Viewer 2 Microsoft Windows Builds

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Revision as of 06:51, 5 February 2011 by Boroondas Gupte (talk | contribs) (use <code /> (without single or double quotes) for filenames, directory names, pathes and inline command names)
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KBwarning.png Work in progress These instructions are not yet complete or debugged as of 18 April 2010.

When finished, we hope this page will constitute a complete recipe for compiling viewer 2 from source on a Windows machine.

Philosophy: to keep it brief, this page should only include steps we KNOW ARE NEEDED, not random hints. Extra details or open issues can go on the talk page.

KBnote.png Note: Following this recipe will probably take 6 to 12 hours of wall-clock time, and 2 to 6 hours of your time, if you're starting from a fresh Windows XP/Vista/7 system.

Establish your programming environment

This is needed for compiling any viewer based on the LL open source code, but only needs to be done once.

  • Install other development tools
    • UniCode NSIS(download Unicode NSIS)
      • This is the package installer used to build Setup.exe.
    • CMake (download CMake)
      • must be version 2.6.2 or higher (and ensure any older versions aren't in your PATH environment variables)
    • Cygwin (download Cygwin)
      • When you run the cygwin setup utility make sure you have selected to install patchutils, flex, and bison (all located under "devel") which are not part of the default install.
    • Python (download either Standard Python or ActivePython) Note: build scripts support Python 2.6, not 2.7 yet.
    • TortoiseHg (download TortoiseHg)
KBnote.png Note: If the installer for a particular package does not update your PATH environment setting you will have to do this manually.

Download and compile libraries that must be manually added to each LL source release

It is probably a good idea to build an empty directory tree for the files below and first copy the files there and once completed, copy the whole tree to the actual source folder. Then, if you obtain a new batch of source code, you can save some steps.

rem OLIBS.CMD to build a folder tree for 3rd party libraries and includes
  md olibs\linden\libraries\i686-win32\lib\release
  md olibs\linden\libraries\i686-win32\lib\debug
  md olibs\linden\libraries\i686-win32\include\GL
  md olibs\linden\libraries\i686-win32\include\quicktime
  md olibs\linden\indra\newview

VCS folder tree - for simplicity of copying files to your build folder


  • Download & install the Quicktime SDK for Windows (login may be necessary).
  • copy QuicktimeSDK\Libraries\QTMLClient.lib to olibs\linden\libraries\i686-win32\lib\release and to olibs\linden\libraries\i686-win32\lib\debug
  • Copy the contents of QuicktimeSDK\CIncludes into olibs\linden\libraries\i686-win32\include\quicktime.


  • Download & extract FMOD3.75 API for Windows. (later versions, like FMOD Ex, are incompatible).
  • Copy fmodapi375win\api\inc\fmod.h to olibs\linden\libraries\include
  • Copy fmodapi375win\api\inc\fmod_errors.h to olibs\linden\libraries\include
  • Copy fmodapi375win\api\inc\fmoddyn.h to olibs\linden\libraries\include
  • Copy fmodapi375win\api\lib\fmodvc.lib to olibs\linden\libraries\i686-win32\lib\release and to olibs\linden\libraries\i686-win32\lib\debug
  • Copy fmodapi375win\api\fmod.dll to olibs\linden\indra\newview, olibs\linden\libraries\i686-win32\lib\release and to olibs\linden\libraries\i686-win32\lib\debug

Note to Snowstorm users: if you are building using the Mercurial repository lindenlab/viewer-development, these steps have been simplified and cleaned up. In particular, there's no need to drop anything under linden\indra anymore, all the files are under linden\libraries like for other 3rd party libraries. The fmodvc.lib however needs to be renamed fmod.lib. The new instructions are:

  • Download & extract FMOD3.75 API for Windows
  • From fmodapi375win\api\inc\, copy fmod.h and fmod_errors.h to linden\libraries\include
  • From fmodapi375win\api\lib, choose the relevant .lib that correspond to your environment (e.g. fmodvc.lib for Visual Studio), rename it fmod.lib and copy it to linden\libraries\i686-win32\lib\release and linden\libraries\i686-win32\lib\debug
  • From fmodapi375win\api copy fmod.dll to linden\libraries\i686-win32\lib\release and linden\libraries\i686-win32\lib\debug


Only needed if not using VS2005.

  • Grab the files that Robin Cornelius has precompiled at

  • If you get the zip file from Robin Cornelius copy the libraries folder into the the tree you made above for fmod and QuickTime files that way you have a ready back up of those files for if you update your build directory from the SVN server.
  • or alternatively follow the instructions from the 25/Feb/10 and 15/Apr/10 entries of

((TBD: verify, simplify, fix))



Set up your source code tree

Plan your directory structure ahead of time. If you are going to be producing changes or patches you will be cloning a copy of an unaltered source code tree for every change or patch you make, so you might want to have all this work stored in it's own directory.

To get a copy of the source code tree:

  • Open up a DOS/Command window
  • Make a directory to contain it (it is strongly suggested to name it viewer-development)
  • Go into that directory
  • Do hg init
  • Do hg pull
  • Example: ((specific snapshot example TBD))

Let's say some time has gone by since you have performed the previous steps and now you want to develop a change or work on a jira. You will

  • Go into viewer-development (or whatever you named the master source tree copy)
  • Do hg pull
  • Do hg update
  • Move up one level from viewer-development
  • Do hg clone viewer-development VWR-nnnnn (where nnnnn is the jira number, or clone to a name of your choosing if there is not jira number)
  • Copy your olibs from above into this new source tree.

Fix known problems with the source code tree

TBD - edits to scripts that must be made for windows VC90 builds to succeed?

Known Problems:

  • /indra/cmake/Boost.cmake file has to be edited as shown in VWR-9541 in order to use the boost files in VS2008.

Initial build steps using and CMake

You may notice that there's no Visual Studio project file as part of the distributed source tree. That's because it is GENERATED in this step using command-line tools. Only after this step can you begin using the IDE.

  • open a Command Prompt window
  • Run --
    • From the command line, cd into the indra subdirectory
    • Run -G VC90 or python -G VC90 NOTE: use -G VC80 if you are using VS2005

NOTE: Visual Studio 2010 support is not included by default. Reference VWR-24594 for more details and fixes.

NOTE: Some resources may be downloaded automatically at this point if they do not yet exist.

    • The script will create and populate a build directory for you. It should be in 'build-vc90' or 'build-vc80' if using VS2005

When it completes you will get your command prompt back and it should say something like:

Trying to set active config to "RelWithDebInfo"
Trying to set "secondlife-bin" to the startup project
got ret 0 from tools\vstool\VSTool.exe --solution build-VC80\SecondLife.sln --config RelWithDebInfo --startup secondlife-bin

Compile using the IDE

  • Run Visual Studio.
  • Configure Visual Studio.
    • Use Tools>Options to get the Options window open.
    • Goto Projects and Solutions>VC++ Directories and set the following:
Executable Files:
$(ProgramFiles)\HTML Help Workshop
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Bin
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Bin
C:\Program Files\NSIS
$(SystemRoot)\SysWow64   (needed in 64-bit windows versions, exclude for 32-bit)
Included Files:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Include
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Include\gl
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Samples\winui\TSF\tsfapp
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Include
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Include\gl
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Samples\winui\TSF\tsfapp
C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Include
Library Files:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Lib
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Lib
C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Lib\x86
  • Use File > Open > Project/Solution, navigate to linden/indra/build-VC90/Viewer.vcproj, and open it.
    • if you can't find this file, perhaps your previous run of failed.
  • In the MSVS toolbar, just to the right of the triangular Start Debugging arrow, is a text box whose tooltip is "Solution Configurations". Select RelWithDebugInfo.
  • If ALL_BUILD is not set as your StartUp Project (the StartUp Project is displayed in bold font), right-click on ALL_BUILD and choose Set as StartUp Project.
  • Right-click on ALL_BUILD and choose Properties. In Configuration Properties > Debugging, find Working Directory and navigate to linden\indra\newview.
  • Build > Build Solution (F7)

Iteratively fix things until the compile succeeds

((TBD - add any fixup steps here. e.g. does fmod375.dll need to be moved into RelWithDbgInfo at this step?))

Common Issues/Bugs/Glitches And Solutions

  • Getting help:
    • Subscribe to OpenSource-Dev Mailing List (subscribe) and post your question there.
    • For faster response, find a free IRC client program and join #opensl on freenode, the general open source viewer discussion and development channel. Hopefully a helpful person is online when you ask your question.
  • Applies to Visual C++ 2005 Express:

The build scripts seem to be a state of flux on how to properly handle picking up 3 Microsoft support files:

  • Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest
  • msvcp80.dll
  • msvcr80.dll

If you get errors about these files you will need to manually place them in

  • ../build-VC80/newview/release (and/or /debug or /relwithdebinfo) and
  • ../build-VC80/sharedlib/release
KBnote.png Note: These directories will not exist until your compile session has run for a little while.

The source of these files should be in a folder named vcredist_vc80_4053_x86. If you cannot find these on your hard drive follow the instructions at User:Robin_Cornelius/viewer-development_VC2005_Express to get them.

If you run into an issue when running similar to this:

1>link: extra operand `/ERRORREPORT:QUEUE'
1>Try `link --help' for more information.
1>Project : error PRJ0002 : Error result 1 returned from 'C:\cygwin\bin\link.exe'.

You may have not configured Visual Studio properly. The articles in this wiki in regards to the setup of executable paths do not specify an order or priority, but you must make sure that the CYGWIN executable path is set lower in the list than the VC++ paths, otherwise winds up executing the CygWin Link.exe which won't work

This issue has also been seen when using the Windows Command Prompt instead of the command prompt within VC++ (Visual Studio 2010?).


These instructions are condensed from about a dozen previous pages of info:

((add other references here))