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Function: llTargetOmega( vector axis, float spinrate, float gain );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Rotates the object around axis at spinrate * llVecMag(axis) in radians per second with strength gain.

• vector axis arbitrary axis to rotate the object around
• float spinrate rate of rotation in radians per second
• float gain needs to be non-zero

If the object is not physical then the effect is entirely client side.
If the object is physical then the physical representation is updated regularly.


  • If the object is not physical then the rotation is only a client side effect and avatars and objects may move around the object as if it were not rotating at all.


//rotates the x axis once per second,
//  rotates the y axis 3 times per second, 
//  rotates the z axis once every two seconds.
//  combined the rate is about 3.20156 revolutions per second


Use llVecNorm on axis so that spinrate actually represents the rate of rotation.

Deep Notes


function void llTargetOmega( vector axis, float spinrate, float gain );