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Line 361: Line 361:
  Berkeley Island (FP) - Dom Bamatter
  Berkeley Island (FP) - Dom Bamatter
  Berlin Dance Arena (FP) - Sascha Laval
  Berlin Dance Arena (FP) - Sascha Laval
  Cabria Bay - (HS) - Myles Capalini  
  Cabria Bay - (HS) - Myles Capalini - managed by Bee Glasswing
  Caerus (FP) - Marcus Steeplechase
  Caerus (FP) - Marcus Steeplechase
  Castro (FP)- Dom Bamatter
  Castro (FP)- Dom Bamatter
  Ceasaria (FP) - Natiala Seiling
  Ceasaria (FP) - Natiala Seiling
  Chilipepper (FP) - Myles Capalini
  Chilipepper (FP) - Myles Capalini - managed by Philippe Ocello
  Crazy Garden (HS) - Sascha Laval - managed by Arnel Choche
  Crazy Garden (HS) - Sascha Laval - managed by Arnel Choche
  Domination (HS) - Dom Bamatter
  Domination (HS) - Dom Bamatter

Revision as of 11:50, 21 March 2011

Mission Statement

(approved October 16, 2010)

The purpose of the Gay Archipelago is to provide a wide region managed by its Estate owners where like minded individuals can live in harmony and community and where they can shop and find services, parties and destinations geared to their lifestyle. It helps owners and residents of Sims to promote their businesses and events. It coordinates region-wide activities and events, promoting them to all of SL. It works to provide an orderly expansion of the region. It acts as one of the spokespersons for all LGBT residents in Second Life. It provides a center for information not only for the Gay Archipelago itself but for all LGBT residents of SL. Through the Gay Archipelago LGBT Pride Sim, it aspires to be the first stop for LGBT people entering Second Life - a place of welcome, orientation, community and help.


The Gay Archipelago is an international region of Second Life consisting of 148 sims today which share traffic, conduct archipelago-wide events, and welcome LGBT newcomers to Second Life. The Gay Archipelago (GA) includes a variety of content, including business, shopping, entertainment, role playing, and services for the gay Second Life community. Linden Labs recently gave the Gay Archipelago its own region allowing it to expand and remain focused on and for the LGBT community.

Gay Archipelago, November 7, 2010

The Gay Archipelago was founded by Fabrice Snook as a place to meet, welcome and help LGBT people as well as to support the talents of its owners, residents and merchants. Currently there are 46 Estate Owners in the Gay Archipelago.

Gay Archipelago logo 10 share dreams (common).jpg


Fabrice Snook launched Pandore, the first sim in the Gay Archipelago, in May, 2007, as a friendly gay village (today it is a shopping sim). Fabrice then opened Gay France, in July 2007, then Oboulaba, a babylonian themed sim. Oboulaba is now called Chilipepper with shopping, residences and clubs.

In 2008, Sasha Laval, owner of Gay Zone Estate, and Fabrice decided to connect their 7 sims in a new area on the SL grid. Later that year, Badpuppy and Citegay, two sims linked to well-known gay Internet portals in USA and France, joined them.

The continent continued to grow with Gay Europe, Gay Japan, Toozepolis and other new sims. Sascha Laval launched Gay Zone Atlantis, Gay Zone Neptunia, DJ World and Aqua Lounge.

As the Archipelago grew, the emphasis was on cooperation, coordination and unity beginning with Gay France and later with Gay Europe. The group "SL Gay Cooperation" has been launched at this time.

Also in 2008, IGBC Gay Rehoboth, Jameson Architects, Ferik Island, and Flag Factory opened in the Archipelago. That year, the Gay Archipelago was not more only focused on european range, and GA has choosen to be the first sponsor of the Second Pride Festival in June.

At the beginning of 2009 and after the Lindens’ decision to increase the fees by 66%, many homesteads were closed. At this time, the virtual worlds did not appear so attractive to many professionals and CiteGAY closed its sim as well. Fabrice left SL for several months because of Real Life (RL) commitments. Upon his return, he found that the cluster had decreased to just 8 sims. But with the continued effort of Fabrice and others, Gay Europe was revived and IGBC extended its domain with new sims connected to Pandore. Oiswiss Decuir, owner of Gay Fun World, joined what was now called the Gay Archipelago. Arnel Choche’s Crazy Garden was opened. Later in 2009, Dom Bamatter, owner of Pure Indulgence Estate, joined the group - today Dom Bamatter is the largest land owner in GA with 38 sims.

In autumn of 2009, discussions began with the new Board of Second Pride to define common goals.

By the end of 2009, the Gay Archipelago had 38 sims. Its first winter Festival, The Gay Archipelago Days, was held from December 12th thru 19th with many events and attractions on each sim. The festival ended with a contest for the first Mister Gay 2010. Ardaric Larsson was the winner and all celebrated with a grand party.

In January of 2010, Linden Lab offered to move all sims in the Gay Archipelago to a new, empty area of the grid, favorable for expansion and unencumbered by neighboring sims with no connection to the GA. Linden Lab also facilitated the moving of sims to join Gay Archipelago: Pillars of Hercules, Vulcania, Lothlorian, Gay Italy Friends and Romanum. The move took place on January 12, 2010. The GA had 68 sims at this time.

Shortly thereafter, Marcus Steeplechase and Philip Eubanks, owners of Warehouse Plaza and a group of 5 sims, joined the Gay Archipelago. They dedicated one of their sims, Pride, for the site of the then proposed Gateway and Welcome Center for LGBT people entering Second Life. The sim is located in the heart of the Archipelago.

The LGBT Gateway was approved by the Lindens and launched on April 6, 2010. This beautiful building was constructed by Van Auster and provides a beautiful setting for an excellent service. Shortly after, the showcase Community Center was completed by Oxphalaver Moose. This unique design houses the GA Council Chamber, the Womyn's Center, an annex for the Second Pride organization, the Transgender Hub, and public meeting rooms.

In the next months, the Gay Archipelago expanded to 130 LGBT sims. But even as this growth continues, The Gay Archipelago encourages diversity of location of gay sims throughout SL and has never desired to be the only location for LGBT sims. It exists only to enhance the Gay Archipelago Way of Life: opportunities to meet, to share, to learn, to support talent, to have fun, relax, and build a great continent with many links to all of SL and to Real Life as well.

In May of 2010 the 13 sims of the United Continent of Gor moved to the GA. Not only is this the largest cluster of gay Gorean sims, it is the largest cluster of all Gorean sims in Second Life. From a single sim, Tabor has expanded to now include 14 Gorean sims. This move marks the GA as a major center for role play in Second Life and enhances the diversity of lifestyles within the GA itself.

In the January quarter of 2010, the Gay Archipelago launched its first Council organization. This first Council was chaired by Fabrice Snook. The immediate tasks of the Council were to provide liaison between Linden Labs and the Gay Archipelago, to help and support the Second Pride Committee, and to be useful and efficient for the owners, residents, merchants and visitors to the Gay Archipelago.

The Second Pride Festival 2010 was held in the Gay Archipelago and began on May 29, 2010. A water parade beginning at the Pride sim commenced the festivities. The theme was Venice and the festival stretched across six sims. In addition to the parade, the festival included concerts and dances.

After founding the GA and guiding it to its current level of success, Fabrice Snook handed the reins to a new Chairman, Wendell Thor, on June 26th, 2010. Wendell manages the 38 sims of B&V Enterprises (Dom Bamatter).

The Travel & Tourism Agency had its grand opening on July 10, 2010. The T&T promotes the services and businesses of the GA by providing, in a pleasant and interactive environment, exposure of and links to those services and businesses in a non-profit and non-partial manner.

The history of the GA is vibrant with growth and promise. It speaks to the LGBT peoples' desire for and appreciation of community. Megotta Zula, a former Chairman for Public Relations & Marketing, says, "The purpose of the Gay Archipelago is to create a community of like-minded individuals and connect them for the pleasure of both our community and SL at large."

Council of the Gay Archipelago


GA Estates owner rep - Liaison for Linden Labs : Dom Bamatter

Pride Gateway caretaker : Marcus Steeplechase

Executive chair : Fabrice Snook

GA Team

General Secretary...................Thom Nexen

GA grid map...................Omatthias Vidor

Business manager..............Hubs Howlett

Clubs owners representative...InsYx Piranha

New roles with concrete missions to be announced

Former chairmen

Fabrice Snook (founder), Wendell Thor, Myles Capalini

The GA Council is here to :

  • Assist and support Estate owners, as requested
  • Promote the Gay Archipelago
  • Manage the grid
  • Manage and promote GA-wide events
  • Establish and maintain communication protocols
  • Co-manage the LGBT Gateway (Welcoming & Orientation) with the LGBT organizations
  • Represent the Gay Archipelago to Linden Labs on GA-wide issues
  • Help and support the Second Pride Committee

What the Gay Archipelago is not

The Gay Archipelago

  • is not intended to be the exclusive place for gay-oriented sims and activities.
  • recognizes the advantage of, indeed the necessity for gay people to live in and move through all of Second Life. 
  • does not hold itself to be the exclusive representative of LGBT people in SL. 
  • is not profit driven. The Gay Archipelago committee is voluntary and there 
    are no fees required from anyone living and working within the GA.

GA Estates Owners

(FP) Full Prim (HS) Homestead (OS) Openspace

Check the updated list of sims here and owners here

Thorn Andel

   Sky Beach (FP)

Keokipele Ansar

   Kanaloa Marketplace (FP)
   Vulcania Fine Art (HS)

Alan Bolero

   Thira (FP)

Dom Bamatter with Wendell Thor as CEO & Manager

   Alcatraz (FP)
   Bay 1 (HS)
   Bay 2 (HS)
   Bay Isles (OS)
   Belvedere (FP)
   Berkeley Island (FP)
   Castro (FP)
   Domination (HS)
   Domination Isle (HS)
   Faulkenau Bay (OS)
   Fisherman's Wharf (FP)
   Folsom (FP)
   Folsom East (FP)
   Golden Gate (FP)
   Golden Gate 2 (OS)
   Golden State Park (FP)
   Halfmoon Bay (FP)
   Magic Folsom (HS)
   Pacifica Island (FP)
   Pure Domination (FP)
   Pure Heaven (HS)
   Pure Indulgence Estates (FP)
   Pure Isle (FP)
   Pure Luxury (FP)
   Pure Sin (FP)
   Pure Temptation (FP)
   Rendezvous (FP)
   San Francisco Bay (OS)
   San Francisco Island (FP)
   San Francisco Marina (FP)
   San Francisco Zoo (FP)
   Sausalito (FP)
   Straight of Falkenau (OS)
   Tiburon (FP)
   Wayfarer Bay (HS)
   Wayfarer Island (FP)
   White Water (FP)
   White Water Delta (FP)

Marge Beaumont

   Tiffanyluv (Sidhe) (FP)

Tiberius Brouwer

   Isle of Tabor (FP)
   Northern Tabor (HS)
   Silver Tree of Tabor (HS)

Myles Capalini

   Cabria Bay (HS)
   Chilipepper (FP)

Tom06 Castro

   TBONE Island (FP)

Baz Ceawlin

   Gay Riviera (FP)
   Bahia Beach (HS)

Rockridge Constantine

   Saint Niguel Isle (FP)

Maxel Cortes

   Gay France (FP)
   Gay Friendly (FP)

Callinet Dagostino

   Rainbow Isle (FP)

Oiswiss Decuir

   Gay Fun Beach (HS)
   Gay Fun World (FP)

Mandy Dorfler

   Sheherazade Islandab
   TresQueens (FP)

Philip Eubanks

   Orpheum (FP)

Emperor Galtier

   Romanum (FP)
   Romanum II (FP)

Ellyse Glas

   Araluv (FP)

JeanLuc Guyot

   IGBC Heliopolis (HS) - managed by Liamone Troglodite
   IGBC Gay Rehoboth (FP)

Jimmie Hammill

   Hulneth Bay (HS)
   Isle of Scimitar (FP)
   Scimitar Plains (HS)

Huntington Harbour

   Huntington Harbour (FP)

Hubs Howlett

   Hubs Development (HS)

Jaij Jameson

   IGBC Rehoboth Bay (HS)
   IGBC Rehoboth Landing (HS)
   IGBC Rehoboth Reef (HS)
   IGBC Rehoboth Seal (OS)
   IGBC Rehoboth Shores (HS)
   Jameson Architects (FP)

Telur Lane/Minoa Palen

   Gay Tropicana (FP)

Sascha Laval

   Crazy Garden (HS) - managed by Arnel Choche 
   Berlin Dance Arena (FP) - managed by Eniaga Moreaux
   Flag Factory (HS) - managed by Frenchy Kazan
   Gay Germany (HS)
   Gallywood (FP)
   Gay Zone Beach (FP)
   Gay Zone Germany (FP)
   Le Dome (HS)
   Miscellanious (HS) - managed by AresDE Streeter
   Nyundo (HS)

Selket Laville

   Navan (HS)

Kael Martinek

   Sons of Sunrise (FP)
   Dos Toros (HS)

Rik Masala

   Ferik Island (HS)

Thormec Micheline

   White Water Canyon (FP)

Bearded Munro

   Hillcrest of Tabor (FS)

Levy Munro

   Three Winds North (HS)
   Three Winds South (HS)
   White Water Falls (FP)
   White Water Highlands (HS)
   White Water Peaks (HS)

Dakota Rosca

   Pilgrim Bay

Chance Rasmusen

   Selene (FP)

Evan Rutledge

   Pallas (HS)
   Spice Islands (FP)

Fabrice Snook

   Gay Archipelago (OS)
   Pandore (FP)
   Sandbox Archipelago (HS)

Dragonlord Sparta

   Tabor Tropics (FP)

Marcus Steeplechase

   Caerus (FP)
   Eloi (HS)
   Pride (FP)

Toothfairy Tizzy

   Fairyland (HS)
   TT Designs (FP)

Marin Urdaneta

   Tabor East(FS)
   Tabor Bay (OS)

Jimmy Warbaum

   Tromsoe (FP)

Sterling Whitcroft

   Alex Ander (OS)
   Andros (FP)
   Marathon (HS)
   Rodos (HS)
   Sparta (FP)
   Thrace (HS)
   Troy (FP)

Fourleafclover Woodget

   Highlands of Tabor (FP)

Claude Zepp

   Gay Island Beach (HS)
   Gay Island Lagoon (HS)
   Gay Island Resort (FP)
   Gay Island Sunbay (HS)
   Gay Island Tropic (HS)

Sims Alphabetically

*Abderos (HS) - Ion Michalski 
Age of Iron -(FP) - Marcus Steeplechase
Alcatraz (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Alex Ander (OS) - Sterling Whitcroft
Andros (FP) - Sterling Whitcroft
Araluv - (FP) - Ellyse Glas
Bay 1 (HS) - Dom Bamatter
Bay 2 (HS) - Dom Bamatter
Bay Isles (OS) - Dom Bamatter
Belvedere (FP) Dom Bamatter
Berkeley Island (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Berlin Dance Arena (FP) - Sascha Laval
Cabria Bay - (HS) - Myles Capalini - managed by Bee Glasswing 
Caerus (FP) - Marcus Steeplechase
Castro (FP)- Dom Bamatter
Ceasaria (FP) - Natiala Seiling
Chilipepper (FP) - Myles Capalini - managed by Philippe Ocello
Crazy Garden (HS) - Sascha Laval - managed by Arnel Choche
Domination (HS) - Dom Bamatter
Domination Isle - (HS) - Dom Bamatter
Eloi (HS) - Marcus Steeplechase
Fairyland (HS) - Toothfairy Tizzy
Falkenau Bay (OS) - Dom Bamatter
Ferik Island (HS) - Rik Masala
Fisherman's Wharf (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Flag Factory (HS) - Sascha Laval - managed by Frenchy Kazan
Folsom (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Folsom East (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Gallywood (FP) - Sascha Laval - managed by InsyX Piranha
Gay Archipelago (OS) - Fabrice Snook
Gay France (FP) - Benoit Lednev
Gay Friendly - (FP) - Didier Spitteler
Gay Fun Beach (HS) - Oiswiss Decuir
Gay Fun World (FP) - Oiswiss Decuir
Gay Germany (HS) - Sascha Laval
Gay Island Beach - (HS) - Claude Zepp
Gay Island Lagoon - (HS) - Claude Zepp
Gay Island Resort - (FP) - Claude Zepp
Gay Island Sunbay - (HS) - Claude Zepp
Gay Island Tropic - (HS) - Claude Zepp
Gay Tropicana - (FP) - Telur Lane - Minoa Palen
Gay Zone Beach (FP) - Sascha Laval
Gay Zone Germany (FP) - Sascha Laval
Golden Gate (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Golden Gate 2 (OS) - Dom Bamatter
Golden Gate Park - (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Halfmoon Bay (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Haven - (FP) - Walentine Gazov
Highlands of Tabor - (FP) - Fourleafclover Woodget
Hillcrest of Tabor - (FP) - Bearded Munro
Hubs Development (HS) - Hubs Howlett
Hulneth Bay - (HS) - Jimmie Hammill
Huntington Harbour - (FP) - Huntington Harbour
IGBC Gay Rehoboth (FP) - JeanLuc Guyot
IGBC Heliopolis (HS) - JeanLuc Guyot - managed by Liamone Troglodite
IGBC Rehoboth Bay (HS) - Jaij Jameson
IGBC Rehoboth Landing - (HS) - Jaij Jameson
IGBC Rehoboth Reef - (HS) - Jaij Jameson
IGBC Rehoboth Seal - (OS) - Jaij Jameson
IGBC Rehoboth Shores (HS) - Jaij Jameson
Isle of Scimitar - (FP) - Jimmie Hammill
Isle of Tabor - (FP) - Tiberius Brouwer
Jameson Architects (FP) - Jaij Jameson
Kanaloa Marketplace (FP) - Keokipele Ansar
Magic Folsom (HS) - Dom Bamatter
Marathon (HS) - Sterling Whitcroft
Miscellanious (HS) - Sascha Laval - managed by AresDE Streeter
Navan (HS) - Selket Laville
Northern Tabor - (HS) - Tiberius Brouwer
Nyundo - (HS) - Sascha Laval
Orpheum (FP) - Philip Eubanks
Pacifica Island (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Pallas (HS) - Even Rutledge - rented by Alan Bolero and Othon Weiland
Pandore - (FP) - Fabrice Snook
Pilgrims's Bay (  ) - Dakota Rosca
Pride (FP) - Marcus Steeplechase
Pure Domination (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Pure Heaven (HS) - Dom Bamatter
Pure Indulgence Estate (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Pure Isle (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Pure Luxury (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Pure Sin (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Pure Temptation (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Rainbow Isle (FP) - Adare Breil
Rendezvous (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Rodos (HS) - Sterling Whitcroft
Romanum (FP) - Emperor Galtier
Romanum II (FP) - Emperor Galtier
Saint Niguel Isle (FP) - Rockridge Constantine
San Francisco Bay (OS) - Dom Bamatter
San Francisco Island - (FP) - Dom Bamatter
San Francisco Marina - (FP) - Dom Bamatter
San Francisco Zoo - (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Sandbox Archipelago (HS) - Fabrice Snook
Sausalito (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Scimitar Plains - (HS) - Jimmie Hammill
Selene (FP) - Chance Rasmusen
Sheherazade Island (  ) - Mindy Dorfler
Silver Tree of Tabor - () - Tiberius Brouwer
Sky Beach (FP) - Thom Andel
Sons of Sunrise - (FS) - Kael Martinek
Sparta (FP) - Sterling Whitcroft
Spice Islands (FP) - Evan Rutledge
Straight of Falkenau (OS) - Dom Bamatter
Tabor Bay - (OS) - Marin Urdanetta
Tabor East - (FP) - Marin Urdanetta
Tabor Tropics - (FP) - Dragonlord Sparta
TBONE Island (FP) - Tom06 Castro
Thira - (FP) - Alan Bolero & Othon Weiland
Thrace (HS) - Sterling Whitcroft
Three Winds North - (HS) - Levy Munro
Three Winds South - (HS) - Levy Munro
Tiburon (FP) - Dom Bamatter
Tiffanyluv (Sidhe) - (FP) - Marge Beaumont
Tres Queens (FP) - Mindy Dorfler
Troy (FP) - Sterling Whitcroft
TT Designs (FP) - Toothfairy Tizzy
Vulcania Fine Art - (HS) - Keokipele Ansar
Wayfarer Bay (HS) - Dom Bamatter
Wayfarer Island -(FP) - Dom Bamatter
White Water (FP) - Dom Bamatter - managed by Wendell Thor
White Water Canyon (FP) - Thormec Micheline
White Water Delta (FP) - Dom Bamatter - managed by Wendell Thor
White Water Falls (FP) - Levy Munro
White Water Highlands (HS) - Levy Munro
White Water Peaks (HS) - Levy Munro

Monthly Payment to Linden Labs

81 Full Sims x $295 US = $23,895 US

55 Homestead Sims x $125 US = $ 6,875 US

11 Open Space Sims x $75 US = $ 825 US

In all : 147 Sims

Total = $31,595 US per month

Gay Archipelago on the Web

GA main Website :

Gay Archipelago Blogs

GA on Facebook :

Gay Archipelago Facebook group

Blogs from GA Estates :

Aqua Lounge Blog

Blog Cooperation Gay Francophone

Gay Fun World Blog

Gay Island Resort Blog

Romanum Estate Blog

Gay Steampunk Club Blog

Gay Tropicana Blog

Gay Zone Estate Blog

IGBC Estate Blog

Ironworks Estate Blog

Pillars of Hercules Estate Blog

Pure Indulgence Blog

Rainbow Isle Blog

San Francisco Estate Blog

Tbone Island Blog

Tainted Boys Blog

The Secret Receiver Blog

Non profit Sims dedicated to GA

  • Gay Archipelago (OS)
GA Welcome Hub
  • Pride (FP)
International Welcome Hub
  • Sandbox Archipelago (HS)
Public sandbox

Shopping Sims (PG rate)

  • Crazy Garden (HS)
Flowers, plants, trees
  • Flag Factory (HS)
Flags, banners
  • Jameson Architects (FP)
Prefab residences and condominiums
Custom Designs, Parcels, Sims, Scenes, by Lauritz Larsson Architecture
  • Pandore (FP)
Multi-mainstores sim (Fashion accessories, Prefab homes, Textures full perm, Boats/barges)