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{{LSL Header|ml=*}}{{LSLC|Keywords}}{{LSLC|Flow Control}}{{LSLC|}}{{Multi-lang|1=LSL Functions|2=/zh-Hant}}
{{LSL Header/zh-Hant}}{{LSLC|Keywords}}{{LSLC|Flow Control}}{{LSLC|||/zh-Hant}}

Revision as of 15:57, 3 March 2009

Emblem-important.png Important! Page is missing translations

This page needs a translation to traditional Chinese. Please have a look at the related discussion page in case you'd like to help.

This category contains built-in LSL functions.


All types in LSL are immutable (they can't be mutated by side effect), variables can only be changed by being overwritten. There is no way to indirectly modify a variable's value; the only way is through direct interaction with a storing operator (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ++, --).

  • Built-in functions will never modify the variables used as parameters.
  • User functions that change the values of parameters inside the function scope will not have those changes applied to the variables that supplied those parameters. [1]


Key Description
 NEW  最近才剛被新增進來的函式。
 D  雖然還可使用,但已過於老舊而不被建議使用的函式。
 R  已經被移除且無法再使用的函式。
 U  尚未實作完成的函式,無法被使用。
 G  此函式為 上帝模式時才可使用的函式,一般使用者無法使用。


  1. ^ Function parameters are effectively passed by value, not by reference. When pass by reference is used in LSO-LSL, the reference points to a copy of the value, not to the original.