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Function: llSetObjectDesc( string desc );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Sets the prims description

• string desc


  • The object description is limited to 127 bytes, any string longer then that will be truncated. This truncation does not always happen when the attribute is set or read.
  • According to VWR-437 if you set the description to longer then 256 bytes the object may no longer be rezzable. Use caution if using this field to store data.


//store the owner's name in the prim description
touch_start(integer total_number)
        string temp;

        temp = llKey2Name(llGetOwner());


See Also


•  llGetObjectDesc Returns the object description.
•  llGetObjectName Gets the object name.
•  llSetObjectName Sets the object name.


•  Prim Attribute Overloading

Deep Notes


function void llSetObjectDesc( string desc );