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Revision as of 04:44, 24 October 2010 by Void Singer (talk | contribs) (+useful-snippets workarounds for bugs)
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Function: rotation llGetRot( );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a rotation that is the prim's rotation relative to the region's axes.


  • llGetRot incorrectly reports the avatars rotation when called from the root of an attached object, see Useful Snippets for a workaround.


<lsl> //-- rotates an object to face the nearest cardinal direction (N,E,S,W)

//-- assumes build is aligned to root object facing


   llSay( 0, "Rotate me in edit, then touch to make me face the nearest compass point" );
 touch_start( integer vIntTouches )
    //-- convert our rotation to x/y/z radians
   vector vRadBase = llRot2Euler( llGetRot() );
    //-- round the z-axis to the nearest 90deg (PI_BY_TWO = 90deg in radians)
   llSetRot( llEuler2Rot( <0.0, 0.0, llRound( vRadBase.z / PI_BY_TWO ) * PI_BY_TWO > ) );

Useful Snippets

<lsl>//-- Workaround for attachment bug in root prims llGetLocalRot()

//-- Workaround for attachment bug in root prims (rotation)((string)llGetPrimitiveParams( [PRIM_ROT_LOCAL] ))</lsl>


  • The tooltip in the in-client editor is incorrect, it will work in scripts in objects that are physical.

Deep Notes


function rotation llGetRot();