Render Correctness Test

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Terrain rendering (this section needs to be updated for 2.x)

  • From the graphics detail tab in preferences, set terrain detail to None
  • Verify no detail textures are rendering and the terrain appears as though the mini-map image is stretched across the region
  • Set terrain detail to some in the graphics tab in preferences.
  • Verify that a single detail texture is visible
  • Set terrain detail to full in the graphics tab in preferences.
  • Verify terrain detail textures change according to elevation.

Water rendering

  • Verify that water is transparent. (this will change for 2.1.x on class 0 cards)
  • Put camera under water, verify that fog changes.
  • Verify that sun/moon reflections appear on surface of water.
  • Turn on Preferences > Graphics > Basic Shaders.
  • Verify that water appears to have animated waves.
  • Verify that sun/moon shine off the water.
  • Put camera under water and verify that objects above water appear distorted.
  • Move the sun to Midday (Ctrl-⇧ Shift-Y) and verify that water looks appropriate.


Water Reflections

  • Enable Preferences > Graphics > Water Reflections (Requires Basic Shaders be enabled)
  • Select the Terrain and Trees radio button.
  • Verify you see the land and trees reflected in the water.
  • Select "All Static Objects" and verify that now in addition to the trees and terrain, you see unmoving objects reflected.
  • Select "All Avatars and Objects" and verify that you and other avatars are now being reflected as well.
  • Select "Everything" and verify that all terrain, trees, objects, avatars, and particles are now reflected in the water.

Avatar rendering

  • Verify that the avatar is lit by the sun/moon
  • Right click on avatar and click on appearance
  • Verify that avatar renders properly in preview panels.
  • Set avatar eye color to darkest and iris texture to blank.
  • Verify that specular highlights (white shiny things) appear in eyes. (Need a reference picture here) (Not seeing this in 2.0 or 1.23. Was this removed?)
  • Repeat with Hardware Skinning enabled/disabled in preferences.

UI Rendering

  • Turn on property lines and land owners from World > Show menu.
  • Verify all appear correctly.
  • Turn on stats bar with ctrl-shit-1
  • Verify that text appears correctly in statistics bar.
  • Enable World menu > Show > Beacons, and check the Scripted check box.
  • Enable Beacons and Highlights
  • Verify Beacons and Highlights appear on scripted objects
  • Open the Develop menu with Ctrl-Alt-Q, turn on Develop > Show Info > Show Updates to Objects.
  • Find a scripted object and verify that update hints are being rendered (should look like red or blue polygons).
  • Hold mouse over avatar and verify tooltip renders properly.


  • Select an object. (eg. the Kart from the Library)
  • Verify silhouette outline renders correctly.

Object select.jpg

  • Edit an object.
  • Verify that the root prim (the seat) has a yellow outline while the other prims have a blue outline.

Object edit 2.jpg

  • Verify a particle beam projects from your hand to the object you are editing.

Object Rendering

  • Make a cube.
  • Change its color.
  • Move the cube. Verify color remains the same.
  • Make cube transparent.
  • Move the cube. Verify color remains the same.
  • Turn on the Bump mapping and shiny shader in preferences.
  • Give cube a texture with an alpha mask.
  • Close the edit tools
  • Verify you can click through the mask with alt-zoom.
  • Verify you can right-click your avatar through the mask.
  • Attach the cube to your hud.
  • Verify the hud attachment is not lit by the sun or moon when you look around.
  • Verify the hud attachment does not block alt-zoom unless in edit mode.
  • Verify you can select the hud attachment when in edit mode.
  • Attach a default script to the cube hud attachment.
  • Verify hud attachment responds to left click.
  • Verify you can right click your avatar through the cube attachment's mask.
  • Detach the cube
  • Make a sphere
  • Change the sphere's color.
  • Make it varying levels of shiny (low, medium, high) and verify correct appearance.
  • Move the sphere. Verify color remains the same.
  • Give the sphere a bump map.
  • Verify that bump map is visible.
  • Attach the sphere to your HUD.
  • Verify the sphere is still shiny and bump mapped.
  • Verify the sphere is not lit by the sun or moon when you look around.

Sculpty Rendering

  • Rez the sculpty horse from My Inventory/Library/Objects/Sculpt Prims - Examples/Horse (Sculpt Prim Example) - by Nomasha Syaka
  • Verify you see a collection of blobs that resolves into a brown and white running horse withing a few seconds.

Highlight rendering

  • Attach a semi-transparent cube to your HUD if you don't already have one.
  • Enable the Advanced menu with ctrl-alt-D or with Preferences > Advanced > Show Advanced Menu
  • Turn on Advanced menu > Highlighting and Visibility > Highlight Transparent.
  • Verify your HUD object is highlighted with a red tint
  • Turn off Advanced menu > Highlighting and Visibility > Highlight Transparent.

Render order

  • Attach a semi-transparent cube to your HUD if you don't already have one.
  • Turn on World menu > Show > Property Lines. Verify the property lines do not draw in front of hills or solid objects.
  • Open the world map and click on a location nearby, and close the world map
  • Verify the red colum is only visible above ground, and not as it passes below ground.
  • Turn off World menu > Show > Property Lines.

llSetText rendering

  • Attach a semi-transparent cube to your HUD if you don't already have one.
  • Add the following script to the cube attachment.
llSetText("Hello, Avatar!",<llFrand(1),llFrand(1),llFrand(1)>,llFrand(1));
  • Verify you can see the SetText message rapidly changing colors on the HUD object.

Appearance mode rendering

  • Right click your Avatar and "Edit My Shape".
  • Verify you can see the thumbnail images for your avatar.
  • Edit your Skin.
  • Change your skin color, Save All, and exit appearance mode.
  • Verify your avatar textures rebake after a few seconds and that your skin color is correct.
