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Latest revision as of 14:12, 2 July 2009


  • [10:59 SLT] Jack Linden: hey folks!
  • [10:59 SLT] DAD Bingyi: Hello jack
  • [10:59 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: here comes the bling patrol
  • [10:59 SLT] Sling Trebuchet: What have you done with the real Jack?
  • [11:00 SLT] Jack Linden: real jack?
  • [11:00 SLT] Talarus Luan: You obviously don't know Jack. :D
  • [11:00 SLT] Sling Trebuchet: LOL! AN earlier chat before you arrived :)
  • [11:00 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Hey Jack, can you comment on this:[10:58] IntLibber Brautigan: but ya, Jacks no longer Director of Customer Service/[10:59] IntLibber Brautigan: but they havent filled the job yet
  • [11:00 SLT] Timo Daehlie: inside info ?
  • [11:00 SLT] Dytska Vieria: Must be!
  • [11:00 SLT] Morgaine Dinova: 1/4" Jack is the real Jack ;-)
  • [11:01 SLT] Uni Ninetails: Dilute to taste?
  • [11:01 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: doh, his jobs been advertised as open on lindenlab.com for two months
  • [11:01 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: lurk moar
  • [11:01 SLT] Jack Linden: Elanthius, I am very much still the Director of Customer Relations. No idea why he is saying that other than that we've been looking to hire additional directors
  • [11:01 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Wait, could there possible be a difference between Customer Relations and Customer Service?
  • [11:01 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: Who is your supervisor, or rather, who is in charge of the land team?
  • [11:01 SLT] Talarus Luan: Could be
  • [11:02 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: Jack, your legs seem to be bound....are you now Adult content?
  • [11:02 SLT] Jack Linden: Customer Relations is very large, and I wear two hats already (Customer Relations and Land), so we're looking to add someone to the team
  • [11:02 SLT] Talarus Luan: One simply relates to customers, or tries to. :) The other actually /services/ them? :P
  • [11:02 SLT] Timo Daehlie: bots ?
  • [11:02 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: Are you primary Land person?
  • [11:02 SLT] Jack Linden: We just have the one dept.. customer relations.
  • [11:02 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: Goto guy? Hed Honcho?
  • [11:02 SLT] Jack Linden: I am the Land person yes.
  • [11:03 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: And who is head of that department, and Land?
  • [11:03 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: YAY!
  • [11:03 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: I have a question about terraform limits.....WHY?
  • [11:03 SLT] Talarus Luan: To avoid terrorforming? :P
  • [11:03 SLT] Jack Linden: You mean why have limits at all?
  • [11:03 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: Ok,,,,,,I know why....general incompetence
  • [11:03 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: but in i
  • [11:03 SLT] Uni Ninetails: if youd seen my first terraform accident youd understand why limits are in place
  • [11:04 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: thank you for the clarification Jack, now perhaps you could explain why someone with two 256 square meter parcels that were not for sale with only signs for his own website was permbanned for ad farming?
  • [11:04 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: this circumstance....
  • [11:04 SLT] Renzo Goodliffe: Hi Jack, hello all
  • [11:04 SLT] Morgaine Dinova: Lindens don't like emergent phenomena ... ie. unplanned surprises.
  • [11:04 SLT] DAD Bingyi: Jack, we don't undestand why Linden lab suspended account anyway?
  • [11:04 SLT] Timo Daehlie: he was chaeting intlibber
  • [11:04 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: lol
  • [11:04 SLT] Tawney Bian: Jack, do you happen to know if the Zindra island migration tickets the mainland migration tickes are in the same que? Not complaining, just getting a timeframe
  • [11:04 SLT] Talarus Luan: Jack can't discuss individual situations... >.>
  • [11:04 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: and perhaps you can comment, Jack, about why the governance team has refused to hold an office hours event in a year
  • [11:04 SLT] Timo Daehlie: he cut a 512 into 2 x 256 m2 .. dumped on hald cheaply and try to sell the other at 25.0
  • [11:04 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: Allow +-40 for say 90 days if every parcel owner in the Zindra SIM is onboard with it?
  • [11:04 SLT] Jack Linden: Intlibber, I have no way to deal with specific cases in an office hour as I can't talk about individuals. You'd have to talk to support about that
  • [11:04 SLT] Renzo Goodliffe: Questin Jack , how many Migration tickets did you got so far and how many do you expect ?
  • [11:05 SLT] Lulu Dereham: FREEDOM FOR ROBO
  • [11:05 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: For just Zindra moves
  • [11:05 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: more than 1 ad per sim, maybe....oversized ads
  • [11:05 SLT] Timo Daehlie: next subject :P
  • [11:05 SLT] DAD Bingyi: yeah freedom for ROBO!
  • [11:05 SLT] Talarus Luan: Robo IS free.. from SL. :D
  • [11:05 SLT] Rem Nightfire: they were for sale
  • [11:05 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: I have Jack, but the star chamber KGB tactics of the governance team prevent any sort of oversight of the allegedly Tao of Linden following Linden Lab staff
  • [11:05 SLT] Lulu Dereham: SECOND LIFE COMMUNIST
  • [11:05 SLT] Talarus Luan: More importantly, SL is free from Robo :D
  • [11:05 SLT] Jack Linden: We don't ban people lightly, there is a lot that has to happen before we take that step and in most cases no-one but the individual will know the real reasoning or situation
  • [11:05 SLT] Morgaine Dinova: How about talking about the PRINCIPLE of such bans, not about the specific case. Otherwise it's just brushing under the carpet.
  • [11:05 SLT] Sling Trebuchet: ROBO can take op knitting in RL
  • [11:06 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: Jack I am totally aware of the events surrounding ROBOS ban, and these people and Harry totally falsified everything
  • [11:06 SLT] Dytska Vieria: It was a communist plot
  • [11:06 SLT] Timo Daehlie: maybe the lab can track back cuts Intlibber ?
  • [11:06 SLT] DAD Bingyi: Why linden lab kill the free economy of SL
  • [11:06 SLT] DAD Bingyi: ?
  • [11:06 SLT] Jack Linden: Hey Renzo, good question. I think we had 600+ on day one
  • [11:06 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: He should try domain camping. Maybe can rip off a few people desperate for the name.
  • [11:06 SLT] Timo Daehlie: maybe robo had already a long record of violations too ?
  • [11:06 SLT] Sling Trebuchet: Will Zindra oceanfront continue to be given to first come regardless of the nature of the land they are swapping from?
  • [11:06 SLT] Renzo Goodliffe: Thanks Jack, and how many do you expect at the end of the 2 weeks ?
  • [11:06 SLT] Rem Nightfire: beacuse free economy does not equal rule breaking
  • [11:07 SLT] Talarus Luan: yes, they falsified buying land, cutting it, and putting up ads in his name. I even have snapshots of them doing it!
  • [11:07 SLT] Rem Nightfire: your facts are wrong int
  • [11:07 SLT] Jack Linden: Morgaine, i'm happy to talk about principles if you have a specific question
  • [11:07 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: Rephrase: To allow folk to get "Like for Like", Why not allow extended terraform limits, subject to final LL approval for first 90 days
  • [11:07 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: IntLib, this is a match made in heaven. You have domain name problems. Robo sells domain names! It's perfect!
  • [11:07 SLT] Peter Bouscario: It is very disturbing that you can be banned for the actions of others.
  • [11:07 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: you misrepresented everything
  • [11:07 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: There is evidence on the slaptme to being over ten thousand requests as of the evening of the first day
  • [11:08 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Oh come on, there's no way there were 10,000 swap requests
  • [11:08 SLT] Jack Linden: Sling, we're using first come first served yes, but we're also going to bring up a pile more land to cope with the requests for more coastline
  • [11:08 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Estimates on how many more sims you'll bring online? Is it decided to bring them up? It seemed in the past you wasn't sure if they would be needed
  • [11:08 SLT] Jack Linden: Renzo, hard to say. the requests have slowed today so we'll have to see how it goes.
  • [11:08 SLT] Wynochee LeShelle: and snow please;-)
  • [11:08 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: Double prim, shallow sloped coastline?
  • [11:08 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: 4051-6484813 29/6/2009 10:53 PM PDT
  • 4 29/6/2009 1:36 PM PDT (New)
  • 4 7/1/2009 7:05 PM PDT (New) I
  • [11:09 SLT] Nicki Reisler: perhaps it should have been an atoll
  • [11:09 SLT] Qie Niangao: Jack, it does seem like processing is very slow... between 20 and 30 tickets from the queue sequence during all of yesterday.
  • [11:09 SLT] Jack Linden: Eclectic, it's very hard to allow excessive terraforming on shared Mainland regions
  • [11:09 SLT] Jack Linden: Itg tends to go wrong very quickly hehe
  • [11:09 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: this is special circumstance....
  • [11:09 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Tumbleweed, even in a best case scenario that is merely the total number of /all/ tickets submitted for any reason
  • [11:09 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: particularly for full SIM owners
  • [11:09 SLT] Sagana Crystal: seems like user stats are way down
  • [11:09 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: Oh, alright, thank you
  • [11:09 SLT] Jack Linden: Elanthius, because so many people want coastline, we'll probably bring some more up - maybe to the SW corner of the area already up
  • [11:10 SLT] Sling Trebuchet needs 100 terraforming on the Leuron/Popke boundary :)
  • [11:10 SLT] Jack Linden: The team are looking at it today
  • [11:10 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: Worse case you just reset
  • [11:10 SLT] Renzo Goodliffe: Do you suggest people who want complete regions in Zindra but whose first choices are taken to wait the addition of more regions, dear Jack ?
  • [11:10 SLT] Qie Niangao: (Sling, you need a nuke on the Leuran/Popke boundary)
  • [11:10 SLT] Jack Linden: Tumbleweed, the numbers are not a guide, we use that system for external and internal tickets across many different depts
  • [11:11 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: Very good, Jack, I wasnt aware of that
  • [11:11] VisitorMonitor: Laptop Gunes has entered store secondlife:///app/agent/c458c7a3-cf0a-417c-92d8-8b7830c3915d/about secondlife://Steamboat/185/73/88
  • [11:11 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: Jack....terraform issue could let many folk have what they want.....Many folk CAN terraform well
  • [11:11 SLT] Jack Linden: Renzo, might make sense. there are some really nice ones due to come up so talk to support about that
  • [11:11 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: And it's easy to reaset
  • [11:12 SLT] Uni Ninetails: tis a fine art terrafomring.
  • [11:12 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: reset
  • [11:12 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: Volonteer moles
  • [11:12 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Jack, you should just bring up the ones around the edge and dish those out in swaps, then auction the middle. That'd probably make the most people happy. Assuming you have enough edge
  • [11:12 SLT] Jack Linden: Eclectic, the problem is that at some point they may move on, sell their land, and then we have a problem if the new owner reverts the land unexpectedly etc
  • [11:12 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: I volonteer to help Tumbleweed
  • [11:12 SLT] Talarus Luan: Well, you get into problems when one person wants to terraform a mountainous parcel, and their neighbor wants a swamp.
  • [11:12 SLT] Jack Linden: Islands are the best place if you need a lot of terraform freedom
  • [11:12 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: After 90 days landswap....fix new terraform
  • [11:13 SLT] Jack Linden: Yeah Elanthius, that's an option (and yes we have lots of edge)
  • [11:13 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: Allow an adjustment and growth period on the new land
  • [11:13 SLT] Dirk Talamasca: So, will the cute numbers on these charts rise to the same dismal levels of unsold landmass at worthless prices once all of those that rushed to fill their land with adult content have made the move to Zindra?
  • [11:13 SLT] Jack Linden: Okay I've just been told that we've had 700 requests total, so far
  • [11:13 SLT] Renzo Goodliffe: Jack, Blondin closed the blog entry about Zindra, where can discuss Zindra problems now ?
  • [11:13 SLT] Morgaine Dinova: Jack: "Excessive" terraforming is only excessive when you cram parcels together like sardines, as you have in the past. There is no need for artificially created scarcity of land in virtual worlds --- parcels could easily be separated by large enough guard bands that free terraforming doesn't impact on your neighbour.
  • [11:13 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: Will LL final aproval of course
  • [11:13 SLT] Jack Linden: So that's a little less than we'd expected I think
  • [11:14 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: With*
  • [11:14 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: And how can we be assured that we will get like for like even in this newly opened land? All 7 of my choices are now already gone, at just the first 5 minutes of tickets
  • [11:14 SLT] Renzo Goodliffe: The JIRA was closed first, then the forum , then the block comment... People need a space to express themselves
  • [11:14 SLT] Jack Linden: Dirk, we're seeing a lot of people keep their old parcel, so no, i don't think s
  • [11:14 SLT] Renzo Goodliffe: Blog comments
  • [11:14 SLT] Jack Linden: *so
  • [11:14 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: Morgaine, Jack put a lot of effort into forcing homestead owners back to the mainland with the openspace sim tier hike, theres no way they're going to do anything that makes people feel more free
  • [11:15 SLT] Jack Linden: Renzo, you could talk direct to support if you still have questions
  • [11:15 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Yeah, and thank god for that IntLibber otherwise mainland prices would have really been in the toilet... oh, wait...
  • [11:15 SLT] Jack Linden: Is it that you want a general forum opened or something?
  • [11:15 SLT] Renzo Goodliffe: No Jack, I mean a place where people can debate in open sight
  • [11:15 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: you mean on a par with estate land?
  • [11:15 SLT] Renzo Goodliffe: Yes, a general forum
  • [11:15 SLT] Dytska Vieria: forums.secondlife.com
  • [11:16 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Estates are doing great, or at least mine are. I suppose everyone else is too.
  • [11:16 SLT] Jack Linden: I'll ask the team to look at creating a forum
  • [11:16 SLT] Wynochee LeShelle: appauds
  • [11:16 SLT] Renzo Goodliffe: Thanks Jack
  • [11:16 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: estate land sells for 1L per sqm or less
  • [11:16 SLT] Yann Dufaux: sorry styl rezz for me :)
  • [11:16 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: All us quasi-oldbies with grandfathered openspaces will be raking in free cash for at least a year now
  • [11:16 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: most just rent it out
  • [11:16 SLT] Jack Linden: We recently surveyed the top 50 estates, there is a lot of good news there, high occupancy and good growth
  • [11:16 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: How the hell can you measure occupancy?
  • [11:17 SLT] Yann Dufaux: miew morgaine :)
  • [11:17 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: yeah thats a fake statement if I ever saw one
  • [11:17 SLT] Jack Linden: How much of the land available for rent, is rented
  • [11:17 SLT] Ciaran Laval: Behave Jack, there's no way you can measure occupancy
  • [11:17 SLT] Sling Trebuchet: Ask the lanlord?
  • [11:17 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: How do you know if it's available for rent or not? There's no indication anywhere.
  • [11:17 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: as one of the top 50 estate owners I can say phooey
  • [11:17 SLT] Jack Linden: This isn't our data, it's the estate owners telling us (hence me saying 'survey')
  • [11:17 SLT] Talarus Luan: Landlords are known to be 100% truthful, always
  • [11:17 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: lol
  • [11:17 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: you never asked me
  • [11:17 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: OK, fair enough, I suppose that could work.
  • [11:17 SLT] Ayesha Lytton: My regular land is sitting, while Homestead lots rent fast even with high tiers
  • [11:17 SLT] Uni Ninetails: Lol Tal
  • [11:18 SLT] Jack Linden: If you're in the top 50 estates by size then you should have been emailed about it Intlibber.
  • [11:18 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Any sensible landlord would underestimate his occupancy to try to convince LL they need help
  • [11:18 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: sorry jack, you guys always seem to forget to do that
  • [11:18 SLT] Talarus Luan: It's not about the size of your estate, but how you use it.
  • [11:18 SLT] Jack Linden: hehe Tal
  • [11:19 SLT] Sagana Crystal: )
  • [11:19 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: obviously jack, that means your 'survey' suffers from selection effects if you only email people you know will agree with you
  • [11:19 SLT] Sling Trebuchet: A condom-inium?
  • [11:19 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: Oh oh oh oh oh! Whay is it I can get an email about thanking me for attending the land expo, and another regarding winning a prize about something, But LL cant announce thi sbotched adult content move via email????
  • [11:19 SLT] Jack Linden: We emailed the top 50, there was no selective filter there. :)
  • [11:19 SLT] Ciaran Laval: If the big 50 estates are doing so well why were you promoting them to the detrriment of smaller estates?
  • [11:19 SLT] Talarus Luan: Top 50 isn't selective? O.o
  • [11:20 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Tumbleweed, I'd always felt that sky writing was the best way to make this announcement and I won't rest until I'm fully satisfied
  • [11:20 SLT] Ayesha Lytton: I think the problem is that it's summer AND there is lots of open land, due to the Zindra changes and people buying lots of Homesteads before the deadline
  • [11:20 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: they're only promoting estates larger than 250 sims
  • [11:20 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: and they're doing it for free for them, who can pay the easiest for it
  • [11:20 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: Im going to go over there and boot you in the head, Elanthius
  • [11:20 SLT] Sagana Crystal: im against the adult content lock in the new viewer
  • [11:20 SLT] Wekomen Klaar: /goodday
  • [11:20 SLT] Uni Ninetails: Top 50 erm wouldnt it be better to randomly select estates to query
  • [11:21 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: OK, sadly I agree with IntLibber on this subject. It's a total kick in the nuts to see those buggers get even more free hand outs to my detriment. It's practically fascist
  • [11:21 SLT] Jack Linden: Ciaran, didn't we talk about that at a previous office hour? It was a test to see whether it would make sense to offer that kind of promotion generally to estate owners. We needed to understand the impact and it proved to be a fairly small impact in the end
  • [11:21 SLT] Ayesha Lytton: I had to buy a ton of homesteads because it was now or never. But it's the worst possible timing
  • [11:21 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: Uni that would be far too objective and democratic
  • [11:21 SLT] Jack Linden: Only a small number of actual logins click the MOTD link
  • [11:21 SLT] Uni Ninetails sighs and nods
  • [11:21 SLT] Morgaine Dinova: Top-50 anything implies a selection process. Top-50 by what metric?
  • [11:21 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Yeah, if i5t's so small I sure won't mind if you run my company name across that thing.
  • [11:21 SLT] Talarus Luan: Size
  • [11:21 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: RIGHT Jack, only a SMALL number are therefore informed about ACP through MotD!
  • [11:21 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Sky writing!
  • [11:22 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: Log in survey, blue drop down announcements
  • [11:22 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: OK Jack, what's going on with the traffic bot thing? How long until some of those guys get banned?
  • [11:23 SLT] Talarus Luan: They are still talking with them.
  • [11:23 SLT] Ciaran Laval: It shouldn't have happened Jack, it was a poor test case to select.
  • [11:23 SLT] Timo Daehlie: map->ragdoll
  • [11:23 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: emails! Im getting spam emails now from LL
  • [11:23 SLT] Qie Niangao: oh, that reminds me: don't we have to agree to the new TOS at login, at some point?
  • [11:23 SLT] Jack Linden: :) well, as i said it was a test. we felt it important to try it out but we know some folks were unhappy about it. but regardless, we will be driving programs and incentives to the estate owners generally to help them grow
  • [11:23 SLT] Jack Linden: we're looking at ways to help them promote therir businesses
  • [11:23 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: so jack, how about more policing of people who abuse nonprofit status to run for profit estates on the sly?
  • [11:23 SLT] Uni Ninetails: oh do tell help promote mine :P~
  • [11:23 SLT] Jack Linden: Intlibber, if you have examples of that then do abuse report them
  • [11:23 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: I have
  • [11:23 SLT] Driftwood Miles: incentives from the top down Jack?
  • [11:24 SLT] Talarus Luan: Help the big ones grow, or the small ones?
  • [11:24 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: Utopia Portugal is running on a university nonprofit shell but earns profits on rentals
  • [11:24 SLT] Driftwood Miles: by the time you get to us we will be gone
  • [11:24 SLT] Timo Daehlie: a communist ?
  • [11:24 SLT] Driftwood Miles: thanks for all the fish
  • [11:24 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen asks through gritted teeth, "So you think a couple days of log in motd day was enough, even though by your own admission i is ineffective?"
  • [11:24 SLT] Jack Linden: Driftwood, no we're looking at providing programs for all estates
  • [11:24 SLT] Uni Ninetails: <--- is currently using a straw to stay afloat (well just below the surface but i can still breathe
  • [11:24 SLT] Jack Linden: Not just the largest
  • [11:25 SLT] Alexxa Despres: so you picked the largest... 'to test' ?
  • [11:25 SLT] Talarus Luan: Well, do let us know when you get around to offering something to "all estates", rather than just the largest. ;)
  • [11:25 SLT] Nicki Reisler: isn't it your responsibility to figure out your own advertising strategy for your estates?
  • [11:25 SLT] Jack Linden: I will Tal! :)
  • [11:25 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Wait wait, because the effect was so small have you cancelled the roll out to everyone else?
  • [11:26 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Is that the subtext here?
  • [11:26 SLT] Talarus Luan: About the same time as you finish implementing the bot and landcutting policies. We'll leave you our forwarding address to Blue Mars or wherever. :p
  • [11:26 SLT] Jack Linden: Nicki, it's for the estates to choose how they want to promote, yes, but we can help a lot if estate owners want to work with us
  • [11:26 SLT] Driftwood Miles: I think it was Last week Elan
  • [11:26 SLT] Dirk Talamasca: They always do that Alexxa. That is what they did when the private Orientation Experience started out and and that ended up down the toilet
  • [11:26 SLT] Sagana Crystal: osgrid
  • [11:26 SLT] Uni Ninetails: Blue Mars is sh%%%t.
  • [11:26 SLT] Ciaran Laval: I'd rather you just didn't work against us Jack
  • [11:26 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: what about the traffic bot situation? Anything else being done to deal with those abusers?
  • [11:26 SLT] Talarus Luan: I said "or wherever" :P
  • [11:26 SLT] Uni Ninetails: :D
  • [11:26 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: The story was always that they'd do it for the biggest first and everyone else later
  • [11:26 SLT] Lulu Dereham: please freedom for robo marx
  • [11:27 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: thank you Lulu
  • [11:27 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Yes, unban Robo and then ban him again right after. That would be awesome.
  • [11:27 SLT] Jack Linden: Elanthius, we haven't decided but we found that unfocussed traffic wasn't very effective. We think that more focussed promotion, for example on the land pages of the website, may be a much better option
  • [11:27 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: we finally have freedome FROM him
  • [11:27 SLT] Timo Daehlie: virtual justice ..
  • [11:27 SLT] Qie Niangao: unban Robo, give him Austin's parcels, *then* ban him again.
  • [11:27 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: That sounds pretty crappy to me mate. So now it really was just free advertising for those who needed it least.
  • [11:28 SLT] Talarus Luan: Yeah, he is free.. to predate other worlds. :D
  • [11:28 SLT] Dirk Talamasca: And what sort of promotion will you get if you are renting out Adult Estates?
  • [11:28 SLT] Rem Nightfire: hmmm thinks of marketing "free ROBO" tee shirts
  • [11:28 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: WIth the governance team having no office hourse, there is absolutely no public oversight of the governance process and SL has become an absolutely fascist world
  • [11:28 SLT] Qie Niangao: is that "free as in beer" ?
  • [11:28 SLT] Uni Ninetails: Small business incentives? oh wait that would be to nice.
  • [11:28 SLT] Dytska Vieria: You can sell the t-shirts for 5555 L$
  • [11:28 SLT] Talarus Luan: hehe
  • [11:28 SLT] Jack Linden: I'm not going to discusss Robo I'm afraid guys, we can't discuss individual cases like that
  • [11:28 SLT] Timo Daehlie: i dont share that view Intlibber
  • [11:28 SLT] Sling Trebuchet: Free ROBO in every box of CornFlakes
  • [11:29 SLT] Lulu Dereham: fREdOOm FoR rObo
  • [11:29 SLT] Mex Sands: do them in spanish rem, free Mr theft
  • [11:29 SLT] Lulu Dereham: free mr theft
  • [11:29 SLT] Lulu Dereham: lol
  • [11:29 SLT] Lulu Dereham: liberad a robo
  • [11:29 SLT] Talarus Luan: SL has always been an "absolutely fascist" world. Welcome to corporate Amerika, comrade! :P
  • [11:29 SLT] Uni Ninetails: i get the jist but what was robo?
  • [11:29 SLT] Lulu Dereham: robo was a dream of freedom
  • [11:29 SLT] Dytska Vieria: an aboslute angel
  • [11:29 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: lmao
  • [11:29 SLT] Lulu Dereham: a new sun in the morning
  • [11:29 SLT] Rem Nightfire: i miss him
  • [11:29 SLT] Uni Ninetails: so a tatal bastard
  • [11:29 SLT] Jack Linden: Intlibber, would you really expect us to make public all governance cases? If you were in a situation like that would yu want us to talk about the case details publicly?
  • [11:29 SLT] Uni Ninetails: *total
  • [11:29 SLT] Dytska Vieria sniffs
  • [11:29 SLT] Lulu Dereham: the better capitalist in the world
  • [11:29 SLT] Timo Daehlie: how much L$ thy paid you Lulu for those comments ?
  • [11:30 SLT] Lulu Dereham: yes, make it public
  • [11:30 SLT] Talarus Luan: Robo already did, so go ahead. :P
  • [11:30 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: Jack? Traffic bot situation?
  • [11:30 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: Yes Jack
  • [11:30 SLT] Lulu Dereham: traffic is not interesting....robo details are
  • [11:30 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: I would very much prefer public due process
  • [11:30 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: and a justice system
  • [11:30 SLT] Talarus Luan: Timo: gave shares in ACE, not L$ :P
  • [11:30 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: where I would be judged by a jury of my peers
  • [11:30 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: not some secret police who are accountable to nobody for anything
  • [11:30 SLT] Peter Bouscario: that would be good
  • [11:31 SLT] Morgaine Dinova: Matters of governance *MUST* be public. If you treat each case separately behind closed doors, then it's not public governance.
  • [11:31 SLT] TorqueDom3 Primeau: jack, at a previous meeting, I remember you stating that when we moved to zindra, you would be flexible about giving a somewhat larger ammount of land to make a parcel fit. My friend just had her ticket filled, and the Linden told us she was under strict guidelines that she could only increase the size by a "tiny bit... and cut the parcel requested to almost exactly the same size. would have been agains policy to increase a 35k sqm parcel to 39k?
  • [11:31 SLT] Timo Daehlie: heheh Tal ;))
  • [11:31 SLT] Dytska Vieria: On Soviet LL, that will not happen!
  • [11:31 SLT] Jack Linden: We've started to suspend some key accounts re. traffic abuse, but we're just starting and the Zindra migration is going to divert some staff for a while
  • [11:31 SLT] Ayesha Lytton: I have no opinion on this particular individual, however I do think any g-team actions that result in suspension or ban should be public, similar to criminal records in RL.
  • [11:31 SLT] Timo Daehlie: shares and stories .. no dividends
  • [11:31 SLT] Jack Linden: Mostly it's been warnings so far
  • [11:31 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: thank you Jack
  • [11:31 SLT] xstorm Radek: please do not ask *GIGGLES* :)Elanthius Flagstaff 21:12, 2 July 2009 (UTC)
  • [11:31 SLT] Talarus Luan: "just starting".. sounds like a common mantra around here... >.>
  • [11:31 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: and when individuals are found to have filed false abuse reports THEY Should be charged publicly too
  • [11:32 SLT] Uni Ninetails: xstorm you look like a bogey.
  • [11:32 SLT] Timo Daehlie: lol .. you have a cousin in Iran intlibber ?
  • [11:32 SLT] Uni Ninetails: :)
  • [11:32 SLT] TorqueDom3 Primeau: Moon Corrigible: Its only a tad over and Jack did say we could go a bit over if it came to it
  • Men: They are over. We can only go a tiny bit over as per instructions.
  • [11:32 SLT] Sagana Crystal: here here
  • [11:32 SLT] Jack Linden: TorqueDom3, I'm not sure of the details there but we are being flexible in so much as we can be. Your friend would need to talk to the support team about it
  • [11:32 SLT] Dytska Vieria: um, inside info - how you know who filed an AR, unless they tell you? THey could have lied to you
  • [11:32 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: maybe its just me, but dont the G team follow up on an abuse report and look for themselves?
  • [11:32 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: the gteam is corrupt
  • [11:32 SLT] TorqueDom3 Primeau: the ticket is completed
  • [11:32 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: proven corrupt by prior events
  • [11:32 SLT] Timo Daehlie: accusing staff ..
  • [11:32 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: and hasnt had an office hour event in a year
  • [11:32 SLT] Rem Nightfire: my my
  • [11:32 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: so are alot of residents... sounds equal
  • [11:33 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: for fear of more public exposure
  • [11:33 SLT] Timo Daehlie: why are you still a resident Intlinner ?
  • [11:33 SLT] Talarus Luan: Yeah, they make mistakes, sometimes bad ones, but they get a lot of stuff right, too. Robo is a prime example of the latter. :D
  • [11:33 SLT] Jack Linden: Ethereal, yes the governance staff look into the abuse reports.
  • [11:33 SLT] TorqueDom3 Primeau: she had 35k sqm. was requesting 39k, and refused. she cut 3 k off, said "done" and tp'ed out as we dstood there
  • [11:33 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: there is no oversight over the abuses of harry linden
  • [11:33 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: I thought so, thank you
  • [11:33 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: he is his own appeals process
  • [11:33 SLT] Talarus Luan: I <3 Harry. :D
  • [11:34 SLT] TorqueDom3 Primeau: I think you need to address this with the team, so we dont have to go to support after the fact
  • [11:34 SLT] Talarus Luan: The rest of the G-Team should be more like Harry. :D
  • [11:34 SLT] Jack Linden: Intlibber, lets please not make this personal. The team is absolutely not corrupt
  • [11:34 SLT] Derrek Darkfold: G'day
  • [11:34 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Really I think it would be best if you guys all just checked with IntLibber before banning or warning anyone in future.
  • [11:34 SLT] Dytska Vieria: Really.
  • [11:34 SLT] Rem Nightfire: everyone who does things i dont like is corrupt
  • [11:34 SLT] Dytska Vieria: and communist
  • [11:34 SLT] Talarus Luan: I just hope that Austin doesn't turn out to be Harry's alt. <.<
  • [11:34 SLT] Driftwood Miles: lol Rem
  • [11:34 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: Jack you know I proved they were last year
  • [11:34 SLT] Timo Daehlie: shall we pauy tier to Intlibber too ?
  • [11:35 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: It's for the best Timo
  • [11:35 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: shall I post a link to the tizzers bnt story?
  • [11:35 SLT] Uni Ninetails: who you calling a commie *hides the sycle and hammer
  • [11:35 SLT] Driftwood Miles: that goes to me Timo ;)
  • [11:35 SLT] Morgaine Dinova: Matters of governance *MUST* be public. Behind closed doors, all you get are kangaroo courts.
  • [11:35 SLT] Timo Daehlie: drift ;)
  • [11:35 SLT] Lulu Dereham: FREEDON for robo MARX
  • [11:35 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: OMG tizzers, I knew there was another scumbag in amongst your cohorts IntLib
  • [11:35 SLT] Timo Daehlie: you are a rich man now ..
  • [11:35 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: If I had as many compaints and crankiness as Interlibber, I think I would have figured out that SL wasn't the place for me. And find some happiness elsewhere. We are not trapped in SL.
  • [11:35 SLT] Jack Linden: Intlibber, how you deal with your frustations re. governance are your call, but I am telling you that my office hour is not the venue
  • [11:35 SLT] Timo Daehlie: amen
  • [11:35 SLT] Jack Linden: As i cannot and will not respond here.
  • [11:36 SLT] Talarus Luan: I think it is kinda funny, really. Here we have the cream of the anarcho-capitalist front, who are all about "let us do business no matter what!", and they are here telling another business "no! You can't do that! It's communist!!"
  • [11:36 SLT] Jack Linden: If you have something you want to discuss, then lets do so privately.
  • [11:36 SLT] Qie Niangao: please, Elan, how dare you call a master of the short con a "scumbag"
  • [11:36 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: http://foo.secondlifeherald.com/slh/2008/08/linden-lab-gove.html
  • [11:36 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: so sad
  • [11:36 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: jack, Harry is your subordinate
  • [11:36 SLT] Talarus Luan: Irony doesn't even begin to describe it.
  • [11:36 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: he's part of your department
  • [11:36 SLT] Rem Nightfire: bag it int
  • [11:36 SLT] Dytska Vieria: resign, int
  • [11:36 SLT] Tawney Bian: Jack, ,are all the zindra migration tickets in teh same que, island requests and mainland request?
  • [11:37 SLT] Jack Linden: Tawney, I think they start off in the same queue, yes
  • [11:37 SLT] Tawney Bian: okay, thank you
  • [11:37 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: Jack? Any chance of having some Zindra only issue meetings?
  • [11:37 SLT] Talarus Luan: Zindra Town Halls
  • [11:37 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: Yes with Cyn present!!
  • [11:38 SLT] Jack Linden: Eclectic, actually I was suggesting internaly that we do that - perhaps open a Linden Zindra office
  • [11:38 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: We need answers and fixes FAST
  • [11:38 SLT] Jack Linden: Have some Zindra specific office hours
  • [11:38 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: since she cant be bothered to answer my emails or notecards
  • [11:38 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: we need justice
  • [11:38 SLT] Ciaran Laval: Blondin does Zindra hours
  • [11:38 SLT] Lulu Dereham: i propose stay here withotu unsit of my computer, without eat if robo marx is not unbanned...im gonna start a food strike
  • [11:38 SLT] Rem Nightfire: we got it
  • [11:38 SLT] Talarus Luan: You got it. :D
  • [11:38 SLT] Dytska Vieria: justice was served
  • [11:38 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: And there are residents that can and WILL help solve problems
  • [11:38 SLT] Jack Linden: Tumbleweed, we get hundreds of IMs and notecards per day. It would be totally impossible to respond to them al
  • [11:38 SLT] Talarus Luan: Well, Robo got it. <.<
  • [11:38 SLT] Jack Linden: *all
  • [11:38 SLT] Rem Nightfire: hehe
  • [11:38 SLT] Asterion Coen: hello folks
  • [11:39 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Hahaha, a virtual hunger strike? That's awesome.
  • [11:39 SLT] Lulu Dereham: yes
  • [11:39 SLT] Mex Sands: Thows lulu some popcorn
  • [11:39 SLT] Lulu Dereham: i starta a hunger strike right now
  • [11:39 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: She specifically told me to email her about a Zindra question I had, now it's far too late
  • [11:39 SLT] Lulu Dereham: i will not celebrate 4th july
  • [11:39 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: next....
  • [11:39 SLT] Lulu Dereham: if in the independence day
  • [11:39 SLT] Lulu Dereham: the day of the freedom
  • [11:39 SLT] Lulu Dereham: there is not justice
  • [11:39 SLT] Talarus Luan: Then you best start off by not feeding your computer power.
  • [11:39 SLT] DJ Flamand: Justice Intlibber? funny because I think you still owe me 50000L$ for that SOS group thing that never happened.
  • [11:39 SLT] Uni Ninetails: computers like being fed water
  • [11:40 SLT] Timo Daehlie: ouch !!!!
  • [11:40 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: wow
  • [11:40 SLT] Lulu Dereham: lol 500k wow
  • [11:40 SLT] Qie Niangao: lol
  • [11:40 SLT] Uni Ninetails: lofft
  • [11:40 SLT] Jack Linden: well Lulu, this is a public area so if you wish to sit here indefinitely then you can
  • [11:40 SLT] Lulu Dereham: ok, thank u jack
  • [11:40 SLT] Driftwood Miles: now now girls
  • [11:40 SLT] Dytska Vieria: It will get boring
  • [11:40 SLT] Sylva Petrov: (sorry to whoever i just ran over)
  • [11:40 SLT] Talarus Luan: Shhhh.. don't spoil the ending.
  • [11:40 SLT] TorqueDom3 Primeau: Jack, it's becoming painfully clear watching how the Zindra tickets are being proccessed that what you and blondin have assured us in the meeting is not how the team is proccessing the tickets... you totally skirted my question about flexibility in size. I have and am requesting a full estate, so it doesnt effect me... but when I witness the transaction, and have the Linden tell my friend that she has to follow a policy that does NOT allow her flexibility in parcel size, it's upsetting
  • [11:40 SLT] Lulu Dereham: eveybody,. come back here a week forward..i will be here
  • [11:41 SLT] Ciaran Laval: Not if they reset the sim you won't
  • [11:41 SLT] Uni Ninetails: lol
  • [11:41 SLT] Sling Trebuchet: Traffic Bot - working for the Lindens Lulu
  • [11:41 SLT] Dytska Vieria: maybe jack can set out a camping chair for you lulu
  • [11:41 SLT] Mex Sands: camping here for no pay, thats a cool plan
  • [11:41 SLT] Lulu Dereham: well
  • [11:41 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: iSIMI requests?
  • [11:41 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: Will your avi shrink as you go along
  • [11:41 SLT] Lulu Dereham: that wil make my strike more comfortable
  • [11:41 SLT] Qie Niangao: Oh, Lulu, we'll check up on you during the week, too. (now where's my Ben & Jerry's avatar?)
  • [11:41 SLT] Jack Linden: Torque, again i have no way to deal with a specific situation in my office hour. I don't have the facts and i don't know what exactly has happened or why. So I'm not avoiding it, I just can't help you in the middle of this meeting
  • [11:42 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: Small parcel allotments are blocking full SIM requests
  • [11:42 SLT] Jack Linden: So sorry if that doesn't help but as I said, we are being flexible wherever we can be
  • [11:42 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: Ding! How true Eclectic!
  • [11:42 SLT] Lulu Dereham: jack , what is your favourite food?
  • [11:42 SLT] TorqueDom3 Primeau: No, they ARENT. that's the point. address your team.
  • [11:42 SLT] Talarus Luan: So, Jack, about the remaining microparcel extortionists.. any more clue as to when you'll stop supporting them?
  • [11:42 SLT] Rem Nightfire: twinkies
  • [11:42 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: I think there's a lot of full sim requests out for Zindra land. Seems like it would be a piece of cake to just turn on a new sim for each one now.
  • [11:42 SLT] Qie Niangao: TWINKIES! :P
  • [11:43 SLT] Sagana Crystal: campers
  • [11:43 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: I suggest something like Micronesia?
  • [11:43 SLT] Jack Linden: Lulu, probably steak. I had a steak like a mattress in San Francisco, it was pretty amazingly good
  • [11:43 SLT] DJ Flamand: Twinkies? you can eat particles?
  • [11:43 SLT] Lulu Dereham: hmm nice
  • [11:43 SLT] Lulu Dereham: hehe
  • [11:43 SLT] Dytska Vieria: Maybe some of the remaining extortionists have special connections...
  • [11:43 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: Island nation off the coast but PART of Zindra
  • [11:43 SLT] Uni Ninetails tosses Jack a Deep fried marsbar, Glasgaes finest.
  • [11:44 SLT] Talarus Luan: Maybe LL is adopting the US Gov policy: "They are too big to fail^H^H^H^Hban!"
  • [11:44 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Well Robo knew IntLib and he practically runs Linden Lab so I don't think connections can help.
  • [11:44 SLT] Rem Nightfire: yes jack, the progress on micros has been good, but if it doesnt go all the way, the same amount of land is rendered useless
  • [11:44 SLT] Eclectic Smythe: See the Fatimas as example
  • [11:44 SLT] Jack Linden: Tal, I don't have an update on that, I will ask the team
  • [11:44 SLT] Driftwood Miles: Jack, slightly off topi but non the less related. We have watched the login numbers tumble. Is this purely down to BOTS?
  • [11:44 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: so Jack, when can we expect, if ever, a return to a free market economy for SL, really now, this socialist experiment you've been running has pretty well proven that it destroys economies....
  • [11:44 SLT] Sylva Petrov: Remember: Never ascribe ill motive to a situation that can quite easily be explained by common error.
  • [11:44 SLT] Talarus Luan: Never, I hope.
  • [11:44 SLT] Dytska Vieria: My business has been good
  • [11:44 SLT] Jack Linden: Driftwood, the concurrency number has dipped and yes it's down to the Bot policies
  • [11:45 SLT] Talarus Luan: At least "free market" in the sense of "anything goes, including criminal enterprise". >.>
  • [11:45 SLT] Rem Nightfire: getting rid of half the extortion plots and leaving primlands in place keeps the same amount of land useless for anything
  • [11:45 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: business is GREAT!
  • [11:45 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: Jack where is the GROWTH
  • [11:45 SLT] Sylva Petrov approves of Botricide.
  • [11:45 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: only party members profit under socialism
  • [11:45 SLT] Timo Daehlie: i grow ..
  • [11:45 SLT] Dytska Vieria: not in extortion plots
  • [11:45 SLT] Timo Daehlie: al my tier renters took more tier as well
  • [11:45 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Top 10 parcels sorted by traffic seems pretty much the same as always
  • [11:45 SLT] Lulu Dereham: hmm ihave a serious questins...wich is the inflation percentage per month of the sl economy?
  • [11:45 SLT] Lavender Siamendes: Talarus surely you are not advocating criminal enterprise
  • [11:45 SLT] Lavender Siamendes >> Talarus sûrement vous ne plaide pas pour l'entreprise criminelle
  • [11:46 SLT] Jack Linden: whomever just dropped all those notecards to me, please wait until the end
  • [11:46 SLT] Talarus Luan: If you read what I said, then you wouldn't have to ask that question. :)
  • [11:46 SLT] Sylva Petrov: Cream rises to the top...course other colloids float too...
  • [11:46 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Yeah Lulu, good questions. When are we getting our economic statistics back?
  • [11:46 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: yes only socialist tyrants make economic stats into state secrets
  • [11:46 SLT] Uni Ninetails: high fibre diet?
  • [11:46 SLT] Lavender Siamendes: a simple yes or no would have sufficed Mr sarcasmo
  • [11:46 SLT] Lavender Siamendes >> un simple oui ou non, aurait suffi M. sarcasmo
  • [11:46 SLT] Jack Linden: there is growth Intlibber but as we're also clamping down on Bots used for traffic gaming, one is more than cancelling out the other
  • [11:47 SLT] Talarus Luan: I wasn't being sarcastic <.<
  • [11:47 SLT] Lulu Dereham: why the lindex is a manipulated market...i bought a million lindenx two years ago, to bet an uptrend but the lindex is like the yuan
  • [11:47 SLT] Driftwood Miles: you need a big yellow clamp Jack
  • [11:47 SLT] Lulu Dereham: dont fluctuate
  • [11:48 SLT] Jack Linden: Lulu, the L$ is managed to a level so there isn't inflation there as such, but Land prices fluctuate more and there we're seeing it dip a little with the migration to Zindra underway
  • [11:48 SLT] Qie Niangao: *doh*
  • [11:48 SLT] Sylva Petrov: I've traded lindens to dollars at 260 exactly for nearly a year straight...
  • [11:48 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: a dip?
  • [11:48 SLT] Sylva Petrov: pretty stable
  • [11:48 SLT] Dytska Vieria: dip, I would call it falling off a cliff
  • [11:48 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Just a smidge, what's your average land price now Jack?
  • [11:48 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: in Soviet Russia, exchanges rate YOU
  • [11:48 SLT] Sagana Crystal: so, the reduced user stats reflect baned bots?
  • [11:48 SLT] Ciaran Laval: Isn't it a bit early to be attibuting the land price drop to Zindra migration?
  • [11:48 SLT] Timo Daehlie: Poland ?
  • [11:49 SLT] Jack Linden: Let me check yesterdays closing price average, hang on
  • [11:49 SLT] Lulu Dereham: 2,7?
  • [11:49 SLT] Lulu Dereham: polls
  • [11:49 SLT] Lulu Dereham: i accept numbers
  • [11:49 SLT] Sling Trebuchet: 27
  • [11:49 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: so Jack, I didnt know that bots were such big consumers in the land market, are you blaming bots for the depression in land sales?
  • [11:49 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: I'm 5.6 at 5.9
  • [11:49 SLT] Qie Niangao: (Ciaran, not necessarily: market could be discounting that in advance... but it could get worse later, when real dumping starts)
  • [11:49 SLT] Lulu Dereham: come on 100 lindens for the winner
  • [11:50 SLT] Sylva Petrov: As i said, i can only go by what i see. I get exactly 1 dollar for 260 lindens every single day for a year. I'd call that a stable currency.
  • [11:50 SLT] Land BodyGuard HUD Ultra 2.4a (WEAR-ME!): System ready. (secondlife://Titian/135/223/351/)
  • [11:50 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Then you're getting ripped off Sylva. iot's L$259/US$1
  • [11:50 SLT] Jack Linden: Mainland price per meter for successful transactions (excluding estate sales and Linden sales) is L$5.5 per meter
  • [11:50 SLT] TorqueDom3 Primeau: of course, this average also reflects the idiots that set there 4k parcels for sale at 2 million L
  • [11:50 SLT] Jack Linden: It was L$4.8 the day before
  • [11:50 SLT] Lulu Dereham: lol
  • [11:50 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: or 16's at 9999?
  • [11:50 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: What's the time frame on that Jack? Is it all the land that sold yesterday or something?
  • [11:50 SLT] Dytska Vieria: But the bottom prices right now for a 512 is 2.1
  • [11:51 SLT] Sylva Petrov: still, it's stable, i'm just impatient
  • [11:51 SLT] Lulu Dereham: and for 23k
  • [11:51 SLT] Lulu Dereham: 32k is 2,9
  • [11:51 SLT] Jack Linden: Intlibber, no i was talking about concurrency, not sales, as being related to Bots
  • [11:51 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: gee, a year ago the price was 8-12 L per sqm
  • [11:51 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: :( and a year before that 20/sqm
  • [11:51 SLT] Ciaran Laval: These are sale prices Jack right?
  • [11:51 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: so I have failed to see that a drop to 5.5 L$ per sqm is an improvement over 8-12
  • [11:51 SLT] Jack Linden: Dytska, that's the For Sale price, not the prices actually transacted
  • [11:52 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Wait, what?
  • [11:52 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: so Jack thats all land for sale, not the land thats actually selling?
  • [11:52 SLT] Sylva Petrov checks for falling sky
  • [11:52 SLT] Qie Niangao: hehehe, yeah, that L$2.1/m2 might be overvalued: it hasn't sold yet. :p
  • [11:52 SLT] Jack Linden: Elanthius, all sales on Mainland that happened yesterday
  • [11:52 SLT] Talarus Luan: It is
  • [11:52 SLT] Dytska Vieria: yesterday, 2.0 for a time.
  • [11:52 SLT] Talarus Luan: Let's see, didn't I predict L$1/sqm before the end of the year? :P
  • [11:53 SLT] Timo Daehlie: many of that 2.1 land have a microplots next to it
  • [11:53 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Oh right, I see now. You were talking about Dytska's 2.1 as being land "for sale" not actually sold
  • [11:53 SLT] Dytska Vieria: I wonder if the viewer can handle < L$1/sqm
  • [11:53 SLT] Asterion Coen: gotta go, have fun folks
  • [11:53 SLT] Jack Linden: Yeah
  • [11:53 SLT] Lulu Dereham: well, land is a ponzi scheme by itself
  • [11:53 SLT] Lulu Dereham: afterall is a server
  • [11:53 SLT] Ayesha Lytton: IMO there is simply too much land of all kinds available right now...so unless supply goes down or demand goes up, prices will remain low
  • [11:53 SLT] Drongle McMahon: Jack, what was the average for all sales of parcels of 16sqm?
  • [11:53 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: I'm sure once someone has stolen someone elses microparcel, their own land price goes up thanks tot he theft
  • [11:53 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Raise prices on estate sims then Ayesha? That would reduce land supply
  • [11:53 SLT] Talarus Luan: You have a very flexible definition of "Ponzi scheme", Lulu. :D
  • [11:53 SLT] Lulu Dereham: and is the only land u can pay 200% in taxover the price
  • [11:53 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: lol
  • [11:53 SLT] Jack Linden: Drongle, i don't have that number immediately to hand
  • [11:54 SLT] Jack Linden: But it has been falling every week for a long time now
  • [11:54 SLT] Drongle McMahon: I thought you might not :-)
  • [11:54 SLT] Lulu Dereham: ponzi scheme is sell anything will have no posibility to growth in value in the next 100 years
  • [11:54 SLT] Lulu Dereham: that is my flexible definit9ion of ponzi
  • [11:54 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Lulu: It's really not
  • [11:54 SLT] Mex Sands: lots of 16's for sale > Time Dalglish > 333
  • Hsval > 333
  • T 333
  • Krt > 350
  • M> 350
  • P00
  • N 199
  • G Luke Termagant > 9900
  • [11:54 SLT] Sagana Crystal: lasnd is virtually free in osgrid
  • [11:54 SLT] Lulu Dereham: i know
  • [11:54 SLT] Qie Niangao: flexible definitions are so handy
  • [11:54 SLT] Lulu Dereham: but im creative
  • [11:54 SLT] Ayesha Lytton: Or close some Mainland. Maybe remove some empty sims and replace with water...that would also bring up the value of the surrounding land
  • [11:54 SLT] Lulu Dereham: and can call how i want
  • [11:54 SLT] Sylva Petrov: and you get what you pay for...
  • [11:54 SLT] Rem Nightfire: primlands 1495
  • [11:55 SLT] Lulu Dereham: and i will gain the same in this than with bernard madoff
  • [11:55 SLT] Ethereal Clarity: Gold COins 9900
  • [11:55 SLT] Lulu Dereham: mabye im wrong, but what is sure
  • [11:55 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Ayesha, there are no empty mainland sims. All 100% owned
  • [11:55 SLT] Lulu Dereham: is the tier is the most communits
  • [11:55 SLT] Lulu Dereham: tax arond the globe
  • [11:55 SLT] Sagana Crystal: speaks to the land prices here
  • [11:55 SLT] Lulu Dereham: around*
  • [11:55 SLT] Ayesha Lytton: I think $1000 and 295 enough is more than enough in costs for an estate!
  • [11:55 SLT] Talarus Luan: Yes, I pay a monthly server rental fee to my communist colo as well.
  • [11:56 SLT] Talarus Luan: ..and pay my communist electric bill, phone bill, etc.
  • [11:56 SLT] Talarus Luan: Darn commies are everywhere! <.<
  • [11:56 SLT] Uni Ninetails: no communist gas bill?
  • [11:56 SLT] Dytska Vieria: you are a good citizen, Tal
  • [11:56 SLT] Constanza Amsterdam: i think the land prices dropping is a direct result to the adult content changes and people not knowing for over 3 months what is going to happen. My guess is when everything is in place, landprices will go up to and people will be buying land again.
  • [11:56 SLT] Lulu Dereham: well, in your electric bill
  • [11:56 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Well Ayesha, so how are you going to reduce land supply? Force mainland residents out of their homes?
  • [11:56 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: Lulu's point is that only a communist country would have a tax thats higher than the resale price
  • [11:56 SLT] Lulu Dereham: u dont apy 200% tax over the real price
  • [11:56 SLT] Talarus Luan: There are no taxes in SL, only expenses.
  • [11:56 SLT] Talarus Luan: It's a service you pay for.
  • [11:56 SLT] Lulu Dereham: LOL
  • [11:56 SLT] Qie Niangao: hehe... the resale price of a webpage
  • [11:56 SLT] Dytska Vieria: doesn't remember taxes in comunist countries
  • [11:57 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: potato potahto
  • [11:57 SLT] Ayesha Lytton: perhps turn abandoned Gov Linden land into parks or lakes
  • [11:57 SLT] Sagana Crystal: i forsee further drop in user stats, land prices, et al.
  • [11:57 SLT] TorqueDom3 Primeau: see, maybe I'm too naive. to buy a private estate is 1000$ for 65532. 1000$ = 26000L. that's about 4L per sqm. what makes anyone think they will see 10L per sqm for mainland ever again?
  • [11:57 SLT] Lulu Dereham: if i buy at 1 linden and i pay a monthly tax of 2 linden in all the yar...then ther eis not posibility for business
  • [11:57 SLT] Uni Ninetails: Ayesha i think that wa mentioned as an option by Jack a few weeks ago
  • [11:57 SLT] Lulu Dereham: is a ponzi schme
  • [11:58 SLT] Talarus Luan: Call it whatever you want; it won't change reality. :)
  • [11:58 SLT] Ciaran Laval: whose going to pay for that Ayesha? If they can afford all these open spaces and double prim plots I'd rather they dropped my tier
  • [11:58 SLT] Jack Linden: Ayesha.. more parks and lakes would be good
  • [11:58 SLT] Lulu Dereham: talarus., u can cut the flowers, but u cant cut the spring
  • [11:58 SLT] Uni Ninetails: communal meeting areas.... not communist tho
  • [11:58 SLT] Lulu Dereham: FREEDOM FOR ROBO
  • [11:58 SLT] Jack Linden: But there is a practical limit to how much un-owned land we can support
  • [11:58 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: FREEDOM FOR ROBO
  • [11:58 SLT] Uni Ninetails: Jack i know someone that sells trees cheap *winks
  • [11:58 SLT] TorqueDom3 Primeau: I can see the day coming when more and more mainland will be "grandfathered" as protected land to push private estate sales.
  • [11:58 SLT] Sylva Petrov: robo?
  • [11:58 SLT] Rem Nightfire: hes free
  • [11:58 SLT] DAD Bingyi: Yeah, we want freedom for ROBO
  • [11:59 SLT] Sagana Crystal: as if
  • [11:59 SLT] Sylva Petrov: if you mean bots, they're now free to do anything they like - elsewhere
  • [11:59 SLT] Rem Nightfire: hahahaha
  • [11:59 SLT] Laica Forcella: who the fuck is ROBO
  • [11:59 SLT] Lulu Dereham: robo is a dream
  • [11:59 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: ROBO Marx
  • [11:59 SLT] Lulu Dereham: in the morning
  • [11:59 SLT] Laica Forcella: lol
  • [11:59 SLT] Derrek Darkfold: I just wanna say THAT I AM NOT AGREE WITH ALL THAT NEW ADULT RULES!!!
  • [11:59 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: was falsely banned on false charges by thes Arbor communists
  • [11:59 SLT] Dytska Vieria: a communist
  • [11:59 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: OK Jack, totally new topic. When are you guys going to get on top of re-auctioning abandoned land? It takes months and should be an automatic job that requires no time at all
  • [11:59 SLT] Lulu Dereham: the greates capitalista
  • [11:59 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: Jack, one question well, two I guess. Who is absolute head of the land team, ie, Zindra move, including announcements? And the other is who will be making sure private estates flag their sims appropriately? They are already going to be getting, as I understand it, "about 60 days" to do so, when the rest of the people moving are tagged and limited when they move? and lastly, how can we be sure they DO flag appropriatley since there are places STILL selling Sex beds in PG?
  • [12:00 SLT] Rem Nightfire: this is thebest theater ive been to in awhile
  • [12:00 SLT] Talarus Luan: No, Bernie Madoff is the greatest capitalista. :D
  • [12:00 SLT] Jack Linden: Elanthius, agreed and we are doing some work to help us automate it (though we have to be very careful as people often abandon land accidentally)
  • [12:00 SLT] Sagana Crystal: what a great idea, pg sex beds
  • [12:00 SLT] Sylva Petrov: wait...they can't be capitalists AND communists AND fascists at the same time, they'd explode
  • [12:00 SLT] IntLibber Brautigan: Jack, when can the shareholders of ROBO Marx Ltd, expect to have their money that LL stole returned to them?
  • [12:00 SLT] Lulu Dereham: bernie maddof applied a strike-split converstion strategy...and was mathematically imposible to give those returns...so the problems was not bernaf maddof...was the SEC
  • [12:00 SLT] Uni Ninetails: wth do you do on a pg sexbed sit on the edges and look at one another?
  • [12:00 SLT] TorqueDom3 Primeau: Tumble. the answer blondin gave was they WONT police it. they will only respond to AR complaints on a case by case basis
  • [12:00 SLT] Talarus Luan: Never, I would expect. :D
  • [12:01 SLT] Sagana Crystal: lol
  • [12:01 SLT] Dytska Vieria: Don't invest in extortionistic schemers
  • [12:01 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Jack, how can I get someone to reactivate ROBO's account and give it to me so I can steal all his land and customers?
  • [12:01 SLT] Talarus Luan: Yes, the SEC should be the ones with a 150-year prison sentence. <.<
  • [12:01 SLT] Lulu Dereham: yes
  • [12:01 SLT] Lulu Dereham: if a thief stole
  • [12:01 SLT] Jack Linden: Tumbleweed, there is no 'one person in charge', but I own the Land part and am involved on the Customer Relations side
  • [12:01 SLT] Lulu Dereham: in front of a policeman
  • [12:01 SLT] Lulu Dereham: then is the policeman the guilty
  • [12:01 SLT] Rem Nightfire: ROBO the martyr
  • [12:01 SLT] Jack Linden: Okay guys, I have to scram
  • [12:01 SLT] Lulu Dereham: robo is more martyr than jesuchist
  • [12:01 SLT] Rem Nightfire: bye jack
  • [12:01 SLT] Lulu Dereham: liberate him on 4th july
  • [12:02 SLT] DJ Flamand: Intlibber, again your company owes me 50000L$, when am I getting that back?
  • [12:02 SLT] Sylva Petrov: bye Jack :-)
  • [12:02 SLT] Talarus Luan: We definitely can't hold someone accountable for their own failings; we need to blame someone else. >.>
  • [12:02 SLT] Ciaran Laval: Cheers Jack
  • [12:02 SLT] TumbleWeed Loopen: You said you werent in charge of the announcements though
  • [12:02 SLT] Driftwood Miles: thank you Jack
  • [12:02 SLT] Uni Ninetails: take care jac
  • [12:02 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Lulu: Agreed! ROBO and Jesus Christ are like peas in a pod
  • [12:02 SLT] Sagana Crystal: l8r
  • [12:02 SLT] Qie Niangao: bye Jack, thanks.
  • [12:02 SLT] Tawney Bian: wish you well Jack, thanks for holding office hours this week :)
  • [12:02 SLT] Jack Linden: Thank you all for coming along, have a great weekend!

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