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(How to add CURL debug info to API)
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Back to [[RegAPI | RegAPI Main Page]]
{{Supported API}}
{{:API Portal/navigation|reg}}

Linden Lab provided sample code is here:
The following examples illustrate using the Reg API to register a new user with a specified Second Life first name and last name. The example code first checks to determine the availability of the selected first and last name, and either registers the user or returns an error message if the name is already taken.
* [http://secondlife.com/developers/third_party_reg/#examples Examples]
* [http://secondlife.com/developers/third_party_reg/#downloads Downloads]
<br clear="all"/>
** NOTE- the LLSD library has a bug and a new version will be released on 5/21.
** Add the following line to the function llsd_post_string().
Add: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);

--[[User:Ingmar Rasmuson|Ingmar Rasmuson]] 02:16, 23 May 2007 (PDT):
== LLSD library downloads ==
In addition to the patch I suggested, have a look at the CURL debug section I proposed. It might come in handy when debugging the SSL communication (citing my email to LLB):

As you now, this took me some time to figure out, so perhaps others could benefit from this solution, too:
To use a library:
# Remove the -lib suffix from the file name.
I've added a  
# Put the file in the same directory as the application code, such as the examples below.
// Enable curl debug messages, off by default
* [https://secure-web10.secondlife.com/developers/third_party_reg/llsd_libs/llsd.rb-lib Ruby LLSD library] (version 1.3)
  define("CURL_DEBUG",   FALSE);
* [https://secure-web10.secondlife.com/developers/third_party_reg/llsd_libs/llsd.php-lib PHP LLSD library] (version 1.0)
* [https://secure-web10.secondlife.com/developers/third_party_reg/llsd_libs/llsd.py-lib Python LLSD library] (version 1.2)
at the beginning of the API library for turning CURL debugging on and off and altered the llsd_post_string() function in this way:
* [https://secure-web10.secondlife.com/developers/third_party_reg/llsd_libs/llsd.pm-lib Perl LLSD library] (version 1.0)
function llsd_post_string($url, $str)
NOTE: The PHP scripts only work with PHP4.
   $ch = curl_init($url);
An externally developed Java implementation of LLSD and RegAPI is available at http://mimuve.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/llsd-java/src/llsd-java-0.2.1.zip . Code written by Xugu Madison, copyright held by University of St Andrews, and made available under the BSD license. Tested with Java 1.5.
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
Question: what version of each language is required?
//suggest patch - start
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
== Example code ==
//suggested patch - end
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
=== Ruby ===
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, Array("Content-Type: application/xml"));
This ruby example shows how to use the Registration API.
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $str);
  $doc = curl_exec($ch);
<syntaxhighlight lang="ruby">
  $code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
require 'llsd'
//suggested debug section - start
   if (CURL_DEBUG)
# 0 - get capability urls
# 1 - get error codes
# 2 - get the available last names
# 3 - check to see of a username + last name combo is taken
# 4 - register the user with this username + last name combo
get_capabilities_url = "https://cap.secondlife.com/get_reg_capabilities"
# grab command line args
if ARGV.length == 3
  first_name = ARGV[0]
  last_name = ARGV[1]
  password = ARGV[2]
  puts "Please pass in your second life first name, last name, and password as arguments."
  puts "For example: ruby registration_api.rb joe linden 1234"
# 0 - Get Capability URLS ##############################################
puts "========== Getting capabilities ===========\n"
post_body = "first_name=#{first_name}&last_name=#{last_name}&password=#{password}"
# create a url-encoded string to POST
response_xml = LLSD.post_urlencoded_data get_capabilities_url, post_body
# POST the capability url to get capabilities
puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml
puts response_xml
puts "\n"
capability_urls = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml
capability_urls.each { |k,v| puts "#{k} => #{v}"} # print out capabilities
# 1 - Print out error codes  ##############################################
puts "\n\n========== Get Error Codes Example ===========\n"
if capability_urls['get_error_codes'] 
  response_xml = LLSD.http_raw capability_urls['get_error_codes']
  # GET the capability url for getting error codes
  puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml
  puts response_xml
   error_codes = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml
  error_codes.each {|error| puts "#{error[0]} => #{error[1]}"}
  # print out all error codes
  puts "Get_error_codes capability not granted to #{first_name} #{last_name}.  Exiting Prematurely ..."
# 2 - Get Last Names Example ##############################################
puts "\n\n========== Get Last Names Example ===========\n"
if capability_urls['get_last_names']
  response_xml = LLSD.http_raw capability_urls['get_last_names']
  # GET the capability url for getting last names and ids
  puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml
  puts response_xml
  last_names = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml
  last_names.each {|k,v| puts "#{k} => #{v}"} # print out last names
  # 3 - Check Name Example  ##############################################
  print "\n\n========== Check Name Example ===========\n"
  if capability_urls['check_name']
    random_username = 'tester' + Kernel.rand(10000).to_s # Generate a random username
    valid_last_name_id = last_names.keys.first # Get the first valid last name id
    params_hash = {"username" => random_username, "last_name_id" => valid_last_name_id }
    # put it in a hash
    xml_to_post = LLSD.to_xml(params_hash) # convert it to llsd xml
    response_xml = LLSD.post_xml(capability_urls['check_name'], xml_to_post)
    puts "posted xml:" # Print out response xml
    puts xml_to_post
    puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml
    puts response_xml
    is_name_available = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml
    puts "Result (is name available?): #{is_name_available}" # Print the result
    # 4 - Create User Example ##############################################
    puts "\n\n========== Create User Example ===========\n"
    if is_name_available and capability_urls['create_user']:
      # fill in the rest of the hash we started in example 2 with valid data
      params_hash["email"] = random_username + "@ben.com"
      params_hash["password"] = "123123abc"
      params_hash["dob"] = "1980-01-01"
      xml_to_post = LLSD.to_xml(params_hash) # convert it to llsd xml
      response_xml = LLSD.post_xml(capability_urls['create_user'], xml_to_post)
      puts "posted xml:" # Print out response xml
      puts xml_to_post
      puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml
      puts response_xml
      result_hash = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml
      puts "New agent id: #{result_hash['agent_id']}" # Print the result
      # ALL DONE!!
      puts "Create_user capability not granted to #{first_name} #{last_name}. Exiting Prematurely ..."
    puts "Check_name capability not granted to #{first_name} #{last_name}. Exiting Prematurely ..."
   puts "Get_last_names capability not granted to #{first_name} #{last_name}. Exiting Prematurely..."
=== Python ===
<syntaxhighlight lang="python">
import llsd
import urllib2, random, sys
# This python example shows how to use the Registration API. The example goes as follows:
# 0 - get capability urls
# 1 - get error codes
# 2 - get the available last names
# 3 - check to see of a username + last name combo is taken
# 4 - register the user with this username + last name combo
get_capabilities_url = "https://cap.secondlife.com/get_reg_capabilities"
# grab command line args
if len(sys.argv) == 4:
  first_name = sys.argv[1]
  last_name = sys.argv[2]
  password = sys.argv[3]
  print "Please pass in your second life first name, last name, and password as arguments. For example:"
  print "python registration_api.py registration mackay 1234"
# 0 - Get Capability URLS #################################################################
print "========== Getting capabilities ==========="
post_body = "first_name=%s&last_name=%s&password=%s" % (first_name, last_name, password) # create a url-encoded string to POST
response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(get_capabilities_url, post_body).read() # POST the capability url to get capabilities
print "xml response:" # Print out response xml
print response_xml
capability_urls = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml
for id, name in capability_urls.items(): # Print out capabilities
    print "%s => %s" % (id, name)
# 1 - Print out error codes ###############################################################
if 'get_error_codes' in capability_urls:
    print "\n\n========== Get Error Codes Example ===========\n"
    response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(capability_urls['get_error_codes']).read() # GET the capability url for getting error codes
    print "xml response:" # Print out response xml
    print response_xml
    error_codes = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml
    for error in error_codes: # Print out capabilities
        print "%s => %s" % (error[0], error[1])
    print "Get_error_codes capability not granted to %s %s. Now Exiting Prematurely ..." % (first_name, last_name)
# 2 - Get Last Names Example ##############################################################
if 'get_last_names' in capability_urls:
    print "\n\n========== Get Last Names Example ==========="
    response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(capability_urls['get_last_names']).read() # GET the capability url for getting last names and ids
    print "xml response:" # Print out response xml
    print response_xml
    last_names = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml
    for id, name in last_names.items(): # Print out last names
        print "%s => %s" % (id, name)
    # 3 - Check Name Example ##################################################################
    if 'check_name' in capability_urls:
        print "\n\n========== Check Name Example ==========="
        random_username = 'benny' + str(random.randrange(100,10000)) # Generate a random username
        valid_last_name_id = last_names.keys()[0] # Get the first valid last name id
        params_hash = {"username": random_username, "last_name_id": valid_last_name_id } # put it in a hash
        xml_to_post = llsd.toXML(params_hash) # convert it to llsd xml
        response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(capability_urls['check_name'], xml_to_post).read()
        print "posted xml " # Print out response xml
        print xml_to_post
        print "xml response:" # Print out response xml
        print response_xml
        is_name_available = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml
        print "Result (is name available?): %s" % (is_name_available) # Print the result
        # 4 - Create User Example #################################################################
        if is_name_available and 'create_user' in capability_urls:
            print "\n\n========== Create User Example ==========="
            xml_to_post = llsd.toXML(params_hash) # convert it to llsd xml
            response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(capability_urls['create_user'], xml_to_post).read()
            print "posted xml " # Print out response xml
            print xml_to_post
            print "xml response:" # Print out response xml
            print response_xml
            result_hash = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml
            print "New agent id: %s" % (result_hash["agent_id"])
            print "Finalize this user at: %s" % (result_hash["complete_reg_url"])
            # ALL DONE!!
            print "create_user capability not granted to %s %s. Now Exiting Prematurely ..." % (first_name, last_name)
        print "check_name capability not granted to %s %s. Now Exiting Prematurely ..." % (first_name, last_name)
    print "get_last_names capability not granted to %s %s. Now Exiting Prematurely ..." % (first_name, last_name)
=== PHP ===
NOTE: This uses PHP4.  See also [[Registration_API#Guidelines_and_tips|Guidelines and tips]].
<syntaxhighlight lang="php">
define('URI_CREATE_USER', '?????????');
define('URI_GET_LAST_NAMES', '?????????');
define('URI_CHECK_NAME', '?????????');
    if (is_name_available($_POST['username'], $_POST['last_name_id']))
        $user = array
            'username'    => $_POST['username'],
            'last_name_id' => (int)$_POST['last_name_id'],
        $result = llsd_post(URI_CREATE_USER, $user);
        header( "Location: " . $result['complete_reg_url'] );
        print 'SL name not available.';
<h3>Create Second Life Account</h3>
<form action="<?php print $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">
<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
  <td>First name:</td>
  <td><input type="text" name="username" size="25" maxlength="31" value="" /></td>
  <td>Last name:</td>
  <select name="last_name_id">
  $last_names = llsd_get(URI_GET_LAST_NAMES);
   foreach ($last_names as $last_name_id => $name)
  print_r(curl_getinfo($ch),"CURL getinfo()");
      print '<option value="'.$last_name_id.'">'.$name.'</option>';
  echo "URL error number: " .curl_errno($ch);
  echo "URL error: " . curl_error($ch);  
//suggested debug section - end
return llsd_decode($doc);
    <td><input type="submit" value="Create SL Account" /></td>
function get_months()
    $months = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++)
        $key = date('n', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 2000));
        $value = date('M.', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 2000));
        $months[sprintf("%02d", $key)] = $value;
    return $months;
function get_years()
    $today = getdate();
    $max_year = $today['year'] - 90;
    $min_year = $today['year'] - 13;
    $years = array();
    for ($i = $min_year; $i >= $max_year; $i--)
        $years[$i] = $i;
    return $years;
function get_days()
    $days = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++)
        $days[sprintf("%02d", $i)] = sprintf("%02d", $i);
    return $days;

function is_name_available($username, $last_name_id)
    $params = array('username' => $username, 'last_name_id' => (int)$last_name_id);
    if (llsd_post(URI_CHECK_NAME, $params) == 'true')
        return true;
    return false;

[[Category:RegAPI|Sample Code]]
[[Category:Web Service APIs]]

Latest revision as of 17:36, 19 October 2024

NOTE: This is an official Second Life API provided and documented by Linden Lab. Its use is subject to the API Terms of Use.

The following examples illustrate using the Reg API to register a new user with a specified Second Life first name and last name. The example code first checks to determine the availability of the selected first and last name, and either registers the user or returns an error message if the name is already taken.

LLSD library downloads

To use a library:

  1. Remove the -lib suffix from the file name.
  2. Put the file in the same directory as the application code, such as the examples below.

NOTE: The PHP scripts only work with PHP4.

An externally developed Java implementation of LLSD and RegAPI is available at http://mimuve.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/llsd-java/src/llsd-java-0.2.1.zip . Code written by Xugu Madison, copyright held by University of St Andrews, and made available under the BSD license. Tested with Java 1.5.

Question: what version of each language is required?

Example code


This ruby example shows how to use the Registration API.

require 'llsd'

# 0 - get capability urls
# 1 - get error codes
# 2 - get the available last names
# 3 - check to see of a username + last name combo is taken
# 4 - register the user with this username + last name combo

get_capabilities_url = "https://cap.secondlife.com/get_reg_capabilities"

# grab command line args
if ARGV.length == 3
  first_name = ARGV[0]
  last_name = ARGV[1]
  password = ARGV[2]
  puts "Please pass in your second life first name, last name, and password as arguments."
  puts "For example: ruby registration_api.rb joe linden 1234"

# 0 - Get Capability URLS  ##############################################
puts "========== Getting capabilities ===========\n"

post_body = "first_name=#{first_name}&last_name=#{last_name}&password=#{password}" 
# create a url-encoded string to POST
response_xml = LLSD.post_urlencoded_data get_capabilities_url, post_body 
# POST the capability url to get capabilities

puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml
puts response_xml

puts "\n"

capability_urls = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

capability_urls.each { |k,v| puts "#{k} => #{v}"} # print out capabilities

# 1 - Print out error codes  ##############################################
puts "\n\n========== Get Error Codes Example ===========\n"

if capability_urls['get_error_codes']  
  response_xml = LLSD.http_raw capability_urls['get_error_codes'] 
  # GET the capability url for getting error codes
  puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml
  puts response_xml
  error_codes = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

  error_codes.each {|error| puts "#{error[0]} => #{error[1]}"} 
  # print out all error codes
  puts "Get_error_codes capability not granted to #{first_name} #{last_name}.  Exiting Prematurely ..."

# 2 - Get Last Names Example  ##############################################
puts "\n\n========== Get Last Names Example ===========\n"
if capability_urls['get_last_names']
  response_xml = LLSD.http_raw capability_urls['get_last_names'] 
  # GET the capability url for getting last names and ids

  puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml
  puts response_xml
  last_names = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

  last_names.each {|k,v| puts "#{k} => #{v}"} # print out last names
  # 3 - Check Name Example  ##############################################
  print "\n\n========== Check Name Example ===========\n"
  if capability_urls['check_name']
    random_username = 'tester' + Kernel.rand(10000).to_s # Generate a random username
    valid_last_name_id = last_names.keys.first # Get the first valid last name id
    params_hash = {"username" => random_username, "last_name_id" => valid_last_name_id } 
    # put it in a hash

    xml_to_post = LLSD.to_xml(params_hash) # convert it to llsd xml

    response_xml = LLSD.post_xml(capability_urls['check_name'], xml_to_post)

    puts "posted xml:" # Print out response xml
    puts xml_to_post

    puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml
    puts response_xml

    is_name_available = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

    puts "Result (is name available?): #{is_name_available}" # Print the result
    # 4 - Create User Example  ##############################################
    puts "\n\n========== Create User Example ===========\n"
    if is_name_available and capability_urls['create_user']:
      # fill in the rest of the hash we started in example 2 with valid data
      params_hash["email"] = random_username + "@ben.com"
      params_hash["password"] = "123123abc"
      params_hash["dob"] = "1980-01-01"
      xml_to_post = LLSD.to_xml(params_hash) # convert it to llsd xml

      response_xml = LLSD.post_xml(capability_urls['create_user'], xml_to_post)

      puts "posted xml:" # Print out response xml
      puts xml_to_post

      puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml
      puts response_xml

      result_hash = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

      puts "New agent id: #{result_hash['agent_id']}" # Print the result
      # ALL DONE!!
      puts "Create_user capability not granted to #{first_name} #{last_name}. Exiting Prematurely ..."
    puts "Check_name capability not granted to #{first_name} #{last_name}. Exiting Prematurely ..."
  puts "Get_last_names capability not granted to #{first_name} #{last_name}. Exiting Prematurely..."


import llsd
import urllib2, random, sys

# This python example shows how to use the Registration API. The example goes as follows:

# 0 - get capability urls
# 1 - get error codes
# 2 - get the available last names
# 3 - check to see of a username + last name combo is taken
# 4 - register the user with this username + last name combo

get_capabilities_url = "https://cap.secondlife.com/get_reg_capabilities"

# grab command line args
if len(sys.argv) == 4:
  first_name = sys.argv[1]
  last_name = sys.argv[2]
  password = sys.argv[3]
  print "Please pass in your second life first name, last name, and password as arguments. For example:"
  print "python registration_api.py registration mackay 1234"

# 0 - Get Capability URLS #################################################################
print "========== Getting capabilities ==========="

post_body = "first_name=%s&last_name=%s&password=%s" % (first_name, last_name, password) # create a url-encoded string to POST
response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(get_capabilities_url, post_body).read() # POST the capability url to get capabilities

print "xml response:" # Print out response xml
print response_xml

capability_urls = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

for id, name in capability_urls.items(): # Print out capabilities
    print "%s => %s" % (id, name)
# 1 - Print out error codes ###############################################################
if 'get_error_codes' in capability_urls:
    print "\n\n========== Get Error Codes Example ===========\n"
    response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(capability_urls['get_error_codes']).read() # GET the capability url for getting error codes
    print "xml response:" # Print out response xml
    print response_xml
    error_codes = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

    for error in error_codes: # Print out capabilities
        print "%s => %s" % (error[0], error[1])
    print "Get_error_codes capability not granted to %s %s. Now Exiting Prematurely ..." % (first_name, last_name)

# 2 - Get Last Names Example ##############################################################
if 'get_last_names' in capability_urls:
    print "\n\n========== Get Last Names Example ==========="

    response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(capability_urls['get_last_names']).read() # GET the capability url for getting last names and ids

    print "xml response:" # Print out response xml
    print response_xml
    last_names = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

    for id, name in last_names.items(): # Print out last names
        print "%s => %s" % (id, name)

    # 3 - Check Name Example ##################################################################
    if 'check_name' in capability_urls:
        print "\n\n========== Check Name Example ==========="

        random_username = 'benny' + str(random.randrange(100,10000)) # Generate a random username
        valid_last_name_id = last_names.keys()[0] # Get the first valid last name id
        params_hash = {"username": random_username, "last_name_id": valid_last_name_id } # put it in a hash

        xml_to_post = llsd.toXML(params_hash) # convert it to llsd xml

        response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(capability_urls['check_name'], xml_to_post).read() 

        print "posted xml " # Print out response xml
        print xml_to_post

        print "xml response:" # Print out response xml
        print response_xml

        is_name_available = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

        print "Result (is name available?): %s" % (is_name_available) # Print the result

        # 4 - Create User Example #################################################################
        if is_name_available and 'create_user' in capability_urls:
            print "\n\n========== Create User Example ==========="

            xml_to_post = llsd.toXML(params_hash) # convert it to llsd xml

            response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(capability_urls['create_user'], xml_to_post).read() 

            print "posted xml " # Print out response xml
            print xml_to_post

            print "xml response:" # Print out response xml
            print response_xml

            result_hash = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

            print "New agent id: %s" % (result_hash["agent_id"])
            print "Finalize this user at: %s" % (result_hash["complete_reg_url"])
            # ALL DONE!!
            print "create_user capability not granted to %s %s. Now Exiting Prematurely ..." % (first_name, last_name)
        print "check_name capability not granted to %s %s. Now Exiting Prematurely ..." % (first_name, last_name)
    print "get_last_names capability not granted to %s %s. Now Exiting Prematurely ..." % (first_name, last_name)


NOTE: This uses PHP4. See also Guidelines and tips.


define('URI_CREATE_USER', '?????????');
define('URI_GET_LAST_NAMES', '?????????');
define('URI_CHECK_NAME', '?????????');

    if (is_name_available($_POST['username'], $_POST['last_name_id']))
        $user = array
            'username'     => $_POST['username'],
            'last_name_id' => (int)$_POST['last_name_id'],

        $result = llsd_post(URI_CREATE_USER, $user);
        header( "Location: " . $result['complete_reg_url'] ); 
        print 'SL name not available.';

<h3>Create Second Life Account</h3>

<form action="<?php print $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">

<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
  <td>First name:</td>
  <td><input type="text" name="username" size="25" maxlength="31" value="" /></td>
  <td>Last name:</td>
  <select name="last_name_id">
  $last_names = llsd_get(URI_GET_LAST_NAMES);
  foreach ($last_names as $last_name_id => $name)
      print '<option value="'.$last_name_id.'">'.$name.'</option>';
    <td><input type="submit" value="Create SL Account" /></td>


function get_months()
    $months = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++)
        $key = date('n', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 2000));
        $value = date('M.', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 2000));
        $months[sprintf("%02d", $key)] = $value;
    return $months;

function get_years()
    $today = getdate();
    $max_year = $today['year'] - 90;
    $min_year = $today['year'] - 13;

    $years = array();
    for ($i = $min_year; $i >= $max_year; $i--)
        $years[$i] = $i;
    return $years;

function get_days()
    $days = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++)
        $days[sprintf("%02d", $i)] = sprintf("%02d", $i);
    return $days;

function is_name_available($username, $last_name_id)
    $params = array('username' => $username, 'last_name_id' => (int)$last_name_id);
    if (llsd_post(URI_CHECK_NAME, $params) == 'true')
        return true;
    return false;