Object rez

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Event: object_rez( key id ){ ; }

Triggered when the object rezzes an object.

• key id UUID of object rezzed.


  • The event is triggered in all implementing scripts within the prim. It is not restricted to the script that called llRezObject or llRezAtRoot but it is restricted to the child prim of the object where the call was made.


<lsl> //gives inventory to object when it rezzes. string inventory; string object;

default {

   touch_start(integer count)
       object=llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0);  //get name of the 1st object in inventory
       llRezObject(object, llGetPos() + <0.0, 0.0, 0.5>, ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_ROTATION, 0);  //rez the 1st object
   object_rez(key id)
       inventory=llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,1);  //get name of the 2nd object in inventory
       llGiveInventory(id,inventory);  //give 2nd object to 1st object when rezzed

} </lsl>

See Also


•  on_rez Triggered when the object the script is in is rezzed


•  llRezObject Used to rez an object at the center of mass
•  llRezAtRoot Used to rez an object at the root

Deep Notes


All Issues

~ Search JIRA for related Issues
   object_rez() erroneously triggers on full parcel
   Possible Mono bug with object_rez


event void object_rez( key id );