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Revision as of 08:29, 3 April 2008 by Uzume Grigorovich (talk | contribs) (lsl code tagging)
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Function: llSetScale( vector scale );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Sets the scale of the prim according to scale

• vector scale

x, y & z components of scale need to be in the range [0.01, 10.0], if they are out of the range they are rounded to the nearest endpoint.


This function only changes the scale of the prim that the script is in. Not the entire object.


<lsl> //A basic door that opens and closes when an avatar colides with it. //Not very effective, as it would be better to use llSetStatus(STATUS_PHANTOM, 1)... //But, it works. vector startingSize; default {

    state_entry() {
         startingSize = llGetScale();
    collision_start(integer i) {
         llSetScale(<.1, .1, .1>); //Shrink
         llSetPos(llGetPos() + <0,0,10>); //Hide us
    timer() {
         llSetScale(startingSize); //Go back to normal size
         llSetPos(llGetPos() - <0,0,10>); //And where we started

} //Code by Xaviar Czervik.


See Also


•  llGetScale Gets the prims size
•  llSetPrimitiveParams Sets prims attributes
•  llGetPrimitiveParams Gets prims attributes

Deep Notes


function void llSetScale( vector scale );