Difference between revisions of "LlRezAtRoot"

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{{LSL DefineRow||[[llGetStartParameter]]|}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llGetStartParameter]]|}}
|also_events={{LSL DefineRow||[[object_rez]]|}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[object_rez]]|triggered when this object rezzes an object from inventory}}

Revision as of 19:53, 2 March 2007


Function: llRezAtRoot( string inventory, vector pos, vector vel, rotation rot, integer param );
0.1 Forced Delay
200.0 Energy

Instanciate inventory object at pos with velocity vel and rotation rot with start parameter param

• string inventory an object in the inventory of the prim this script is in
• vector pos position
• vector vel velocity
• rotation rot rotation
• integer param on_rez event parameter and value returned by llGetStartParameter.

Causes a hard delay based on the mass of the object rezzed.


  • This function causes the script to sleep for 0.1 seconds.
  • If inventory is missing from the prim's inventory or it is not an object then an error is shouted on DEBUG_CHANNEL.


See Also


•  object_rez triggered when this object rezzes an object from inventory


•  llRezObject
•  llGetStartParameter

Deep Notes


function void llRezAtRoot( string inventory, vector pos, vector vel, rotation rot, integer param );