
From Second Life Wiki
Revision as of 17:35, 22 March 2021 by Lucia Nightfire (talk | contribs) (Mentioned this function's performance towards adjacent regions showing "up" via llRequestSimulatorData() but are visibly down, mostly likely due to severe lag, host communications issues or capacities failures.)
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Function: integer llEdgeOfWorld( vector pos, vector dir );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Checks to see whether the border hit by dir from pos is the edge of the world (has no neighboring simulator).
Returns a boolean (an integer) value. FALSE indicating there is a simulator in the direction indicated.

• vector pos position in region coordinates
• vector dir direction

The z component of dir is ignored.


  • If the x and y components of dir are zero (like with ZERO_VECTOR), TRUE is always returned.
  • pos must be in the region.
  • Can only be used to detect directly adjacent regions, not diagonally adjacent regions
  • This function will also return FALSE if llRequestSimulatorData() returns "up" for an adjacent region but that region doesn't visibly show when standing next to its border.


//--// Tells if there are neighboring sims on touch //--//

  touch_start( integer vIntTouched ){
    vector vPosObject = llGetPos();
    if (!llEdgeOfWorld( vPosObject, <0.0, 1.0, 0.0> )){
      llOwnerSay( "There is a Sim to the North" );
    if (!llEdgeOfWorld( vPosObject, <1.0, 0.0, 0.0> )){
      llOwnerSay( "There is a Sim to the East" );
    if (!llEdgeOfWorld( vPosObject, <0.0, -1.0, 0.0> )){
      llOwnerSay( "There is a Sim to the South" );
    if (!llEdgeOfWorld( vPosObject, <-1.0, 0.0, 0.0> )){
      llOwnerSay( "There is a Sim to the West" );

See Also




•  llScriptDanger

Deep Notes


function integer llEdgeOfWorld( vector pos, vector dir );


The world once though flat
indeed has come full circle
here there be dragons.