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|func_desc=Shows a dialog box on {{LSLP|avatar}}'s screen with the text {{LSLP|message}}. It contains a text box for input, any text that is entered is [[llSay|said]] by {{LSLP|avatar}} on {{LSLP|channel}} when the "Submit" button is clicked.
|func_desc=Shows a dialog box on {{LSLP|avatar}}'s screen with the text {{LSLP|message}}. It contains a text box for input, any text that is entered is [[llSay|said]] by {{LSLP|avatar}} on {{LSLP|channel}} when the "Submit" button is clicked.
|caveats=* Not supported in official Linden Labs viewers prior to version 2.4, and some [[Third_Party_Viewer_Directory|TPVs]] may not support it. Unsupported viewers will display a dialog box with a single option of "!!llTextBox!!".
|caveats=* Not supported in official Linden Lab viewers prior to version 2.4, and some [[Third_Party_Viewer_Directory|TPVs]] may not support it. Unsupported viewers will display a dialog box with a single option of "!!llTextBox!!".
* There is no way by script to kill a text box.
* There is no way by script to kill a text box.
* There is no way for the script to detect if the user clicked the small "ignore" button (no chat is generated as a result of pressing this button).
* There is no way for the script to detect if the user clicked the small "ignore" button (no chat is generated as a result of pressing this button).

Revision as of 17:48, 14 August 2013


Function: llTextBox( key avatar, string message, integer channel );
1.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Shows a dialog box on avatar's screen with the text message. It contains a text box for input, any text that is entered is said by avatar on channel when the "Submit" button is clicked.

• key avatar avatar UUID that is in the same region
• string message message to be displayed in the text box
• integer channel output chat channel, any integer value
Channel Constant Description
DEBUG_CHANNEL 0x7FFFFFFF Chat channel reserved for script debugging and error messages, broadcasts to all nearby users.
PUBLIC_CHANNEL 0x0 Chat channel that broadcasts to all nearby users. This channel is sometimes referred to as: open chat, local chat and public chat.


  • This function causes the script to sleep for 1.0 seconds.
  • Not supported in official Linden Lab viewers prior to version 2.4, and some TPVs may not support it. Unsupported viewers will display a dialog box with a single option of "!!llTextBox!!".
  • There is no way by script to kill a text box.
  • There is no way for the script to detect if the user clicked the small "ignore" button (no chat is generated as a result of pressing this button).
  • If the listening prim is out of the 20 meter range of the sending prim when the "Submit" button is pressed, it will not be able to hear the response.
    • This limitation affects attachments too if the wearer moves more than 20 meters from where the listener is located.
  • The textbox input is limited to 250 bytes (characters). This can be a problem for larger text input; if the input can be over 250 characters, you will have to accept it through chat.

message limits

  • If it exceeds 7 (Viewer 3) or 8 (Viewer 1) lines a scroll bar will appear.
  • message must be less than 512 bytes and not empty. Otherwise, it will shout an error on DEBUG_CHANNEL. One easy way to create an empty message is to use a line feed, as in <lsl>llTextBox(avatar_key," \n",dialog_channel);</lsl>


<lsl> integer listener;

// this is a user-function, it doesn't have a return type remove_listener() {



default {

   touch_start(integer total_number)
       key id = llDetectedKey(0);
       integer randomChannel = ~(integer)llFrand(1000.0);
       listener = llListen(randomChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");
       llTextBox(id, "Some info text for the top of the window...", randomChannel);
   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
       // PUBLIC_CHANNEL has the integer value 0
       llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "You wrote: " + message);

} </lsl> If the user hits "Enter" before clicking the "Submit" button, there will be a final carriage return in the message. This code removes it. <lsl> integer listenHandle;

default {

   touch_start(integer num_detected)
       listenHandle = llListen(91, "", NULL_KEY, "");
       key id = llDetectedKey(0);
       llTextBox(id, "Type a message and click \"Submit\".", 91);
   listen (integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
       integer messageLength = llStringLength(message);
       string lastMessageCharacter = llGetSubString(message, messageLength - 1, messageLength - 1);
       if (lastMessageCharacter == llUnescapeURL("%0A"))
       //  Ignore final carriage return embedded in the message
           message = llGetSubString(message, 0, -2);
           llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Final carriage return removed.");
       llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, message);




Instead of mouse clicking: "Submit", you can use keyboard keys: press Tab ⇆ and then Enter ↵

See Also


•  listen


•  llDialog
•  llListen
•  llSay
•  llWhisper
•  llShout
•  llRegionSay

Deep Notes



viewer - indra/llcommon/lllslconstants.h <cpp>// llTextBox() magic token string - yes this is a hack. sue me. const std::string TEXTBOX_MAGIC_TOKEN = "!!llTextBox!!";</cpp>


  1. ^ Channel zero is also known as: PUBLIC_CHANNEL, open chat, local chat and public chat


function void llTextBox( key avatar, string message, integer channel );