Linden Lab Official:Registration API Error Codes

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The Reg API has a detailed set of error codes, to help you handle user and software errors. To see a list of the error codes, use the get_error_codes operation. See the API Reference for more information.

Uncaught errors

If the Reg API system cannot handle an error, you'll get back a plain text message containing the error ticket of what caused the exception, for example:

An fatal error has occurred (error ticket #12345). 
Please visit the support section at for further assistance.
Note the error ticket code and description of the problem. 
Error Description: undefined method `permission' for #<User:0x00000000>.

If you get an uncaught error, note the cause, the error ticket number, and email Linden Lab with the information.

Error codes

The Reg API provides the error codes shown in the following table.

Code Message Description
20 missing required field You are missing one of the required fields
30 unallowed extra field You are including a field that is not being used
40 banned username Username is on the banned list
50 no perm last name id You are not allowed to register a user with this last name id
60 invalid last name id Last name id does not exist
70 invalid username Username is not valid (must be alphanumeric between 2-31 characters)
80 invalid password Password is not valid (must be between 6-16 characters)
90 invalid email Not a valid email
95 email exists Another user is currently using this email
100 invalid dob Not a valid date
110 malformed dob Date string is malformed
120 user exists User with specified username and last_name_id already exists
130 invalid start_region_name Start location region does not exist
140 no perm start_region_name You do not have permission to place a user in this region, because you do not own the estate that it is in
150 invalid limited_to_estate Limited estate cannot be set to an estate does not exist
160 no perm limited_to_estate Limited estate cannot be set to an estate you do not own, besides mainland (estate_id = 1)
170 invalid region location options the region location options (e.g. local_x, local_y) are invalid
180 missing orientation island or start location You cannot set up a user to be on an estate without either 1) the estate having an orientation island or 2) setting the user's start location to a region that is in the estate
190 cannot register teen to non-teen grid You cannot register a teen to a non-teen grid
191 cannot register adult to non-adult grid You cannot register an adult to a non-adult grid
195 cannot register underage user You cannot register a user into secondlife under 13
196 underage user must be limited to estate Underage users (< 16 years old) must be limited to a private, G-rated estate
210 invalid start_local_x start_local_x must be between 0-128
220 invalid start_local_y start_local_y must be between 0-128
230 invalid start_local_z start_local_z must be between 0-128
240 invalid start_look_at_x start_look_at_x must be between 0-1
250 invalid start_look_at_y start_look_at_y must be between 0-1
260 invalid start_look_at_z start_look_at_z must be between 0-1
270 invalid agent_id agent_id does not exist
280 invalid account_type account_type can only be set as 'Monthly', 'Quarterly', or 'Annual'
285 no perm upgrade only original registrar of user can upgrade
290 cannot upgrade non-base user users of 'Base' status can only be upgraded
295 group set failed failed to set active group
296 invalid group perm not allowed to add members to this group
297 invalid group id failed to find group
300 wrong type username username must be type string
310 wrong type last_name_id last_name_id must be type integer, or a string that represents an integer
320 wrong type dob dob must be type string
330 wrong type email email must be type string
340 wrong type password password must be type string
350 wrong type limited_to_estate limited_to_estate id must be type integer, or a string that represents an integer
360 wrong type start_region_name start_region_name must be type string
370 wrong type start_local_x start_local_x must be type float, or a string that represents a float
380 wrong type start_local_y start_local_y must be type float, or a string that represents a float
390 wrong type start_local_z start_local_z must be type float, or a string that represents a float
400 wrong type start_look_at_x start_look_at_x must be type float, or a string that represents a float
410 wrong type start_look_at_y start_look_at_y must be type float, or a string that represents a float
420 wrong type start_look_at_z start_look_at_z must be type float, or a string that represents a float
500 over registration limit you have registered over your maximum amount of users you can register in a 24 hour period.
1500 malformed xml Your xml is malformed