 SLT] Torben Trautman: awwww
- [13:04 SLT] Danica Linden: but it was great to see you
- [13:05 SLT] Zai Lynch: :-S
- [13:05 SLT] Zai Lynch: likewise! :-)
- [13:05 SLT] Torben Trautman: yes :)
- [13:05 SLT] Danica Linden: and thanks you a gazillion for your help with gettting rid of the current KB!
- [13:05 SLT] Danica Linden: yey
- [13:05 SLT] Simone Linden: Thatnks for coming Danica!
- [13:05 SLT] Danica Linden: :)
- [13:05 SLT] Zai Lynch: ^^
- [13:05 SLT] Torben Trautman: bye bye everybody
- [13:05 SLT] Simone Linden: Talk to you all soon!
- [13:05 SLT] Zai Lynch: cu all :-) *waves*
- [13:05 SLT] Danica Linden: ok, guys, have a good night
- [13:05 SLT] Torben Trautman: have a great night/day!
- [13:06 SLT] Simone Linden: Bye bye
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