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Revision as of 09:40, 30 September 2012 by Kireji Haiku (talk | contribs) (added a smalll comment to the example script)
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Function: float llListStatistics( integer operation, list src );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a float that is the result of performing statistical aggregate function operation on src.

• integer operation a LIST_STAT_* flag
• list src

If a list entry type is not a float or an integer it is silently ignored.

Constant Description
LIST_STAT_RANGE 0 Calculates the range.
LIST_STAT_MIN 1 Calculates the smallest number.
LIST_STAT_MAX 2 Calculates the largest number.
LIST_STAT_MEAN 3 Calculates the mean (average).
LIST_STAT_MEDIAN 4 Calculates the median number.
LIST_STAT_STD_DEV 5 Calculates the standard deviation.
LIST_STAT_SUM 6 Calculates the sum.
LIST_STAT_SUM_SQUARES 7 Calculates the sum of the squares.
LIST_STAT_NUM_COUNT 8 Determines the number of float and integer elements.
LIST_STAT_GEOMETRIC_MEAN 9 Calculates the geometric mean.


<lsl> // shows just how bad SL is behaving and demonstrates the use of llListStatistics() list dil_s; list fps_s; integer ticks;

default {

   on_rez (integer parm)
   changed(integer change)
       if(change & CHANGED_REGION)
       // set the timer to go off every other second

       dil_s = llList2List(dil_s + llGetRegionTimeDilation(), -60, -1);
       fps_s = llList2List(fps_s + llGetRegionFPS(), -60, -1);
       if(++ticks < 3)
               + "\nmin = " + (string) llListStatistics(LIST_STAT_MIN, dil_s)
               + "\nmean = " + (string) llListStatistics(LIST_STAT_MEAN, dil_s)
               + "\nmax = " + (string) llListStatistics(LIST_STAT_MAX, dil_s)
               + "\nstd.dev = " + (string) llListStatistics(LIST_STAT_STD_DEV, dil_s)
               + "\nFPS:"
               + "\nmin = " + (string) llListStatistics(LIST_STAT_MIN, fps_s)
               + "\nmean = " + (string) llListStatistics(LIST_STAT_MEAN, fps_s)
               + "\nmax = " + (string) llListStatistics(LIST_STAT_MAX, fps_s)
               + "\nstd.dev = " + (string) llListStatistics(LIST_STAT_STD_DEV, fps_s),
               <1.0, 1.0, 0.0>, (float)TRUE);// yellow and opaque




Given that this operation ignores any non-numbers in a list, it can be used to tell you, in a mixed list, how many of the elements in a list are numbers (when used with the LIST_STAT_NUM_COUNT parameter.)

See Also


•  llGetListEntryType

Deep Notes


•  llListStatistics Test


function float llListStatistics( integer operation, list src );