Difference between revisions of "LlStringTrim"

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(Fixing the example... it was trimming it twice with STRING_TRIM_HEAD and never with STRING_TRIM_TAIL.)
m (actually -> actual)
Line 80: Line 80:
*Introduced in 1.13.4
*Introduced in 1.13.4
Aside from spaces at the beginning and / or end, the actually string will be unaffected. This means too, though, that extraneous spaces within the string -- for instance, a mistaken double-space type -- will not be corrected.  
Aside from spaces at the beginning and / or end, the actual string will be unaffected. This means too, though, that extraneous spaces within the string -- for instance, a mistaken double-space type -- will not be corrected.  

The following will remove all double spaces and leading and trailing spaces.
The following will remove all double spaces and leading and trailing spaces.

Revision as of 11:05, 21 October 2010


Function: string llStringTrim( string src, integer type );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a string that is src with leading and/or trailing white space (spaces, tabs, and line feeds) trimmed from it.

• string src
• integer type STRING_TRIM* flag(s)

Constant Description
STRING_TRIM_HEAD 0x1 Trims spaces off the beginning.
STRING_TRIM_TAIL 0x2 Trims spaces off the end.
STRING_TRIM 0x3 Trims spaces off the beginning and end.


Whenever you are accepting unstructured input from a user -- whether via chat or via a notecard -- it is a good idea to always full trim it:

llStringTrim("User input", STRING_TRIM);

This example returns the number of leading and trailing spaces on a string (not particularly useful but shows how to use the function). <lsl> default {

       llListen(4, "", llGetOwner(), "");
   on_rez(integer a)
   listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg)
       //test for and remove wrapping single or double quotes
       if(~llSubStringIndex("'\"", llGetSubString(msg,0,0)))
           if(llGetSubString(msg,-1,-1) == llGetSubString(msg,0,0))
               msg = llDeleteSubString(msg, -1, 0);
       //track the length
       integer length = llStringLength(msg);
       //trim msg (not necessary to store these to variables but makes reading easier)
       string trim_left = llStringTrim(msg, STRING_TRIM_HEAD);
       string trim_right = llStringTrim(msg, STRING_TRIM_TAIL);
       string trim = llStringTrim(msg, STRING_TRIM);
       //output the results
       llOwnerSay("Initial length = " + (string)length +
                "\nLeading Spaces = " + (string)(length - llStringLength(trim_left))+
                "\nTrailing Spaces = " + (string)(length - llStringLength(trim_right))+
                "\nTrimmed Message = \"" + trim + "\"");




Aside from spaces at the beginning and / or end, the actual string will be unaffected. This means too, though, that extraneous spaces within the string -- for instance, a mistaken double-space type -- will not be corrected.

The following will remove all double spaces and leading and trailing spaces. <lsl>llDumpList2String(llParseString2List(src, [" "], []), " "); //works but can use a large quantity of memory</lsl>

Deep Notes


  • Introduced in 1.13.4


function string llStringTrim( string src, integer type );