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== Overview ==
== Overview ==

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In order for Linden Lab to make full use of any evidence or reports you send in, please make sure you include all the listed items below.  Without this information they are unable to act on or report to authorities or even to ISP providers.
In order for Linden Lab to make full use of any evidence or reports you send in, please make sure you include all the listed items below.  Without this information they are unable to act on or report to authorities or even to ISP providers.

1.  Chat log complete with date, time, and what region you were in at the time.  File each incident as it happens and always include the name of the offender and mention it is a continual event so that LL is aware that it is ongoing.
1.  Chat log (be sure [http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Text-chat-and-instant-messages/ta-p/700155/comment-id/413#Section_.3.1 they are enabled]) complete with date, time, and what region you were in at the time.  File each incident as it happens and always include the name of the offender and mention that it is a continual event so that LL is aware that it is ongoing.

2.  A list of all Avatars if any that you know of that the offender has used, or you suspect they are using.  Be sure to include chat logs or times and places as proof. A he-said she-said will not do.
2.  A list of all Avatars if any that you know of that the offender has used, or you suspect they are using.  Be sure to include chat logs or times and places as proof. A he-said she-said will not do.

3.  A list of other people who have reported the offender and be sure to include the AR IDs for EACH report filed.
3.  A list of other people who have reported the offender, and be sure to include the AR IDs for EACH report filed.

Once you have filed all the ARs MUTE the offender and all its alts that you are aware of and instruct your friends to do the same.  Very important. If you do not you will only be adding to the problem.  Stalkers can only be fueled by what is given to them so don't give them anything to use.   
Once you have filed all the ARs MUTE the offender and all its alts that you are aware of and instruct your friends to do the same.  Very important: If you do not you will only be adding to the problem.  Stalkers can only be fueled by what is given to them so don't give them anything to use.   

Be sure to ban the offender from all land you own.  If the offender follows you around in places you have no control over -- AR and teleport away.  Do not attempt to say anything or acknowledge a stalker -- that only fuels them.  They are opportunists so don't give them an opportunity.  Just AR and leave.
Be sure to ban the offender from all land you own.  If the offender follows you around in places you have no control over -- AR and teleport away.  Do not attempt to say anything or acknowledge a stalker -- that only fuels them.  They are opportunists so don't give them an opportunity.  Just AR and leave.
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to be edited - please only people with an actual legal professional background make new pages here detailing the laws regarding Internet Stalking in your country...
to be edited - please only people with an actual legal professional background make new pages here detailing the laws regarding Internet Stalking in your country...

*[http://www.wiredsafety.org/gb/stalking/] (http://www.wiredsafety.org/gb/stalking/): A general overview of what legal actions can be taken against Cyberstalkers within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GB or UK). Again, in such cases professional legal advice is necessary, either through a solicitor or through your local Law Enforcement Agency (AKA the police).
*(https://www.wiredsafety.org/subjects/cyberbullying.php): A general overview of what legal actions can be taken against Cyberstalkers within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GB or UK). Again, in such cases professional legal advice is necessary, either through a solicitor or through your local Law Enforcement Agency (AKA the police).

== General Tips for Online Safety ==
== General Tips for Online Safety ==
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*Don't post private information publicly. Don't give email addresss, phone numbers, and real life adresses to people unless you know them. Be careful, too, of exposing details about your life unintentionally by talking about your family, job or neighborhood.  
*Don't post private information publicly. Don't give email addresss, phone numbers, and real life adresses to people unless you know them. Be careful, too, of exposing details about your life unintentionally by talking about your family, job or neighborhood.  

*Don't give your credit card number to anyone. Remember the old adage, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.  
*Don't give your credit card number to anyone. Remember the old adage, ''if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.''

*If you get threatening message, especially more than once from the same person or someone you think is the same, file an abuse report in-world, or fill out a support ticket on the secondlife.com site. You can also authorize them to turn it over to the law enforcement authorities or even to monitor your communication. However, if you authorize them to read your chat, it is advisable that you stipulate exactly what rights you're giving them, how extensively and for how long.  
*If you get threatening message, especially more than once from the same person or someone you think is the same, file an abuse report in-world, or fill out a [https://support.secondlife.com/ support ticket on the secondlife.com site]. You can also authorize them to turn it over to the law enforcement authorities or even to monitor your communication. However, if you authorize them to read your chat, it is advisable that you stipulate exactly what rights you're giving them, how extensively and for how long.  

*Do not respond to disturbing communications, whether it's simply flaming or all the way to threatening. There's no fight if there's nobody to hit.
*Do not respond to disturbing communications, whether it's simply flaming or all the way to threatening. There's no fight if there's nobody to hit.
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*Always remember that you're in a public place. Be cautious of strangers you meet online. It's just like going to the newsstand, the library or the mall. You are going out in public. It's safer online, in that the contact is electronic, not physical. Online, you can turn off the machine. The person sitting at the computer is always in control unless they choose to make that otherwise.
*Always remember that you're in a public place. Be cautious of strangers you meet online. It's just like going to the newsstand, the library or the mall. You are going out in public. It's safer online, in that the contact is electronic, not physical. Online, you can turn off the machine. The person sitting at the computer is always in control unless they choose to make that otherwise.

*'''Remember that your account password is not to be given out to anyone at all, not even to a Linden or one claiming to work for Linden Labs. Lindens will NEVER ask for such information in world or through email communication (they have all this on data base anyhow). Abuse Report anyone who is phishing for such information from you under the Disclosure heading.'''
*'''Remember that your account password is not to be given out to anyone at all, not even to a Linden or one claiming to work for Linden Lab. Lindens will NEVER ask for such information in world or through email communication (they have all this on database anyhow). Abuse Report anyone who is phishing for such information from you under the Disclosure heading.'''
== Deutscher ==
1. Überblick
2. Das Abuse Report (AR) System nutzen
3. Internationale Rechtslage bei Internet Stalking
4. Generelle Tipps zur Online Sicherheit
== Überblick ==
Second Life ist ein wundervoller Ort um Leute zu treffen, gemeinsam an Projekten zu arbeiten, Freunde zu finden, und vieles mehr, aber früher oder später trifft man auf eine Person, die einen nicht alleine lassen möchte - egal wie oft Sie diese Person darauf hinweisen, dass die Anwesenheit oder der Kontakt unerwünscht ist.
== Das Abuse Report (AR) System nutzen ==
Um sicherzustellen, dass Linden Lab Beweise oder Berichte, die von Ihnen eingereicht werden, vollständig verwenden kann, stellen Sie bitte sicher, dass die unten aufgelisteten Bestandteile in dem Abuse Report enthalten sind. Ohne diese Informationen ist es Linden Lab nicht möglich weitere Schritte einzuleiten, wie zum Beispiel ein Einschalten der jeweiligen Behörden oder eine Anfrage an den Internet Dienstleister des Stalkers.
1. Chat Log (Mitschnitt der Chatkommunikation) mit Datum und Uhrzeit sowie der Region in der Sie sich zum Zeitpunkt der Kommunikation befanden. Berichten Sie jeden Vorfall einzeln sobald er sich zugetragen hat und geben Sie an, dass es ein fortschreitender Vorfall ist, so dass Linden Lab hierüber informiert ist.
2. Eine Liste aller Avatare (Benutzernamen / wenn vorhanden) die der Belästigende benutzt hat, oder die Sie verdächigen dem Belästigenden zuordbar glauben. Bitte stellen Sie sicher stets Chat Logs mit Datum oder Ort zur Verfügung zu stellen, "er sagte, dass sie gesagt hat das..." wird nicht FUnktionieren.
3. Eine Liste der anderen Benutzer die den Belästigenden gemeldet haben, bitte geben Sie hier die Nummer der Abuse Reports FÜR JEDEN Report mit an. Diese finden Sie in der automatischen eMail Antwort.
Wenn der AR gesendet wurde, verwenden Sie die "Mute" -funktion für den Belästigenden Benutzer und seine alternativ Benutzerzugänge, die Ihnen bekannt sind. Instruieren Sie Ihre Freunde es Ihnen gleichzutun.
Sehr wichtig. Wenn Sie diesen Schritt nicht durchführen, machen Sie das Problem nur schlimmer. Für einen Stalker sind Ihre Antworten wie Treibstoff und gibt diesem Antrieb, unterbinden Sie daher diese Treibstoffzufuhr.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie den Stalker von sämtlichen Land bannen, dass sich in Ihrem Besitz befindet. Wenn der Stalker Ihnen an Plätze folgt, die Sie nicht kontrollieren --> schreiben Sie einen Abuse Report und teleportieren dann davon. Versuchen Sie nicht dem Stalker Bestätigung zu geben oder mi diesem zu reden, dies würde ihm nur mehr Antrieb geben. Stalker sind Gelegenheitstäter, geben Sie Ihnen daher keine Gelegenheit. Einfach einen Abuse Report und auf und davon!
== Internationale Rechtslage bei Internet Stalking ==
ZU BEARBEITEN!!! - wir bitten darum, dass nur im rechtlichen Bereich Arbeitende die Rechtslage in den einzelnen Ländern eingeben.
- ***LINK WITH FOOTER***: Ein genereller Überblick darüber, welche rechtlichen Schritte gegen Cyberstalker im Rechtsgebiet des United Kingdom, Great Britian und Nordirland eingeleitet werden können. In einem solchen Fall ist professionelle Unabdingbar, entweder durch einen Rechtsbeistand oder durch die Polizei.
- http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stalking#Deutschland : In Deutschland wurde mit Gesetz vom 22.03.2007, in Kraft getreten am 31.03.2007, der Strafbestand der "Nachstellung" eingeführt (§238 StGB), dieser Strafbestand beschreibt die rechtlichen Konsequenzen von Stalking. Zu weiterführenden Informationen lesen Sie bitte den entsprechenden Artikel der Wikipedia. Sollten Sie Opfer von "Nachstellung" geworden sein, wenden Sie sich an eine Polizeidienststelle in Ihrer nähe um Strafanzeige zu stellen.
== Generelle Tipps zur Online Sicherheit ==
*Stellen Sie keine privaten Informationen öffentlich zur Verfügung. Geben Sie Ihre eMail Adresse, Telefonnummer und Postadresse nicht an Andere, solange Sie diese Personen nicht kennen. Seien Sie auch vorsichtig mit nicht beabsichtigter Bekanntgabe von Daten im Gespräch mit Freunden indem Sie über Ihre Famile, Ihre Arbeit oder Ihre Nachbarschaft reden.
*Geben Sie Ihre Kreditkartennummer nicht weiter.
*Wenn Sie bedroht werden, besonders mehr als einmal von der gleichen Person, oder Sie denken, dass es sich um die gleiche Person handelt, reichen Sie einen Abuse Report ein oder verwenden Sie die Support Ticket Funktion auf http://support.secondlife.com. Sie können Linden Lab weiter die Erlaubnis erteilen, die Daten an die Behörden weiterzuleiten oder Ihre Kommunikation zu überwachen. Sollten Sie jedoch die Erlaubnis erteilen Einblick in Ihre Kommunikation zu nehmen, sollten Sie im vornherein festlegen welche Rechte Sie erteilen, wie tief gehend und für welchen Zeitraum.
*Antworten Sie nicht auf belästigende Nachrichten, egal ob es einfacher Spam ist oder Bedrohungen. Es gibt keinen Kampf wenn es keinen gibt, den man schlagen könnte.
*MERKEN SIE SICH: Ihr Password darf keinem Dritten zur Verfügung gestellt werden, nicht einmal einem Linden, oder jemanden der Behauptet für Linden Lab zu arbeiten. Lindens werden Sie NIEMALS nach dieser Information fragen, nicht In World und auch nicht mittels eMail (sie haben Ihr Passwort eh in einer Datenbank). Schreiben Sie einen Abuse Report für jegliche Personen die Versuchen diese Informationen bei Ihnen zu erlangen, verwenden Sie hierfür die "Disclosure" Rubrik.

Latest revision as of 11:30, 13 January 2014


Second Life is a wonderful place to meet people, work together on projects, make friends, find partners, and so forth, but once in a while you do get someone who will just not leave you alone, no matter how much you try to tell them that their attentions are not welcome.

Making FULL Use of the Abuse Reporting (AR) System

In order for Linden Lab to make full use of any evidence or reports you send in, please make sure you include all the listed items below. Without this information they are unable to act on or report to authorities or even to ISP providers.

1. Chat log (be sure they are enabled) complete with date, time, and what region you were in at the time. File each incident as it happens and always include the name of the offender and mention that it is a continual event so that LL is aware that it is ongoing.

2. A list of all Avatars if any that you know of that the offender has used, or you suspect they are using. Be sure to include chat logs or times and places as proof. A he-said she-said will not do.

3. A list of other people who have reported the offender, and be sure to include the AR IDs for EACH report filed.

Once you have filed all the ARs MUTE the offender and all its alts that you are aware of and instruct your friends to do the same. Very important: If you do not you will only be adding to the problem. Stalkers can only be fueled by what is given to them so don't give them anything to use.

Be sure to ban the offender from all land you own. If the offender follows you around in places you have no control over -- AR and teleport away. Do not attempt to say anything or acknowledge a stalker -- that only fuels them. They are opportunists so don't give them an opportunity. Just AR and leave.

International Legal Advice on Internet Stalking

to be edited - please only people with an actual legal professional background make new pages here detailing the laws regarding Internet Stalking in your country...

  • (https://www.wiredsafety.org/subjects/cyberbullying.php): A general overview of what legal actions can be taken against Cyberstalkers within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (GB or UK). Again, in such cases professional legal advice is necessary, either through a solicitor or through your local Law Enforcement Agency (AKA the police).

General Tips for Online Safety

  • Don't post private information publicly. Don't give email addresss, phone numbers, and real life adresses to people unless you know them. Be careful, too, of exposing details about your life unintentionally by talking about your family, job or neighborhood.
  • Don't give your credit card number to anyone. Remember the old adage, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • If you get threatening message, especially more than once from the same person or someone you think is the same, file an abuse report in-world, or fill out a support ticket on the secondlife.com site. You can also authorize them to turn it over to the law enforcement authorities or even to monitor your communication. However, if you authorize them to read your chat, it is advisable that you stipulate exactly what rights you're giving them, how extensively and for how long.
  • Do not respond to disturbing communications, whether it's simply flaming or all the way to threatening. There's no fight if there's nobody to hit.
  • Always remember that you're in a public place. Be cautious of strangers you meet online. It's just like going to the newsstand, the library or the mall. You are going out in public. It's safer online, in that the contact is electronic, not physical. Online, you can turn off the machine. The person sitting at the computer is always in control unless they choose to make that otherwise.
  • Remember that your account password is not to be given out to anyone at all, not even to a Linden or one claiming to work for Linden Lab. Lindens will NEVER ask for such information in world or through email communication (they have all this on database anyhow). Abuse Report anyone who is phishing for such information from you under the Disclosure heading.