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(New page: [10:56] MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: MystiTool Controller: /1 help [10:56] Second Life: Too many instant messages. Delivery capped. [10:57] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat... [10:57] Connect...)
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[10:56]  MystiTool HUD 1.3.1: MystiTool Controller: /1 help
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[10:56]  Second Life: Too many instant messages. Delivery capped.
== List of Attendees ==
[10:57]  Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
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[10:57]  Connected
*[[User:Qie Niangao|Qie Niangao]]
[10:57]  Teleport completed from http://slurl.com/secondlife/Hughes/48/216/109
*[[User:XLR8RRICK Hudson|XLR8RRICK Hudson]]
[10:58]  XLR8RRICK Hudson: Bushido
*[[User:Elanthius Flagstaff|Elanthius Flagstaff]]
[10:58]  xstorm Radek: hi Uni
*[[User:xstorm Radek|xstorm Radek]]
[10:58]  Bushido Contepomi: Hello XL, and All:)
*[[User:Jack Linden|Jack Linden]]
[10:58]  xstorm Radek: Hi Marianne
*[[User:Marianne McCann|Marianne McCann]]
[10:58]  Marianne McCann: Hi xstorm
*[[User:Dytska Vieria|Dytska Vieria]]
[10:58]  Marianne McCann grins
*[[User:Uni Ninetails|Uni Ninetails]]
[10:58]  Uni Ninetails waves
*[[User:Yann Dufaux|Yann Dufaux]]
[10:58]  xstorm Radek: hi every one
*[[User:samatha Congrejo|samatha Congrejo]]
[10:58]  xstorm Radek: yes voice server is a little bugger up it seems
*[[User:Fontte Newbold|Fontte Newbold]]
[10:59]  Alexxa Despres: Drift...feeling a little alienated?
*[[User:Ciaran Laval|Ciaran Laval]]
[10:59]  Elanthius Flagstaff: https://blogs.secondlife.com/community/land/blog/2009/04/23/conclusion-to-the-blog-post-on-bots
*[[User:Bushido Contepomi|Bushido Contepomi]]
[11:00]  Uni Ninetails reads
*[[User:2WAT Michigan|2WAT Michigan]]
[11:00]  xstorm Radek: any one have any clue if the voice server will be moved up on the bug list ?
*[[User:Dennis Lagan|Dennis Lagan]]
[11:01]  Dytska Vieria and... wow!
*[[User:Del Peccable|Del Peccable]]
[11:01]  Yann Dufaux: hi Qie :)
*[[User:Indigo Mertel|Indigo Mertel]]
[11:01]  Elanthius Flagstaff: Oh well, back to paying newbies thurppence an hour for camping
*[[User:Melodie Darwin|Melodie Darwin]]
[11:02]  Kyrion Yalin: hallo
*[[User:Latif Khalifa|Latif Khalifa]]
[11:02]  Marianne McCann: Hiya
*[[User:Ewan Mureaux|Ewan Mureaux]]
[11:02]  xstorm Radek: Drift looks just fine to me
*[[User:Lindsyluvly Cuttita|Lindsyluvly Cuttita]]
[11:02]  Qie Niangao: Greetings, Jack
*[[User:Youri Ashton|Youri Ashton]]
[11:02]  XLR8RRICK Hudson: Jack
*[[User:Timo Daehlie|Timo Daehlie]]
[11:02]  Elanthius Flagstaff: Ugh, trying to listen to these stupid brown bag audio files. Who has 6 hours spare for this crap?
*[[User:Susie Chaffe|Susie Chaffe]]
[11:02]  xstorm Radek: hi Jack
*[[User:Equinox Pinion|Equinox Pinion]]
[11:02]  Jack Linden: hey folks
*[[User:Kira Welty|Kira Welty]]
[11:02]  Marianne McCann: Hi, Jack!
*[[User:Driftwood Miles|Driftwood Miles]]
[11:02]  Dytska Vieria: Hi Jack!
*[[User:Kyrion Yalin|Kyrion Yalin]]
*[[User:PulseBurst Flow|PulseBurst Flow]]
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== Transcript ==
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*[11:02 SLT] [[User:Qie Niangao|Qie Niangao]]: Greetings, Jack
*[11:02 SLT] [[User:XLR8RRICK Hudson|XLR8RRICK Hudson]]: Jack
*[11:02 SLT] [[User:Elanthius Flagstaff|Elanthius Flagstaff]]: Ugh, trying to listen to these stupid brown bag audio files. Who has 6 hours spare

Latest revision as of 16:32, 23 April 2009


  • [11:02 SLT] Qie Niangao: Greetings, Jack
  • [11:02 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Jack
  • [11:02 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Ugh, trying to listen to these stupid brown bag audio files. Who has 6 hours spare for this crap?
  • [11:02 SLT] xstorm Radek: hi Jack
  • [11:02 SLT] Jack Linden: hey folks
  • [11:02 SLT] Marianne McCann: Hi, Jack!
  • [11:02 SLT] Dytska Vieria: Hi Jack!
  • [11:02 SLT] Uni Ninetails: Hey Jack
  • [11:03 SLT] Yann Dufaux: heya Jack, how are you?
  • [11:03 SLT] samatha Congrejo: Greetings Jack
  • [11:03 SLT] Fontte Newbold: Guess that means I'm right on time too. :)
  • [11:03 SLT] Marianne McCann: Elanthius - if you get stick with them, at one point you'll actually hear me on mic
  • [11:03 SLT] Fontte Newbold: Hi, Jack.
  • [11:03 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Are you a 56yr old chain smoking male?
  • [11:03 SLT] Jack Linden: phew, okay.. chairs are appearing. :)
  • [11:03 SLT] Jack Linden: was that aimed at me Elanthius?
  • [11:04 SLT] Ciaran Laval: Are you still on the first one Elan? You hear Jack in later ones
  • [11:04 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: I did land owners, half way through business owners
  • [11:04 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: 45 minutes in they get to second question
  • [11:04 SLT] Jack Linden: because, no, i'm really not hehe
  • [11:04 SLT] xstorm Radek: ?
  • [11:04 SLT] Jack Linden: i'm only on the Land one
  • [11:04 SLT] xstorm Radek: *GIGGLES* :)Elanthius Flagstaff 20:00, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
  • [11:04 SLT] Ciaran Laval: Yeah there's not a lot of answers, AO one is probably the best one for q's
  • [11:04 SLT] Ciaran Laval: definition one I mean
  • [11:04 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Hard to tell who's talking. I'm not good at distinguishing voices
  • [11:05 SLT] Ciaran Laval: Kend has a cold
  • [11:05 SLT] Jack Linden: ooh, looks like agood size group this week, thank you all for coming along!
  • [11:05 SLT] Yann Dufaux: i make a test on beta grid, since monday, its very nice for AO setup
  • [11:05 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: So a stay of execution for my poor little landbots eh?
  • [11:05 SLT] Fontte Newbold: You get a reprieve today from Tal. He's taking the week off, as far as I can tell. :)
  • [11:05 SLT] Bushido Contepomi: Thanks for Having us Jack:)
  • [11:06 SLT] Yann Dufaux: i understend now, this method :)
  • [11:06 SLT] Jack Linden: No Tal? okays!
  • [11:06 SLT] 2WAT Michigan gave you Covenant Broken at Blackwood.
  • [11:06 SLT] Ciaran Laval: Tal is stuck in the forum ;)
  • [11:06 SLT] xstorm Radek: voice server still having problems with showing budy list errors on names
  • [11:06 SLT] Jack Linden: so i finally pushed the Bot post out, sorry that took so long
  • [11:06 SLT] xstorm Radek: so voice keep going off
  • [11:06 SLT] Jack Linden: We wanted to really look at the many uses etc
  • [11:06 SLT] Jack Linden: Yes, voice has been a little jumpy for me today too
  • [11:06 SLT] samatha Congrejo: im who with questions??
  • [11:07 SLT] xstorm Radek: its a LL error i have been looking at
  • [11:07 SLT] Fontte Newbold: Mm... rezzing is going nice and slow today. Big group.
  • [11:07 SLT] Jack Linden: did anyone have any questions today? (this is an open session Samantha, so ask away)
  • [11:07 SLT] xstorm Radek: more on the way
  • [11:07 SLT] Dennis Lagan: hi all :) you sat that related to bots "To begin with we will message the land owner to issue a warning" Does that mean the parcel owner, or the estate owner in case of estate land.
  • [11:07 SLT] Dennis Lagan: *said
  • [11:07 SLT] Del Peccable accepted your inventory offer.
  • [11:07 SLT] samatha Congrejo: Well I as a adult content provider would love to know who was consulted as per the blog
  • [11:07 SLT] Jack Linden: Dennis, the parcel owner
  • [11:08 SLT] samatha Congrejo: I ahve asked over 250 major ones and none of us were??
  • [11:08 SLT] Dennis Lagan: thanx for the quick response
  • [11:08 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: I would like to know how to recover a single 16sm ad lot in my sim ? The owner is not reasonable.
  • [11:08 SLT] Jack Linden: Samantha, consulted on what exactly?
  • [11:08 SLT] Ciaran Laval: ha, good luck with the XLR
  • [11:08 SLT] Marianne McCann: Jack, I am hearing that the Hau Koda sim will get hubbed sometime shortly after May 3rd. There's really no "there" there. No buildings, no nothing. Michael L. has no build orders on a hub for there. Do you know anything about the site or plans for such?
  • [11:08 SLT] Yann Dufaux: Jack, i have the question a owner of region can make an pg region in Adult sim, or its blicked?
  • [11:08 SLT] samatha Congrejo: Cyn said tat thy consulted with major content providers that woudl be most effected
  • [11:09 SLT] Yann Dufaux: blocked*
  • [11:09 SLT] Ciaran Laval: good luck with that even, 16m parcels don't get a response
  • [11:09 SLT] Bushido Contepomi: Yes, I am curious about the "Brown Bag" Discussions as well Jack. When were they held? And by Whom?
  • [11:09 SLT] samatha Congrejo: none of us know of anyone effect that was consulted
  • [11:09 SLT] Jack Linden: XLR, you could file a support ticket if the parcel is in the middle of your land and you think the owner is absent.. the team will then look into it
  • [11:09 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: its weedy and he wont listen
  • [11:10 SLT] Jack Linden: Marianne.. yeah it won't be an empty field, but we haven't set a design yet
  • [11:10 SLT] Marianne McCann: Okay. Is that timeline correct? A week or two away?
  • [11:10 SLT] Jack Linden: Yann, I believe the owner can set the region setting, yes
  • [11:10 SLT] Jack Linden: Samantha, are you talking about the Adult continent stuff?
  • [11:11 SLT] samatha Congrejo: yes
  • [11:11 SLT] Jack Linden: You'd need to ask that team for details, my area was just the Land itself and some of the migration and customer relations parts
  • [11:11 SLT] Jack Linden: I don't know who they spoke with
  • [11:11 SLT] Yann Dufaux: Jack, the Adult contenu is style censured for other pg region or?
  • [11:11 SLT] Ciaran Laval: Customer relations? Jack Jack Jack that's spin territory ;)
  • [11:12 SLT] xstorm Radek: there will be a big problem with the Adult sims
  • [11:12 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Re: Brown bags, I don't wish to blow my own horn but I think I own more mainland than anyone else and yet somehow I wasn't invited. It's kinda insulting
  • [11:12 SLT] Jack Linden: Bushido.. the team running that project set up some brown bag meetings.. I was asked to attend the Land one
  • [11:12 SLT] Indigo Mertel: Xlr, Weedy's group don't sell their land. Wht you could do is offering a land swap
  • [11:12 SLT] Bushido Contepomi: If you are going to be relocating my Group, and the Land, would it not be you that we speak with Jack?
  • [11:12 SLT] Jack Linden: Yann, not sure what you mean by style censured?
  • [11:12 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: thanks Indigo
  • [11:12 SLT] xstorm Radek: people can fly in to sims at 1000 up and get past any sim ban
  • [11:12 SLT] Jack Linden: Ciaran! you're right! I mean t support. :)
  • [11:12 SLT] Del Peccable accepted your inventory offer.
  • [11:12 SLT] Yann Dufaux: censuré, in french, blocked* sorry :)
  • [11:12 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: I dont trust him
  • [11:13 SLT] Melodie Darwin: Jack I have a 3 week old ticket regarding an absent micro owner. How long should a response to getting micros relocated take?
  • [11:13 SLT] Yann Dufaux: i take my first coffee :P
  • [11:13 SLT] xstorm Radek: so trying to set a age ver ban system will not work
  • [11:13 SLT] Jack Linden: the adult continent is blocked yes. it will open for people to see closer to the launch date i expect
  • [11:13 SLT] Yann Dufaux: oh nice!! :)
  • [11:13 SLT] Yann Dufaux: great move :)
  • [11:13 SLT] Qie Niangao: (can Adult sims ever be adjacent non-Adult sims?)
  • [11:14 SLT] xstorm Radek: will the new sim be setup better Jack ?
  • [11:14 SLT] Jack Linden: Melodie.. it varies.. some cases are really complex to dig through the details
  • [11:14 SLT] Ciaran Laval: xstorm you won't be able to get there to fly at 1000 in the adult continent or adult flagged sims
  • [11:14 SLT] Jack Linden: I'd hope you'd hear back within 7-10 days though
  • [11:14 SLT] Jack Linden: Qie.. very unlikely we'd ever allow that on the Mainland
  • [11:14 SLT] samatha Congrejo: Ok one for your area, can someone explain why sim performance, specifically draw and textures, changed when you moved us to the new network??
  • [11:15 SLT] Qie Niangao: i meant on Estates... to xstorm's "fly into banned sim" problem
  • [11:15 SLT] Yann Dufaux: do you change the rating for build too? or just for the region?
  • [11:15 SLT] xstorm Radek: the sims we have now we can not stop non age ver people from getting in them do to they fly over the 1000 m mark
  • [11:15 SLT] Jack Linden: Again Qie, not entirely my scope but my understanding is that it'll be up to the estate owners to flag by region. So their call probably
  • [11:15 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: Jack will (Mature) mainland sims be made (PG) ?
  • [11:16 SLT] xstorm Radek: we have been testing that about they can fly over even on a island
  • [11:16 SLT] Jack Linden: Samatha, i'm not aware of it getting worse *in general* if that's what you mean.
  • [11:16 SLT] Marianne McCann: Was wondering that too XLR8
  • [11:16 SLT] Melodie Darwin: Jack, will adult businesses be able to advertise on mature mainland? As search is filterable a roadside strip club ad is not.
  • [11:16 SLT] Jack Linden: Yann, for the region
  • [11:16 SLT] samatha Congrejo: I mean it is worse several of us have tested it
  • [11:16 SLT] Qie Niangao: oh, ok. thanks, Jack. (so xstorm's problem may persist with the Adult regions)
  • [11:16 SLT] xstorm Radek: i hope not
  • [11:16 SLT] samatha Congrejo: performance is down 1/2 to 2/3
  • [11:16 SLT] Yann Dufaux: okey
  • [11:16 SLT] samatha Congrejo: for draw and texture loading
  • [11:16 SLT] Dytska Vieria: Jack, I noticed one of the more notorious 4-corners 16's microextortionists abandoned their plots in one sim, but they still have plenty more in other sims. Was this just a fluke or are they taking their time? What is going on with the 'negotiations'?
  • [11:17 SLT] xstorm Radek: i wish not to see any adult adds in any other sims but Adult sims
  • [11:17 SLT] Ciaran Laval: Well mature won't be LL's definiton of PG, although it will be pretty close to other people's definition
  • [11:17 SLT] Jack Linden: XLR, we're not planning on changing PGs etc, but if there are obvious things we can do to make the divisions better we could look at that
  • [11:17 SLT] Fontte Newbold: My understanding from the blog posting was that Adult was for explicit material, PG was for "business" and muggle things, and Mature was everything else.
  • [11:17 SLT] Jack Linden: But we don;t plan to suddenly flip PGs to Mature or anything like that
  • [11:17 SLT] Fontte Newbold: Not a rating system I'm used to, but that's what seems to have been there.
  • [11:18 SLT] XLR8RRICK Hudson: I wouldnt mind going to (PG) from (Mature)
  • [11:18 SLT] Jack Linden: Dytska, it's a process yes.. it will take a while for those numbers to come down across the Mainland
  • [11:18 SLT] Jack Linden: But it has been going well
  • [11:18 SLT] Marianne McCann: Jack - if someone owned a full mainland parcel, could the rating be changed, PG to mature or vice versa?
  • [11:18 SLT] Ciaran Laval: PG is going G
  • [11:18 SLT] Fontte Newbold: It's still somewhat of a cop-out on the Mature definition, but at least we have a definition to go by now.
  • [11:18 SLT] Dytska Vieria: The movie rating scheme should just Go
  • [11:18 SLT] Latif Khalifa: Jack, with regards to your bot post, it would be a violation for a land owner to use bots to increase traffic numbers, but its ok to have camping chairs, lucky chairs, etc. so other users's bots can take advantage if it?
  • [11:18 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: And M is going slightly above G but way below PG
  • [11:19 SLT] Jack Linden: Marianne.. that depends - PG ones tend to be in sets, so we wouldn't want one Mature inthe middle of lots of PGs for example
  • [11:19 SLT] Jack Linden: But people are free to ask *grins*
  • [11:19 SLT] Fontte Newbold: (Welcome to the slippery slope of content policing. Pun intended.)
  • [11:19 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Oh wow Latif, that's a good question. Everyone will put out camping chairs now. Will they get punished if roaming camping bots use them?
  • [11:19 SLT] Ciaran Laval: I mean come on, references to social use of alcohol aren't allowd on PG now? That's absurd
  • [11:20 SLT] Yann Dufaux: its the probleme i see, you can set mature in pg, but not in inverse (pg) on mature
  • [11:20 SLT] Jack Linden: Latif, campers are a little different and if they are using an unfair amount of resource or causing problems we would deal with those too (we actually already do deal with those)
  • [11:20 SLT] xstorm Radek: Jack you have some Mature sims in the middle of a bunch of pg sims now
  • [11:20 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: No-one can watch dumbo get drunk and see pink elephants on a PG sim
  • [11:20 SLT] Dytska Vieria: hehe
  • [11:20 SLT] Fontte Newbold: Let the euphemisms begin!
  • [11:20 SLT] Latif Khalifa: according to jack's blog post its only a violation for a land owner to use bots, other people using bots to camp and collect money seems ok by this new policy
  • [11:20 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Latif: How can they possibly know who "owns" the bots anyway?
  • [11:21 SLT] Latif Khalifa: is it only me that thinks this is a bit silkly?
  • [11:21 SLT] Latif Khalifa: silly even
  • [11:21 SLT] Jack Linden: If people do decide to try to get around the policy then they risk us zeroing their search ranking, I would hope people would understand that we would see through it
  • [11:21 SLT] Ciaran Laval: When is a traffic bot not a traffic bot is the important question
  • [11:21 SLT] xstorm Radek: show me the BOT's i will AR them
  • [11:21 SLT] Marianne McCann: Latif - that is going t be a concern. If someone has 10 camping chairs and a stack of someone else's bots come to "gold farm".. who is in violaton?
  • [11:21 SLT] samatha Congrejo: We would be happy to show you the data on the drop in draw and texture performance if you wish and it might interest you the sim we are standing in does nto ahve the same drop in performance and it is on a seperate thrid party provider
  • [11:21 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: OK, great xstorm, you just got a b unch of freebie accounts banned. Ten minutes later there will be a thousand more
  • [11:21 SLT] Jack Linden: Marianne.. there are chairs that ask questions of the sitter.. those would be much better if they want to avoid bots
  • [11:22 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: jack I have a question, its a simple one. Why should I keep paying tier?
  • [11:22 SLT] xstorm Radek: yes
  • [11:22 SLT] Jack Linden: Ewan, what do you mean?
  • [11:22 SLT] Fontte Newbold: Except for the fact you can easily automate through captchas with enough technical skill.
  • [11:22 SLT] Latif Khalifa: yeah, that's the problem when you say one way to increase traffic is illegal (own bots) and another (camp chairs -- other peoples bots() is ok
  • [11:22 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Jack: So your feeling right now is that the land owner is in violation for not protecting himself against bots?
  • [11:22 SLT] xstorm Radek: Ewan give up your land and you do not need to pay
  • [11:23 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: well you alluded to price caps and anti-land trader measures in your brown bag that no signifficant (amount of) mainland holders were invited to
  • [11:23 SLT] Jack Linden: Fontte, nevertheless, if you zip up search and we see that it isn't genuine traffic, we'll still take action
  • [11:23 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Ewan 3/sqm and I can save you from your tier right away
  • [11:23 SLT] Lindsyluvly Cuttita: How does LL Plan on compensating unpaid Alt's that have invested in there gorgeous appearances Jack? Are we considered "Bot's" now?
  • [11:23 SLT] Ewan Mureaux sends tanath out to buy at 2.7 win!
  • [11:23 SLT] Latif Khalifa: Jack, so you will ask people who have 20 camp chairs to remove them, bots or no bots?
  • [11:24 SLT] Ciaran Laval: They already do that on mainland at times Latif
  • [11:24 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: so it seems like you dont want us selling land
  • [11:24 SLT] Youri Ashton: friendly greetings!
  • [11:24 SLT] Fontte Newbold: Hm. Not sure if we can assume resident policing is /that/ good, but then, I don't see the support queue.
  • [11:24 SLT] Fontte Newbold: So I buy that.
  • [11:24 SLT] Jack Linden: Lindsyluvly, not sure i understand. If you're an active resident then you're not a bot.
  • [11:24 SLT] Fontte Newbold: I
  • [11:24 SLT] Lindsyluvly Cuttita: Thank-you Jack;)
  • [11:24 SLT] Latif Khalifa: Ciaran, private estates increase their traffic in the same way
  • [11:24 SLT] Fontte Newbold: Err... I
  • [11:24 SLT] Fontte Newbold: Gah.
  • [11:24 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: and on top of that I've lost out on 150000m ish of sales because of this uncertainty with teh AO stuff
  • [11:24 SLT] Jack Linden: Latif, we already do that wherever it's a problem
  • [11:24 SLT] Fontte Newbold: I love my keyboard sometimes. :)
  • [11:25 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: and last night had a deal to buy pulled because of the ao stuff and just not knowing
  • [11:25 SLT] Fontte Newbold: I'm still for removing the incentives to traffic bot in the first place, since that removes the problem at its source.
  • [11:25 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Agreed Ewan, this and the stupid OpenSpace price increase in June is making me too nervous to buy or sell anything
  • [11:25 SLT] Ciaran Laval: I know Latif, that's why I mentioned mainland ;)
  • [11:25 SLT] Fontte Newbold: The rest of this is basically playing around the problem instead of tackling it directly.
  • [11:25 SLT] Jack Linden: Ewan, what exactly is the uncertainty?
  • [11:26 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: So wait, Jack, you specifically mentioned mainland. Are estate parcels free to traffic bot as much as they wish?
  • [11:26 SLT] Jack Linden: no, as the blog stays, this applies to both
  • [11:26 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: Jack would you into a house that was going to be demolished in 6-8 weeks
  • [11:26 SLT] Fontte Newbold: Granted, there's always incentive to bot in situations like these, but regarding the direct problem of traffic, we could just use a better system.
  • [11:26 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: move*
  • [11:26 SLT] Jack Linden: (assuming you're talking about Bot use to drive search)
  • [11:26 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Come on Jack. Who the hell knows how the market will react to this stuff. Prices could collapse or rise in a massive bubble. SL could become a ghost town or be ffilled with 12 year old girls. It's uncertainty
  • [11:27 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: people want to expand their land holdings dont want to build now and be shifted again in 2 months
  • [11:27 SLT] Bushido Contepomi: Ewan: I disagree
  • [11:27 SLT] Jack Linden: Elanthius.. based on previois history, every single time we have pushed a development like this out the secondary market afterwards has been very lucrative. We watch that data very carefully.
  • [11:27 SLT] Ciaran Laval: 13 year old girls maybe Elan, 13 seems to be the age they're allowed to target, there's no other logical explanation for making a whole island flag as adult for partial content unless the kids are coming to town
  • [11:28 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: oh and ccan we talk about when you said "if people dont want to move they can just sell their land, their is a healthy market" you said that in teh brown bag. If the market was healthy you would be pumping out mainland sims and you havent for a year
  • [11:28 SLT] Jack Linden: This one is different, due to the Adult designation of course.. but it's also a very atrractive area
  • [11:28 SLT] samatha Congrejo: Jack are you interested in teh drop in draw and texture performance or was this planned on the new Network??
  • [11:28 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Jack: Oh yeah! Agreed, this thing is gonna be crazy. L$100/sqm or more for adult stuff is not out of the realm of imagination. But, on the other hand, no-one knows how much you'll print so I could end up buying high at the start only to find an unstoppable flood of land that destroys the land market everywhere, estates included
  • [11:28 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: why not talk to me, timo and elanthius, we sell way more mainland than you do
  • [11:29 SLT] xstorm Radek: if people do not wish to have any sim or land then rent it or get off SL
  • [11:29 SLT] Jack Linden: Ewan, if you need to sell your land rather than abandon it.. you can do that. many parcels transact every day.
  • [11:29 SLT] Bushido Contepomi: I don't like dealing with Micro parcel traders (not my cup of tea)
  • [11:30 SLT] xstorm Radek: sell it for 1 L
  • [11:30 SLT] xstorm Radek: *GIGGLES* :)Elanthius Flagstaff 20:00, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
  • [11:30 SLT] Timo Daehlie: its landflipping among land barons Jack .. hardly end buyers ..
  • [11:30 SLT] Jack Linden: Samatha, as i said before, i'm not aware of any drop like that but engineering would be more likely to be aware of that if it were the case. But I haven't heard anyone mention that
  • [11:30 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: OK, actually, I have a serious question that isn't just whining. In the land audio thingy I thought I heard someone say that we could claim for adult land and get given it for free AND choose to keep our existing land on mainland. Seriously?
  • [11:30 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: and you're saying on one hand teh market is healthy but oin the other its not quite healthy enough for you to release new regions
  • [11:30 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: did mainland have a stroke and only one side is affected or what?
  • [11:30 SLT] samatha Congrejo: read Conceirge we have many of us talked aobut it
  • [11:30 SLT] xstorm Radek: NO NEW MAINLAND
  • [11:31 SLT] Dytska Vieria: Samatha, is there a Jira #?
  • [11:31 SLT] samatha Congrejo: yes on the textures
  • [11:31 SLT] Uni Ninetails: Hazard a guess there starting to throttle network traffic more to save $$$
  • [11:31 SLT] Jack Linden: Elanthius, we'll 'print' as much as the migration needs and then auction the rest after that first period. I think we currently have about 50 regions total that will be available. The continent itself is obviously bigger so that it can expand
  • [11:31 SLT] Qie Niangao: and Samatha, do we know if the asset servers are on llnet yet or not?
  • [11:31 SLT] samatha Congrejo: yes that is our suspisious as well
  • [11:31 SLT] Jack Linden: But we're not going to hurl hundreds of regions out
  • [11:31 SLT] Latif Khalifa: my sim is surrounded by 3 sims that are pretty much all for sale... adding new mainland would be suicidal... with the adult continent and all
  • [11:31 SLT] xstorm Radek: buy a island
  • [11:32 SLT] xstorm Radek: and stop bothering others
  • [11:32 SLT] samatha Congrejo: interestingly this sim is not seeing the same drop and it is with a different thrid party provider
  • [11:32 SLT] Uni Ninetails: ((As ive seen professionally more and more throttling is happening in the UK due to tight arsed Isp's and network providers)
  • [11:32 SLT] Jack Linden: Uni, no we'r not throttling
  • [11:32 SLT] samatha Congrejo: only thing that changed wehn the drop occured was the network move
  • [11:33 SLT] Jack Linden: samatha, 3rd party provider?
  • [11:33 SLT] samatha Congrejo: yes hun your sim ehre is hosted in texas
  • [11:33 SLT] Youri Ashton: wouldnt be suicidal at all, even better, show that there is more land for sale and prices will drop. which makes people buy land sooner and so will the economics of SL go up
  • [11:33 SLT] samatha Congrejo: through a third party provider
  • [11:33 SLT] Jack Linden: Ah you mean the colo. gotcha
  • [11:33 SLT] samatha Congrejo: so is mine and many others
  • [11:33 SLT] Dytska Vieria: I noticed a *slight* performance increase in Pending Downloads after the network change during rezzer tests.
  • [11:33 SLT] Youri Ashton: with that knowlage you can imagen that more people have jobs and sales for that matter which increase economics further
  • [11:33 SLT] xstorm Radek: eeepppp thats the texas car man *GIGGLES* :)Elanthius Flagstaff 20:00, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
  • [11:34 SLT] Uni Ninetails: lol
  • [11:34 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: the land being cheaper more people having it is nonsense because all the existing owners get screwed
  • [11:34 SLT] Ciaran Laval: Youri falling land prices generally aren't a sign of a healthy market
  • [11:34 SLT] Susie Chaffe: who can request a swap to the adult continent....only adult content providers ?
  • [11:35 SLT] Jack Linden: which falling land prices are those Ciaran.. Mainland prices are very stable and have been for months now
  • [11:35 SLT] xstorm Radek: when people rent land from others you can get the shaft
  • [11:35 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Susie: Yeah, seriously. Because I'd really just like to swap out about 20 sims worth right now. Everyone else can squabble over the remaining 30
  • [11:35 SLT] Youri Ashton: not for those that need to sell it, but for the people that need land or want to get land, it will be. besides that, people need buildings for example, furniture etc. those markets will go up in demand
  • [11:35 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: my underlying business is pg but one renter does porno stuff - do i get a swap for that parcel or am I outta luck?
  • [11:35 SLT] Youri Ashton: more land = better market
  • [11:36 SLT] Bushido Contepomi: Jack: What is the current Land Sale average stat's?
  • [11:36 SLT] Jack Linden: Ewan, again - that is rally something you'd need to talk to the team doing that project
  • [11:36 SLT] Jack Linden: *really
  • [11:36 SLT] xstorm Radek: More Land = Market crash !
  • [11:36 SLT] Bushido Contepomi: *price ?
  • [11:36 SLT] Ciaran Laval: jack, Youri wants land to be cheaper, I was pointing out that if land prices fall that generally doesn't indicate a healthy market
  • [11:36 SLT] Jack Linden: let me check yesterdays prices..
  • [11:36 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: Youri more land != better as a fair percentage of teh existing land is dfor sale
  • [11:36 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Ewan: How will they even know the land is rented? Surely they'll have to move you.
  • [11:36 SLT] Youri Ashton: more market cash = healthier economics for all
  • [11:37 SLT] Timo Daehlie: 4.53 L$m2
  • [11:37 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: The land market is stable right now as the number of sims on the grid has been falling. If LL prints up another 3 or 400 sims we'll see big price swings
  • [11:37 SLT] Dytska Vieria: I think if tier prices were lowered that land market would go up.
  • [11:37 SLT] xstorm Radek: Market crash = no companys will stay
  • [11:37 SLT] Bushido Contepomi: Ah, not bad at all then (cool:)
  • [11:37 SLT] Youri Ashton: where do you think shops need to go? or richer people that can afford land for that matter? can't just stack them ontop of eachother like dirty clothes that needs to be washed
  • [11:37 SLT] Ciaran Laval: Tier prices Dytska, for sure
  • [11:37 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: But when I apply to havbe that parcel moved to keep my renter if they check me out they might be like "dude you sell land no way are you getting a swap" without looking at the content on teh parcel. i mean they need to look at the parcel and not the person requesting
  • [11:38 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Ewan: Transfer the group ownership to an alt <G>
  • [11:38 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: :D
  • [11:38 SLT] Youri Ashton: i dont mean to offend anyone with that ofcourse, but its a matter of speach
  • [11:38 SLT] xstorm Radek: the coke company has left SL do to the market
  • [11:39 SLT] xstorm Radek: so will other companys
  • [11:39 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Yeah, I heard Coca Cola are really concerned about SL land prices.
  • [11:39 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: ok so we're getting stability after you went on a mission to crash prices last year woot!
  • [11:39 SLT] Fontte Newbold: Honestly, most of the companies that were just in it for marketing have left already.
  • [11:39 SLT] Bushido Contepomi: Do you work for Coke Elanthanius, and xstorm?
  • [11:39 SLT] Jack Linden: for individual Buys it was L$6.2 on the 17th, the highest for a while, but is back to the normal L$5.5 now
  • [11:40 SLT] Jack Linden: for Group buys, it's around L$1 below that figure on average
  • [11:40 SLT] Bushido Contepomi: Thank-you Jack
  • [11:40 SLT] Qie Niangao: Bushido: I work for food, so I'm cheaper. :p
  • [11:40 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: and bot buys below :D
  • [11:40 SLT] Equinox Pinion: guesss these are mainland prices jack :)
  • [11:40 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: I won't pay anything over 0.5/sq,
  • [11:40 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: sqm
  • [11:40 SLT] Jack Linden: Yes Equinox
  • [11:40 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: your bot pays more than you do in person!
  • [11:40 SLT] Indigo Mertel: is the average land price pubblished anywhere?
  • [11:40 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Heh
  • [11:40 SLT] Yann Dufaux: .5/dq, in mainland?
  • [11:41 SLT] Yann Dufaux: sq*
  • [11:41 SLT] Jack Linden: Estate ones are a bit meaningless (though we do measure them) because they sell a lot for zero
  • [11:41 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Yann, it was a joke
  • [11:41 SLT] Marianne McCann: Qie - you get food? Lucky
  • [11:41 SLT] Yann Dufaux: LOL ^^
  • [11:41 SLT] Dennis Lagan: do you have numbers of estate land average price jack? ofcourse per prim, not per sq m, that would be useless, and homesteads, openspaces and full sims separated
  • [11:41 SLT] Jack Linden: Indigo, we hope to soon.. we're going to put more land data out there soon
  • [11:41 SLT] Indigo Mertel: thanks
  • [11:41 SLT] xstorm Radek: there i just paid for your AV Elanthius
  • [11:41 SLT] Equinox Pinion: you said end of April check :)
  • [11:41 SLT] Yann Dufaux: Marianne: i try to find a 512sqm, but i have difficulty :p
  • [11:41 SLT] xstorm Radek: *GIGGLES* :)Elanthius Flagstaff 20:00, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
  • [11:42 SLT] samatha Congrejo: Jank woudld you like a suggestion how to stop a lot of the land transfer problems??
  • [11:42 SLT] Jack Linden: we have that Dennis, yes, but i don't have all that to hand..
  • [11:42 SLT] Marianne McCann grins
  • [11:42 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Yann, I'd be prepared to bet there are over 10,000 512sqm parcels for sale right now. How can you be struggling to find one?
  • [11:42 SLT] Jack Linden: private estate Buys are averaging L$2.1 per meter right now
  • [11:42 SLT] Dennis Lagan: ok
  • [11:42 SLT] Jack Linden: median is about L$1.9
  • [11:43 SLT] xstorm Radek: 3.01
  • [11:43 SLT] Qie Niangao: oh, by the way, Jack: kudos on the blog mention of increased web-based land transfers, resident auctions, etc. That's a move in the right direction.
  • [11:43 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Yeah, come on guys, I don't think we care what the average price for land on estates is
  • [11:43 SLT] Jack Linden: Samatha.. suggestions always welcomed!
  • [11:43 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: so whats the total mainland average?
  • [11:43 SLT] Equinox Pinion: hmmmmm....i really doubt that data jack
  • [11:43 SLT] samatha Congrejo: Problem right now is two people put ina ticket and either one can cancel before the transfer...this makes for a lot of problems....
  • [11:43 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: not split group/individual
  • [11:43 SLT] samatha Congrejo: When both the seller and buyer have put in a ticket, it is a contract......
  • [11:43 SLT] Jack Linden: Thanks Qie. We've big plans for that side of things in 09
  • [11:43 SLT] samatha Congrejo: the moeny should leave the buyers account and be in trust till the transfer is done and no one should be able to cancel
  • [11:44 SLT] xstorm Radek: last year i sold a 512SQM for 2,000. L
  • [11:44 SLT] Jack Linden: Let me see.. All Mainland, individuals and groups, is averaging about L$5.1
  • [11:44 SLT] samatha Congrejo: too many deals get cancelled when someone else rushes in and offer 20 dollars more after you worked twod ays to do a deal
  • [11:44 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: ok and you say health market is L$6-8
  • [11:44 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: 5.1 seems pretty plausible
  • [11:44 SLT] Jack Linden: all of those exclude outliers, zero values, auctions and gov linden land
  • [11:44 SLT] samatha Congrejo: and if the seller cancels the buyer does nto find out for days
  • [11:45 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: so you see there my issue with you claiming the market is healthy
  • [11:45 SLT] xstorm Radek: the best price i ever got for a 512 sqm was 10,000.
  • [11:45 SLT] Jack Linden: Ewan, yeah we'd like to level to be between L$6 and L$8 ideally. It's been around L$6 for a while now but tend to be below it more often than above
  • [11:45 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: 5 isnt around 6 though
  • [11:45 SLT] Youri Ashton: what is the problem with making it even better ewan?
  • [11:46 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: thats $250 a sim less
  • [11:46 SLT] Youri Ashton: the better it gets, the more you will sell aswell
  • [11:46 SLT] Bushido Contepomi: Reality Check: We are in a global recession?
  • [11:46 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Hahaha, that spicy ninja chicks group bought land off me for L$20/sqm
  • [11:46 SLT] Jack Linden: no, i mean.. we like the individual avg to be there. and that has been above L$6 often recently but not all the time
  • [11:46 SLT] Melodie Darwin: Jack, my 3 week old ticket regarding an absent micro owner just became closed with no comment, no assistance. How does that help anything?
  • [11:46 SLT] Youri Ashton: sure, its indirect and probably wont be direct, but isnt it good to give everyone a boost instead just you?
  • [11:47 SLT] Youri Ashton: or any other land seller for that matter?
  • [11:47 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: isthere a special cheat code for that elanthius? cross triangle square or something
  • [11:47 SLT] Jack Linden: Melodie.. I really can't address individual cases in my office hours... i'm sure you can understand that.. so you'll need to talk to support
  • [11:47 SLT] Youri Ashton: SL is a community, we all need to think about eachother instead of our selfish own needs like in a single player game
  • [11:48 SLT] xstorm Radek: i got to see one person try to sale there sim for 100,000 L and the lost it do to no one wish to buy it now its a LL land to sale *GIGGLES* :)Elanthius Flagstaff 20:00, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
  • [11:48 SLT] Kira Welty: Why is Ursula themed futuristic?
  • [11:48 SLT] Youri Ashton: if anyone doesnt understand that, then i personnally dont see why that person should be in SL in the first place. you can not espect that everything is about you in SL
  • [11:48 SLT] samatha Congrejo: Jakc we will be happy to provide you with the performance data anytime you like
  • [11:49 SLT] Jack Linden: Kira, it's only a little futuristic.. it's not sci-fi as such.
  • [11:49 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Yeah why is Ursula futuristic? That just makes it harder for existing clubs to move there. Those Goreans won't like it at all
  • [11:49 SLT] Youri Ashton: i have a feeling this might upset a few of you, but think about it
  • [11:49 SLT] Jack Linden: We just wanted to do something a little different
  • [11:49 SLT] Kira Welty: It doesn't exactly allow for Goth to fit in very weel or medieval
  • [11:49 SLT] Uni Ninetails: Back to the future part 4 : Goreans in space?
  • [11:49 SLT] Jack Linden: and that is only in the city area. .there is lots of rural land too
  • [11:49 SLT] Dennis Lagan: lol
  • [11:49 SLT] Jack Linden: where there is no real theme
  • [11:49 SLT] xstorm Radek: NO NO NO
  • [11:49 SLT] Youri Ashton: the truth is hard, but it can set you free aswell. and in this case even make you richer then you are right now
  • [11:49 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: still say the city should be called "Naughtylust"
  • [11:49 SLT] Qie Niangao: I think the Moles got into the S&M spirit of the place, putting the roads on the sim edges. :p
  • [11:50 SLT] xstorm Radek: to much Gorean shit now in SL
  • [11:50 SLT] Susie Chaffe: lol Qie.....
  • [11:50 SLT] Dennis Lagan: nono, Naughtilius
  • [11:50 SLT] Youri Ashton: goreans hate space :p
  • [11:50 SLT] Dennis Lagan: Naughtilus even
  • [11:50 SLT] Driftwood Miles: LOL Ewan
  • [11:50 SLT] Uni Ninetails: hehehe
  • [11:50 SLT] Equinox Pinion: lol
  • [11:50 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: the great sperm-faring nation
  • [11:50 SLT] Youri Ashton: goreans usually keep it to ancient and fantasy things
  • [11:50 SLT] Marianne McCann: Me, I feel sorry f'r anyone named Ursula.
  • [11:50 SLT] xstorm Radek: like i say shit
  • [11:51 SLT] Dytska Vieria: me too.
  • [11:51 SLT] Uni Ninetails: Lots more glow please :) *jokes
  • [11:51 SLT] Youri Ashton: i never in my SL life seen any gorean do anything in space or sci-fi
  • [11:51 SLT] Ciaran Laval: Gor is sc-fi
  • [11:51 SLT] Jack Linden: ursula was just the project name.. we'll have proper names for the continent and city
  • [11:51 SLT] Uni Ninetails: They have those flying chiken things dont they?
  • [11:51 SLT] Uni Ninetails: *chicken
  • [11:51 SLT] Youri Ashton: ciaran: shhh, we know that, but tell that to them and they will hate you for the rest of your life :p
  • [11:51 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: can you have a suggestion box and vote and promise to use whatever we pick?
  • [11:51 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Don't they have lizard kings from space or something?
  • [11:52 SLT] Ciaran Laval: lol
  • [11:52 SLT] Youri Ashton: thats a really sensitive subject for them :p
  • [11:52 SLT] xstorm Radek: Gor is from a fake low grade Book that was not based on any thing real at all
  • [11:52 SLT] Kira Welty: Will the land definition changes be posted at login?
  • [11:52 SLT] Qie Niangao: elanthius: giant golden insects from space, actually.
  • [11:52 SLT] Jack Linden: Ewan.. ha, we should have asked for suggestions but as it is, we've decided internally
  • [11:52 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Well, spill the beans man! What is the name?
  • [11:52 SLT] Jack Linden: I can only imagine what the suggestions would have been though hehe
  • [11:52 SLT] samatha Congrejo: OK can you explain how Lindens will handle swapping land say someone ahs a valuable waterfront parcel , will they get the same quality locaiton on the new adult contient??
  • [11:53 SLT] Uni Ninetails: Wangville?
  • [11:53 SLT] Jack Linden: Samatha.. they will be able to go pick
  • [11:53 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: You get to choose the parcel you want to move to.
  • [11:53 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: "Shaftesbury"
  • [11:53 SLT] Marianne McCann: Erectic Avenue
  • [11:53 SLT] Youri Ashton: ow jack, think it might be a nice question to ask you. I heared from several other lindens that LL is thinking about doubling the SIM size. what is your opinion on this and is there really anything going on in this?
  • [11:53 SLT] Uni Ninetails: Shaftesbury Commons
  • [11:53 SLT] Susie Chaffe: thank your asking that samantha....
  • [11:53 SLT] Jack Linden: I thought calipornia was the best i'd seen suggested
  • [11:53 SLT] samatha Congrejo: going and pciking is not the same as the parcel you worked and watched for three months to get and nwo your told oyu ahve to move
  • [11:53 SLT] Latif Khalifa: lol
  • [11:53 SLT] xstorm Radek: well just think when they add the Teen grid in with us
  • [11:53 SLT] Bushido Contepomi: I protest the slander of our community members creativity.
  • [11:53 SLT] Kyrion Yalin: gor is not Science Fiction, it has been taken from a story of an english writer (john Norman) where women are slaves of men, but what is interesting men was slave of a kind of ant resident of the planet, without knowing it
  • [11:54 SLT] samatha Congrejo: you are forcing the move, do oyu not think you ahve a responsiblity to give them owners the equal value land??
  • [11:54 SLT] Youri Ashton: someone has mic on :p
  • [11:54 SLT] Jack Linden: Youri, we're certainly talking about things like that, about ways we can give more variety to the types of land
  • [11:54 SLT] Uni Ninetails: Equal or greater....
  • [11:54 SLT] samatha Congrejo: Right nwo your basically saying
  • [11:54 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: jack can we please get a promise of waterfront for waterfront?
  • [11:54 SLT] samatha Congrejo: first come first served
  • [11:54 SLT] Youri Ashton: that sounds great! could you explain a little bit more?
  • [11:55 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: that is key because i want to do naughty fishing
  • [11:55 SLT] Jack Linden: Samatha, as i said, the resident can pick so they can choose what they think is equal value
  • [11:55 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: When will the ticketing system open? Are you expecting the website to crash like it does when Madonna sells concert tickets?
  • [11:55 SLT] Equinox Pinion: will you talk with residents about that before you release a useless product like the openspaces again ?
  • [11:55 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Hey, I own two OpenSpaces, they're awesome
  • [11:55 SLT] samatha Congrejo: ok so you garentee enough water front with the same open oceans as they have now for all that have to move??
  • [11:55 SLT] Latif Khalifa: jack, what about people owning full mainland sims? would an "upgrade" to private estate be considered as an option?
  • [11:55 SLT] Jack Linden: haha elanthius, I think it'll be a few weeks yet before we get to that stage
  • [11:55 SLT] xstorm Radek: Jack i know what you can do send them to Korea 3 , 4 and 2
  • [11:56 SLT] Equinox Pinion: elanthius..you are prolly one our of 5 who owe them lol
  • [11:56 SLT] xstorm Radek: and the others to the cornfield
  • [11:56 SLT] Youri Ashton: Pulseburst, could you please close your mic?
  • [11:56 SLT] PulseBurst Flow: ok
  • [11:56 SLT] Kira Welty: Will the land definition changes be posted at login?
  • [11:56 SLT] Youri Ashton: thanks :p
  • [11:56 SLT] Jack Linden: Latif, sure.. we would consider that
  • [11:56 SLT] Bushido Contepomi: Once this one is over you will find other victoms for your insecurities.
  • [11:56 SLT] Jack Linden: they would have to pay island monthly fees though
  • [11:56 SLT] Latif Khalifa: Jack, understood
  • [11:56 SLT] Latif Khalifa: and fair
  • [11:57 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: i'll buy you an island if you give me your full mainland sim
  • [11:57 SLT] xstorm Radek: *GIGGLES* :)Elanthius Flagstaff 20:00, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
  • [11:57 SLT] Jack Linden: hehe Ewan
  • [11:57 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Wait, I can't work out if I want to swap all my estate sims for mainland or my mainland sims for estates...
  • [11:57 SLT] xstorm Radek: i known of two full mainland sims LL has up for sale
  • [11:58 SLT] samatha Congrejo: So who do we talk to aobut the ao and who was consulted and why none of us majors were??
  • [11:58 SLT] samatha Congrejo: because blondie ignores us in the forums
  • [11:58 SLT] Latif Khalifa is hoping if it comes to that lindens can do some magic and copy the full sim without us having to recreate 15k prims :D
  • [11:58 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: the brown bag sounded like staffers reading a script
  • [11:58 SLT] Susie Chaffe: when can we start submitting tickets to request a swap
  • [11:58 SLT] Jack Linden: Samatha, you could try asking in the forum thread
  • [11:58 SLT] Kira Welty: Will the maturity level changes to land be announced via the login notice?
  • [11:59 SLT] Jack Linden: Susie, we'll announce that well in advance
  • [11:59 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: The questions were suspiciously lame as well. Are you sure they weren't rigged like a George Bush press conference?
  • [11:59 SLT] Jack Linden: But it won't be for a while yet
  • [11:59 SLT] Susie Chaffe: thank you Jack
  • [11:59 SLT] samatha Congrejo: we have Blodie ignores any question that does not ask how and when and how do i do what you want
  • [11:59 SLT] Marianne McCann: Honest!
  • [11:59 SLT] Marianne McCann: Elanthius. I tried to give good questions, I did
  • [11:59 SLT] samatha Congrejo: i ahve asked specifically who was consulted and blondie ignores these questions
  • [11:59 SLT] xstorm Radek: *GIGGLES* :)Elanthius Flagstaff 20:00, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
  • [11:59 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Also, transcripts. Dagnabbit, please make transcripts
  • [11:59 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: And don't do any more meetings in voice, it's awful to listen to
  • [11:59 SLT] xstorm Radek: its ok Marianne
  • [11:59 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Click, pop, tap tap tap, mumble
  • [12:00 SLT] Qie Niangao: yes to the transcripts, and yes to no more voice meetings with large groups.
  • [12:00 SLT] xstorm Radek: *GIGGLES* :)Elanthius Flagstaff 20:00, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
  • [12:00 SLT] Ewan Mureaux: oh and teach that marty guy some stuff about SL™ too "by region you mean island?" sounded kinda dumb
  • [12:00 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: The Business owner one had actual sound effects from stupid gestures
  • [12:00 SLT] xstorm Radek: Qie you love it
  • [12:00 SLT] Marianne McCann: Ya, it was frustating Qie, esp. as we were under the belief the meetings would be mostly text
  • [12:00 SLT] Fontte Newbold: "SIM" (capitalized) is what gets me. :
  • [12:00 SLT] samatha Congrejo: yes and no identification of who were the business woners either
  • [12:01 SLT] samatha Congrejo: owners*
  • [12:01 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: No one calls estate sims islands anymore
  • [12:01 SLT] Fontte Newbold: Voice meetings don't scale too well unless one person's doing all the talking. So yeah, I agree.
  • [12:01 SLT] Jack Linden: okay guys, I have to run to more meetings. thank you all so much!
  • [12:01 SLT] Marianne McCann: See ya Jack!
  • [12:01 SLT] Youri Ashton: thank you for having me here Jack! I unfortnuantly have to go
  • [12:01 SLT] Ciaran Laval: Cheers Jack
  • [12:01 SLT] Qie Niangao: thanks, Jack!
  • [12:01 SLT] xstorm Radek: fly Jack
  • [12:01 SLT] Fontte Newbold: Have a good one Jack.
  • [12:01 SLT] xstorm Radek: bye Jack
  • [12:01 SLT] Marianne McCann: Off to the first life f'r me too
  • [12:01 SLT] Bushido Contepomi: Thank-you for this meeting Jack :-)
  • [12:01 SLT] Equinox Pinion: take care jack
  • [12:01 SLT] Marianne McCann: Bye Bye!!
  • [12:01 SLT] Jack Linden: have a great one, and a good weekend. same time next week?
  • [12:01 SLT] Elanthius Flagstaff: Cheers Jack
  • [12:01 SLT] Yann Dufaux: ok, have a nice day jack, thx for the anwser about AO mode :)
  • [12:01 SLT] Bushido Contepomi: Ciao for now folks!

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