User:Trinity Coulter/Mentor Planning Committee Meeting Feb 8 2008

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Mentor Planning Committee Meeting starts in 10 minutes at SLVEC Classroom. Topics will be SLVEC management, keeping Volunteers involved, and any topics you bring with you. Please attend if you are interested in helping to provide solutions to make the Mentor program the best it can be for residents. Quality is our focus. We will try and keep this under an hour.


[14:30] Zai Lynch: We spoke about how we could volunteer together and how mentors could become connected to each other. i would totally go for a "volunteering day" where groups of mentors meet and hop from one OI to the next or from an infohub to another. so there is a group experience and one learns to know each other while mentoring side by side

[14:57] Rock Paderborn: offering classes for Residents that want more information on cetain subjects

[15:14] Lum Pfohl: I suggest that we come up with a list of 10 or so topics to teach. Then we teach those topics to each otherso that anyone of us can teach them. That way if any of us leaves, the subject matter doesn't die with that person.


Examine the "Classroom in a Box" program and apply new course materials to it asap.

Mentors do not hold classes for New Residents at this time. Forward such requests to other groups such as TUi or NCI, at this time. We will concentrate on Mentors Teaching Mentors.



[14:11] Trinity Coulter: hi Zai :))

[14:11] Trinity Coulter: welcome

[14:11] Attendance Taker: Use /1 roll display or /1 roll public or /1 roll clear or /1 text somemessage or /1 size flash or /1 size big or /1 size small. /1 help shows this information again.

[14:11] Attendance Taker: No Attendance Recorded.

[14:11] Zai Lynch: heya trin =) i'm almost there.... just finishing some chats

[14:13] Trinity Coulter: hi Ken :)

[14:13] Ken Margetts: thank you

[14:15] Zai Lynch: heya ken =)

[14:15] Zai Lynch: sorry been in IMs

[14:15] Ken Margetts: nice to meet you Zai

[14:15] Zai Lynch: likewise =)

[14:15] Zai Lynch: yay!!

[14:16] Trinity Coulter: hi there Master Pye

[14:16] Zai Lynch: we proudly present the winner of the all in white contest :-P

[14:16] Master Pye: Hia !

[14:16] Master Pye: Trinity :-)

[14:16] Zai Lynch: woot!

[14:16] Master Pye: lol

[14:16] Master Pye: Zai

[14:16] Master Pye: Hi also Ken

[14:16] Zai Lynch: heya master pye. glad to see you again

[14:16] Ken Margetts: hello Master .. nice to meet you

[14:17] Trinity Coulter: i never see him enough :)

[14:17] Zai Lynch: yeah... same here

[14:17] Master Pye: He he he ,.Where is the crowd ?

[14:17] Zai Lynch: we should go to OIP more often

[14:17] Trinity Coulter: waiting a bit longer... we had a lot yesterday

[14:18] Master Pye: Um I guess Im here to see what the subjects will be...

[14:18] Nati Kuhn is Online

[14:20] Trinity Coulter: i have the link to the notes from last meeting:

[14:20] Trinity Coulter: Lum was nice enough to post them for me :)

[14:20] Shiva Aabye is Online

[14:20] Master Pye: As I asw Amber say in the past, she would like all Mentors joining a secondary area ...

[14:20] Trinity Coulter: yes, true

[14:20] Ken Margetts: there is a virus going around and in the subject line it says see who has blocked you

[14:20] Ken Margetts: and it has a web site

[14:20] Master Pye: How that will work Im yet to fully understand.

[14:20] Ken Margetts: dont open this message

[14:21] Zai Lynch: ... in emails? i don't open mails from ppl i don't know

[14:21] Ken Margetts: its is coming up in IM

[14:21] Ken Margetts: I got 2 from a friend from MSN

[14:21] Ken Margetts: becareful

[14:21] Zai Lynch: well i guess it might be a hoax as well....

[14:22] Master Pye: Hmm

[14:22] Master Pye: understood Ken

[14:25] Trinity Coulter: well its been 10 minutes since the first announcement, so its probably good to get started :)

[14:26] Trinity Coulter: these meetings are something where anything goes as long as we stay positive and are thinking of solutions :)

[14:27] Trinity Coulter: the things in the announcement are suggestions, but I am completely open to anything that someone wants to bring up, just jump in everyone :)

[14:27] Trinity Coulter: let me post the link again with the notes from last time:

[14:28] Trinity Coulter: this is really just a meeting to give you a chance to bring things up and talk about places we might be able to help and contribute to the Volunteer program

[14:29] Trinity Coulter: anything you would like to discuss?

[14:30] Zai Lynch: to break the silence on this, we spoke about how we could volunteer together and how mentors could become connected to each other. i would totally go for a "volunteering day" where groups of mentors meet and hop from one OI to the next or from an infohub to another. so there is a group experience and one learns to know each other while mentoring side by side

[14:31] Zai Lynch: maybe some kind of journey...

[14:31] kandy Kyong: yes is it right that when someone askes you how much money you have ..and you tell them i cant tell you but they go on about it again ,,,then they ask you to lend them some money ,,and they will pay you back..i told the person no

[14:32] Trinity Coulter: that sounds right, kandy, you aren't required to give anyone any information on you in SL

[14:32] Zai Lynch: or money...

[14:32] Trinity Coulter: and loans would be hard to deal with anyway in SL

[14:33] kandy Kyong: yes thats why i said no and if they carried on i would report that person

[14:34] Trinity Coulter: well, did many of you attend the last monthly Mentor meeting? Any thoughts about that or comments?

[14:34] Zai Lynch: well if s/he doesn't stop bothering after you told politely that you won't help in that way, i guess it's ok, to ignore / mute the person if s/he doesn't stop

[14:34] kandy Kyong: i have already

[14:35] Trinity Coulter: hi everyone coming in :))

[14:36] Zai Lynch: great. i dunno if an AR is needed but if you feel that it's needed then you can/should file it and let LL deal with it

[14:36] Seth Usher: monna get me a skunk AV

[14:36] Usil Bailey: Trinity I like all that was said at the meeting BUT I want the most basic mentors to feel comfortable with just helping newbies or beginners if thats all they want to do

[14:36] Usil Bailey: and I want them trained so they can

[14:37] Trinity Coulter: yes, I know they mentioned making roles required, and quality over quantity, but we didn't get many details yet

[14:37] Trinity Coulter: what kinds of roles might you all like to see?

[14:38] Doctor Gascoigne: no and go to your room

[14:38] jimy Bergamasco is Online

[14:38] Trinity Coulter: lol ok Doc

[14:39] Usil Bailey: lol

[14:39] Zai Lynch: well i got to admit that i feel fine with the role system as it is atm. i can't see the intention behind it while i don't think it will make something better if people join roles just to have one... but we'll see

[14:40] Trinity Coulter: are all of you in a role yet? other than general Mentor?

[14:40] Zai Lynch nods

[14:40] Usil Bailey: nods

[14:40] Master Pye: No

[14:40] Doctor Gascoigne: yes

[14:40] Yukarikat Benelli: no

[14:40] kandy Kyong: no just a mentor

[14:40] Master Pye: Just one of the nicest people in SL

[14:40] Trinity Coulter: aww

[14:40] Zai Lynch: word!

[14:41] kandy Kyong: awwww sweet

[14:41] Usil Bailey: Are all of you in the Q&A group ??

[14:41] Doctor Gascoigne: your not just a mentor you are a volunteer mentor and that makes you very special

[14:41] Yukarikat Benelli: i have only this group second life mentor

[14:41] Zai Lynch is in the Q&A group

[14:42] Trinity Coulter: Q&A link:

[14:42] Usil Bailey: Yukarikat you need to get into Mentals

[14:42] Trinity Coulter: kind of like Live Help for Mentors

[14:42] Usil Bailey: I recommend the Q&A to all of you

[14:42] Yukarikat Benelli: ok

[14:43] Zai Lynch: so master, while you're a long time mentor and not in a role what do you think about the upcoming changes? *curiouse*

[14:43] Trinity Coulter: hi Rock

[14:43] Rock Paderborn: Hi Trinity

[14:43] Romano Frascati is Online

[14:44] Master Pye: As the areas are defined I feel they still need to adhere to the Mentor role as a whole,.How dos it help new people remain.

[14:45] Trinity Coulter: Rock, we're just discussing anything you all bring to the meeting, this is a format that the Lindens have approved of for us to get together and come up with suggestions, plans, ideas, etc

[14:45] Rock Paderborn: ok, thank you

[14:46] Trinity Coulter: I think the Lindens brought up requiring a role as a way to give people focus, and maybe to help provide a niche for people right off the bat

[14:46] Usil Bailey: brb phone call ,,,,

[14:46] Zai Lynch: i'm not sure if i got it. so you're saying we need more roles that fit the mentors better?

[14:46] Usil Bailey: Hi Jezzie

[14:46] Zai Lynch s english is a little bumpy

[14:47] Yukarikat Benelli: hi jezzie

[14:47] Jezzie McCellan: hi everyone

[14:47] Trinity Coulter: hi Jezzie

[14:47] Flame395 Contepomi is Online

[14:47] Zai Lynch: hi jezzie =)

[14:48] Trinity Coulter: well for those of you in roles, what would help you? or if you're not in a role, what do you think the group as a whole might do better to help you shine in a role?

[14:49] kandy Kyong: a role that is suited for that peason .. whatever they are really good at

[14:50] Rock Paderborn: we all have certain things we are better at, but how do we get that knowledge to the people that need it?

[14:50] Rock Paderborn: spcialize?

[14:50] Trinity Coulter: that's one idea :)

[14:50] Trinity Coulter: i guess we would need to know better what people need

[14:51] Trinity Coulter: or want, etc

[14:51] Trinity Coulter: like if Kandy wanted to start a business, what are some good ways she might learn about the mentors or if we can even help?

[14:52] Trinity Coulter: and i think i zapped her by talking about her

[14:52] Yukarikat Benelli: to search a rental shop for example

[14:52] Trinity Coulter: wb kandy

[14:52] Zai Lynch: eek

[14:52] Zai Lynch: hehe

[14:52] Yukarikat Benelli: if she dont want buy a land for now

[14:52] kandy Kyong: ty smiles

[14:52] Fabrice Parisi: rent

[14:53] Trinity Coulter: do you think we should ask Mentors what they are good at?

[14:53] Yukarikat Benelli: see more lands rental..

[14:53] Yukarikat Benelli: see in the search the fee for the rent... the traffic of the land...

[14:53] Trinity Coulter: or just provide opportunities that try to cover what they might be good at

[14:53] Usil Bailey: YES but we have that in the wiki

[14:53] Rock Paderborn: I think to ask the Mentors is a very good start

[14:54] Seezuh Pimpernel is Online

[14:54] Usil Bailey: you can load it in the Zhao

[14:54] Usil Bailey: oops

[14:54] Trinity Coulter: so Yuki, you're bringing up a good way we can point people to information, like the Wiki :)

[14:54] Trinity Coulter: hi Lum

[14:54] Yukarikat Benelli: :)

[14:55] Zai Lynch: yay lummy =)

[14:55] JCNY - Legacy Diamond Engagement Ring (Solo) -iTalk 3.0: I Love Rock!

[14:55] Lum Pfohl: Sorry I'm late

[14:55] Lum Pfohl: i just got home...

[14:56] Trinity Coulter: any other thoughts on roles, or specialization, or how we communicate with residents?

[14:56] Trinity Coulter: or each other for that matter

[14:56] Zai Lynch: well. once we asked mentors what they are good at... what would be next? i mean i can't see the goal atm....

[14:57] Rock Paderborn: offering classes for Residents that want more information on cetain subjects

[14:57] Usil Bailey: Trinity I have a set folder I hand out to all and if newbies are comming in to fast to talk to I just start passing my folder to all

[14:57] Lum Pfohl: Would that be competing with NCI?

[14:57] Usil Bailey: I send people to NCI all the time

[14:57] Doctor Gascoigne: NCi is not in competition with us

[14:57] Doctor Gascoigne: they work with us

[14:57] Lum Pfohl: I understand that The Help People are also considering holding classes and tsi

[14:57] Usil Bailey: yes

[14:59] Zai Lynch: the fermi sandbox is offering great classes as well... i think i got to give people the ability to search for the classes that are already available and if there is a need in classes after that, we could try to put these up

[14:59] Zai Lynch: *we

[15:00] Lum Pfohl: we would need a publicly available location to hold classes

[15:00] Lum Pfohl: but that is a great idea -

[15:00] Jezzie McCellan: we don't offer classes to new residents, only to mentors

[15:00] Lum Pfohl: Oooh i see - I misunderstood

[15:00] Zai Lynch: there is the volunteers headquarter. it has a huuuge classroom

[15:00] Rock Paderborn: why dont we offer classes to Residents?

[15:00] Trinity Coulter: yes, we don't have a place that is public as far as owned by the Volunteer Program, except Tenera, i guess

[15:00] Usil Bailey: I think we should continue to send them to NCI because they are good at what they do

[15:00] Trinity Coulter: well, we can offer classes, but that might be another role, or an expansion of the current coaches role

[15:01] Trinity Coulter: and that's a great point too Usil

[15:01] Jezzie McCellan: Mentors teach how to find the answers

[15:01] Jezzie McCellan: not classes

[15:01] Rock Paderborn: good point

[15:01] Usil Bailey: we need to concentrate on teaching out own Ranks above all else !!!!!!!!!!!

[15:02] Lum Pfohl: Yes! I'm ALL about being self-sufficient and asking for help when absolutely necessary..

[15:02] Trinity Coulter: well i have to agree that Mentors need a lot of help

[15:02] Usil Bailey: Too many mentors cant find the OI's or do an abuse report

[15:02] Doctor Gascoigne: I got one in Im today

[15:02] Doctor Gascoigne: how do I find an OHI

[15:02] Bacula Bing is Online

[15:02] Doctor Gascoigne: whats an OHI

[15:02] Lum Pfohl: *sigh

[15:03] Trinity Coulter: so maybe Mentors Teaching Residents can be an idea for down the road, but we need to get ourselves in a little better shape first

[15:03] Usil Bailey: YES

[15:03] Poetry Bisiani is Online

[15:03] Lum Pfohl: I will volunteer to come up with some course materials, I guess - on the topic of increasing Mentor problem solving abilities.

[15:03] Usil Bailey: we need to get our house in order

[15:03] Zai Lynch: well i guess the shadowing program which might be upcoming in a not to distant future might fix some of these problems for new mentors. but what about the old ones?

[15:03] Usil Bailey Agrees with Lum

[15:03] Lum Pfohl: But the problem is, alot of what we know comes from experience - you can't teach experience in class

[15:04] Trinity Coulter: yes, that's true Lum

[15:04] Lum Pfohl: You can't teach "insight"

[15:04] Rock Paderborn: nor common sense..

[15:04] Usil Bailey: you can teach skills

[15:04] Trinity Coulter: hard to really cover it all in 1 hour or even a month

[15:04] Lum Pfohl: That's why I have my prim-skirt making class - in hopes people understand a little about building stuff

[15:04] Usil Bailey: you can talk of insight you can teach anything you,,we are mentors,,there is nothing we cannot do !!!

[15:04] Trinity Coulter: yes! :)

[15:05] Zai Lynch: hehe. woot!

[15:05] Trinity Coulter: so anything kind of standing out yet as an action plan?

[15:05] Trinity Coulter: out of all the ideas so far?

[15:06] Usil Bailey: we need to start right away at seeking out new mentors and talking with them and finding out what they need to learn

[15:06] Usil Bailey: we need to bring new mentors into meetings like this !!

[15:06] Trinity Coulter: what would be a good checklist for that?

[15:06] Usil Bailey: there should be thirty or more here right now

[15:06] Trinity Coulter: like Mentors need to learn:

[15:06] Trinity Coulter: #1?

[15:07] Rock Paderborn: orintation logs

[15:07] Usil Bailey: #1 AR

[15:07] Usil Bailey: #2 MAP

[15:07] Trinity Coulter: omg yes, the Map

[15:07] Rock Paderborn: I'm new and I'm here, its a mater of level of interest

[15:07] Usil Bailey: #3Search

[15:07] Usil Bailey: #4 places to learn

[15:07] Trinity Coulter: yes, I am so glad new people came too... we all are a team :)

[15:07] Zai Lynch: well many people won't join the class as long as it looks like work. so let's make it look like fun. or even better: let it be fun! so i'm totally going for the mentioned mentor journeys... like a scavanger hunt for mentors. and they got to solve tasks which make them learn something about mentoring

[15:07] Usil Bailey: #5 how to handle Griefers !!!!!

[15:08] Usil Bailey: #6 how to ask for help from other mentors !!

[15:08] Usil Bailey: #7 tell the new ones who we are what we are doing !!

[15:08] Trinity Coulter: oh, so we could maybe put that checklist into a fun exercise like your idea Zai and people might be a lot more attentive

[15:09] Zai Lynch nods

[15:09] Jewell Munro is Online

[15:09] Trinity Coulter: AR's, and some neat thing for that

[15:09] Usil Bailey: We get the Buddies and coaches to go out and teach them in the sims they are at

[15:09] Trinity Coulter: Mapping, similar

[15:09] Lum Pfohl: These classes could line up with the "new mentor qualifications" if Linden Labs decides to go ahead with that...

[15:09] Jezzie McCellan: all classes are suppose to be taught here, so you would need Vteam approval

[15:10] Usil Bailey: Look there is an apprentice hewre now !!!! LloydAston is soaking this up like a sponge

[15:10] Trinity Coulter: just Orientation actually

[15:10] LloydAston Dollinger: hi all

[15:10] Trinity Coulter: I think they are both more referring to a "real" application of knowledge

[15:10] Zai Lynch: heya lloyd =)

[15:10] Trinity Coulter: in a live setting with real people

[15:10] Trinity Coulter: or virtual people?

[15:10] Trinity Coulter: lol

[15:10] Zai Lynch: hehe

[15:11] Trinity Coulter: i like those ideas tho

[15:11] Usil Bailey: yes as we shadow

[15:11] Trinity Coulter: that's also something the Buddies would probably love to hear about as a group

[15:11] Jezzie McCellan: We ask that all classes follow these guidelines * Must be PG. * Should be held at SLVEC when possible. If impossible, the location of the class should be on another SL Volunteer Island location and the new location clearly marked on the class listing page.

[15:12] Jezzie McCellan:

[15:12] Trinity Coulter: well, i think the sort of thing they are discussing would be impossible to do here as well

[15:12] Trinity Coulter: maybe I need to understand better

[15:13] Jezzie McCellan: it is good to have ideas, but there are guidelines that we must follow

[15:13] Trinity Coulter: we're just discussing :)

[15:13] Jezzie McCellan: so the ideas that are developed should be within the guidelines

[15:13] Trinity Coulter: I love to see lots of energy and ideas for things :)

[15:14] Trinity Coulter: we can work on the details later :)

[15:14] Zai Lynch: there is still the chance that the VTeam likes the ideas and allows the planes =)

[15:14] Rock Paderborn: energy and ideas are fine\

[15:14] Rock Paderborn: but if they are not within guidelines, they become wasted energy

[15:14] Lum Pfohl: I suggest -

[15:15] Lum Pfohl: That we come up with a list of 10 or so topics to teach. Then we teach those topics to each other

[15:15] Lum Pfohl: so that anyone of us can teach them.

[15:15] Usil Bailey agrees with Lum

[15:15] Trinity Coulter: yes that sounds good Lum

[15:15] Lum Pfohl: then we turn around and train the masses

[15:15] Jezzie McCellan: wow this sounds just like the Class in a box committee meeting, are we repeating work

[15:15] Lum Pfohl: ahahah

[15:15] Usil Bailey: We train like we mentor and we mentor like we train

[15:16] Lum Pfohl: then why don't we use them?

[15:16] Jezzie McCellan: trinity you were there

[15:16] Usil Bailey: the art of war we need to be agressive with this

[15:16] Jezzie McCellan: didn't that very thing get suggested

[15:16] Usil Bailey: lolol

[15:16] Jezzie McCellan: in fact isn't that what is being worked on right now

[15:17] Usil Bailey has trouble keeping up with all that goes on

[15:17] Jezzie McCellan: why repeat the work being done by other mentors

[15:17] Lum Pfohl: If there's already a framework - then I'm happy to follow - but let's pick a convention and stick with it

[15:17] Dahlia Trimble is Online

[15:17] Trinity Coulter: well, it sounds like a great idea nonetheless, i only just heard Lum's idea just now

[15:17] Trinity Coulter: like 5 seconds ago

[15:18] Yukarikat Benelli: sorry crashed

[15:18] Lum Pfohl: That way if any of us leaves, the subject matter doesn't die with that person

[15:18] Trinity Coulter: Jezzie, would you help Lum get together with the Class in a Box group, or give her a contact for that?

[15:18] Yukarikat Benelli: /tab ...

[15:19] Jezzie McCellan: i suggest before you do two things, 1/ repeat others work. and 2/ step on their toes. you realize that Coaches teach classes and work on plans for them

[15:19] Jezzie McCellan: lum are you in the coaches program

[15:19] Lum Pfohl: No i am no

[15:19] Lum Pfohl: t

[15:19] Trinity Coulter: just a show of virtual hands here, how many of you are coaches, or have heard about the Class in a Box idea before?

[15:19] Jezzie McCellan: well first step if you want to teach mentors is to take that role

[15:20] Lum Pfohl: Hmmm. ok - i've already taught some classes on my own...

[15:20] Lum Pfohl: But I'll be happy to sign up for coaches too

[15:20] Usil Bailey: I have heard of it

[15:20] Master Pye: Im here to see what being involved in a role will contribute to what I allready do.

[15:21] Usil Bailey: I cannot be a coach Im on call 24/7 and cannot commit to teaching classes

[15:21] Jezzie McCellan: jeez Lum you are a coach

[15:21] Master Pye: I feelas though I'm a general practitioner

[15:21] Trinity Coulter: Jezzie, would you like to tell the group more about the Class in a Box and where that group is and what the current needs are?

[15:21] Jezzie McCellan: contact Saxet if you want to be on the CIAB committee

[15:21] Lum Pfohl: Oh Yes. I thought you meant orientation coach

[15:21] Lum Pfohl: sorry

[15:21] Lum Pfohl: I'm a coach, buddy, and scribe...

[15:21] kandy Kyong: could have a role to teach new guys how to have manners and not go up to a girl and ask her if she would have.. well you know what

[15:22] Jezzie McCellan: the Class in a Box committee is working on developing a set of prefab classes

[15:22] Jezzie McCellan: these classes will then be available to all of the coaches

[15:22] Jezzie McCellan: so that they will be able to take the materials and customize them

[15:22] Jezzie McCellan: and teach that subject to mentors

[15:22] Jezzie McCellan: the goal is to offer more classes at more times

[15:23] Jezzie McCellan: currently we have a goal to get 10 classes out asap

[15:23] Jezzie McCellan: then add to them

[15:23] Lum Pfohl: I'd be happy to offer my class up

[15:23] Jezzie McCellan: wonderful

[15:23] Lum Pfohl: but it's a stupid class on making flexi prim skirts... would that do?

[15:23] Jezzie McCellan: please contact. Saxet Uralia, she is the committee lead

[15:23] Usil Bailey: Im so sorry I must log ,,,I will see you all again I think :)

[15:24] Lum Pfohl: k usil

[15:24] Trinity Coulter: bye Usil

[15:24] Yukarikat Benelli: bye usil thx for all

[15:24] Rock Paderborn: bye Usil

[15:24] Usil Bailey: :)

[15:24] Jezzie McCellan: well any class is fine. we are working now on classes that benefit the new mentor

[15:24] Jezzie McCellan: bye Usil

[15:24] Rock Paderborn: I'm all for that!

[15:24] Jezzie McCellan: but we will be adding classes for all mentors

[15:25] Trinity Coulter: so for those that aren't Coaches now, would a current coach like to explain what the requirements are to become a Coach in the Mentor program?

[15:25] Rock Paderborn: Education is life's breath...the more the better

[15:25] Lum Pfohl: Ok - well I already have a presentation screen, and a wiki transcript done for that class - it just needs to be stuffed into yoru box...

[15:25] Jezzie McCellan: currently there are no requirements

[15:25] Jezzie McCellan: you just enroll

[15:25] Jezzie McCellan: there will probably be a change in that down the road

[15:26] Trinity Coulter: so I would encourage you if you're interested, to sign up :)

[15:26] Trinity Coulter: ok, well I promised to try and keep it at an hour... anything else anyone wants to bring up? we're at the hour now

[15:27] Master Pye: I alwys look at the announcement Board on orientation Island public

[15:27] Master Pye: nothing ever seems to appear there

[15:27] Lum Pfohl: Yes, it's clean now... Others say "check the blog"

[15:27] Master Pye: did it at one time before me ever contain anything?

[15:27] Jezzie McCellan: btw, all classes taught by Mentors are listed on the vteam blog on monday

[15:28] Yukarikat Benelli: can i ask something?

[15:28] Trinity Coulter: i noticed that some of the Waterhead scripted things are broken too

[15:28] Jezzie McCellan: did you file a support ticket

[15:28] Master Pye: nothing is broken. It just never gets used

[15:28] Trinity Coulter: that's true too lol

[15:29] Master Pye: you can get a free T-shirt

[15:29] Trinity Coulter: they have a neat resident ad system, that looks like it was a good idea

[15:29] Yukarikat Benelli: there isnt a italian coach who make classes anytimes? i know english but its so difficult a technical conversation for me

[15:29] LloydAston Dollinger: i imagine it, i am german hehe

[15:30] Trinity Coulter: I know Michel Lemmon and aliceinwire Bleac speak Italian

[15:30] Trinity Coulter: they might be good Mentors to talk to about that

[15:30] Zai Lynch is from germany as well

[15:30] Trinity Coulter: maybe even schedule a special class to help you get that accomplished

[15:31] Yukarikat Benelli: :)

[15:31] Jezzie McCellan: there are mentor groups for those languages, i would suggest talking with them and asking them to encourage mentors to coach and teach

[15:31] Yukarikat Benelli: ok thx

[15:33] Yukarikat Benelli: crashed?

[15:33] Trinity Coulter: ok... thank you everyone for coming, i am so glad to hear all the ideas and suggestions and hope you learned a little too :)

[15:33] Kuraiko Yoshikawa is Online

[15:33] Yukarikat Benelli: oh thx trinity for ur time

[15:33] Zai Lynch: ty for hosting it trin =)

[15:33] Master Pye: A little for now Trinity..

[15:33] Rock Paderborn: ty for your insight Trinity

[15:33] kandy Kyong: ty trinity fir your time

[15:34] Trinity Coulter: i love to give people a chance to get together

[15:34] Yukarikat Benelli: :)

[15:34] Yukarikat Benelli: /tab sento l'esigenza della mia voce orizzontale..

[15:34] Yukarikat Benelli: ok bye all

[15:34] Yukarikat Benelli: see ya in the next class

[15:34] Zai Lynch: cu yuka =)

[15:34] Trinity Coulter: bye Yuka

[15:35] kandy Kyong: take care everyone

[15:35] Rock Paderborn: cya later all

[15:35] Yukarikat Benelli: sure candy u too!

[15:35] kandy Kyong: byeeee

[15:35] Master Pye: Mentor etiquette specialist

[15:35] Master Pye: that's what I want to be when I grow up

[15:35] Trinity Coulter: lol

[15:35] Zai Lynch: yay

[15:35] Trinity Coulter: that would be great

[15:36] Master Pye: by simply making the person in front of me feel they are the most important person in second life

[15:36] Master Pye: remember that

[15:36] Master Pye: you learn something from me already

[15:36] Master Pye: Not you Dpoc

[15:36] Master Pye: Doctor

[15:37] Master Pye: lol

[15:37] Doctor Gascoigne: Pye

[15:37] Master Pye: I stil need you from time to time

[15:37] Master Pye: :-)

[15:39] Trinity Coulter: thanks for coming on Lum

[15:39] Trinity Coulter: you're always great to have here

[15:39] Master Pye: I stil think of the day I head a girl say she couldn't walk in real life. but here she could fly!

[15:39] Zai Lynch: word!

[15:39] Master Pye: gosh, 'm a weirdo

[15:39] Master Pye: He he he

[15:40] Zai Lynch: oh that reminds me of a second life movie i've seen on youtube....

[15:40] Master Pye: Hmm

[15:40] Master Pye: what's the addy,Zai?

[15:41] Zai Lynch: i got to search it. i'm not sure where i found it.... it was a movie shot in SL. .... maybe a linden did it. i'll send it to you as soon as i find it

[15:41] Master Pye: Ok no rush food for thought is all I like that stuff :-)

[15:42] Master Pye: Don't beat yourself up Mentor

[15:43] Trinity Coulter: oh hi Lisa

[15:43] Trinity Coulter: and hi Lloyd, i never told you hi when you came in

[15:43] Lisa Lowe: hi Trin :)

[15:43] Lisa Lowe: is this a class going on or so?

[15:44] Elicio Ember is Online

[15:44] Trinity Coulter: we were just doing another discussion meeting

[15:44] LloydAston Dollinger: hi

[15:44] LloydAston Dollinger: hehe

[15:44] Trinity Coulter: trying to give people a chance to discuss and come up with ideas

[15:44] Master Pye: Hi

[15:44] Master Pye: Froggie Bump

[15:44] Lisa Lowe: hi Master :)

[15:44] LloydAston Dollinger: thats really good :-)

[15:45] Trinity Coulter: so far its been 1 per week

[15:45] Lisa Lowe: i always have tons of ideas :)

[15:45] Trinity Coulter: well I will keep having them

[15:45] Trinity Coulter: or anyone else can too :)

[15:46] Trinity Coulter: its not like i "own" the idea lol

[15:46] Zai Lynch: i got it!!

[15:46] Zai Lynch:

[15:46] Lisa Lowe: i missed it....what idea?

[15:47] Master Pye: Ho thank you Zai :-)

[15:47] Zai Lynch: you're very welcome =)

[15:47] Trinity Coulter: well at this one, i remember the Mentor Scavenger Hunt

[15:47] Trinity Coulter: and the Mentor checklist

[15:47] Zai Lynch: there are some more at

[15:47] Trinity Coulter: and Lum's class idea

[15:48] Flame395 Contepomi is Online

[15:48] Trinity Coulter: which i am not ever sure i totally got to hear

[15:48] Master Pye: Ill hold that in pause for a bit :-)

[15:48] Lisa Lowe: what does scavenger mean?

[15:48] Trinity Coulter: "Scavenger Hunt" is a term that means something like treasure seeking

[15:48] Lisa Lowe: oh ok

[15:49] Zai Lynch: schnitzeljagd in german

[15:49] Lisa Lowe: hide and seek? ;)

[15:49] Zai Lynch: maybe similar in dutch

[15:49] Lisa Lowe: jacht op de schat in dutch.......not quite the same as in german :)

[15:50] Zai Lynch: hehe

[15:50] Seezuh Pimpernel is Online

[15:50] Lisa Lowe: aren't a few doing a Linden hunt lately?

[15:50] Zai Lynch: linden teddy hunt or a linden hunt o.O

[15:50] Master Pye: Ok I need to go help a friend before he deletes himself from SL alltogeather :-)

[15:51] Zai Lynch: lol

[15:51] Lisa Lowe: heheh

[15:51] Zai Lynch: yeah hurry master pye :-P was great to see ya again

[15:51] Master Pye: Yes and all of you be good and take care!

[15:51] Zai Lynch: woot!

[15:52] Trinity Coulter: any suggestions on how to improve the meeting at all?

[15:52] Lisa Lowe: you mean the mentor meetings?

[15:52] Trinity Coulter: put someone else in charge? tell some jokes?

[15:52] Trinity Coulter: no... this one i just had

[15:53] Trinity Coulter: shoot everyone with pies?

[15:53] Master Pye is Online

[15:53] Pie A Linden 1.0 whispers: Use Mouselook (press 'M') to shoot me.

[15:53] Pie A Linden 1.0 whispers: Choose 'Detach' from my menu to take me off.

[15:53] Lisa Lowe: i am not really into pies

[15:53] Trinity Coulter: it just ended a little bit ago, Lisa

[15:53] Lisa Lowe: ok

[15:53] Lisa Lowe: sorry i missed it

[15:53] Trinity Coulter: :)

[15:53] Trinity Coulter: np

[15:53] Zai Lynch: who said something about pies?

[15:53] Trinity Coulter: i shouldn't have lol

[15:54] Lisa Lowe: i just walked in by accident now

[15:54] LloydAston Dollinger: lol

[15:54] Lisa Lowe: I need more whipcream ;)

[15:54] Zai Lynch: hmmmm.... cream

[15:54] Vanati Babii is Online

[15:55] LloydAston Dollinger is Online

[15:55] Trinity Coulter: i'm posting the transcript

[15:56] Zai Lynch: in your users page?

[15:56] Trinity Coulter: yes, it might be better at some point in the Volunteer Portal, but we'll see if we keep getting good attendance

[15:56] Vanati Babii is Online

[15:56] Zai Lynch nods

[15:57] Trinity Coulter: Lum did such a good job with it last time

[15:57] Trinity Coulter: are you still there Lum?

[15:57] Zai Lynch: i can test it

[15:57] Zai Lynch: i got a poking stick

[15:57] Trinity Coulter: she had it all nice and formatted

[15:57] Lisa Lowe: I think she fell asleep on you now ;)

[15:57] Zai Lynch: she will wake up if she's still there...

[15:58] Zai Lynch: hehe. but you got all the wiki notecards from the class :-P and your userspage is so empty =(

[15:59] Trinity Coulter: yes

[15:59] Trinity Coulter: i don't really know what to put there

[16:00] Zai Lynch: register yourself as orientation coach. and english speaking resident. and put a nice pic inside =) and maybe a sentence or two of what you like in SL

[16:00] Zai Lynch likes to browse other mentors profiles

[16:00] Trinity Coulter: :)

[16:01] Lum Pfohl: hi

[16:01] Zai Lynch: oh she woke up. and i didn't even had to poke her

[16:01] Lum Pfohl: i got paged from work - and had to log in and fix something...

[16:01] Zai Lynch: busy busy busy....

[16:02] Lum Pfohl: I've got two notecards...

[16:02] Lum Pfohl: Class in a Box lesson plan

[16:02] Lum Pfohl: on just one note card

[16:03] Lum Pfohl: no two

[16:03] Lum Pfohl: he he

[16:03] Trinity Coulter: hi Lum

[16:03] Trinity Coulter: welcome back

[16:03] Lum Pfohl: I'll do the transcript if you'd like

[16:03] Lum Pfohl: i understand there was one earlier this week - i can get that in too.

[16:04] Zai Lynch: uhm...

[16:04] Trinity Coulter: that one ended a little early

[16:04] Zai Lynch: just skip the transcript of the earlier one

[16:04] Lum Pfohl: ahahah

[16:04] Nati Kuhn is Online

[16:04] Lum Pfohl: i won't ask, you don't have to telll ;-)

[16:05] Lum Pfohl accepted your inventory offer.

[16:06] Lum Pfohl: ok

[16:06] Lum Pfohl: so all of the "You's" in this transcript is Trin?

[16:06] Trinity Coulter: oh

[16:06] Trinity Coulter: on the Wiki

[16:06] Trinity Coulter: yes

[16:06] Lum Pfohl: no worries -I'll get them changed

[16:06] Trinity Coulter: yes, i wish i didn't have all those "Soandso is Online"

[16:06] Zai Lynch: search and replace is a great function

[16:07] Lum Pfohl: I'll strip them out

[16:07] Lum Pfohl: We know who your friends are now

[16:07] Lum Pfohl: ahahaah

[16:07] Zai Lynch: hehe

[16:07] Trinity Coulter: do you want to summarize, or have me do it?

[16:07] Trinity Coulter: I was going to post the transcript last time too and i crashed

[16:07] Lum Pfohl: well, I only caught the last part of the meeting -

[16:07] Lum Pfohl: I can summarize what I have recorded

[16:08] Lum Pfohl: and I'll post it - and let you two look at it and make changes as necessary

[16:08] Trinity Coulter: i don't mind that the full transcript is there

[16:08] Lum Pfohl: first things first - get it created - then we'll fix the content or formatting later

[16:08] Trinity Coulter: i just like to give people something to skim too

[16:08] Lum Pfohl: I'll get this posted in the next hour or so

[16:08] Trinity Coulter: thank you Lum

[16:09] Trinity Coulter: take your time :)