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Constant: integer PASSIVE = 0x4;

The integer constant PASSIVE has the value 0x4

This is used by sensors to find objects that are not moving.


Related Articles


Flag Mask Description (llDetectedType()) Description (llSensor() and llSensorRepeat() mask)
AGENT_BY_LEGACY_NAME 0x1 Agents This is used to find agents by legacy name.
AGENT 0x1 Agents This is also used to find agents by legacy name, and is functionally identical to AGENT_BY_LEGACY_NAME
AGENT_BY_USERNAME 0x10 Reserved This is used to find agents by username.
ACTIVE 0x2 Physical tasks. (Physical objects & agents) Physical objects that are moving or objects containing an active script. Thus, it is using SL server resources now.
PASSIVE 0x4 Non-physical objects. Non-scripted or script is inactive and non-physical or, if physical, not moving. Thus, it is not using SL server resources now.
SCRIPTED 0x8 Objects containing any active script. Objects that has any script, which is doing anything in simulator just now.
DAMAGEABLE 0x20 Objects & agents that are able to process damage. Filter for objects in world that have a script with on_damage or a final_damage event (able to process damage)
llDetectedType() Scripted Not Scripted Agent Standing Agent Sitting


•  llDetectedType
•  llSensor
•  llSensorRepeat


<lsl>integer type;

integer done;

default {

       done = 0;
       llVolumeDetect(TRUE); // I am now very sensitive to touch. So much so I feel things before they touch me.
   collision_start(integer detected)
       type = llDetectedType(0);
       if(type == AGENT)// = 1
           llSay(0, "This is impossible. Since to make contact either I have to be moving or the avatar does.");
       else if(type == ACTIVE)// = 2
           llSay(0, "I have either been struck by a physical moving object or I have struck a stationary physical object.
           In either case the object was not scripted");
       else if(type == PASSIVE)// = 4
           llSay(0, "If I was moving I have struck a non physical object not containing an active script.");
       else if(type == SCRIPTED)// = 8
           llSay(0, "I have struck an object with an active script");
       else if(type == 3)// AGENT & ACTIVE
           llSay(0, "I have definately made contact with an avatar. If I was stationary the avatar was moving.");
       else if(type == 10)// SCRIPTED & ACTIVE
           llSay(0, "I have been struck by a moving phisical object (not an avatar) containing an active script");
       else if(type == 12)// SCRIPTED & PASSIVE
           llSay(0, "I struck a stationary non-physical object (not an avatar) containing an active script");
           //Seems like a good time to try something a bit less confrontational.
           llSensorRepeat("", "", AGENT, 20.0, PI, 1.0); // Radar!! I'll search only for avatars untill I find one.
   sensor(integer detected)
       if(done == 0)
       {    // Now I'll search for moving physical objects (not avatars) scripted or not.
           llSensorRepeat("", "", ACTIVE, 20.0, PI, 1.0);
       if(done == 1)
       {    // Now I'll search for moving physical objects scripted or not and avatars.
           llSensorRepeat("", "", 3, 20.0, PI, 1.0);
       if(done == 2)
       {    // Now I'll search for non physical objects (not avatars) scripted or not.
           llSensorRepeat("", "", PASSIVE, 20.0, PI, 1.0);
       if(done == 3)
       {    // Now I'll search for non physical objects scripted or not and avatars.
           llSensorRepeat("", "", 5, 20.0, PI, 1.0);
       if(done == 4)
       {    // Now I'll search for stationary non physical and physical objects (not avatars) scripted or not.
           llSensorRepeat("", "", 6, 20.0, PI, 1.0);
       if(done == 5)
       {    // Now I'll search for stationary non physical and physical objects scripted or not and avatars.
           llSensorRepeat("", "", 7, 20.0, PI, 1.0);
       if(done == 6)
       {    // Now I'll search for moving physical objects with active scripts.
           llSensorRepeat("", "", SCRIPTED, 20.0, PI, 1.0);
       if(done == 7)
       {    // Now I'll search for moving physical objects with active scripts. Erm... again.
           llSensorRepeat("", "", 9, 20.0, PI, 1.0);
       if(done == 8)
       {    // Now I'll search for stationary, scripted physical objects.
           llSensorRepeat("", "", 10, 20.0, PI, 1.0);
       if(done == 9)
       {    // And again just in case I missed something....*coughs*
           llSensorRepeat("", "", 11, 20.0, PI, 1.0);
       if(done == 10)
       {    // Even though I did this before I will now finish by searching for any scripted objects.
           llSensorRepeat("", "", 12, 20.0, PI, 1.0);
           llSay(0, "Phew!");


Deep Notes

Search JIRA for related Issues


integer PASSIVE = 0x4;