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{{LSL Header | {{multi-lang|2=/zh-Hant}} | ||
{{LSL Header/zh-Hant}}{{LSLC|Keywords}}{{LSLC|Flow Control}}{{LSLC|||/zh-Hant}} | |||
{{hint | {{hint | ||
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Revision as of 15:57, 3 March 2009
![]() |
Important! Page is missing translations |
This page needs a translation to traditional Chinese. Please have a look at the related discussion page in case you'd like to help. |
This category contains built-in LSL functions.
All types in LSL are immutable (they can't be mutated by side effect), variables can only be changed by being overwritten. There is no way to indirectly modify a variable's value; the only way is through direct interaction with a storing operator (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ++, --).
- Built-in functions will never modify the variables used as parameters.
- User functions that change the values of parameters inside the function scope will not have those changes applied to the variables that supplied those parameters. [1]
Key | Description |
NEW | 最近才剛被新增進來的函式。 |
D | 雖然還可使用,但已過於老舊而不被建議使用的函式。 |
R | 已經被移除且無法再使用的函式。 |
U | 尚未實作完成的函式,無法被使用。 |
G | 此函式為 上帝模式時才可使用的函式,一般使用者無法使用。 |
- llAbs
- llAcos
- llAddToLandBanList
- llAddToLandPassList
- llAdjustDamage NEW
- llAdjustSoundVolume
- llAgentInExperience X I
- llAllowInventoryDrop
- llAngleBetween
- llApplyImpulse
- llApplyRotationalImpulse
- llAsin
- llAtan2
- llAttachToAvatar
- llAttachToAvatarTemp I
- llAvatarOnLinkSitTarget I
- llAvatarOnSitTarget
- llAxes2Rot
- llAxisAngle2Rot
- llBase64ToInteger
- llBase64ToString
- llBreakAllLinks
- llBreakLink
- llCastRay I
- llCeil
- llChar I
- llClearCameraParams
- llClearLinkMedia I
- llClearPrimMedia
llCloseRemoteDataChannelD -
llCloudD - llCollisionFilter
- llCollisionSound
- llCollisionSprite B
- llComputeHash NEW
- llCos
- llCreateCharacter I
- llCreateKeyValue X I
- llCreateLink
- llCSV2List
- llDamage NEW
- llDataSizeKeyValue X I
- llDeleteCharacter I
- llDeleteKeyValue X I
- llDeleteSubList
- llDeleteSubString
- llDerezObject NEW
- llDetachFromAvatar
- llDetectedDamage NEW
- llDetectedGrab
- llDetectedGroup
- llDetectedKey
- llDetectedLinkNumber
- llDetectedName
- llDetectedOwner
- llDetectedPos
- llDetectedRezzer NEW
- llDetectedRot
- llDetectedTouchBinormal
- llDetectedTouchFace
- llDetectedTouchNormal
- llDetectedTouchPos
- llDetectedTouchST
- llDetectedTouchUV
- llDetectedType
- llDetectedVel
- llDialog
- llDie
- llDumpList2String
- llEdgeOfWorld
- llEjectFromLand
- llEmail
- llEscapeURL
- llEuler2Rot
- llEvade I
- llExecCharacterCmd I
- llFabs
- llFindNotecardTextSync I NEW
- llFleeFrom I
- llFloor
- llForceMouselook
- llFrand
- llGenerateKey I
- llGetAccel
- llGetAgentInfo
- llGetAgentLanguage
- llGetAgentList I
- llGetAgentSize
- llGetAlpha
- llGetAndResetTime
- llGetAnimation
- llGetAnimationList
- llGetAnimationOverride I
- llGetAttached
- llGetAttachedList I
- llGetAttachedListFiltered I NEW
- llGetBoundingBox
- llGetCameraAspect NEW
- llGetCameraFOV NEW
- llGetCameraPos
- llGetCameraRot
- llGetCenterOfMass
- llGetClosestNavPoint I
- llGetColor
- llGetCreator
- llGetDate
- llGetDayLength I
- llGetDayOffset I
- llGetDisplayName
- llGetEnergy
- llGetEnv U
- llGetEnvironment I
- llGetExperienceDetails X I
- llGetExperienceErrorMessage X I
- llGetForce
- llGetFreeMemory
- llGetFreeURLs
- llGetGeometricCenter
- llGetGMTclock
- llGetHealth NEW
- llGetHTTPHeader
- llGetInventoryAcquireTime I
- llGetInventoryCreator
- llGetInventoryKey
- llGetInventoryName
- llGetInventoryDesc
- llGetInventoryNumber
- llGetInventoryPermMask
- llGetInventoryType
- llGetKey
- llGetLandOwnerAt
- llGetLinkKey
- llGetLinkMedia I
- llGetLinkName
- llGetLinkNumber
- llGetLinkNumberOfSides
- llGetLinkPrimitiveParams
- llGetLinkSitFlags NEW
- llGetListEntryType
- llGetListLength
- llGetLocalPos
- llGetLocalRot
- llGetMass
- llGetMassMKS I
- llGetMaxScaleFactor I
- llGetMemoryLimit I
- llGetMinScaleFactor I
- llGetMoonDirection I
- llGetMoonRotation I
- llGetNextEmail
- llGetNotecardLine
- llGetNotecardLineSync I NEW
- llGetNumberOfNotecardLines
- llGetNumberOfPrims
- llGetNumberOfSides
- llGetObjectAnimationNames
- llGetObjectDesc
- llGetObjectDetails U
- llGetObjectLinkKey
- llGetObjectMass
- llGetObjectName
- llGetObjectPermMask
- llGetObjectPrimCount
- llGetOmega
- llGetOwner
- llGetOwnerKey
- llGetParcelDetails
- llGetParcelFlags
- llGetParcelMaxPrims
- llGetParcelMusicURL I
- llGetParcelPrimCount
- llGetParcelPrimOwners
- llGetPermissions
- llGetPermissionsKey
- llGetPhysicsMaterial I
- llGetPos
- llGetPrimitiveParams
- llGetPrimMediaParams
- llGetRegionAgentCount
- llGetRegionCorner
- llGetRegionDayLength I
- llGetRegionDayOffset I
- llGetRegionFlags
- llGetRegionFPS
- llGetRegionMoonDirection I
- llGetRegionMoonRotation I
- llGetRegionName
- llGetRegionSunDirection I
- llGetRegionSunRotation I
- llGetRegionTimeDilation
- llGetRegionTimeOfDay
- llGetRenderMaterial NEW
- llGetRootPosition
- llGetRootRotation
- llGetRot
- llGetScale
- llGetScriptName
- llGetScriptState
- llGetSimStats I
- llGetSimulatorHostname
- llGetSPMaxMemory I
- llGetStartParameter
- llGetStartString NEW
- llGetStaticPath I
- llGetStatus
- llGetSubString
- llGetSunDirection I
- llGetSunRotation I
- llGetTexture
- llGetTextureOffset
- llGetTextureRot
- llGetTextureScale
- llGetTime
- llGetTimeOfDay
- llGetTimestamp
- llGetTorque
- llGetUnixTime
- llGetUsedMemory I
- llGetUsername
- llGetVel
- |llGetVisualParams I
- llGetWallclock
- llGiveAgentInventory NEW
- llGiveInventory
- llGiveInventoryList
- llGiveMoney
llGodLikeRezObjectG - llGround
- llGroundContour
- llGroundNormal
- llGroundRepel
- llGroundSlope
- llHash I
- llHMAC I
- llHTTPRequest
- llHTTPResponse
- llInsertString
- llInstantMessage
- llIntegerToBase64
- llIsFriend I NEW
- llJson2List I
- llJsonGetValue I
- llJsonSetValue I
- llJsonValueType I
- llKey2Name I
- llKeyCountKeyValue X I
- llKeysKeyValue X I
- llLinear2sRGB I
- llLinkAdjustSoundVolume I
- llLinkParticleSystem
- llLinkPlaySound I
- llLinksetDataAvailable I
- llLinksetDataCountFound I
- llLinksetDataCountKeys I
- llLinksetDataDelete I
- llLinksetDataDeleteFound I
- llLinksetDataDeleteProtected I
- llLinksetDataFindKeys I
- llLinksetDataListKeys I
- llLinksetDataRead I
- llLinksetDataReadProtected I
- llLinksetDataReset I
- llLinksetDataWrite I
- llLinksetDataWriteProtected I
- llLinkSetSoundQueueing I
- llLinkSetSoundRadius I
- llLinkSitTarget I
- llLinkStopSound I
- llList2CSV
- llList2Float
- llList2Integer
- llList2Json I
- llList2Key
- llList2List
- llList2ListSlice I
- llList2ListStrided
- llList2Rot
- llList2String
- llList2Vector
- llListen
- llListenControl
- llListenRemove
- llListFindList
- llListFindListNext I
- llListFindStrided I
- llListInsertList
- llListRandomize
- llListReplaceList
- llListSort
- llListSortStrided I
- llListStatistics
- llLoadURL
- llLog
- llLog10
- llLookAt
- llLoopSound
- llLoopSoundMaster
- llLoopSoundSlave
llMakeExplosionD -
llMakeFireD -
llMakeFountainD -
llMakeSmokeD - llManageEstateAccess I
- llMapBeacon I NEW
- llMapDestination
- llMD5String
- llMessageLinked
- llMinEventDelay
- llModifyLand
- llModPow
- llMoveToTarget
- llName2Key I
- llNavigateTo
- llOffsetTexture
llOpenFloaterLX I -
llOpenRemoteDataChannelD - llOrd I
- llOverMyLand
- llOwnerSay
- llParcelMediaCommandList
- llParcelMediaQuery
- llParseString2List
- llParseStringKeepNulls
- llParticleSystem
- llPassCollisions
- llPassTouches
- llPatrolPoints I
- llPlaySound
- llPlaySoundSlave
llPointAtR - llPow
- llPreloadSound
- llPursue I
- llPushObject
- llReadKeyValue X I
llRefreshPrimURLD - llRegionSay
- llRegionSayTo
llReleaseCameraD - llReleaseControls
- llReleaseURL
llRemoteDataReplyD -
llRemoteDataSetRegionD -
llRemoteLoadScriptR - llRemoteLoadScriptPin
- llRemoveFromLandBanList
- llRemoveFromLandPassList
- llRemoveInventory
- llRemoveVehicleFlags
- llReplaceAgentEnvironment I X
- llReplaceEnvironment I
- llReplaceSubString NEW I
- llRequestAgentData
- llRequestDisplayName
- llRequestExperiencePermissions X I
- llRequestInventoryData
- llRequestPermissions
- llRequestSecureURL
- llRequestSimulatorData
- llRequestURL
- llRequestUserKey I
- llRequestUsername
- llResetAnimationOverride I
- llResetLandBanList
- llResetLandPassList
- llResetOtherScript
- llResetScript
- llResetTime
- llReturnObjectsByID I
- llReturnObjectsByOwner I
- llRezAtRoot
- llRezObject
- llRezObjectWithParams I NEW
- llRot2Angle
- llRot2Axis
- llRot2Euler
- llRot2Fwd
- llRot2Left
- llRot2Up
- llRotateTexture
- llRotBetween
- llRotLookAt
- llRotTarget
- llRotTargetRemove
- llRound
- llSameGroup
- llSay
- llScaleByFactor I
- llScaleTexture
- llScriptDanger
- llScriptProfiler I
llSendRemoteDataD - llSensor
- llSensorRemove
- llSensorRepeat
- llSetAgentEnvironment I X
- llSetAgentRot I NEW
- llSetAlpha
- llSetAngularVelocity I
- llSetAnimationOverride I
- llSetBuoyancy
- llSetCameraAtOffset
- llSetCameraEyeOffset
- llSetCameraParams
- llSetClickAction
- llSetColor
- llSetContentType I
- llSetDamage U
- llSetEnvironment I
- llSetForce
- llSetForceAndTorque
- llSetGroundTexture NEW
- llSetHoverHeight
llSetInventoryPermMaskG - llSetKeyframedMotion I
- llSetLinkAlpha
- llSetLinkCamera I
- llSetLinkColor
- llSetLinkMedia I
- llSetLinkPrimitiveParams
- llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast
- llSetLinkRenderMaterial NEW
- llSetLinkSitFlags NEW
- llSetLinkTexture
- llSetLinkTextureAnim
- llSetLocalRot
- llSetMemoryLimit I
- llSetObjectDesc
- llSetObjectName
llSetObjectPermMaskG - llSetParcelMusicURL
- llSetPayPrice
- llSetPhysicsMaterial I
- llSetPos
- llSetPrimitiveParams
- llSetPrimMediaParams
llSetPrimURLD - llSetRegionPos I
- llSetRemoteScriptAccessPin
- llSetRenderMaterial NEW
- llSetRot
- llSetScale
- llSetScriptState
- llSetSitText
- llSetSoundQueueing
- llSetSoundRadius
- llSetStatus
- llSetText
- llSetTexture
- llSetTextureAnim
- llSetTimerEvent
- llSetTorque
- llSetTouchText
- llSetVehicleFlags
- llSetVehicleFloatParam
- llSetVehicleRotationParam
- llSetVehicleType
- llSetVehicleVectorParam
- llSetVelocity I
- llSHA1String
- llSHA256String I
- llShout
- llSignRSA I
- llSin
- llSitOnLink
- llSitTarget
- llSleep
llSoundD -
llSoundPreloadD - llSqrt
- llsRGB2Linear I
- llStartAnimation
- llStartObjectAnimation
- llStopAnimation
- llStopObjectAnimation
- llStopHover
- llStopLookAt
- llStopMoveToTarget
llStopPointAtR - llStopSound
- llStringLength
- llStringToBase64
- llStringTrim
- llSubStringIndex
llTakeCameraD - llTakeControls
- llTan
- llTarget
- llTargetedEmail I
- llTargetOmega
- llTargetRemove
- llTeleportAgent I
- llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords I
- llTeleportAgentHome
- llTextBox
- llToLower
- llToUpper
- llTransferLindenDollars I
- llTransferOwnership I NEW
- llTriggerSound
- llTriggerSoundLimited
- llUnescapeURL
- llUnSit
- llUpdateCharacter I
- llUpdateKeyValue X I
- llVecDist
- llVecMag
- llVecNorm
- llVerifyRSA I
- llVolumeDetect
- llWanderWithin I
- llWater
- llWhisper
- llWind
- llWorldPosToHUD NEW
- llXorBase64 I
llXorBase64StringsD -
- ^ Function parameters are effectively passed by value, not by reference. When pass by reference is used in LSO-LSL, the reference points to a copy of the value, not to the original.
Pages in category "LSL Functions/zh-Hant"
The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.