Adult Content User Group/11/14/2011

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Revision as of 12:08, 14 November 2011 by Viale Linden (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[2011/11/14 10:00] Viale Linden: Hi Serjourn - lets wait a couple of minutes [2011/11/14 10:02] Forceme Silverspar: Wanna sit on me lap Sassy? [2011/11/14 10:02] Viale Lind…")
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[2011/11/14 10:00] Viale Linden: Hi Serjourn - lets wait a couple of minutes [2011/11/14 10:02] Forceme Silverspar: Wanna sit on me lap Sassy? [2011/11/14 10:02] Viale Linden: Ok. I am excited to have Serjourn Daxter here representing the Freedom Continent [2011/11/14 10:02] Sassy: O.o... I was going to proposition Viale first ;) [2011/11/14 10:02] Forceme Silverspar: Mhaha! [2011/11/14 10:03] Viale Linden: She is going to share some good news and then we will go into Q&A - more to come on the Q&A [2011/11/14 10:03] Viale Linden: Serjorun - you have the floor [2011/11/14 10:03] Sassy: (right click take) [2011/11/14 10:03] Serjourn Daxter: This weekend I was approached by Counter Landfall, a member of the Zindra Alliance [2011/11/14 10:03] Serjourn Daxter: We talked and looked into possible cooperation models. It became clear that the use of the Zindra name was a sore point for the alliance. I was also given an insight into the reasons. In the interest of buillding unity in the adult communities, I brought this issue up in my management team meeting Saturday. After some discussions, we passed a 16 to nill vote on to go ahead and profile what we are (an adult hub) rather than to use the Zindra name, that we understand has a value for the Zindra continent, but is of little consequence for us as a hub. [2011/11/14 10:04] Serjourn Daxter: As a first result of the new cooperation, the Zindra yellowpages have now been placed in 4 locations in the central HUB sim, and will over the comming weeks be placed also in the 4 surrounding sims. [2011/11/14 10:05] Viale Linden: Great news [2011/11/14 10:05] Serjourn Daxter: I have today had my land owner, Angelic Estates, request a name change for the sims. That was the introduction, now on to Q&A [2011/11/14 10:05] Viale Linden: Ok [2011/11/14 10:06] Counter Landfall: very good, it has already served up directory info ;-) [2011/11/14 10:06] Viale Linden: for the Q&A session. Please IM Slaton Linden your question. We will try to answer as many questions as possible [2011/11/14 10:07] Slaton Linden: Questions anyone? [2011/11/14 10:07] Slaton Linden: IM me if you have one ;) [2011/11/14 10:07] Huntress Catteneo: sorry late, about particular thing? [2011/11/14 10:08] Serjourn Daxter: For your info - it seems like the name change is already happening [2011/11/14 10:09] Lil friend: Will I need to update my links in my blog post for the hubs? [2011/11/14 10:09] Serjourn Daxter: Recap for the late arrivers [2011/11/14 10:09] Serjourn Daxter: This weekend I was approached by Counter Landfall, a member of the Zindra Alliance

We talked and looked into possible cooperation models. It became clear that the use of the Zindra name was a sore point for the alliance. I was also given an insight into the reasons. In the interest of buillding unity in the adult communities, I brought this issue up in my management team meeting Saturday. After some discussions, we passed a 16 to nill vote on to go ahead and profile what we are (an adult hub) rather than to use the Zindra name, that we understand has a value for the Zindra continent, but is of little consequence for us as a hub.

As a direct result of the new cooperation, the Zindra yellowpages have now been placed in 4 locations in the central HUB sim, and will over the comming weeks be placed also in the 4 surrounding sims.

That was the introduction, now on to Q&A [2011/11/14 10:09] Serjourn Daxter: Yes, landmarks will most likely need updating [2011/11/14 10:09] Lil friend: Right , Thank you Ma'am. [2011/11/14 10:11] Viale Linden: Does anyone have questions? Please Im Slaton [2011/11/14 10:11] Huntress Catteneo: thanks for update [2011/11/14 10:12] Huntress Catteneo: I shall try VERY hard to stay awake today [2011/11/14 10:13] Serjourn Daxter: OK, if there are no questions, I need to return home and kill some sim watchers that keep telling me that the Zindra Hub sims have now entered status "Unknown" [2011/11/14 10:13] Huntress Catteneo: narcolepsy really bad atm though :( [2011/11/14 10:13] Black: I had a question .. [2011/11/14 10:13] Serjourn Daxter: Ok [2011/11/14 10:13] Black: Just sent it to slaton but, not sure if he's responding? [2011/11/14 10:13] Slaton Linden: from Huntress: what is to be in the HUBs and how do others get involved? [2011/11/14 10:13] Counter Landfall: ok, thanks Serjourn ;-) [2011/11/14 10:14] Serjourn Daxter: The HUBS will be gateways to SL [2011/11/14 10:14] Serjourn Daxter: ADULT SL [2011/11/14 10:14] Sassy: sent to Slaton, who is clearly afk and down at Starbucks [2011/11/14 10:14] Serjourn Daxter: All adult sims are welcome to profile there. [2011/11/14 10:14] Serjourn Daxter: I rent the sims on commercial terms from Angelic Estates. [2011/11/14 10:14] Serjourn Daxter: I charge for ad space and shop space [2011/11/14 10:15] Huntress Catteneo: some sort of application? [2011/11/14 10:15] Serjourn Daxter: My charging is based on covering tiers with 80% occupancy [2011/11/14 10:15] Serjourn Daxter: Just come there, if you see free space - pay and use it [2011/11/14 10:15] Serjourn Daxter: We also have infocenter staff [2011/11/14 10:15] Serjourn Daxter: You can have your own staff part of manning these centers, just contact me. [2011/11/14 10:16] Serjourn Daxter: I pay my staff (a token 25 L$ per hour), you deploy staff on your terms. [2011/11/14 10:16] Sassy: cool, I know where to send people then when they ask about certain genre's lol [2011/11/14 10:16] Serjourn Daxter: We will insist on supplyiong some basic training [2011/11/14 10:17] Serjourn Daxter: Free of charge [2011/11/14 10:17] Slaton Linden: from counter: When is the official opening - any opening ceremony - profiling in blog? [2011/11/14 10:17] Serjourn Daxter: Okay [2011/11/14 10:17] Serjourn Daxter: We are now operating - like a cruise ship sailing its maiden voyage with half the builders still on board [2011/11/14 10:18] Serjourn Daxter: We will use the next two weeks to get "the ship in shape" and the staff tuned [2011/11/14 10:18] Serjourn Daxter: The BIG LAUNCH is Saturday December 3rd [2011/11/14 10:19] Serjourn Daxter: All sims are operational now [2011/11/14 10:19] Serjourn Daxter: If you want to contribute, I have a management team, I can not handle all myself [2011/11/14 10:20] Serjourn Daxter: There are great possibilities for profiling in the sims [2011/11/14 10:20] Slaton Linden: from Gerritt: question--do these hubs function like Info hubs--that people will get dropped there if their region and home are offline? [2011/11/14 10:20] Serjourn Daxter: That is up to LL to answer [2011/11/14 10:20] Serjourn Daxter: We will supply info when people get there [2011/11/14 10:21] Counter Landfall: follow up to that, are teh allowed to set home there? [2011/11/14 10:21] Counter Landfall: they* [2011/11/14 10:21] Lil friend: Oh good questions [2011/11/14 10:21] Serjourn Daxter: Yes, we will allow all to set home [2011/11/14 10:21] Counter Landfall: cause that was a massive problem in the Bay City infohubs [2011/11/14 10:21] Counter Landfall: new users who set home there and virtually choked the sims [2011/11/14 10:22] Counter Landfall: they stayed for hours [2011/11/14 10:22] Serjourn Daxter: We will see how that is handled then [2011/11/14 10:22] Serjourn Daxter: We have 3 people watching sim performance [2011/11/14 10:22] Serjourn Daxter: And we balance things [2011/11/14 10:22] Counter Landfall: one thing is sim performance, but worse for new users is geting a sim full message when they want to go there [2011/11/14 10:23] Serjourn Daxter: We have struggled to get a good blog editor onboard, if anyone wants to participate, please IM Forceme Silverspar [2011/11/14 10:23] Serjourn Daxter: Well, the set home is NOT on in the central sim, but in the 4 surrounding sims [2011/11/14 10:24] Counter Landfall: that is a good start [2011/11/14 10:24] Viale Linden: The New locations with new names will be added to the Destination Guide soon [2011/11/14 10:25] Serjourn Daxter: Hi, it's a bit of a statement at this point but I did a bit of "secret shopping" at the weekend and with an alt asked someone with a helper tag who was representing the hub if they could provide me with resources for my area of interest that was stated. I was given a free object which is a competing product. A landmark to a competitor and then as an afterthought he "mentioned" my store. As a renter at the adult hub, it's important that information is complete and unbiased and certainly should in my mind favour those who are financially supporting it! [2011/11/14 10:26] Serjourn Daxter: I agree on that, these are issues we will see initially [2011/11/14 10:26] Serjourn Daxter: That is why we say a 2 week ramp-up [2011/11/14 10:27] Serjourn Daxter: We have now two methods of giving away freebies: A rentable space down by the water and a "superbox" up at the top of the pyramid [2011/11/14 10:27] Black: Actually, I have another option. [2011/11/14 10:27] Serjourn Daxter: OK [2011/11/14 10:27] Black: if you're interested that is? [2011/11/14 10:27] Viale Linden: We will wrap up Q&A at 10:40am [2011/11/14 10:27] Serjourn Daxter: from huntress: Are the staff there to look after sims and rentals, or are they there mainly to meet, greet and help newbies? [2011/11/14 10:27] Viale Linden: However, the forums last all day... [2011/11/14 10:28] Serjourn Daxter: We have two types of staff: The "Greeters" and sim staff with land powers to deal with any issues. Their tag will tell what they are. [2011/11/14 10:28] Serjourn Daxter: Black, yes, I am interested [2011/11/14 10:29] Black: Last week I brought up the idea of a fully networked midnight mania style board that allows you to teleport directly from one location to the other. There are statistics and because it's a game board, they wont just collect the freebies and run, they have to win them. If interseted, it is something I would like to use to network your entire area. [2011/11/14 10:29] Viale Linden: Black - Q's to slaton [2011/11/14 10:29] Black: Sorry, I sent that to him but I was not to bring it up however, it does relate. [2011/11/14 10:29] Serjourn Daxter: Can you present that for my management team next Satiurday please, this is something I want to discuss with them [2011/11/14 10:30] Black: Sure will, thanks. [2011/11/14 10:31] Serjourn Daxter: The following people are key people in the sims: Naaman McMahon, Ravena DeCuir, Sidius Core, Nihal Quan, Isabelle Kostolany, Sin Ushimawa, Wendi Zenovka [2011/11/14 10:31] Serjourn Daxter: Together we cover all timezones [2011/11/14 10:31] Serjourn Daxter: These people have full estate powers in all sims [2011/11/14 10:32] Serjourn Daxter: We have mentors working in the sims, as well as regular staff. [2011/11/14 10:32] Viale Linden: Nice [2011/11/14 10:33] Serjourn Daxter: When I came to SL, I nearly left. [2011/11/14 10:33] Lil friend: Me too. [2011/11/14 10:33] Serjourn Daxter: I was bored the day after, so I came back [2011/11/14 10:33] Serjourn Daxter: The second day I met friendly people [2011/11/14 10:33] Serjourn Daxter: So I stayed [2011/11/14 10:33] Serjourn Daxter: That is key to what we do [2011/11/14 10:34] Serjourn Daxter: Residents need to feel welcome, to learn basic skills, and to get to areas that interest them. That is why the hub is there [2011/11/14 10:34] Serjourn Daxter: We teach them to cope, then to have fun [2011/11/14 10:34] Viale Linden: Ok - 5 more minutes [2011/11/14 10:35] Serjourn Daxter: But if they are met with a "whatthefuckareyoudoingherebloodyn00b" - they will not stay [2011/11/14 10:35] Lil friendLil friend facepaws >.< [2011/11/14 10:35] Ann Otoole: the ahern effect [2011/11/14 10:35] Lil friendLil friend gigglesfits [2011/11/14 10:36] Serjourn Daxter: I did NOT mention Ahern, but yes - part of my research was to create a n00b alt and see what happened [2011/11/14 10:36] Serjourn Daxter: It was a VERY educating effect [2011/11/14 10:36] Serjourn Daxter: I encourage you to do likewise [2011/11/14 10:36] Huntress Catteneo: been there done that lol [2011/11/14 10:36] Ilana Debevec: did the alt survive unscathed? well minor scathing? [2011/11/14 10:37] Serjourn Daxter: And my N00b would - had she been a real noob - have left SL for good within 35 minutes [2011/11/14 10:37] Gerritt: no psychological after-care [2011/11/14 10:37] Huntress Catteneo: I was asking people at some rl events to come into sl a while back [2011/11/14 10:37] Serjourn Daxter: Yes? [2011/11/14 10:37] Huntress Catteneo: so tested what their journey would be first [2011/11/14 10:38] Serjourn Daxter: Yes??? [2011/11/14 10:38] Serjourn Daxter: [2011/11/14 10:38] Slaton Linden: from Black: any plans for teaching basic - advanced skills building / sculpting and mesh fundamentals [2011/11/14 10:38] Huntress Catteneo: things have improved since that time [2011/11/14 10:38] Forceme Silverspar: If I may? [2011/11/14 10:38] Serjourn Daxter: We will, and we have set aside an area that is at the moment NOT open as a sandbox but that can be opened [2011/11/14 10:39] Serjourn Daxter: Yes, Forceme? [2011/11/14 10:39] Forceme Silverspar: Not to worry. [2011/11/14 10:39] Serjourn Daxter: And we have a hidden area below the welcome center - reserved to be a showcase for SL adult art [2011/11/14 10:40] Innula Zenovka: i was wondering what that was for [2011/11/14 10:40] Serjourn Daxter: We will launch - then launch this, but we do need a curator [2011/11/14 10:41] Serjourn Daxter: So anyone know a good curator, contact me or Forceme Silverspar [2011/11/14 10:41] Huntress Catteneo: there are a few around [2011/11/14 10:41] Slaton Linden: any other questions? [2011/11/14 10:42] Huntress Catteneo: with so many art sims closing this year [2011/11/14 10:42] Viale Linden: Thanks [2011/11/14 10:42] Serjourn Daxter: Any furthjer questions, feel free to IM me or my staff, please allow for a little response time as I do have a few IM's these days [2011/11/14 10:42] Ilana Debevec: a few? (gring) [2011/11/14 10:42] Ilana Debevec: (grins even) [2011/11/14 10:43] Viale Linden: Thank you Serjourn [2011/11/14 10:43] Qie: Thanks, Serjourn, and hope the project is a great success. [2011/11/14 10:43] Viale Linden: Thanks for spending time with the group today [2011/11/14 10:43] Serjourn Daxter: I have 0 people on my mute list (a principle of mine), and I never ignore any IM's, but my IM's do get capped [2011/11/14 10:43] Innula Zenovka: Thanks Serjourn [2011/11/14 10:43] Serjourn Daxter: Yw [2011/11/14 10:43] Counter Landfall: Thanks Serjourn [2011/11/14 10:43] Viale Linden: This is a Resident led program [2011/11/14 10:43] Serjourn Daxter: Now let us see if it is possible to teleport to the renamed sims [2011/11/14 10:43] Viale Linden: Entries will be found in the DG [2011/11/14 10:44] Viale Linden: When these are open, I recommend a visit [2011/11/14 10:46] Viale Linden: I will place a link to the transcript on the forums [2011/11/14 10:46] Innula Zenovka: thanks, Viale [2011/11/14 10:46] Viale Linden: For everyone that could not attend [2011/11/14 10:46] Huntress Catteneo: so that is only sbject today? [2011/11/14 10:47] Viale Linden: Yes, sorry no other agenda items [2011/11/14 10:47] Viale Linden: I hope that was helpful [2011/11/14 10:47] Huntress Catteneo: ok :( status quo again [2011/11/14 10:48] Innula Zenovka: how do you mean, Huntress? [2011/11/14 10:48] Viale Linden: Sorry Huntress, if you have an agenda item for next time, please email [2011/11/14 10:49] Huntress Catteneo: yes and then it is not on agenda [2011/11/14 10:49] Viale Linden: I am sorry - not sure what you mean? [2011/11/14 10:49] Huntress Catteneo: everyone gets - lets have smaller meeting on that etc [2011/11/14 10:49] Huntress Catteneo: with Vortex [2011/11/14 10:50] Viale Linden: Vortex - shoot [2011/11/14 10:50] Serjourn Daxter: Okay [2011/11/14 10:50] Viale Linden: we can possibly answer [2011/11/14 10:50] Huntress Catteneo: atm we can't even list events there [2011/11/14 10:50] Viale Linden: Still? [2011/11/14 10:51] Huntress Catteneo: when changed? [2011/11/14 10:51] Viale Linden: Wondering if you might want to list on the forums as the sandbox is probably not the best place to get viewers [2011/11/14 10:51] Huntress Catteneo: not sure what you mean? [2011/11/14 10:52] Viale Linden: I will follow up on that ticket, but generally the here are the official ways to support yoru events [2011/11/14 10:53] Huntress Catteneo: it is issue of location [2011/11/14 10:53] Viale Linden: [2011/11/14 10:53] Huntress Catteneo: cannot choose that location [2011/11/14 10:54] Huntress Catteneo: it is an ability [2011/11/14 10:54] Viale Linden: Thanks everyone for attending today. I think this moves us forward [2011/11/14 10:54] Innula Zenovka: are you saying, Huntress, that if you want to list, in Events, something happening at the Vortex, it won't let you? [2011/11/14 10:54] Viale Linden: Destination Guide, Forums, Emails and welcoming areas for adult content [2011/11/14 10:55] Huntress Catteneo: yes Innula [2011/11/14 10:55] Huntress Catteneo: can't choose that as a location [2011/11/14 10:55] Qie: Viale, this was very good. But Huntress has a point about not being able to list community events for a venue that's owned by that group, unless roles are defined that allow it... so it would be good to discuss that offline, maybe. [2011/11/14 10:55] Huntress Catteneo: so can't put build classes etc in events [2011/11/14 10:56] Huntress Catteneo: need 'host events' ability [2011/11/14 10:56] Viale Linden: I will follow up on the ticket [2011/11/14 10:57] Huntress Catteneo: Slaton should be able to do [2011/11/14 10:57] Viale Linden: We are not land managers [2011/11/14 10:57] Viale Linden: we need to go through support [2011/11/14 10:57] Innula Zenovka: i think a group owner has to give the ability, don't they? [2011/11/14 10:57] Huntress Catteneo: just need to be high enough in group [2011/11/14 10:58] Viale Linden: We will follow up with support [2011/11/14 10:58] Qie: right. I think it's a problem with the organization of the group at this point.