Revision as of 11:38, 4 September 2013 by LepreKhaun Resident (talk | contribs) (Added example of usage.)
LSL Portal | Functions | Events | Types | Operators | Constants | Flow Control | Script Library | Categorized Library | Tutorials |
Constant: string JSON_TRUE = "�";The string constant JSON_TRUE has the value "�"
Return value for llJsonValueType function indicating the data type of a given address specifier in a given string-serialized JSON object.
Also used to set the bare word 'true' as a Value within a Json text using llJsonSetValue and llList2Json.
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Type Flags | Value | Unicode | Integer | URL Encoded | HTML Encoded | Description |
JSON_INVALID | | U+FDDO | 64976 | "%EF%B7%90" |  | Value returned when inputs are not well formed. |
JSON_OBJECT | | U+FDD1 | 64977 | "%EF%B7%91" |  | |
JSON_ARRAY | | U+FDD2 | 64978 | "%EF%B7%92" |  | |
JSON_NUMBER | | U+FDD3 | 64979 | "%EF%B7%93" |  | |
JSON_STRING | | U+FDD4 | 64980 | "%EF%B7%94" |  | |
JSON_NULL | | U+FDD5 | 64981 | "%EF%B7%95" |  | |
JSON_TRUE | | U+FDD6 | 64982 | "%EF%B7%96" |  | |
JSON_FALSE | | U+FDD7 | 64983 | "%EF%B7%97" |  | |
JSON_DELETE | | U+FDD8 | 64984 | "%EF%B7%98" |  | Used with llJsonSetValue to remove a key-value pair. |
• | llJsonValueType |
<lsl>// Showing difference between JSON_TRUE & JSON_FALSE // and their LSL equivalents within a Json text string string jText;
default {
state_entry(){ jText = llList2Json(JSON_ARRAY, [JSON_TRUE, JSON_FALSE]); llOwnerSay(jText); // jText is "[true,false]" llOwnerSay(llJsonGetValue(jText, [0])); // The Unicode equivalent of JSON_TRUE jText = llList2Json(JSON_ARRAY, [TRUE, FALSE]); llOwnerSay(jText); // jText is now "[1,0]" llOwnerSay(llJsonGetValue(jText, [0])); // The String "1"