Mesh/Mesh Tests

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Mesh tests required:

  • The walk-throughs function as a Mesh smoke test:
  • Mesh_Import_test Everything about the Mesh upload window.
    • Include test for model with multiple LOD's
    • Include test for model with textures
    • Verify bulk upload fails for meshes.
    • Mesh decomposition tool needs more detail.
  • Rigged meshes
    • uploading a rigged object that contains joint offsets
    • bone offsets
  • Mesh_Prim_Equivalence_test How many prims a mesh counts as in the parcel limit and simulator limit.
  • Mesh_Accounting_Test is a starting point for several tests. Break the tests out and expanded on them.
  • Physics shape type (with un/linking, de/rez, duplication, etc.) (is this sufficiently covered by Mesh_Accounting_Test?)
  • Mesh Edit Tools test
    • prim size increased to 64m
    • allow manual return of encroaching objects (when that's merged in)(ER-285)
    • edit tools/camera ease of use when working with larger prims
    • edit tools/camera ease of use when working with meshes on the ground or attached to avatar
  • The 10cm gap has been eliminated for nearly all(which ones?) objects.
  • Load testing. assets<->sim, sim data<->client, client rendering, etc
  • Mesh viewer performance
    • Viewer Performance testing for large (64m) prims
  • Mesh sim performance
    • Server Performance testing for large (64m) prims
  • Mesh Caching test
    • Mesh should already be cached in the VFS. Develop > Show Info > Show Render Info shows how much data received for mesh.
  • Mesh Shape Changing test Test swapping meshes onto mesh objects.
    • high prim equiv. mesh onto a physical object
    • drag a boneless mesh onto a boned object on ground (and also attachment)
  • Render_Cost_test
    • Target overall scene triangle count at 128m, medium detail (currently 125K/tris)
  • Streaming Cost test
    • Target viewport streaming cost at 128m, medium detail (currently 2MB)
      • "I got this number by flying around some prim heavy builds (the city north of Ahern) with all rendering disabled but prims, view distance set to 128m, and prim detail set to mid, and watching the peak triangle count per frame in the statistic floater. The average was around 75k/triangles per frame with a peak of 150k, so for meshes a good target would be 125k. On MeshHQ 3, after disabling all rendering but prims (meshes fall under the same category as prims in the render pipeline), the peak triangle count per frame was close to 300k/triangles. On that build, there was no LoD enforcement and a ratio of 8KB/prim for mesh costs, so I'm hoping with a ratio of 4KB/prim and strict LoD enforcement, recreating that build within the new criteria will result in under 125k/triangles per frame."
  • Physics Cost test
    • A linkset is not allowed to cost less than 1/2 the number of prims. That's to account for basic work the sim has to do in handling the LLTasks
    • PurePhysicsCost will be the sum of the physics resource costs of the prims before rounding and before accounting for that 1/2 num prims limit on linksets. PurePhysicsCost will determine if you can make a linkset dynamic (e.g., a vehicle)
    • setting the root prim of a prim object to Convex hull forces the object to use the new accounting system. Setting a child prim to None does the same.
    • The "pure physics cost" must be < 32.0 before rounding to make the linkset physical.
    • Only the physics resource cost (not simulator resource cost or streaming cost) affects the ability to set an object physical.
  • Upload Cost test -- TBD
  • Physics Material Settings test
  • Test LSL functions that interact with physics and size and textures.
  • Localization
  • Test for LlCastRay
  • Compatibility testing: Mac OS X 10.4.11?
  • (2011-01-06 failed) Parcel Prim Limit Overflow test
  • Mesh Limits test
    • Maximum model size in MBs
    • Maximum number of meshes per model.