User:Void Singer/Red Tea
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Red Tea
What is it?
Red Tea is an open source File Service custom built for Teacup/Saucer
How does it work?
When Red Tea starts, it looks for any notecards in the prim, reads them, converting and wrapping any notecards with names ending with ".tsp", then storing them in memory, waiting for a request from the Teacup server. If the number of notecards changes it waits 3 seconds then restarts.
Format Requirments?
Red Tea reads a modified html page from a notecard
- For html content, the notecard name should end with ".tsp"
- For html content, the notecard contents are limited to what's valid inside a normal html "body" tag.
- no more than 255 bytes per line in the notecard (this is an LSL limitation)
Quick Start
So you don't want to read a bunch of tech babble, you just want to make a website in a prim right? Well I can sympathize so here are some (mostly) easy steps to get you up and running fast...
- Rez a box and name it something creative, like "My website"
- Copy the text in the grey box below Code: teacup.js into a notecard named "teacup.js", save it, and drop it in your rezzed box
- You May want to Edit this file to your liking first... You can add most valid javascript functions that do not rely on body onload behavior.
- Copy the text in the grey box below Code: Sample Index.tsp into a notecard named "index.tsp", save it, and drop it in your rezzed box
- You May want to Edit this file to your liking first... You can use any html that is valid inside of a body tag.
- Copy the text in the grey box below Code: Sample Page1.js into a notecard named "page1.tsp", save it, and drop it in your rezzed box
- You May want to Edit this file to your liking first... You can use any html that is valid inside of a body tag.
- Copy the text in the grey box below Code: Red Tea into a script named "Red Tea v0.3.1", save it, and drop it in your rezzed box
- Go here and start at step 2...
Red Tea
- Save in a MONO script named "Red Tea v0.5"
/*( Red Tea v0.5 )*/
//-- Master Handling lists
list gLstNom;
list gLstTxt;
//-- These track memory while loading
integer gIntCap;
integer gIntBfr;
//-- these handle the notecard loading
key gKeyQry;
string gStrNcd;
integer gIntNcd;
string gStrTmp;
//-- grab all possible notecard names
if (gIntCap = llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_NOTECARD )){
llWhisper( 0, "Attempting to load " + (string)gIntCap + " notecards" );
gLstNom += [llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_NOTECARD, gIntNcd )];
}while (++gIntNcd < gIntCap);
//-- work on the firs one.
gKeyQry = llGetNotecardLine( gStrNcd = llList2String( gLstNom, 0 ), gIntNcd = 0 );
gIntCap = llGetFreeMemory();
llWhisper( 0, "No content to load" );
changed( integer vBitChg ){
//-- when inventory changes, only restart if the notecard count changed
if (llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_NOTECARD ) != (gLstNom != [])){
llSetTimerEvent( 5.0 );
dataserver( key vKeyQID, string vStrDta ){
if (gKeyQry == vKeyQID){ //-- is this our dataserver event?
if (EOF == vStrDta){ //-- did we finish the notecard?
if (~llSubStringIndex( gStrNcd, ".tsp" )){ //-- is this a html page?
gStrTmp = "v0='" + gStrTmp + "';"; //-- wrap it
gLstTxt += [(gStrTmp = "") + gStrTmp]; //-- save it
llWhisper( 0, gStrNcd + " successfully loaded");
llMessageLinked( LINK_SET, 601, gStrNcd, NULL_KEY ); //-- saucer compatibility
if ((integer)(vStrDta = (string)(gIntCap - llGetFreeMemory())) > gIntBfr){
gIntBfr = (integer)vStrDta; //-- adjust buffer if needed
} //-- test if we have more cards to read and room to spare
if ((gIntNcd = -~llListFindList( gLstNom, [gStrNcd] )) < (gLstNom != []) && (gIntCap = llGetFreeMemory()) > gIntBfr){
gKeyQry = llGetNotecardLine( gStrNcd = llList2String( gLstNom, gIntNcd ), gIntNcd = 0 ); //-- get next card
}else{ //-- out of cards or space
gStrTmp = gKeyQry = ""; //-- clear vars
//-- save totals and set conditional failure message
if ((gIntCap = (gLstNom != [])) > (gIntNcd = (gLstTxt != []))){
gStrNcd = "\nFailed to read " + gStrNcd;
gStrNcd = gStrTmp;
}//-- report load
llWhisper( 0, "Loaded " + (string)gIntNcd + " of " + (string)gIntCap + " pages" + (gStrNcd = "") +
gStrNcd + "\n~" + (string)(llGetFreeMemory() - gIntBfr) + " bytes free" );
}else{ //-- notecard read
if (~llSubStringIndex( gStrNcd, ".tsp" )){ //-- is this a html page?
//-- tweak for javascript wrapper compatibility
vStrDta = llDumpList2String( llParseStringKeepNulls( vStrDta, ["\\"], [] ), "\\\\" ); //-- "
vStrDta = llDumpList2String( llParseStringKeepNulls( vStrDta, ["'"], [] ), "\\'" ) + "\\n";
vStrDta += "\n";
gStrTmp += vStrDta; //-- accumulate to variable
if ((integer)(vStrDta = (string)(gIntCap - llGetFreeMemory())) > gIntBfr){
gIntBfr = (integer)vStrDta; //-- adjust buffer if needed
if ((gIntCap >> 1) > gIntBfr){ //-- test free space against buffer
gKeyQry = llGetNotecardLine( gStrNcd, ++gIntNcd ); //-- get next line
}else{ //-- our saftey cap was exceeded, stop and report what we have
gLstNom = llDeleteSubList( gLstNom, gIntNcd, -1 );
gIntCap = (gLstNom != []);
gIntNcd = (gLstTxt != []);
gStrTmp = gKeyQry = "";
llWhisper( 0, "Loaded " + (string)gIntNcd + " of " + (string)gIntCap + " page(s)\nFailed while reading " +
gStrNcd + "\n~" + (string)(llGetFreeMemory() - gIntBfr) + " bytes free" );
link_message( integer vIntSrc, integer vIntDta, string vStrDta, key vKeyDta ){
if (vKeyDta){ //-- valid key?
if (418 == vIntDta){ //-- server request?
if (~vIntDta = llListFindList( gLstNom, [llList2String( llParseStringKeepNulls( vStrDta, [], ["?", "#"] ), 0 )] )){ //-- do we have that?
llMessageLinked( vIntSrc, 200, llList2String( gLstTxt, vIntDta ), vKeyDta );
}//-- fast service, no need to add saucer start compatibility
/*//-- License Text --//*/
/*// Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution. //*/
/*// (C)2011 (CC-BY) [ ] //*/
/*// Void Singer [ ] //*/
/*// All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines. //*/
/*//-- --//*/
Sample Index.tsp
- Save in a notecard named "index.tsp"
<h1>This is a sample Index Page</h1> <p>would you like to <a href="page1.tsp">go to page 1</a>?<br> Would you like to <a onClick="u1('Region Stats.tsp');" style="color:blue;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;">view the Region Stats</a>?</p>
Sample Page1.tsp
- Save in a notecard named "page1.tsp"
<h1>This is a sample linked page</h1> <p>Would you like to <a onClick="u1('Region Stats.tsp');" style="color:blue;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;">view the Region Stats</a>?<br> would you like to <a href="index.tsp">go to the index</a>?</p>
Compatible Servers and Extensions
- Teacup - SIP front end
- Saucer - Optional Fast 404 Extension for preventing long timeouts for missing/bad pages
- Tea Strainer - Optional Troubleshooting Monitor for checking messages being sent and received.
Known Bugs
- Extra line break inserted at the end of every ".tsp" or text file
- If the server request a file that has a notecard, before that notecard is finished loading, a 200 "Success" response will be generated and an empty file will be served.
- Loading large files before small ones may lock them out if the buffer limit is reached. Try to read small files first. (they are read in alphabetic order)
Planned Upgrades
- None really, the intent is to be an example. other "flavors" can use different methods. but it may get minor updates as time passes
ChangeLog / Old Versions
- Code will be considered stable when it reaches v1.0
- Red Tea v0.5
- Compatibility update to match Teacup v0.5
- Sample pages updated
- Red Tea v0.3.1
- tweaked for changes to Saucer
- Red Tea v0.3
- No longer sends 404 messages of it's own
- No longer restarts on every inventory change, only if the notecard count changes from what it has already read.
- v0.2
- Initial Public Release
Questions or Comments?
Feel free to leave me a note on the discussion page.