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Feature Design Document


Functional Spec

  • You can alt-zoom by clicking on an object, a person or their nametag or attachments, or the terrain.
  • You cannot Alt-zoom on the sky.
  • You cannot Alt-zoom on yout HUD object.
  • Alt-clicking will center your view on the thing you clicked.
  • Alt-zoom will attach your camera to the person or thing you clicked. If your object of focus moves, your camera will move with it.
  • You can alt-zoom in and out and around with alt + mouse
  • You can orbit your camera around an object with alt + ctrl + mouse
  • You can pan (slide sideways) your camera with alt + ctrl + shift + mouse
  • You can also move your view via keyboard alt + arrow keys and PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN
  • alt-zoom has distance limits from your avatar.
  • alt-zoom distances are longer if you are on an estate you own or manage (or if you are in god mode or turn on Client > View Admin Options)
  • alt-zooming very close to an object will stop moving the camera and will tighten FOV.
  • Editing an object you are focused on should not move the camera.
  • You can see where your focus is by enabling debug mode and turning on Client > Character > Show Look At, then alt-click something to see the Look at crosshairs.

Test scripts


Discussion for future improvements


Relationship to other features

List of features that need to be tested when this feature changes, and why.


Selection - Selection should be retained while alt-zooming

User Guides

How do I look at something from a different angle?